South Lebanon residents criticize Hezbollah over reconstruction efforts


A group of South Lebanon residents issued a statement on Thursday expressing their disappointment with Hezbollah for not fulfilling its promises over assisting them financially in reconstructing their homes, which were destroyed during the 2006 July War with Israel.

The resident said that they were disappointed over the Shiite party’s effort in the South.

“We were certain that Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will keep his promise and task the Jihad al-Binaa [Company] with reconstructing our houses regardless of the cost, but we were deeply disappointed.”

The residents said that some people received “full compensations… while others kept on waiting for God’s mercy to obtain bits of the money [given] to the Islamist resistance… which evaporated on its way to those who deserve it.”

“When we asked about the reason for such behavior and discrimination, we heard that those were the orders of Nasrallah himself.”

The residents addressed Nasrallah, saying: “We do not want the enemies [to belittle us] when we publish everything we know about the bad [group] that surrounds you.”

The statement was signed by “the people of the [destroyed] villages in South Lebanon.”

A number of residents living in South Lebanon issued a statement on Thursday expressing their displeasure with Hezbollah for not assisting them financially to reconstruct their houses, which were destroyed during the 2006 July War.

The resident said that although they were happy that Beirut’s southern Dahiyeh suburb was rebuilt, they were disappointed over the Shia’s party effort in the South.

“We were certain that Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will keep his promise and task the Jihad al-Binaa [Company] with reconstructing our houses regardless of the cost, but we were deeply disappointed.”

The residents said that some people received “full compensations… while others kept on waiting for God’s mercy to obtain bits of the money [given] to the Islamist resistance… which evaporated on its way to those who deserve it.”

“When we asked about the reason for such behavior and discrimination, we heard that those were the orders of Nasrallah himself.”

The residents addressed Nasrallah, saying: “We do not want the enemies [to belittle us] when we publish everything we know about the bad [group] that surrounds you.”

The statement was signed by “the people of the [destroyed] villages in South Lebanon.”

The 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel devastated the whole country. Over 1200 Lebanese were killed mostly civilians , the Lebanese infrastructure was devastated , over 1 million became homeless , mostly Shiites from the south and over 120, 000 housing units were destroyed mostly of Shiite residents in south Lebanon and southern Beirut suburbs. The damages were estimated by UN at over $15 billion.

As soon as the 2006 war started Nasrallah appeared on TV and announced that Iran will pay for rebuilding whatever is destroyed in the war with” Halal” money. But the Halal money never showed up. Instead of putting pressure on Iran to deliver on its promises Hezbollah and its allies occupied downtown Beirut and tried to overthrow the government for not paying quickly enough for rebuilding the south. They forced the Lebanese government which is heavily indebted to borrow more money to help rebuild what was destroyed during the 34 day war. It appears from today’s statement of south Lebanon residents that Hezbollah has decided to keep some of the the funds it received from the Lebanese government.

In January 2011 Hezbollah overthrew the government of PM Saad Hariri and now dominates the current Lebanese government headed by PM Nagib Mikati.

Now Lebanon, agencies



17 responses to “South Lebanon residents criticize Hezbollah over reconstruction efforts”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah yes … nothing quite like Halal money … now you see it, now you don’t. Peace be upon it.
    Interesting that some are finally finding some actual courage … and talking about it. Wonder how long that can last ….

    If you blinked and then thought you were reading something here twice … you were. 🙂
    But nice repair job in the pic …. hihihihi

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah yes … nothing quite like Halal money … now you see it, now you don’t. Peace be upon it.
    Interesting that some are finally finding some actual courage … and talking about it. Wonder how long that can last ….

    If you blinked and then thought you were reading something here twice … you were. 🙂
    But nice repair job in the pic …. hihihihi

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah yes … nothing quite like Halal money … now you see it, now you don’t.

  4. Prophettttt Avatar

    This report ,and the group who signed this statement have failed to name one person and one  town of which people didn’t get compensated for their destroyed or damaged home. The stories I read about this subjects were for the most part critical of HA for attempting to buy people’s silence with money,and that most people got paid for more units than they had lost. As usual, each room became a unit,therefore people who owned a home of three rooms, claimed that they had three units,and ended up getting paid for three homes. Those who inherited a home from their parents, ended up  getting paid for as many individual sharing ownership of a home ,and each individual got paid for an entire unit. My main point is that HA over paid to shut people up,not the other way around.Some villages which were basically poor towns, made up of old and small homes, became  towns full of luxury  villas as a result of the money HA spread out there in order to make people forget about the 2006 war.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hehehe … sounds like being more Jewish than a Jew … hahahaha … All Halal The Peace-Money. 🙂
      This group must have made accurate or honest ‘reports’ … and lost out. 😉

  5. Prophettttt Avatar

    This report ,and the group who signed this statement have failed to name one person and one  town of which people didn’t get compensated for their destroyed or damaged home. The stories I read about this subjects were for the most part critical of HA for attempting to buy people’s silence with money,and that most people got paid for more units than they had lost. As usual, each room became a unit,therefore people who owned a home of three rooms, claimed that they had three units,and ended up getting paid for three homes. Those who inherited a home from their parents, ended up  getting paid for as many individual sharing ownership of a home ,and each individual got paid for an entire unit. My main point is that HA over paid to shut people up,not the other way around.Some villages which were basically poor towns, made up of old and small homes, became  towns full of luxury  villas as a result of the money HA spread out there in order to make people forget about the 2006 war.

  6. Prophettttt Avatar

    The report ,and the group who signed this statement have failed to name one person and one  town of which people didn’t get compensated for their destroyed or damaged home. The stories I read about were that most people got paid for more units than they lost. As usual, each room became a unit,therefore people who owned a home of three rooms, claimed that they had three units,and ended up getting paid for three homes. Those who inherited a home from their parents, ended up  getting paid for a many individual sharing ownership of a home ,and each individual got paid for an entire unit. My main point is that HA over paid to shut people up,not the other way around.Some villages who were basically poor towns, made up of old and small homes, became  towns full of luxury   villas as a result of the money HA spread out there in order to make people forget about the 2006 war.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hehehe … sounds like being more Jewish than a Jew … hahahaha … All Halal The Peace-Money. 🙂
      This group must have made accurate or honest ‘reports’ … and lost out. 😉

  7. Beiruti Avatar

    here again

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      lol.Good one

  8. Beiruti Avatar

    here again

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      lol.Good one

  9. Patience2 Avatar

    The poor people of South Lebanon want the same ‘street-turds’ that were the cause of the destruction to be responsible enough to repair the damage THEY caused?  Maybe if Iran sends in a few truckloads of currency.  Do you think the HA’ers have enough resources of their own(yes, I mean the ‘street-turds’)?

  10. Patience2 Avatar

    The poor people of South Lebanon want the same ‘street-turds’ that were the cause of the destruction to be responsible enough to repair the damage THEY caused?  Maybe if Iran sends in a few truckloads of currency.  Do you think the HA’ers have enough resources of their own(yes, I mean the ‘street-turds’)?

  11. lebanesesam Avatar

    I think some of the Shiaa are finally waking up and smelling the burgul

  12. lebanesesam Avatar

    I think some of the Shiaa are finally waking up and smelling the burgul

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