EU accuses Syrian regime of 'atrocities'


The European Union Council’s president on Friday accused Syria of committing “outrageous” atrocities against its citizens in a brutal crackdown on opponents of President Bashar al-Assad.

Herman Van Rompuy’s statements came as Syrian tanks stormed a district in the flashpoint city of Homs and troops launched a house-to-house sweep to crush the Assad regime’s opponents, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Syrian government is committing “outrageous and unacceptable atrocities against its people”, the EU Council president told a news conference in the Indian capital New Delhi where he was attending an EU-India summit.

He voiced “deep disappointment” at the veto by Russia and China of a UN Security Council resolution — proposed by Arab and European nations — that aimed to back an Arab League plan for quelling the violence in Syria.

The Arab League plan called for the Syrian president to hand over powers to a deputy so that new elections could be held.

Also on Friday, two powerful car bombs targeting security posts ripped through Syria’s second city of Aleppo, killing at least 25 people and wounding 175.

Daily Nation

Photo: Syrian army deserters who fled to Turkey have told of atrocities committed by soldiers in suppressing anti-government protests, under threat of execution if they disobeyed orders
