Hezbollah chief calls for liberating Lebanon not defending it


Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made another TV appearance via video link to address Iftar gatherings in several Lebanese cities.

In his speech he tried to justify the role of the resistance and its arms and decried the efforts by March 14 to use the defense strategy discussions at the dialogue talks to strip Hezbollah of its arms .

He said instead of discussing the defense strategy we should use the dialogue talks to discuss the liberation strategy .

“We need a liberation strategy as much as a defense strategy. Kfar Shouba and the Shebaa Farms are still occupied and no one is mentioning these occupied regions anymore, ” adding : ” We call for a liberation strategy and for discussing it at the dialogue table.”

Nasrallah added:

” If the state does not want a liberation strategy it means that the citizens could choose to be in charge of liberation themselves, since the state would not be bearing its responsibilities.”

He concluded his speech by urging Lebanon to equip the Lebanese army with Iranian arms and to focus on liberating Lebanon instead of defending it

“Discussing a liberation strategy justifies the Resistance, while a defense strategy aims at eliminating the Resistance.”



87 responses to “Hezbollah chief calls for liberating Lebanon not defending it”

  1. rossoferrari Avatar

    I guess when he needs to relief himself, he farts from the wrong orifice. Delusional, out of touch, ignorant, blind, coward, in need for some cheese, since in his rat hole the mice have eating it all up.

    1. Moe2000 Avatar

      The only rat is you, Real men liberate there country…. Rats run scared, Hezbollah didn’t run in 2006.
      It was rats like you backstabbing them while they where beating the Zionist occupiers.

      1. rossoferrari Avatar

        Your reply does not deserve an answer, real men do not hide, real men remove the veils from their wives faces, real men do not breed like dogs, real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy, real men use their intelligence and the democratic venues to win their constituents not use an archaic and vain religious means to rally the blind followers. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, the islamic world will disintegrate at the ongoing rate, while you keep on talking about the zionists. So far zuballah is the only one carrying the torch to liberate palestine, where all arab countries have abandon that thought. zabralla is using this cause for his own and iran advances. I thought syria was going after israel, What happened!!!! The people being killed daily in syria , are they zionist? Come on smarty, whereis your brain. I guess I need not to suggest !!!

        1. real men do not breed like dogs??? what sort of language is this ? what sort of class do you claim to have? regardless of anyones perceptions of anyone when you speak this sort of filth do you then expect them to hand in their weapons? we go back to the same old question…yes their is a problem with the weapons for some so till now has anyone come up with a possible solution? or do we call them these names and expect them to yield? put your prejudices aside and think for once what you say to find a possible solution…its not just about the weapons….the south has always been neglected…when the civil war was raging israel was eating up the south….there are dynamics involved here that people are just too simplistic to comprehend….at least they dont bag out our army hes saying arm the army but noone is listening….2 weeks ago fatfat was bagging out the army saying there is a rebellion taking place in the army because the families of the troops arrested for killing the sheikh protested…..the other day another mp also bagged out the army commander and made accussations against the army general and now the army is taking him to court….these are the people who want to disarm the hezb….these are the same people that dissolved the army during the civil war…?real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy…go to youtube and put in mitt romney and hezbollah….in this clip mitt romney is speak about health care reforms and systems in poorer countries and he actually praises hezbollahs social services that it provides and says it should be used as a model…ive said it before and its simple…arm the army properly they come into the army as a special unit under the army command…..real men remove the veils from their wives faces..i dont know you must be mixed up isnt it the wahhabis that veil their wives faces? they have a news channel called manar in case you dont know and they have female reporters and news anchors none of them have their faces veiled??? this is the problem in this country sheer ignorance….considering whats happening around us at the moment your concern should be with the north of the country the south is calm dont you think….this syria thing wont go away anytime soon and if assad stays naher elbared will be a picnic compared to what i hope wont happen…just relax bro and look at people as people and try to understand their points of view and its not just relating to hezb,but the christians sunnis and druze and everyone else…..to say real men dont breed like dogs is just pathetic…i have christian friends and sunni and shiite and druze friends all have at least 6 kidss does that mean their dogs????

        2. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, rabbi ovadia yossef….”goyim (meaning non jews) were born only to serve us.without that they have no place in the world-only to serve the people of israel” now imagine rai,qabbani,nasrallah made a similar comment like that it would be outrage….

          1. Lebanese_Australian Avatar

            You bring up the 2006 war frequently Moe2000 .. I my self am a patriotic person of lebanese decent but think .. was it the zionists who began the war in 2006 or hezbollah. I can guarentee if hezbollah was disarmed The zionest entity would want nothing to do with lebanon , yet provocative acts from the resistence movement in lebanon cause tensions between the two countries. Im not saying we should become best friends with israel but to make peace would be a smart idea. We all know they dwarf us with their military strength, to start another war with israel will surely be paid for with innocent lebanese blood.

          2. Moe2000 Avatar

            The Zionists threatened to attack Lebanon two weeks ago if we use our water from our rivers!!! look it up!!

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It isn’t safe to live beside the Litani River, let alone drink it. Let’s give them water from that one. 😉

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well dateam … (below) you can’t imagine ‘religious’ guys saying stupid things like that Rabbi ??? And in all the lands where slavery began in such a large way and is still practiced in various forms today? Some seem to think they should always be served in one way or another … and sometimes now we call those ‘jobs’ too – usually of the ‘service’ type.
          As for the other comment, one could supply the condoms ….. 😉
          But I think that was the fault of Romans … or maybe Egyptians … more slaves was good for production of pyramids and temples. And at that time, they were probably treated with some respect too. But now the planet is over-populated, and too many starve.

        4. rossoferrari Avatar

           Dateam, yes they may have many children from one wife but not 7, 8 and even more.

      2. rossoferrari Avatar

        Your reply does not deserve an answer, real men do not hide, real men remove the veils from their wives faces, real men do not breed like dogs, real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy, real men use their intelligence and the democratic venues to win their constituents not use an archaic and vain religious means to rally the blind followers. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, the islamic world will disintegrate at the ongoing rate, while you keep on talking about the zionists. So far zuballah is the only one carrying the torch to liberate palestine, where all arab countries have abandon that thought. zabralla is using this cause for his own and iran advances. I thought syria was going after israel, What happened!!!! The people being killed daily in syria , are they zionist? Come on smarty, whereis your brain. I guess I need not to suggest !!!

        1. real men do not breed like dogs??? what sort of language is this ? what sort of class do you claim to have? regardless of anyones perceptions of anyone when you speak this sort of filth do you then expect them to hand in their weapons? we go back to the same old question…yes their is a problem with the weapons for some so till now has anyone come up with a possible solution? or do we call them these names and expect them to yield? put your prejudices aside and think for once what you say to find a possible solution…its not just about the weapons….the south has always been neglected…when the civil war was raging israel was eating up the south….there are dynamics involved here that people are just too simplistic to comprehend….at least they dont bag out our army hes saying arm the army but noone is listening….2 weeks ago fatfat was bagging out the army saying there is a rebellion taking place in the army because the families of the troops arrested for killing the sheikh protested…..the other day another mp also bagged out the army commander and made accussations against the army general and now the army is taking him to court….these are the people who want to disarm the hezb….these are the same people that dissolved the army during the civil war…?real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy…go to youtube and put in mitt romney and hezbollah….in this clip mitt romney is speak about health care reforms and systems in poorer countries and he actually praises hezbollahs social services that it provides and says it should be used as a model…ive said it before and its simple…arm the army properly they come into the army as a special unit under the army command…..real men remove the veils from their wives faces..i dont know you must be mixed up isnt it the wahhabis that veil their wives faces? they have a news channel called manar in case you dont know and they have female reporters and news anchors none of them have their faces veiled??? this is the problem in this country sheer ignorance….considering whats happening around us at the moment your concern should be with the north of the country the south is calm dont you think….this syria thing wont go away anytime soon and if assad stays naher elbared will be a picnic compared to what i hope wont happen…just relax bro and look at people as people and try to understand their points of view and its not just relating to hezb,but the christians sunnis and druze and everyone else…..to say real men dont breed like dogs is just pathetic…i have christian friends and sunni and shiite and druze friends all have at least 6 kidss does that mean their dogs????

        2. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, rabbi ovadia yossef….”goyim (meaning non jews) were born only to serve us.without that they have no place in the world-only to serve the people of israel” now imagine rai,qabbani,nasrallah made a similar comment like that it would be outrage….

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well dateam … (below) you can’t imagine ‘religious’ guys saying stupid things like that Rabbi ??? And in all the lands where slavery began in such a large way and is still practiced in various forms today? Some seem to think they should always be served in one way or another … and sometimes now we call those ‘jobs’ too – usually of the ‘service’ type.
          As for the other comment, one could supply the condoms ….. 😉
          But I think that was the fault of Romans … or maybe Egyptians … more slaves was good for production of pyramids and temples. And at that time, they were probably treated with some respect too. But now the planet is over-populated, and too many starve.

        4. rossoferrari Avatar

           Dateam, yes they may have many children from one wife but not 7, 8 and even more.

      3. wargame1 Avatar

        In 2006 it was a fake war between Israel and Hezbushaitan. Imagine in their 30 years in Lebanon Hezbushaitan had a fight with Israel for only 33 days and Israel lost!!!  It reminds me of another war by Hafez Al Assad for 6 days against Israel and lost the Golan Height in other words he sold it to Israel.

        But in terms of outcome we see the Golan height were gone and Hezbushaitan firmly invaded Lebanon and they couldnt secure even an INCH of Land in Palestine.  It was necessary for the Iranian regime to bring up another fake resistance group because the AMAL movement by Musa Al Sadr were exposed as Pro Israeli when they literally brought Israeli army to fight the Sunnis in Lebanon!! 2006 war was a fake war where Israel invaded Lebanon and killed some sunnis then withdrew and made Hezbushaitan a hero.

        I have seen some attack video of hezbushaitan which is very poor quality and no one really can tell you whether it was an attack or a tea party.The camera they used to film the attack must be from the WW1 era. Now compare this 6 day Alawite war and 33 day hezbushaitan war for the last 42 years with the Iraqi and Afghan resistance and also the Syrian resistance. Youtube is with full of burnt out Assad tank and shabiha, plus hundreds of IED attack. Then we have many thousands of IED , sniper attack by the Afghan Mujaheddin and by the Iraqi Mujaheddin against the occupation force.They have been resisting more than 10 years and still going strong. And over there Iran is helping USA and Israel! but in Lebanon they are against Israel!! You cant serve two masters at the same time but you can serve the same masters in many location. 

        No doubt we are going to see another fake Israeli war when they will invade Lebanon to fight the Sunni resistance in the name of fighting Hezbushaitan.The Afghan , Iraqi and Syrian mujaheddin will have a belly laugh when they hear about Allawite 6 day war and Hezbushaitans 33 days of war in 42 years!! I think we should put this in the guinness book of records. Unbelievable achievement!!!

        Khaled Ibn Waleed might also having a belly laugh in his grave when he compare his 6 day war against the Roman with Hafez Assads 6 day war against Israel. Under the command of Khaled Ibn Waleed Muslims had 40000 solders against 250000 roman well equipped solders . The Romans were defeated.

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          You must have been there when your pal Khaled Ibn Waleed was at war hey wargame. He must have given you the task to count how many men were there. You dope 

        2. 73Corty77 Avatar

          You must have been there when your pal Khaled Ibn Waleed was at war hey wargame. He must have given you the task to count how many men were there. You dope 

      4. Chief Box Avatar
        Chief Box

        Are you nuts? By merely surviving a war (that devastated the country) while  hiding in fox holes and/or behind children and women, doesn’t equal “beating” anyone. I agree for liberating Lebanon, and we should start by ridding ourselves  from all the so call Zo3ama that are self serving and pledge allegiance to external countries, like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, America and Israel. Aren’t all these the same war lords that destroyed and sold Lebanon during the civil war. 

      5. master09 Avatar

        So Moe who does HA serve and whos dik do they suk.. You talk about how everyone else is serving USA or Isreal or Saudi or whoever. But for you it is OK that HA serve  and do what Russia, Syria Iran China and who ever else they serve and bow to….in a country that they do not belong to…and who hold Lebanon hostage with talk of WAR all the time…….who controls the south like it,s thier own country and even the army has no rite in the south…. and you support this state within a state . If any one does than Lebanon is not your country… the south is now HA country….and not part of Lebanon….
        When cowards go to war and hide in schools, hospitals, homes and place women and children in the way, who are the BACKSTABING RATS.. taking Lebanon into debt 15 billion dollars… But yes I know you will say Iran paid for the rebuilding, BUT for FACTS they did not… They only gave HA 100 million not the Lebanese governmet…. Liberating a country is not also holding the country hostage……

        As long as there is a state within a state and an illegal occupier of the south ( HA ) a country will never be liberated impossible……..THE Army should be the only one left with that task….not a group that serves other countries…

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master I agree with you with what Syria did in Lebanon was wrong, however two wrongs don’t make a right.

        2. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master I agree with you with what Syria did in Lebanon was wrong, however two wrongs don’t make a right.

        3. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master, the two wrongs are the Innocent people who died in Lebanon during the civil war, and the innocent people who are dying now in Syria. I think those two are defiantly wrong. 

        4. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master, the two wrongs are the Innocent people who died in Lebanon during the civil war, and the innocent people who are dying now in Syria. I think those two are defiantly wrong. 

        5. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          You just won’t stop barking, do you?

        6. rossoferrari Avatar

           You can tell when some individuals are frustrated and under the influence: they start calling names and become unreal and let their emotion come out of their ass instead of their mouth. They act, though aggressively, just zabralla and zuballa, they lead from behind not ahead. It is a tragedy in the making in syria and to certain extent in Lebanon when you have cowards, leading the blinds. What do you expect, the fruits of their endeavor are the examples you read and try to educate on this site. Yet they still adamant about demonstrating their ignorance and partiality at any cost. Please forget and forgive.

        7. rossoferrari Avatar

           You can tell when some individuals are frustrated and under the influence: they start calling names and become unreal and let their emotion come out of their ass instead of their mouth. They act, though aggressively, just zabralla and zuballa, they lead from behind not ahead. It is a tragedy in the making in syria and to certain extent in Lebanon when you have cowards, leading the blinds. What do you expect, the fruits of their endeavor are the examples you read and try to educate on this site. Yet they still adamant about demonstrating their ignorance and partiality at any cost. Please forget and forgive.

        8. master09 Avatar

          MAHDI knine You just won’t stop barking, do you? you say…

           I am glad you understand the language barking..lol

        9. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

           I dont understand it, i just know when someone is barking. Just like when i hear chinese ppl talking, i dont understand that either.

      6. 73Corty77 Avatar

        Moe, they didnt just beat them. They gave them an ass wiping they will never forget.

        1. master09 Avatar

          I just have a ? corty, when Syria was killing, stealing and occupy Lebanon was that OK…
          I do not support the FSA or Syria, I think it will all be a waste of lives and nothing will be achieved.
          But what do I know.

        2. master09 Avatar

          So corty who are the TWO wrongs

      7. 73Corty77 Avatar

        Moe, they didnt just beat them. They gave them an ass wiping they will never forget.

        1. master09 Avatar

          I just have a ? corty, when Syria was killing, stealing and occupy Lebanon was that OK…
          I do not support the FSA or Syria, I think it will all be a waste of lives and nothing will be achieved.
          But what do I know.

        2. master09 Avatar

          So corty who are the TWO wrongs

      8. Leborigine Avatar

        Real men do not sell their country and loyalty to other countries either Moe. Real men also respect their countries laws and intitutions. Real men protect all their borders and not just the southern border.Real men can also liberate two small villages if they were tough enough to liberate the south! Or maybe hassan wants these villages occupied to justify his weapons – who knows??!

    2. 73Corty77 Avatar

      Hey rossoferrari, you never responded. How is your back side. From the above comment it must be doing well ya manyak.

      1. rossoferrari Avatar

        If any one is a manyak, is you. I am not going to stoop down to your level and speak your language!!! Why, you ask? BECAUSE IT WILL HURT YOU SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU WERE FUCKED BY  25 ZABRALLAS, may be that is the norm for you.

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          If you expect people to be open minded. then you should practice what you preach. The reason some people get what you call frustrated is because most people on this site are one sided. Like for instances the Syrian situation. Most people on this site are quick to judge Basher and his army for doing what is their god given right to do which is protect the country from the Free Syrian Ass Holes. Or as you have called them freedom fighters. Everybody knows that most of these so called freedom fighters are actually not even Syrians. However most just believe what ever the media tells them. Especially you because you are to arrogant and stupid to see the truth.  

          Furthermore ya Manyak el kaleb, you claim you are not going to stoop down to my level and speak my language. What do you call you comments ya shahash, productive.

          . . . 

      2. rossoferrari Avatar

        If any one is a manyak, is you. I am not going to stoop down to your level and speak your language!!! Why, you ask? BECAUSE IT WILL HURT YOU SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU WERE FUCKED BY  25 ZABRALLAS, may be that is the norm for you.

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          If you expect people to be open minded. then you should practice what you preach. The reason some people get what you call frustrated is because most people on this site are one sided. Like for instances the Syrian situation. Most people on this site are quick to judge Basher and his army for doing what is their god given right to do which is protect the country from the Free Syrian Ass Holes. Or as you have called them freedom fighters. Everybody knows that most of these so called freedom fighters are actually not even Syrians. However most just believe what ever the media tells them. Especially you because you are to arrogant and stupid to see the truth.  

          Furthermore ya Manyak el kaleb, you claim you are not going to stoop down to my level and speak my language. What do you call you comments ya shahash, productive.

          . . . 

  2. rossoferrari Avatar

    I guess when he needs to relief himself, he farts from the wrong orifice. Delusional, out of touch, ignorant, blind, coward, in need for some cheese, since in his rat hole the mice have eating it all up.

  3. rossoferrari Avatar

    I guess when he needs to relief himself, he farts from the wrong orifice. Delusional, out of touch, ignorant, blind, coward, in need for some cheese, since in his rat hole the mice have eating it all up.

    1. Moe2000 Avatar

      The only rat is you…. Real men liberate there country…. Rats run scared…

      1. rossoferrari Avatar

        Your reply does not deserve an answer, real men do not hide, real men remove the veils from their wives faces, real men do not breed like dogs, real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy, real men use their intelligence and the democratic venues to win their constituents not use an archaic and vain religious means to rally the blind followers. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, the islamic world will disintegrate at the ongoing rate, while you keep on talking about the zionists. So far zuballah is the only one carrying the torch to liberate palestine, where all arab countries have abandon that thought. zabralla is using this cause for his own and iran advances. I thought syria was going after israel, What happened!!!! The people being killed daily in syria , are they zionist? Come on smarty, whereis your brain. I guess I need not to suggest !!!

        1. real men do not breed like dogs??? what sort of language is this ? what sort of class do you claim to have? regardless of anyones perceptions of anyone when you speak this sort of filth do you then expect them to hand in their weapons? we go back to the same old question…yes their is a problem with the weapons for some so till now has anyone come up with a possible solution? or do we call them these names and expect them to yield? put your prejudices aside and think for once what you say to find a possible solution…its not just about the weapons….the south has always been neglected…when the civil war was raging israel was eating up the south….there are dynamics involved here that people are just too simplistic to comprehend….at least they dont bag out our army hes saying arm the army but noone is listening….2 weeks ago fatfat was bagging out the army saying there is a rebellion taking place in the army because the families of the troops arrested for killing the sheikh protested…..the other day another mp also bagged out the army commander and made accussations against the army general and now the army is taking him to court….these are the people who want to disarm the hezb….these are the same people that dissolved the army during the civil war…?real men carry on a responsibility to build not destroy…go to youtube and put in mitt romney and hezbollah….in this clip mitt romney is speak about health care reforms and systems in poorer countries and he actually praises hezbollahs social services that it provides and says it should be used as a model…ive said it before and its simple…arm the army properly they come into the army as a special unit under the army command…..real men remove the veils from their wives faces..i dont know you must be mixed up isnt it the wahhabis that veil their wives faces? they have a news channel called manar in case you dont know and they have female reporters and news anchors none of them have their faces veiled??? this is the problem in this country sheer ignorance….considering whats happening around us at the moment your concern should be with the north of the country the south is calm dont you think….this syria thing wont go away anytime soon and if assad stays naher elbared will be a picnic compared to what i hope wont happen…just relax bro and look at people as people and try to understand their points of view and its not just relating to hezb,but the christians sunnis and druze and everyone else…..to say real men dont breed like dogs is just pathetic…i have christian friends and sunni and shiite and druze friends all have at least 6 kidss does that mean their dogs????

        2. Zionists, zionists how often does this subject comes about and what has been done to rid of it. NOTHING, except more killing, rabbi ovadia yossef….”goyim (meaning non jews) were born only to serve us.without that they have no place in the world-only to serve the people of israel” now imagine rai,qabbani,nasrallah made a similar comment like that it would be outrage….

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well dateam … (below) you can’t imagine ‘religious’ guys saying stupid things like that Rabai ??? And in all the lands where slavery began in such a large way and is still practiced in various forms today? Some seem to think they should always be served in one way or another … and sometimes now we call those ‘jobs’ too.

        4. rossoferrari Avatar

           Dateam, yes they may have many children from one wife but not 7, 8 and even more.

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        In 2006 it was a fake war between Israel and Hezbushaitan. Imagine in their 30 years in Lebanon Hezbushaitan had a fight with Israel for only 33 days and Israel lost!!!  It reminds me of another war by Hafez Al Assad for 6 days against Israel and lost the Golan Height in other words he sold it to Israel.

        But in terms of outcome we see the Golan height were gone and Hezbushaitan firmly invaded Lebanon and they couldnt secure even an INCH of Land in Palestine.  It was necessary for the Iranian regime to bring up another fake resistance group because the AMAL movement by Musa Al Sadr were exposed as Pro Israeli when they literally brought Israeli army to fight the Sunnis in Lebanon!! 2006 war was a fake war where Israel invaded Lebanon and killed some sunnis then withdrew and made Hezbushaitan a hero.

        I have seen some attack video of hezbushaitan which is very poor quality and no one really can tell you whether it was an attack or a tea party.The camera they used to film the attack must be from the WW1 era. Now compare this 6 day Alawite war and 33 day hezbushaitan war for the last 42 years with the Iraqi and Afghan resistance and also the Syrian resistance. Youtube is with full of burnt out Assad tank and shabiha, plus hundreds of IED attack. Then we have many thousands of IED , sniper attack by the Afghan Mujaheddin and by the Iraqi Mujaheddin against the occupation force.They have been resisting more than 10 years and still going strong. And over there Iran is helping USA and Israel! but in Lebanon they are against Israel!! You cant serve two masters at the same time but you can serve the same masters in many location. 

        No doubt we are going to see another fake Israeli war when they will invade Lebanon to fight the Sunni resistance in the name of fighting Hezbushaitan.The Afghan , Iraqi and Syrian mujaheddin will have a belly laugh when they hear about Allawite 6 day war and Hezbushaitans 33 days of war in 42 years!! I think we should put this in the guinness book of records. Unbelievable achievement!!!

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          You must have been there when your pal Khaled Ibn Waleed was at war hey wargame. He must have given you the task to count how many men were there. You dope 

      3. Chief Box Avatar
        Chief Box

        Are you nuts? By merely surviving a war (that devastated the country) while  hiding in fox holes and/or behind children and women, doesn’t equal “beating” anyone. I agree for liberating Lebanon, and we should start by ridding ourselves  from all the so call Zo3ama that are self serving and pledge allegiance to external countries, like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, America and Israel. Aren’t all these the same war lords that destroyed and sold Lebanon during the civil war. 

      4. master09 Avatar

        So Moe who does HA serve and whos dik do they suk.. You talk about how everyone else is serving USA or Isreal or Saudi or whoever. But for you it is OK that HA serve  and do what Russia, Syria Iran China and who ever else they serve and bow to….in a country that they do not belong to…and who hold Lebanon hostage with talk of WAR all the time…….who controls the south like it,s thier own country and even the army has no rite in the south…. and you support this state within a state . If any one does than Lebanon is not your country… the south is now HA country….and not part of Lebanon….
        When cowards go to war and hide in schools, hospitals, homes and place women and children in the way, who are the BACKSTABING RATS.. taking Lebanon into debt 15 billion dollars… But yes I know you will say Iran paid for the rebuilding, BUT for FACTS they did not… They only gave HA 100 million not the Lebanese governmet…. Liberating a country is not also holding the country hostage……

        As long as there is a state within a state a country will never be liberated impossible……..THE Army should be the only one left with that task….not a group that serves other countries…

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master I agree with you with what Syria did in Lebanon was wrong, however two wrongs don’t make a right.

        2. 73Corty77 Avatar

          Master, the two wrongs are the Innocent people who died in Lebanon during the civil war, and the innocent people who are dying now in Syria. I think those two are defiantly wrong. 

        3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          You just won’t stop barking, do you?

        4. rossoferrari Avatar

           You can tell when some individuals are frustrated and under the influence: they start calling names and become unreal and let their emotion come out of their ass instead of their mouth. They act, though aggressively, just zabralla and zuballa, they lead from behind not ahead. It is a tragedy in the making in syria and to certain extent in Lebanon when you have cowards, leading the blinds. What do you expect, the fruits of their endeavor are the examples you read and try to educate on this site. Yet they still adamant about demonstrating their ignorance and partiality at any cost. Please forget and forgive.

        5. master09 Avatar

          MAHDI knine You just won’t stop barking, do you? you say…

           I am glad you understand the language barking..lol

        6. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

           I dont understand it, i just know when someone is barking. Just like when i hear chinese ppl talking, i dont understand that either.

      5. 73Corty77 Avatar

        Moe, they didnt just beat them. They gave them an ass wiping they will never forget.

        1. master09 Avatar

          I just have a ? corty, when Syria was killing, stealing and occupy Lebanon was that OK…
          I do not support the FSA or Syria, I think it will all be a waste of lives and nothing will be achieved.
          But what do I know.

        2. master09 Avatar

          So corty who are the TWO wrongs

      6. Leborigine Avatar

        Real men do not sell their country and loyalty to other countries either Moe. Real men also respect their countries laws and intitutions. Real men protect all their borders and not just the southern border.Real men can also liberate two small villages if they were tough enough to liberate the south! Or maybe hassan wants these villages occupied to justify his weapons – who knows??!

    2. 73Corty77 Avatar

      Hey rossoferrari, you never responded. How is your back side. From the above comment it must be doing well ya manyak.

      1. rossoferrari Avatar

        If any one is a manyak, is you. I am not going to stoop down to your level and speak your language!!! Why, you ask? BECAUSE IT WILL HURT YOU SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU WERE FUCKED BY  25 ZABRALLAS, may be that is the norm for you.

        1. 73Corty77 Avatar

          If you expect people to be open minded. then you should practice what you preach. The reason some people get what you call frustrated is because most people on this site are one sided. Like for instances the Syrian situation. Most people on this site are quick to judge Basher and his army for doing what is their god given right to do which is protect the country from the Free Syrian Ass Holes. Or as you have called them freedom fighters. Everybody knows that most of these so called freedom fighters are actually not even Syrians. However most just believe what ever the media tells them. Especially you because you are to arrogant and stupid to see the truth.  

          Furthermore ya Manyak el kaleb, you claim you are not going to stoop down to my level and speak my language. What do you call you comments ya shahash, productive.

          . . . 

  4. What would Hizbullah do if Assad falls? All of it’s supply lines from Syria and Iran would be cut immediately. Hizbullah is not a Lebanese organization. Maybe it was in the past but now Hizbullah is an Iranian army unit that occupies Lebanon and follows instructions from Hamenai and Ahmadinejad. Hizbullah are collaborators with a foreign non-Arab entity, though they try to depict themselves as liberators.

  5. What would Hizbullah do if Assad falls? All of it’s supply lines from Syria and Iran would be cut immediately. Hizbullah is not a Lebanese organization. Maybe it was in the past but now Hizbullah is an Iranian army unit that occupies Lebanon and follows instructions from Hamenai and Ahmadinejad. Hizbullah are collaborators with a foreign non-Arab entity, though they try to depict themselves as liberators.

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Liberation from Syria will be nice ….

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       I wonder what a man sounds like as he drowns in manure?  Find that rat-hole!

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Liberation from Syria will be nice ….

  8. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Liberation from Syria will be nice ….

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       I wonder what a man sounds like as he drowns in manure?  Find that rat-hole!

  9. Patience2 Avatar

    Lebanon needs to be defended against ‘Nasty’ himself !!

  10. Patience2 Avatar

    Lebanon needs to be defended against ‘Nasty’ himself !!

  11. MeYosemite Avatar

    I think instead of preaching go and liberate now, they are just two farms, or simply go away. Posturing is a Lebanese passé and we are all bored by it.

  12. MeYosemite Avatar

    I think instead of preaching go and liberate now, they are just two farms, or simply go away. Posturing is a Lebanese passé and we are all bored by it.

  13. Hassan Nasrallah is talking about Liberating Lebanon!!!! Does this ass know what liberation is:
    1. How many of his followers have been found spying for Israel?
    2. He is hijacking electricity in his areas and refuses to pay for it.
    3. Once any Lebanese politician (Good or bad) says anything against Syria and/or Iran, he become the enemy of Mr.  Hassan Nasrallah.
    4. When he dide not like the Government he took to the streets against the LEBANESE people.

    And now this idiot, scum, lunatic is talking about liberating Lebanon!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mr. Haza-Allah-Nasrallah, if you truly want to Liberate Lebanon without shedding one drop of blood, then why don’t you just pack your crap, and get the hell out of Lebanonm once and for all…. 

  14. Hassan Nasrallah is talking about Liberating Lebanon!!!! Does this ass know what liberation is:
    1. How many of his followers have been found spying for Israel?
    2. He is hijacking electricity in his areas and refuses to pay for it.
    3. Once any Lebanese politician (Good or bad) says anything against Syria and/or Iran, he become the enemy of Mr.  Hassan Nasrallah.
    4. When he dide not like the Government he took to the streets against the LEBANESE people.

    And now this idiot, scum, lunatic is talking about liberating Lebanon!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mr. Haza-Allah-Nasrallah, if you truly want to Liberate Lebanon without shedding one drop of blood, then why don’t you just pack your crap, and get the hell out of Lebanonm once and for all…. 

  15. Lebanese_Australian Avatar

    You bring up the 2006 war frequently Moe2000 .. I my self am a patriotic person of lebanese decent but think .. was it the zionists who began the war in 2006 or hezbollah. I can guarentee if hezbollah was disarmed The zionest entity would want nothing to do with lebanon , yet provocative acts from the resistence movement in lebanon cause tensions between the two countries. Im not saying we should become best friends with israel but to make peace would be a smart idea. We all know they dwarf us with their military strength, to start another war with israel will surely be paid for with innocent lebanese blood.

    1. Moe2000 Avatar

      The Zionists threatened to attack Lebanon two weeks ago if we use our water from our rivers!!! look it up!!

  16. Lebanese_Australian Avatar

    You bring up the 2006 war frequently Moe2000 .. I my self am a patriotic person of lebanese decent but think .. was it the zionists who began the war in 2006 or hezbollah. I can guarentee if hezbollah was disarmed The zionest entity would want nothing to do with lebanon , yet provocative acts from the resistence movement in lebanon cause tensions between the two countries. Im not saying we should become best friends with israel but to make peace would be a smart idea. We all know they dwarf us with their military strength, to start another war with israel will surely be paid for with innocent lebanese blood.

    1. Moe2000 Avatar

      The Zionists threatened to attack Lebanon two weeks ago if we use our water from our rivers!!! look it up!!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        It isn’t safe to live beside the Litani River, let alone drink it. Let’s give them that one. 😉

  17. The only thing this Crime Boss is defending, that he really believes that he can justify to the Lebanese people, that a terrorist /criminal organization can keep its arms on the grounds of liberation. From who? And in dong so, he has his weapons pointed at the heads of the Lebanese people, forcing them to accept these terms of keeping their weapons.

    I challenge this terrorist group this – if they can convince the people of Lebanon to keep their weapons, then have a referendum. Let all the people of Lebanon to vote on deciding that one group can keep its weapons or even allowing all groups to be armed. And the vote should be monitored by international monitors, to ensure a fair vote. Let the people of Lebanon decide if any group should have weapons.

  18. The only thing this Crime Boss is defending, that he really believes that he can justify to the Lebanese people, that a terrorist /criminal organization can keep its arms on the grounds of liberation. From who? And in dong so, he has his weapons pointed at the heads of the Lebanese people, forcing them to accept these terms of keeping their weapons.

    I challenge this terrorist group this – if they can convince the people of Lebanon to keep their weapons, then have a referendum. Let all the people of Lebanon to vote on deciding that one group can keep its weapons or even allowing all groups to be armed. And the vote should be monitored by international monitors, to ensure a fair vote. Let the people of Lebanon decide if any group should have weapons.

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