Fayez Karam sentenced to two years in prison


Lebanon’s military court on Saturday sentenced a former army general and high-profile member of a Christian party allied with Hezbollah to two years in prison for leaking information to Israel, a judicial source said.

“Military prosecutor Fadi Akiki has found retired general Fayez Karam guilty of contacting enemy (Israeli) intelligence… and providing them with political information,” mainly on Hezbollah and its ally the Christian Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), the source told AFP.

Karam, who collapsed when the sentence was read, was also stripped of all civil rights, the source said.

The verdict did not find Karam guilty of spying for Israel, however.

The prosecutor also sentenced Lebanese fugitive Elias Karam, who had allegedly introduced Fayez Karam to Israeli officers in Paris, to 10 years in prison in absentia.

Fayez Karam, a member of the FPM, was arrested last summer, the first political figure to be detained in Lebanon as part of probe launched in 2009 into Israeli spy networks.

The 62-year-old had headed the Lebanese army’s anti-terrorism and counter-espionage unit during the 1980s and was close to FPM leader Michel Aoun, who was army chief toward the end of the 1975-1990 civil war.

Aoun, who was staunchly anti-Syrian during the civil war, entered into a controversial alliance with the Iran and Syria-backed Hezbollah in 2006, a year after returning to Lebanon from exile in France.

More than 100 people have been arrested on suspicion of spying for the Israeli Mossad since April 2009, including members of the security forces and telecom employees.

Several have since been sentenced to death, including one found guilty of aiding Israel during its devastating 2006 war with Hezbollah.




30 responses to “Fayez Karam sentenced to two years in prison”

  1. Two years- what a cheap sentence, I say hang the MF…

  2.  Avatar

    Two years- what a cheap sentence, I say hang the MF…

  3.  Avatar

    Two years- what a cheap sentence, I say hang the MF…

  4. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    That’s because you’re a Jew hater and are against any contacts, peaceful or otherwise.

  5. That’s because you’re a Jew hater and are against any contacts, peaceful or otherwise.

  6. shankarees Avatar

    What a kangaroo court!  Had the convict not been an Aounist, he would have been executed or imprisoned forever.  In Lebanon there is no law and no courts, even though in Roman times Beirut was called Mother of Law “Berytus Nutris Legum”.  This is another reason why the International Tribunal is necessary.

  7.  Avatar

    What a kangaroo court!  Had the convict not been an Aounist, he would have been executed or imprisoned forever.  In Lebanon there is no law and no courts, even though in Roman times Beirut was called Mother of Law “Berytus Nutris Legum”.  This is another reason why the International Tribunal is necessary.

  8. TWO YEARS?? Are you %*$*%# kidding me!! He gave Israel information which might of led to the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese. He’s getting a sentence of someone who robbed a grocery store.

    Lebanese courts are a disgrace just like the UN courts are a disgrace.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      In most of the heads like yours, if one exchanges weather information with an Isreali it’s ‘passing secret information’.

  9.  Avatar

    TWO YEARS?? Are you %*$*%# kidding me!! He gave Israel information which might of led to the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese. He’s getting a sentence of someone who robbed a grocery store.

    Lebanese courts are a disgrace just like the UN courts are a disgrace.

    1.  Avatar

      In most of the heads like yours, if one exchanges weather information with an Isreali it’s ‘passing secret information’.

  10. antar2011 Avatar

    MP Okab Saqr:

    -is Karam a 1/4 of an agent or an israeli agent yet to be fully developed for him to have two yrs only for conviction while the others have much longer then that? or is it because he is close to the head of FPM and in turn their closeness to the party of resistance?

    -has the party of “resistance” pressured the authorities to reduce one year from the sentence as a thank you from them to an allie who happen to be an israeli agent. is that okay from HA to do because it is part of the actions of resistance?

    -it is also interesting to see the silence from HA  who have called out the importance of capital punishment on a convicted israeli agents so that they become an example for others not to think of working as an agent. they have also donated [without permission] to excecute the shia israeli agents for the sake of lebanon and its children to stress their desire to make capital punishment the only punishment for treason with no exception.

    -i ask what is the opinion of HA from this issue? why are they adapting silence like the silence of graves as it stands watching Aoun, its important allie, sending his MPs to the court to cheer on an israeli agent who was convicted today under the shadows of a govt that is controled by HA. they go there after they have failed to pressure the prosecution and judges to make him innosent.

    -congratulations to HA in a “resistance” govt that refuses to assist with an international tribunal because it is thought to be a zionist one but reduces the duration of the sentence of an openly declared and then convicted israeli agents who had direct communication with israel.

    -is it logical for HA to end up a witness or a collaborater in Karam’s case to reveal a new face to the “mumana3a” that has now became mainly concerned to cover the actions of the “shabi7a” with the support from outside?

    -this is not “moomana3a”  it is “mukhada3a” because the issue is not about Karam only, it is about the exposure and the moral and poilitical downfall of people who have always gave us rhetorics in patriotism and turned out to be mere slogans that worth nothing but a cube zero when they had complete political power.

    -it is now appropriate to send congratualtions to the zionist enemy who had won this round. it has now an easy plan to recrute its agents. it does not have to go far or find it hard to do so, it needs to go to  the nearest “moomane3” and recrut him, this way it will sure to find pple willing to collaborate.

    -as for karam, this isareli “moonadel” agent, he should not forget to tell his boss in FPM some secrets from his work as an israeli agent, this way he has a guarrantee for his future.

  11.  Avatar

    MP Okab Saqr:

    -is Karam a 1/4 of an agent or an israeli agent yet to be fully developed for him to have two yrs only for conviction while the others have much longer then that? or is it because he is close to the head of FPM and in turn their closeness to the party of resistance?

    -has the party of “resistance” pressured the authorities to reduce one year from the sentence as a thank you from them to an allie who happen to be an israeli agent. is that okay from HA to do because it is part of the actions of resistance?

    -it is also interesting to see the silence from HA  who have called out the importance of capital punishment on a convicted israeli agents so that they become an example for others not to think of working as an agent. they have also donated [without permission] to excecute the shia israeli agents for the sake of lebanon and its children to stress their desire to make capital punishment the only punishment for treason with no exception.

    -i ask what is the opinion of HA from this issue? why are they adapting silence like the silence of graves as it stands watching Aoun, its important allie, sending his MPs to the court to cheer on an israeli agent who was convicted today under the shadows of a govt that is controled by HA. they go there after they have failed to pressure the prosecution and judges to make him innosent.

    -congratulations to HA in a “resistance” govt that refuses to assist with an international tribunal because it is thought to be a zionist one but reduces the duration of the sentence of an openly declared and then convicted israeli agents who had direct communication with israel.

    -is it logical for HA to end up a witness or a collaborater in Karam’s case to reveal a new face to the “mumana3a” that has now became mainly concerned to cover the actions of the “shabi7a” with the support from outside?

    -this is not “moomana3a”  it is “mukhada3a” because the issue is not about Karam only, it is about the exposure and the moral and poilitical downfall of people who have always gave us rhetorics in patriotism and turned out to be mere slogans that worth nothing but a cube zero when they had complete political power.

    -it is now appropriate to send congratualtions to the zionist enemy who had won this round. it has now an easy plan to recrute its agents. it does not have to go far or find it hard to do so, it needs to go to  the nearest “moomane3” and recrut him, this way it will sure to find pple willing to collaborate.

    -as for karam, this isareli “moonadel” agent, he should not forget to tell his boss in FPM some secrets from his work as an israeli agent, this way he has a guarrantee for his future.

  12. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    About half of your land is controlled by Iranian and Syrian spies and you’re complaining about this?

    1. Iranian and Syrian spies?? Iranian and Syrian intelligence work with the Lebanese intelligence services when they visit Lebanon on the most part, on areas of mutual benefit.

      It’s like how the Mossad and Shin Bet treat the MI6 and CIA advisors when they visit.

      Well, at least when the Syrians and Iranians visit, they’re not mapping out houses to bomb by f-16s or saving the addresses of people to kill or kidnap in a war.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I suppose … it’s which houses they would like to take over to live in that they map out ….

    2. Iranian and Syrian spies?? Iranian and Syrian intelligence work with the Lebanese intelligence services when they visit Lebanon on the most part, on areas of mutual benefit.

      It’s like how the Mossad and Shin Bet treat the MI6 and CIA advisors when they visit.

      Well, at least when the Syrians and Iranians visit, they’re not mapping out houses to bomb by f-16s or saving the addresses of people to kill or kidnap in a war.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I suppose … it’s which houses they would like to take over to live in that they map out ….

  13. About half of your land is controlled by Iranian and Syrian spies and you’re complaining about this?

    1.  Avatar

      Iranian and Syrian spies?? Iranian and Syrian intelligence work with the Lebanese intelligence services when they visit Lebanon on the most part on areas of mutual benefit.

      It’s like how the Mossad and Shin Bet treat the MI6 and CIA advisors when they visit.

      Well, at least when the Syrians and Iranians visit, they’re not mapping out houses to bomb by f-16s or saving the addresses of people to kill or kidnap in a war.

      1.  Avatar

        I suppose … it’s which houses they would like to take over to live in ….

  14. Christians in the west should also be sentenced to jail for serving Israel.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      This line from a guy with a Christian name … talk about a confused brain.

    2. Anyone pointing  their weapons at their own people like HA  are doing to the Lebanese ,who serve IRAN and Syria , What should we do to them?????????.   

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Might as well add Hamas in Gaza and Al-Shishkabob in Somalia to that question …. 

  15. Christians in the west should also be sentenced to jail for serving Israel.

  16. Christians in the west should also be sentenced to jail for serving Israel.

    1.  Avatar

      This line from a guy with a Christian name … talk about a confused brain.

    2.  Avatar

      Anyone pointing  their weapons at their own people like HA  are doing to the Lebanese ,who serve IRAN and Syria , What should we do to them?????????.   

      1.  Avatar

        Might as well add Hamas in Gaza and Al-Shishkabob in Somalia to that question …. 

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