Annan leaves Syria empty-handed as Assad says no to peace


After coming face to face with activists who witnessed the horrors of Syria’s bloody uprising first hand, Kofi Annan left the country empty-handed yesterday without a deal to end the crisis.

Before leaving Damascus, the former United Nations secretary-general held a second round of talks with President Bashar al-Assad, during which he said he had proposed an initiative which “will have a real impact on the ground”.

“It’s going to be difficult but we have to have hope,” he said, adding that the plan to end violence and start a political dialogue would establish a “solid foundation for a democratic Syria”. But his parting words came after both the Syrian regime and opposition groups rejected immediate negotiations.

Mr Assad said he could not countenance a political solution while “terrorist groups” were still operating against him. Syrian troops maintained the heat on opposition strongholds yesterday, shelling Homs and using tanks to bombard Idlib, the north-western city close to the Turkish border.

Opposition leaders, meanwhile, said dialogue was unthinkable while the government continued its brutal crackdown, which the UN estimates has cost 7,500 lives.

“It’s impossible to think about talks while the army is shelling houses,” said Dr Abdel Aziz al-Khair, spokesman for the National Co-ordination Committee, an opposition group which met with Mr Annan during his visit.


The former UN chief met activists from the capital to the besieged protest hub of Homs and the southern city of Deraa in a 50-minute session at the Four Seasons Hotel.

“He is very professional and was quite careful to show no expression at all but he clearly sympathises with what he hears,” said Dr Khair.

“He said that everything was still under discussion and it was too early for conclusions.”

Irish Independent



29 responses to “Annan leaves Syria empty-handed as Assad says no to peace”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    The result was obvious so coffee went to buy some time for Assads slaughter. How can this guy go for a peace negotiation with the serial killer Assad? Its a year long slaughter and it is clear that his attacking style do not spare any one. Assad is a war criminal.The UN can ask assad to surrender but no negotiation with a killer. If this same attack would conducted by any other country other than Syrian Government on Syrian population then our eyes would open faster. It seems the UN somehow trying to legalize Assads slaughter just because he is from Syria killing Syrians.  

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      you who hide behind the name wargame is your father’s named  cacao ?does your mother never teach you respect? i know you arab use to be savage ignoring how to behave But for now you have to know that the whole world is seeing you .So behave or don’t be upset when answer come.
      Plus what you say is so idiotic that it make me laugh And Bahrein ,?And Riyad?you are so so low i wonder why i am writting to you

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        The Bahrain problem will be solved by the majority Shia population in Bahrain. The head of the state of Bahrain is sunni I believe. Its similar to Syria but that Sunni regime in Bahrine is not turkey shooting and artillery shelling its people. Iran and Hezbollah is trying to incite the Bahrain shia to overthrow the Sunni Government. If it is done by the Shia majority in Bahrine then it is legitimate but Iran and Hezbollah are outsiders. Just being Shia Iran and Hezbollah do not make them the guardian of the Shias in the other land but for a legitimate cause they have every right to interfare. 

        Saudi Shia are minority, the Iranian and Hezbollah are there too to create a uprising. Do you find it thrilling and legitimate? Similarly for a legitimate cause if the Sunnis/wahabis help their Wahabi/Sunni brothers in Iraq , in Syria to save them from Butcher Assad plus from the Mahdi army and Alquds force from Iran then it is legitimate cause.There will be a day inshallah when you see the Afghans are overthrowing the Iranian regime which will eventually be good for all the Muslims around the world including Iranian people. You will then call the Afghans as terrorist or invaders or wahabi!! but when Iran does the same thing in Libya , Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria , Lebanon then you just love it!! Well since you love this foreign adventure you will also love to see when the Afghan Mujaheddin kick out the Iranian/US lackey from their country and overthrowing the satanic Mullah from Iran. You wouldnt love to see the sunnis invade Iran and take over the country like the Iranian regime did but I am afraid thats going to happen in the future and its a good news for uniting the Muslims. 

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          Does lebanon have no asylum psychiatric ?what do you do outside What Iran does in Lybia ,Irak ,Afghanistan Come on earth guy The wahabisme is satanique ould tayya is son of the devil Ok it have influenced Qom but Khameney is a little shaytan everyone know that soon the great Hamadi will foreclose his case By the way i don’t care about Muslim or Christian or Jew i care about false muslim like the salafiste who even are not monotheiste or the zioniste who too are not monotheiste

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          In answer to your first question Leo … NO … not one you would send your poor mother with Alzheimers to at any rate … and speaking of the rates, you couldn’t afford the poor care anyway.

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          sorry for you Hitory is like that When the occident start to make terrorism sunnis in the east of iran Talibans get high quality snapper arms (and glasses the more important ) some westerners have been shot from 2 km since the west stop terrorism in east iran ,and the talibans have been let down the more important is pakistan lolololol they will buy Iranian gaz lololol
          The only satanic it the kurdish hal saud who hide ould tayya in the hole of his greazy ass

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        Please go through the following statement by Iranian regime and Hezbollah then you will fully understand my stance on Iran and Hezbollah…..

        On 25 Feb 2011, ten days after the NATO-backed “rebels” started their terrorism, Hassan Nasrallah released a statement on Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV channel saying, “Anyone with honor and consciousness in this world cannot, and should not, keep silent on the massacres the Gaddafi regime is committing across the country on a daily basis, namely in Benghazi. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya, and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant.” 

        “Hezbollah firmly condemns crimes committed by the Gaddafi regime against the oppressed Libyan people. We also offer our sincere condolences to the families of those who were unjustly killed, just for demanding their rights. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant,” the statement added. 

        Iran “discreetly” provided humanitarian aid to Libyan rebels before the fall of Tripoli, Jam-e-Jam newspaper quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying. “We were in touch with many of the rebel groups in Libya before the fall of (Moamer) Kadhafi, and discreetly dispatched three or four food and medical consignments to Benghazi,” Salehi told the daily.

         “The head of the National Transitional Council (NTC)Libya , Mustafa Abdel Jalil, sent a letter of thanks to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for having been on their side and helping,” he added. Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi spoke with N.T.C. Chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil over the phone on Tuesday, congratulating the rebels on their “victory over dictatorship.” He also invited Abdul-Jalil to Teheran on a state visit in order to “deepen bilateral ties.”

        Now Lets see Iraq and Afghanistan…………………..

        Iran’s ex vice president Muhammad Ali Abtahi said: “This was Iran’s first major effort to help the United States to topple the Taliban in Afghanistan and AlQaeda, this would have been impossible without Iran’s help ” 

        Iranian Ex President Muhammad Khatami said: “The Taliban was our enemy , America thought Taliban was their enemy too! If they toppled the Taliban it would serve the interest of Iran” Then the alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” 

        Now In Syria Iran and Hezbollah is Aiding Assad Government. So in all these countries Iran is Aiding NATO and USA and in Syria they are backing the minority Assad government who have been ruling the country for 41 years under “Emergency Law”

        Hezbollah ex-secretary general Subhi Tuffeily says today hizbullah serves and protects Isreal.They are the Israeli border guard. He defected from Hezbollah when he find this dirty practice of Hezbollah.

        Do you find this Iranian and Hezbollah action Legitimate/righteous? Now you know my position against the Iranian and Hezbollah. If you like to see all the statement by their own mouth then there are recorded video on youtube. type the following on youtube search engine to find the video

        “Iran the hypocrite, Muslims beware of that”
        “Hizbullah are Isreali border guards”

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          i find u understand nothing u don’t made difference between propaganda and true.
          Gaddafi was one family fighting a country Syria it’s all non salafiste fighting the hydra salafiste not the same
          for HA ask the zioniste how they were guarding borders in 2006 thing that no state never dream to do Beat the zionista don’t be jealous convert in the real one faith :shia

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Leo’s right on one thing … you didn’t need the shot on his skin-colour, wargame. Ruins all the rest of your ideas.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        sorry since when people like you outside just because there is no institute to host you have ideas?

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    The result was obvious so coffee went to buy some time for Assads slaughter. How can this guy go for a peace negotiation with the serial killer Assad? Its a year long slaughter and it is clear that his attacking style do not spare any one. Assad is a war criminal.The UN can ask assad to surrender but no negotiation with a killer. If this same attack would conducted by any other country other than Syrian Government on Syrian population then our eyes would open faster. It seems the UN somehow trying to legalize Assads slaughter just because he is from Syria killing Syrians.  

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      you who hide behind the name wargame is your father’s named  cacao ?does your mother never teach you respect? i know you arab use to be savage ignoring how to behave But for now you have to know that the whole world is seeing you .So behave or don’t be upset when answer come.
      Plus what you say is so idiotic that it make me laugh And Bahrein ,?And Riyad?you are so so low i wonder why i am writting to you

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        The Bahrain problem will be solved by the majority Shia population in Bahrain. The head of the state of Bahrain is sunni I believe. Its similar to Syria but that Sunni regime in Bahrine is not turkey shooting and artillery shelling its people. Iran and Hezbollah is trying to incite the Bahrain shia to overthrow the Sunni Government. If it is done by the Shia majority in Bahrine then it is legitimate but Iran and Hezbollah are outsiders. Just being Shia Iran and Hezbollah do not make them the guardian of the Shias in the other land but for a legitimate cause they have every right to interfare. 

        Saudi Shia are minority, the Iranian and Hezbollah are there too to create a uprising. Do you find it thrilling and legitimate? Similarly for a legitimate cause if the Sunnis/wahabis help their Wahabi/Sunni brothers in Iraq , in Syria to save them from Butcher Assad plus from the Mahdi army and Alquds force from Iran then it is legitimate cause.There will be a day inshallah when you see the Afghans are overthrowing the Iranian regime which will eventually be good for all the Muslims around the world including Iranian people. You will then call the Afghans as terrorist or invaders or wahabi!! but when Iran does the same thing in Libya , Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria , Lebanon then you just love it!! Well since you love this foreign adventure you will also love to see when the Afghan Mujaheddin kick out the Iranian/US lackey from their country and overthrowing the satanic Mullah from Iran. You wouldnt love to see the sunnis invade Iran and take over the country like the Iranian regime did but I am afraid thats going to happen in the future and its a good news for uniting the Muslims. 

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          Does lebanon have no asylum psychiatric ?what do you do outside What Iran does in Lybia ,Irak ,Afghanistan Come on earth guy The wahabisme is satanique ould tayya is son of the devil Ok it have influenced Qom but Khameney is a little shaytan everyone know that soon the great Hamadi will foreclose his case By the way i don’t care about Muslim or Christian or Jew i care about false muslim like the salafiste who even are not monotheiste or the zioniste who too are not monotheiste

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          In answer to your first question Leo … NO … not one you would send your poor mother with Alzheimers to at any rate … and speaking of the rates, you couldn’t afford the poor care anyway.

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          sorry for you Hitory is like that When the occident start to make terrorism sunnis in the east of iran Talibans get high quality snapper arms (and glasses the more important ) some westerners have been shot from 2 km since the west stop terrorism in east iran ,and the talibans have been let down the more important is pakistan lolololol they will buy Iranian gaz lololol
          The only satanic it the kurdish hal saud who hide ould tayya in the hole of his greazy ass

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        Please go through the following statement by Iranian regime and Hezbollah then you will fully understand my stance on Iran and Hezbollah…..

        On 25 Feb 2011, ten days after the NATO-backed “rebels” started their terrorism, Hassan Nasrallah released a statement on Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV channel saying, “Anyone with honor and consciousness in this world cannot, and should not, keep silent on the massacres the Gaddafi regime is committing across the country on a daily basis, namely in Benghazi. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya, and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant.” 

        “Hezbollah firmly condemns crimes committed by the Gaddafi regime against the oppressed Libyan people. We also offer our sincere condolences to the families of those who were unjustly killed, just for demanding their rights. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant,” the statement added. 

        Iran “discreetly” provided humanitarian aid to Libyan rebels before the fall of Tripoli, Jam-e-Jam newspaper quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying. “We were in touch with many of the rebel groups in Libya before the fall of (Moamer) Kadhafi, and discreetly dispatched three or four food and medical consignments to Benghazi,” Salehi told the daily.

         “The head of the National Transitional Council (NTC)Libya , Mustafa Abdel Jalil, sent a letter of thanks to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for having been on their side and helping,” he added. Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi spoke with N.T.C. Chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil over the phone on Tuesday, congratulating the rebels on their “victory over dictatorship.” He also invited Abdul-Jalil to Teheran on a state visit in order to “deepen bilateral ties.”

        Now Lets see Iraq and Afghanistan…………………..

        Iran’s ex vice president Muhammad Ali Abtahi said: “This was Iran’s first major effort to help the United States to topple the Taliban in Afghanistan and AlQaeda, this would have been impossible without Iran’s help ” 

        Iranian Ex President Muhammad Khatami said: “The Taliban was our enemy , America thought Taliban was their enemy too! If they toppled the Taliban it would serve the interest of Iran” Then the alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” 

        Now In Syria Iran and Hezbollah is Aiding Assad Government. So in all these countries Iran is Aiding NATO and USA and in Syria they are backing the minority Assad government who have been ruling the country for 41 years under “Emergency Law”

        Hezbollah ex-secretary general Subhi Tuffeily says today hizbullah serves and protects Isreal.They are the Israeli border guard. He defected from Hezbollah when he find this dirty practice of Hezbollah.

        Do you find this Iranian and Hezbollah action Legitimate/righteous? Now you know my position against the Iranian and Hezbollah. If you like to see all the statement by their own mouth then there are recorded video on youtube. type the following on youtube search engine to find the video

        “Iran the hypocrite, Muslims beware of that”
        “Hizbullah are Isreali border guards”

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          i find u understand nothing u don’t made difference between propaganda and true.
          Gaddafi was one family fighting a country Syria it’s all non salafiste fighting the hydra salafiste not the same
          for HA ask the zioniste how they were guarding borders in 2006 thing that no state never dream to do Beat the zionista don’t be jealous convert in the real one faith :shia

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Leo’s right on one thing … you didn’t need the shot on his skin-colour, wargame. Ruins all the rest of your ideas.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        sorry since when people like you outside just because there is no institute to host you have ideas?

  3. leobetapar Avatar

    it’s impossible to think about talk as long as there is terroristes armed in the street It’s a duty for the president to desarm them at any cost Long life Syria

    1. LEBANON101 Avatar

      go to fucking hell you sack of shit . your not even a real shiite… real shiites know all about struggle and plight , and real shiites sypathyize with what the syrian people are going through right now

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        real shiite hate the polytheistes salafistes the people like you who whorship the hole of the greazy ass of the shaytan hal saud .Real shiite are the brave Alawite who chase yours day and night Making the world free of the scum

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        real shiite hate the polytheistes salafistes the people like you who whorship the hole of the greazy ass of the shaytan hal saud .Real shiite are the brave Alawite who chase yours day and night Making the world free of the scum

  4. leobetapar Avatar

    it’s impossible to think about talk as long as there is terroristes armed in the street It’s a duty for the president to desarm them at any cost Long life Syria

    1. LEBANON101 Avatar

      go to fucking hell you sack of shit . your not even a real shiite… real shiites know all about struggle and plight , and real shiites sypathyize with what the syrian people are going through right now

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        real shiite hate the polytheistes salafistes the people like you who whorship the hole of the greazy ass of the shaytan hal saud .Real shiite are the brave Alawite who chase yours day and night Making the world free of the scum

  5. Fauzia45 Avatar

    What else did he expect?!!!!!

  6. Fauzia45 Avatar

    What else did he expect?!!!!!

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