Iran blames Israel, US, UK for ‘massive cyber attack’


Iran has detected a planned “massive cyber attack” against its nuclear facilities, state television said on Thursday, after talks with major powers this week failed to resolve a row over Tehran’s disputed nuclear activities.

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi said the country’s arch enemies the United States and Israel, along with Britain, had planned the attack.

“Based on obtained information, America and the Zionist regime (Israel) along with the MI6 planned an operation to launch a massive cyber attack against Iran’s facilities following the meeting between Iran and the P5+1 in Moscow,” Iran’s English-language Press TV quoted him as saying.

“They still seek to carry out the plan, but we have taken necessary measures,” he added, without elaborating.

Security experts said last month a highly sophisticated computer virus, dubbed “Flame”, had infected computers in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.

Iranian officials were quick to say the country had defeated the virus, capable of snatching data and eavesdropping on computer users. It was not clear if the cyber attack referred to by Moslehi was “Flame”, or a new virus.

Iran’s nuclear program came under attack in 2010 by the Stuxnet computer worm which caused centrifuges to fail at the main Iranian enrichment facility. Tehran accused the United States and Israel of deploying Stuxnet.

Iran has been locked in a row for nearly a decade with Western countries over its disputed nuclear program which the West believes is aimed at making nuclear weapons.

Tehran denies the charge, saying it only wants peaceful nuclear technology to generate.

Earlier this month current and former U.S. officials said the United States under former President George W. Bush began building Stuxnet to try to prevent Tehran from completing suspected nuclear weapons work without resorting to risky military strikes against Iranian facilities.

They said President Barack Obama accelerated the efforts after succeeding Bush in 2009.

World powers and Iran failed to secure a breakthrough at talks on Tehran’s nuclear program in Moscow on Tuesday, despite the threat of a new Middle East conflict if diplomacy collapses.

After two days of talks, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said significant differences remained and the two sides had agreed only on a technical follow-up meeting in Istanbul on July 3.

Tehran has repeatedly said that as a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it can develop a full nuclear fuel cycle, and, if this is recognized, talks with the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — Britain, France, Russia, China, the United States — and Germany (the P5+1) can succeed.

“If the other side agrees to recognize Iran’s (nuclear) rights based on international regulations, Iran is ready to negotiate anything,” Ali Akbar Velayati, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency on Thursday.




39 responses to “Iran blames Israel, US, UK for ‘massive cyber attack’”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Their ‘highly qualified’ MIS guys, after deliberation, pulled the plug.

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Their ‘highly qualified’ MIS guys, after deliberation, pulled the plug.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    If Iran is a member of the (NPT) , then why does it have so many centrifuges going past the 20% enrichment needed for power? Why doesn’t it allow full inspections? One could wonder, after all – even if we know the paranoia of certain people.
    As far as sneaky viruses goes, ALL the ‘theys’ have been watching us all for quite while anyway – mostly to sell info to advertisers – along with cameras being planted everywhere, satellites overhead, and google-types showing everyone you didn’t cut your weeds for a few weeks. I’m sure the USA could shut down everything in 2 minutes if they wanted to – although they may enjoy watching me sun-bathing too much. 😉

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       Well, really!  5th., you know the answer to all those whys.  There’s no secret, at all, just listen to Mr. A.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yes Patience. 🙂  Actually, I’m rather enjoying Mr. Wikileaks now hiding in an embassy because a couple of ladies decided to leak his secrets. There’s a great deal of truth in that line about ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’, after all. 😉  Raising the paranoia levels all the time is about the worst thing these days … in the digitally-connected world. 🙂

        1. Patience2 Avatar

           I like your take on what I ‘said’, however I was referring to Mr. A-jad!  I wasn’t thinking of TWO ‘Mr. A’s’!  Just shows I’ve got to think about what I say.  Looking back, what I said DOES seem to fit for the hiding Mr. A-ge, though.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    If Iran is a member of the (NPT) , then why does it have so many centrifuges going past the 20% enrichment needed for power? Why doesn’t it allow full inspections? One could wonder, after all – even if we know the paranoia of certain people.
    As far as sneaky viruses goes, ALL the ‘theys’ have been watching us all for quite while anyway – mostly to sell info to advertisers – along with cameras being planted everywhere, satellites overhead, and google-types showing everyone you didn’t cut your weeds for a few weeks. I’m sure the USA could shut down everything in 2 minutes if they wanted to – although they may enjoy watching me sun-bathing too much. 😉

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       Well, really!  5th., you know the answer to all those whys.  There’s no secret, at all, just listen to Mr. A.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yes Patience. 🙂  Actually, I’m rather enjoying Mr. Wikileaks now hiding in an embassy because a couple of ladies decided to leak his secrets. There’s a great deal of truth in that line about ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’, after all. 😉  Raising the paranoia levels all the time is about the worst thing these days … in the digitally-connected world. 🙂

        1. Patience2 Avatar

           I like your take on what I ‘said’, however I was referring to Mr. A-jad!  I wasn’t thinking of TWO ‘Mr. A’s’!  Just shows I’ve got to think about what I say.  Looking back, what I said DOES seem to fit for the hiding Mr. A-ge, though.

  5. dateam Avatar

    all jokes aside and irrelevant of who it is….are we in the middle east not allowed to have this sort of technology even though we become a signatory of npt? we keep on saying how the middle east is living in the stone ages but were we to try and advance would we be allowed to??

    1.  You will never advance until you learn how to live without all the conspiracy theories and terrorism and continue to indoctrinate your youth that murder is gods will..You cant have nukes because Muslims have broken every single agreement and treaty they ever made..You cant be trusted with spit-wads

    2. Patience2 Avatar

       A certain part of the ME needs a slight ‘adjustment’ to make sure it stays centered in the stone age.  You know, the one with all those troublesome centrifuges.

  6. dateam Avatar

    all jokes aside and irrelevant of who it is….are we in the middle east not allowed to have this sort of technology even though we become a signatory of npt? we keep on saying how the middle east is living in the stone ages but were we to try and advance would we be allowed to??

    1.  You will never advance until you learn how to live without all the conspiracy theories and terrorism and continue to indoctrinate your youth that murder is gods will..You cant have nukes because Muslims have broken every single agreement and treaty they ever made..You cant be trusted with spit-wads

      1. dateam Avatar

        im not talking about religion im talking about the middle east…..if your reffering to iran its nuclear technology was actually started in the days of the shah with the help of the west…if your talking conspiracy theories and terorism…if the whole world is supposedly against alqaeda then how are they actually funded and armed???? bin laden was supposedly killed in pakistan recently and his wives and kids have been relocated to saudia arabia…how are they survivng? are his wives working 9-5 jobs to put food on the table? i never said nukes i said technology

        1. you could have that but your backward leaders would rather you study the koran instead of learning something.

        2. Patience2 Avatar

           And what a misteak the west made!

    2. Patience2 Avatar

       A certain part of the ME needs a slight ‘adjustment’ to make sure it stays centered in the stone age.  You know, the one with all those troublesome centrifuges.

  7. dateam Avatar

    to iran aware….when you say “you” what do you mean? r you making an assumption as to who i am? tell me this what is the difference between iran and israel? both have technological advancements yet both have a strong religious ideolgy do they not? both have minorities living within them yet one has more freedoms than the other do they not? what amazes me is that we have become so indoctrined to think and assume a certain way…im speaking about a people and because of that you have assumed i must be from a certain religion…fascinating especially from one that seems to claim all is wrong except their own interpretations…god bless

  8. dateam Avatar

    to iran aware….when you say “you” what do you mean? r you making an assumption as to who i am? tell me this what is the difference between iran and israel? both have technological advancements yet both have a strong religious ideolgy do they not? both have minorities living within them yet one has more freedoms than the other do they not? what amazes me is that we have become so indoctrined to think and assume a certain way…im speaking about a people and because of that you have assumed i must be from a certain religion…fascinating especially from one that seems to claim all is wrong except their own interpretations…god bless

  9. Patience2 Avatar

    It should read: “Iran thanks Israel, US, UK ‘for massive cyber attack’ “, and the world should thank them, too!

  10. Patience2 Avatar

    It should read: “Iran thanks Israel, US, UK ‘for massive cyber attack’ “, and the world should thank them, too!

  11. MeYosemite Avatar

    Every time I wonder if Ahmadinejad immigrated to Iran from Syria or Lebanon, he must have kept his first name and his trade name he had in Lebanon as the “nejad,” the person who fixes the cushions on the sofas. But could have been also “dejal,” who knows.

  12. MeYosemite Avatar

    Every time I wonder if Ahmadinejad immigrated to Iran from Syria or Lebanon, he must have kept his first name and his trade name he had in Lebanon as the “nejad,” the person who fixes the cushions on the sofas. But could have been also “dejal,” who knows.

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