Geagea: Mirza, Qortbawi should address abduction of Syrians


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea called on Attorney General Judge Said Mirza and Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi on Wednesday to pursue the issue of the “kidnapping of Syrian nationals in Lebanon in order to reveal the truth,” according to a statement issued by the LF.

A Syrian army unit crossed into eastern Lebanon today , killed a Syrian man and kidnapped his brother, a Lebanese security source said Wednesday.

Last week, Al-Jumhuriya newspaper reported that Internal Security Forces Director General Achraf Rifi told the parliamentary committee for human rights that “members of the Lebanese security forces assigned to protect the Syrian embassy in Lebanon abducted four Syrians, whose family name is Jassem , using embassy vehicles.”

Syrian ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali denied Al-Jumhuriya report, and said that he was “puzzled by these unfounded claims that have been attributed to the police chief.”

Commenting on Syrian violations Lebanese territory, the LF leader held Foreign Minister Adanan Mansour and the relevant officials responsible for not dealing seriously with an issue linked to Lebanon’s sovereignty.



2 responses to “Geagea: Mirza, Qortbawi should address abduction of Syrians”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Go, go, GG …. it’s all disgusting.

  2.  Avatar

    Go, go, GG …. it’s all disgusting.

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