Turkey will challenge Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza at The Hague


Turkey’s foreign minister says his country is preparing to challenge Israel’s blockade on Gaza at the International Court of Justice.

Ahmet Davutoglu’s comments Saturday came a day after Turkey expelled the Israel’s ambassador and severed military ties with the country over its refusal to apologize for last year’s deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. The move further strained ties between the two former allies.

In the interview with Turkey’s state-run TRT television, Davutoglu dismissed a U.N. report into the raid that said Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza was legally imposed as a legitimate security measure.

Davutoglu said Turkey does not recognize the blockade and will start procedures to counter its legality at The Hague, Netherlands-based court next week.




96 responses to “Turkey will challenge Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza at The Hague”

  1. Go Turkey

    1. shankarees Avatar

      F**ck Turkey!

  2.  Avatar

    Go Turkey

    1.  Avatar

      F**ck Turkey!

  3.  Avatar

    Go Turkey

  4. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Perhaps we should take Turkey to court for the genocide of more than 2,000,000 Christians.

    1. is Turkey a person? is it still the same regime today that committed these crimes? maybe we should take the ‘jews’  to court for killing Jesus?

      1. shankarees Avatar

        From a theological point of view, the Jews of two thousand years ago took part in the Plan of Salvation by crucifying Jesus to death because through His death He gave salvation and life to the world.  As a Christian who understands my faith, I believe the Jews are not guilty (officially declared not guilty by the Vatican) of Christ’s death on the cross but partakers in bringing salvation to man through His death.

        1. lol, fair enough. Although I wasn’t being serious, but rather trying to make a sarcastic point.

        2. 7akibalash Avatar

          it wasnt a jew who put Jesus on the cross, it was a roman(pagan, not jew), it was also roman soldiers(pagans, not jews) who beat Him and prodded Him with spears. just stating the facts.

        3. shankarees Avatar

          Don’t forget that the Caiaphas, the High Priest, and his mob who agitated to put Him to death; however, Caiaphas was an instrument of God because if Christ did not die, we would not have salvation.  Thank you Caiaphas!! Nevertheless, the Jews were unable to put anybody to death, the Romans did; but the accusers (Jews) brought it about.

        4. 7akibalash Avatar

          man I have had that argument with fellow chistians like a thousand times, it never fails though they are always blaming the Jews for what they believe God planned all along. I think it comes from a dismal understanding of their own faith. it is really good to see a fellow christian using his brain when it comes to this issue. may God Bless you and yours for speaking the truth(and not worrying about political correctness, which in the arab world is villifying the jews).

        5. I don’t know about that, I have to ask Aoun !!

        6. I don’t know about that, I have to ask Aoun !!

        7. leobetapar Avatar

          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

        8. leobetapar Avatar

          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

      2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

        Well it’s funny that you should say that Fadi. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine from Britain about this issue. He asked me if I’m still angry at Egypt for the slavery of the Hebrews. I told him that I only hold open the restaurant bill of resentment if two conditions are met. 1. That the civilization in question has historical continuity with the one who committed the atrocity. 2. That they are still messing with us.

        Regarding the Jesus comment, I would say that I am fully prepared to admit and am ashamed of the way in which our leaders treated break away sects and the way in which they rejected a perfectly good potential leader because he challenged their authority. However, firstly, Yehoshua ben Yosef was an Israeli (Yisraeli as he would’ve been called in Hebrew and Aramaic) by ethnicity, so our leaders gave up one of our own. I don’t see Christianity as being the same religion as that of the Ebionites etc. Christianity came about several hundred years later among other nations. I really don’t see how it’s possible to shift an internal matter to a grievance on the part of Christians against the people of Israel. Lastly, the majority of Christian conflict with us over the past 1500 years has been aggression coming from Christians, not towards them and it’s not exactly like we’ve been in any position to make amends with anyone over the incident.

        1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
          Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

          And if we hadn’t, Christians wouldn’t have a religion…

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          in the Holly Thora Moise state that’s it was not slavery during live but after death .The egyptians forbid the jew to be burried and that since the beginning Moise is clear about it .The africans punished the jew because they use their owns slave to plough and  cultive, take all the grains and let their slave ine misery ,the africans told the jewish your sweat has not be drink by the soil but you eat it’s fruit you are impure we can’t burry you in our soil or you will desacralised the earth.Even Joseph have not be burry but the jews don’t care and keep on the use of slave until they got very rich having enough Gold to make a calf in pure gold and at this moment they feel they deserve to have more than the limbos after death and follow Moise and forgot to take the bones of Joseph with them (but as you noticed the Arch of Covenant is egalisatrice and they had to shove off the gold lolololol)

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          for jesus
          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

        4. leobetapar Avatar

          don’t lie do you pretend the Khazar jewish empire in actual Ukraine 10 to 13 centuries didn’t breed white people like chicken or worse to sell them to the west and arabs ?go back to your history books man

      3. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

        Well it’s funny that you should say that Fadi. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine from Britain about this issue. He asked me if I’m still angry at Egypt for the slavery of the Hebrews. I told him that I only hold open the restaurant bill of resentment if two conditions are met. 1. That the civilization in question has historical continuity with the one who committed the atrocity. 2. That they are still messing with us.

        Regarding the Jesus comment, I would say that I am fully prepared to admit and am ashamed of the way in which our leaders treated break away sects and the way in which they rejected a perfectly good potential leader because he challenged their authority. However, firstly, Yehoshua ben Yosef was an Israeli (Yisraeli as he would’ve been called in Hebrew and Aramaic) by ethnicity, so our leaders gave up one of our own. I don’t see Christianity as being the same religion as that of the Ebionites etc. Christianity came about several hundred years later among other nations. I really don’t see how it’s possible to shift an internal matter to a grievance on the part of Christians against the people of Israel. Lastly, the majority of Christian conflict with us over the past 1500 years has been aggression coming from Christians, not towards them and it’s not exactly like we’ve been in any position to make amends with anyone over the incident.

        1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
          Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

          And if we hadn’t, Christians wouldn’t have a religion…

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          in the Holly Thora Moise state that’s it was not slavery during live but after death .The egyptians forbid the jew to be burried and that since the beginning Moise is clear about it .The africans punished the jew because they use their owns slave to plough and  cultive, take all the grains and let their slave ine misery ,the africans told the jewish your sweat has not be drink by the soil but you eat it’s fruit you are impure we can’t burry you in our soil or you will desacralised the earth.Even Joseph have not be burry but the jews don’t care and keep on the use of slave until they got very rich having enough Gold to make a calf in pure gold and at this moment they feel they deserve to have more than the limbos after death and follow Moise and forgot to take the bones of Joseph with them (but as you noticed the Arch of Covenant is egalisatrice and they had to shove off the gold lolololol)

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          for jesus
          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

    2. shankarees Avatar

      No one forgets the Armenian Genocide and no one should.  Turkey (Ottomans) starved the population of Mount Lebanon during World War I, so they are not saints.  Also, let’s not forget what they did to Cyprus Orthodox Christians. Now, they want to play the Muslim police.  Unless they uproot Assad, they will not gain any sympathy from me.

      1. 7akibalash Avatar

        what do you mean no one forgets the Armenian Genocide? have the turks even taken credit for it yet? the answer is nooooooooooooooooooooo. turkey’s navy is no match for the Israeli navy, they better be carefull with their threats, one day they might get just what they are asking for, then you can add another bunch of muslims to the list of whiners against Israel.

        1. shankarees Avatar

          Whiners are forever with us!  The Shiites used to call themselves “the have-nots” now they rule Lebanon using the secret weapon of mass destruction hidden in Hassan Nasrallah’s turban or head-wrap (??).   

      2. Uprooting Assad will let you gain sympathy for a country that is responsible for killing 2,000.000 people??????

        The leaders of the Young Turks were crypto jews controlled by the Jesuits. Kemal Attaturk was also one of them from Greece. 

        1. shankarees Avatar

          I consider uprooting Assad as a good point and deserves sympathy but sympathy is not canonization for sainthood.  They are still mass murderers and should be made to pay restitution to the Armenians and Lebanese.

          So now Kamal Attaturk is a disgrace for making the Ottoman savages a little better, though still living not ready to join the modern world or Europe.

          I would want them to give full freedom of speech and action to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and returning the Agia Sophia cathedral to the Orthodox Church. 

        2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
          Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

          Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. It’s always ‘the Jews’. Aside from a rumor, WHERE ON EARTH did you hear that hilarious joke?

        3. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
          Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

          Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. It’s always ‘the Jews’. Aside from a rumor, WHERE ON EARTH did you hear that hilarious joke?

        4. leobetapar Avatar

          Great John At least someone who know and point interesting information .I will sign a petition which will ask Ya libnan to give you some money for your often great contribution

        5. leobetapar Avatar

          Great John At least someone who know and point interesting information .I will sign a petition which will ask Ya libnan to give you some money for your often great contribution

        6. Patience2 Avatar

          Ignoring the ‘veracity’ of your second line, it would go a long way to help!

        7. Patience2 Avatar

          Ignoring the ‘veracity’ of your second line, it would go a long way to help!

      3. 7akibalash Avatar

        who told you that zabrallah is hiding it under his head wrap? I heard he keeps it hidden in a much darker place, some people call the location “where the sun dont shine”.

        1. Patience2 Avatar

          Wellllllll …  if he sits down too hard, maybe it’ll explode ??

      4. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

        Armenians, Syriacs and Greeks were mass murdered. Then there’s the Cyprus problem and the Kurdish problem. Erdogan also said that there was no genocide in Sudan because “a Muslim could never do such things” and attacks the Israeli blockade. Whether one agrees with it or not, Turkey, TURKEY (?!?!?!?!) is trying to take the moral high ground.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          Erdogan is an idiot as the Darfouri are far better muslims than the insalubres turks let alone the arab’sudanese.Turky is the zioniaste state best friend only shit meddle with shit .But we will be happy to see a shits war

      5. leobetapar Avatar

        foolish the commander of the PKK in Irak has disapear it’s the PKK in Syria who lead now .Do they want to lost their “chateau d’eau”?you christian with no grey matter in your brain better to follow your patriarch he know better

    3. adam have a heart, americans kill 45 million turkeys every november.lol

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        So, although seemingly dangerous, for the sake of ‘peace’ I experimented.
           I wrapped my Kosher filet mignon in a large piece of Bacon for frying with a little butter, smothered it in a flavoured Halal chicken pate and ate this with a barley-bread a Tibetan monk gave me. Tasted great with a bit of homemade Dijon mustard from a Catholic church bazarr and an English grape-sauce. Washed it down with a good dark German ale.
         I Noted that all this didn’t seem to create any conflicts in my stomach; and, incredibly enough, the NEXT day it all came out looking virtually the same as the Thanksgiving turkey and cranberries had the week before.
          Amazing … and I’m not even American.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        So, although seemingly dangerous, for the sake of ‘peace’ I experimented.
           I wrapped my Kosher filet mignon in a large piece of Bacon for frying with a little butter, smothered it in a flavoured Halal chicken pate and ate this with a barley-bread a Tibetan monk gave me. Tasted great with a bit of homemade Dijon mustard from a Catholic church bazarr and an English grape-sauce. Washed it down with a good dark German ale.
         I Noted that all this didn’t seem to create any conflicts in my stomach; and, incredibly enough, the NEXT day it all came out looking virtually the same as the Thanksgiving turkey and cranberries had the week before.
          Amazing … and I’m not even American.

    4. leobetapar Avatar

      don’t forget Hitler ,Himmler,Mengele all jews .Don’t forget according to the holly Thora only jews are able to make Holocaust (offering the antizioniste to gaz chamber in order to got palestine’s earth for the zioniaste).But don’t got nightmare go back in exile it’s better

    5. leobetapar Avatar

      don’t forget Hitler ,Himmler,Mengele all jews .Don’t forget according to the holly Thora only jews are able to make Holocaust (offering the antizioniste to gaz chamber in order to got palestine’s earth for the zioniaste).But don’t got nightmare go back in exile it’s better

  5. Perhaps we should take Turkey to court for the genocide of more than 2,000,000 Christians.

    1.  Avatar

      is Turkey a person? is it still the same regime today that committed these crimes? maybe we should take the ‘jews’  to court for killing Jesus?

      1.  Avatar

        From a theological point of view, the Jews of two thousand years ago took part in the Plan of Salvation by crucifying Jesus to death because through His death He gave salvation and life to the world.  As a Christian who understands my faith, I believe the Jews are not guilty (officially declared not guilty by the Vatican) of Christ’s death on the cross but partakers in bringing salvation to man through His death.

        1.  Avatar

          lol, fair enough. Although I wasn’t being serious, but rather trying to make a sarcastic point.

        2.  Avatar

          it wasnt a jew who put Jesus on the cross, it was a roman(pagan, not jew), it was also roman soldiers(pagans, not jews) who beat Him and prodded Him with spears. just stating the facts.

        3.  Avatar

          it wasnt a jew who put Jesus on the cross, it was a roman(pagan, not jew), it was also roman soldiers(pagans, not jews) who beat Him and prodded Him with spears. just stating the facts.

        4.  Avatar

          Don’t forget that the Caiaphas, the High Priest, and his mob who agitated to put Him to death; however, Caiaphas was an instrument of God because if Christ did not die, we would not have salvation.  Thank you Caiaphas!! Nevertheless, the Jews were unable to put anybody to death, the Romans did; but the accusers (Jews) brought it about.

        5.  Avatar

          man I have had that argument with fellow chistians like a thousand times, it never fails though they are always blaming the Jews for what they believe God planned all along. I think it comes from a dismal understanding of their own faith. it is really good to see a fellow christian using his brain when it comes to this issue. may God Bless you and yours for speaking the truth(and not worrying about political correctness, which in the arab world is villifying the jews).

        6.  Avatar

          I don’t know about that, I have to ask Aoun !!

        7.  Avatar

          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

      2. Well it’s funny that you should say that Fadi. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine from Britain about this issue. He asked me if I’m still angry at Egypt for the slavery of the Hebrews. I told him that I only hold open the restaurant bill of resentment if two conditions are met. 1. That the civilization in question has historical continuity with the one who committed the atrocity. 2. That they are still messing with us.

        Regarding the Jesus comment, I would say that I am fully prepared to admit and am ashamed of the way in which our leaders treated break away sects and the way in which they rejected a perfectly good potential leader because he challenged their authority. However, firstly, Yehoshua ben Yosef was an Israeli (Yisraeli as he would’ve been called in Hebrew and Aramaic) by ethnicity, so our leaders gave up one of our own. I don’t see Christianity as being the same religion as that of the Ebionites etc. Christianity came about several hundred years later among other nations. I really don’t see how it’s possible to shift an internal matter to a grievance on the part of Christians against the people of Israel. Lastly, the majority of Christian conflict with us over the past 1500 years has been aggression coming from Christians, not towards them and it’s not exactly like we’ve been in any position to make amends with anyone over the incident.

        1. And if we hadn’t, Christians wouldn’t have a religion…

        2.  Avatar

          in the Holly Thora Moise state that’s it was not slavery during live but after death .The egyptians forbid the jew to be burried and that since the beginning Moise is clear about it .The africans punished the jew because they use their owns slave to plough and  cultive, take all the grains and let their slave ine misery ,the africans told the jewish your sweat has not be drink by the soil but you eat it’s fruit you are impure we can’t burry you in our soil or you will desacralised the earth.Even Joseph have not be burry but the jews don’t care and keep on the use of slave until they got very rich having enough Gold to make a calf in pure gold and at this moment they feel they deserve to have more than the limbos after death and follow Moise and forgot to take the bones of Joseph with them (but as you noticed the Arch of Covenant is egalisatrice and they had to shove off the gold lolololol)

        3.  Avatar

          for jesus
          Jesus come in an occpied Jerusalem and agree that’s he was the Messiah of David (real Jews know only the Messiah of Aroun but no problem) when the people ask when do the romans will leave? He said he hasn’t came for that. Oulalala (faudrais savoir as  they say in french).Imagine the poor jew who have allready spend all what he have save to pay the roman tax.The jews feel very bad on this they wanted to stoned him (no one resurect from stoning) but Ponce Pilate send 1000 men to arrest Him after he whip Him and suspended Him 3 hours.As allways when you are son of Great you got favourable treatment no matter what you done

        4.  Avatar

          don’t lie do you pretend the Khazar jewish empire in actual Ukraine 10 to 13 centuries didn’t breed white people like chicken or worse to sell them to the west and arabs ?go back to your history books man

    2.  Avatar

      No one forgets the Armenian Genocide and no one should.  Turkey (Ottomans) starved the population of Mount Lebanon during World War I, so they are not saints.  Also, let’s not forget what they did to Cyprus Orthodox Christians. Now, they want to play the Muslim police.  Unless they uproot Assad, they will not gain any sympathy from me.

      1.  Avatar

        what do you mean no one forgets the Armenian Genocide? have the turks even taken credit for it yet? the answer is nooooooooooooooooooooo. turkey’s navy is no match for the Israeli navy, they better be carefull with their threats, one day they might get just what they are asking for, then you can add another bunch of muslims to the list of whiners against Israel.

        1.  Avatar

          Whiners are forever with us!  The Shiites used to call themselves “the have-nots” now they rule Lebanon using the secret weapon of mass destruction hidden in Hassan Nasrallah’s turban or head-wrap (??).   

      2.  Avatar

        what do you mean no one forgets the Armenian Genocide? have the turks even taken credit for it yet? the answer is nooooooooooooooooooooo. turkey’s navy is no match for the Israeli navy, they better be carefull with their threats, one day they might get just what they are asking for, then you can add another bunch of muslims to the list of whiners against Israel.

      3.  Avatar

        Uprooting Assad will let you gain sympathy for a country that is responsible for killing 2,000.000 people??????

        The leaders of the Young Turks were crypto jews controlled by the Jesuits. Kemal Attaturk was also one of them from Greece. 

        1.  Avatar

          I consider uprooting Assad as a good point and deserves sympathy but sympathy is not canonization for sainthood.  They are still mass murderers and should be made to pay restitution to the Armenians and Lebanese.

          So now Kamal Attaturk is a disgrace for making the Ottoman savages a little better, though still living not ready to join the modern world or Europe.

          I would want them to give full freedom of speech and action to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and returning the Agia Sophia cathedral to the Orthodox Church. 

        2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. It’s always ‘the Jews’. Aside from a rumor, WHERE ON EARTH did you hear that hilarious joke?

        3.  Avatar

          Great John At least someone who know and point interesting information .I will sign a petition which will ask Ya libnan to give you some money for your often great contribution

        4.  Avatar

          Ignoring the ‘veracity’ of your second line, it would go a long way to help!

      4.  Avatar

        who told you that zabrallah is hiding it under his head wrap? I heard he keeps it hidden in a much darker place, some people call the location “where the sun dont shine”.

        1.  Avatar

          Wellllllll …  if he sits down too hard, maybe it’ll explode ??

      5. Armenians, Syriacs and Greeks were mass murdered. Then there’s the Cyprus problem and the Kurdish problem. Erdogan also said that there was no genocide in Sudan because “a Muslim could never do such things” and attacks the Israeli blockade. Whether one agrees with it or not, Turkey, TURKEY (?!?!?!?!) is trying to take the moral high ground.

        1.  Avatar

          Erdogan is an idiot as the Darfouri are far better muslims than the insalubres turks let alone the arab’sudanese.Turky is the zioniaste state best friend only shit meddle with shit .But we will be happy to see a shits war

        2.  Avatar

          Erdogan is an idiot as the Darfouri are far better muslims than the insalubres turks let alone the arab’sudanese.Turky is the zioniaste state best friend only shit meddle with shit .But we will be happy to see a shits war

      6.  Avatar

        foolish the commander of the PKK in Irak has disapear it’s the PKK in Syria who lead now .Do they want to lost their “chateau d’eau”?you christian with no grey matter in your brain better to follow your patriarch he know better

      7.  Avatar

        foolish the commander of the PKK in Irak has disapear it’s the PKK in Syria who lead now .Do they want to lost their “chateau d’eau”?you christian with no grey matter in your brain better to follow your patriarch he know better

    3. adam have a heart, americans kill 45 million turkeys every november.lol

      1.  Avatar

        So, although seemingly dangerous, for the sake of ‘peace’ I experimented.
           I wrapped my Kosher filet mignon in a large piece of Bacon for frying with a little butter, smothered it in a flavoured Halal chicken pate and ate this with a barley-bread a Tibetan monk gave me. Tasted great with a bit of homemade Dijon mustard from a Catholic church bazarr and an English grape-sauce. Washed it down with a good dark German ale.
         I Noted that all this didn’t seem to create any conflicts in my stomach; and, incredibly enough, the NEXT day it all came out looking virtually the same as the Thanksgiving turkey and cranberries had the week before.
          Amazing … 

    4.  Avatar

      don’t forget Hitler ,Himmler,Mengele all jews .Don’t forget according to the holly Thora only jews are able to make Holocaust (offering the antizioniste to gaz chamber in order to got palestine’s earth for the zioniaste).But don’t got nightmare go back in exile it’s better

  6. Turkey’s hypocrisy is growing by the day.  It denies the historical reality of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in which the Ottoman Government utilized Kurds to kill Armenians and Greeks.  Now military forces of the Republic of Turkey kill those Kurds who are seeking the establishment of a Kurdish State branding them as terrorists.  Conversely, it condemns Israel for defending itself from those who launch terror attacks on its civilians and soldiers and openly expresses support for those who seek the annihilation of Israelis in general and Jews in particular.  It has been recognized that Israel has the legal right to blockade Gaza and prevent the importation of arms that will be used in attacks on Israel.  Israel allows the entry of humanitarian aid; a fact that has been repeatedly recognized.  The Turkish Government, seeking to reestablish some form of new hegemony in the region is conveniently using Arab-Israeli enmity for its own political goals.  It should be Turkey who is the target of international sanctions.

    1. Seiging the civilian population of Gaza is illegal both under international law and moral principles. Banning concrete, chocolate and hundreds of items just to punish the civilian population of an area of land is illegal and disturbing. How would you like it if Tel Aviv was blockaded and only 100 trucks carrying lentils and rice could get in. No cement for building or chocolate to eat. It was worse than the Warsaw ghetto a few years back.

      Turkey sees itself as the region’s superpower. It has an army that dwarfs Israel. They have the biggest airforce and are the second biggest contributor to NATO. If Israel gets into a war with Turkey then they will have to fight the entirety of NATO itself since they will be attacking one of its members.

      Even with all the bad things the Turks did in the region for the past 500 years, I will not lie and blame them unjustly for something that they are not entirely responsible for. They were the hands that committed the massacres but they were not the ones pulling the strings. The problem in Turkey is that the youth became indoctrinated into secularism and the beliefs of Kemal Attaturk to a degree that they became fanatical. It’s either that or they’re at the opposite end of being fanatical but religious wise. The followers of Attaturk fail to realize that Attaturk was a freemason and was in fact of Jewish ancestry and born in Greece.

      You are trying to use people’s feelings to show Turkey as being bad just because of the Gaza flotilla incident(massacre) and your new found hate for Turkey. If you think the Armenian genocide was barbaric and not to mention the Shoah then why are you condoning what the IDF did to Gaza when they massacred 1,000 civilians including 300 children.

  7.  Avatar

    Turkey’s hypocrisy is growing by the day.  It denies the historical reality of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in which the Ottoman Government utilized Kurds to kill Armenians and Greeks.  Now military forces of the Republic of Turkey kill those Kurds who are seeking the establishment of a Kurdish State branding them as terrorists.  Conversely, it condemns Israel for defending itself from those who launch terror attacks on its civilians and soldiers and openly expresses support for those who seek the annihilation of Israelis in general and Jews in particular.  It has been recognized that Israel has the legal right to blockade Gaza and prevent the importation of arms that will be used in attacks on Israel.  Israel allows the entry of humanitarian aid; a fact that has been repeatedly recognized.  The Turkish Government, seeking to reestablish some form of new hegemony in the region is conveniently using Arab-Israeli enmity for its own political goals.  It should be Turkey who is the target of international sanctions.

    1.  Avatar

      Seiging the civilian population of Gaza is illegal both under international law and moral principles. Banning concrete, chocolate and hundreds of items just to punish the civilian population of an area of land is illegal and disturbing. How would you like it if Tel Aviv was blockaded and only 100 trucks carrying lentils and rice could get in. No cement for building or chocolate to eat. It was worse than the Warsaw ghetto a few years back.

      Turkey sees itself as the region’s superpower. It has an army that dwarfs Israel. They have the biggest airforce and are the second biggest contributor to NATO. If Israel gets into a war with Turkey then they will have to fight the entirety of NATO itself since they will be attacking one of its members.

      Even with all the bad things the Turks did in the region for the past 500 years, I will not lie and blame them unjustly for something that they are not entirely responsible for. They were the hands that committed the massacres but they were not the ones pulling the strings. The problem in Turkey is that the youth became indoctrinated into secularism and the beliefs of Kemal Attaturk to a degree that they became fanatical. It’s either that or they’re at the opposite end of being fanatical but religious wise. The followers of Attaturk fail to realize that Attaturk was a freemason and was in fact of Jewish ancestry and born in Greece.

      You are trying to use people’s feelings to show Turkey as being bad just because of the Gaza flotilla incident(massacre) and your new found hate for Turkey. If you think the Armenian genocide was barbaric and not to mention the Shoah then why are you condoning what the IDF did to Gaza when they massacred 300 children including 1,000 civilians.

    2.  Avatar

      Seiging the civilian population of Gaza is illegal both under international law and moral principles. Banning concrete, chocolate and hundreds of items just to punish the civilian population of an area of land is illegal and disturbing. How would you like it if Tel Aviv was blockaded and only 100 trucks carrying lentils and rice could get in. No cement for building or chocolate to eat. It was worse than the Warsaw ghetto a few years back.

      Turkey sees itself as the region’s superpower. It has an army that dwarfs Israel. They have the biggest airforce and are the second biggest contributor to NATO. If Israel gets into a war with Turkey then they will have to fight the entirety of NATO itself since they will be attacking one of its members.

      Even with all the bad things the Turks did in the region for the past 500 years, I will not lie and blame them unjustly for something that they are not entirely responsible for. They were the hands that committed the massacres but they were not the ones pulling the strings. The problem in Turkey is that the youth became indoctrinated into secularism and the beliefs of Kemal Attaturk to a degree that they became fanatical. It’s either that or they’re at the opposite end of being fanatical but religious wise. The followers of Attaturk fail to realize that Attaturk was a freemason and was in fact of Jewish ancestry and born in Greece.

      You are trying to use people’s feelings to show Turkey as being bad just because of the Gaza flotilla incident(massacre) and your new found hate for Turkey. If you think the Armenian genocide was barbaric and not to mention the Shoah then why are you condoning what the IDF did to Gaza when they massacred 300 children including 1,000 civilians.

  8. The chief architect of the Armenian genocide was said to be Talaat Pasha. Most the leaders of Turkey at the time were Jewish as were most of, if not all the leaders of the Young Turk Movement. Even the editor of their magazine was a Russian Jew. The Rothschilds funded them. The Jesuits used this as a trial to see if they could get away with a genocide. They also needed control over the Baku oil region and used this as an opportunity to permanently ruin Turkey’s image using the genocide because it was projected to become one of the leading economies and powerhouses in the region in the next 100 years and not to mention have the oil pipelines flowing to Europe from Asia. They needed them politically weak because of their crimes in the eyes of the world and ready to succumb to the demands of oil companies and foreign governments under a promise to smooth things out regarding their past. The only difference is that they say that the genocide never happend and they just helped the Armenians migrate after they attacked Turkey first. .Hitler even joked that no one remembers the Armenian genocide and this paved the way for the Gypsy, Romany, Homosexual, Jewish and Minority groups genocide committed by Hitler in WWII.
    My Grandma’s side of the family are survivors of the Armenian genocide from Constantinople, we will never forget who was really behind it.

    1. intresting but very disturbing , are you saying that jews were responsible for the genocide? i am confused…sorry

      1. It is in fact very disturbing. The people who are pulling the strings of world events for the past hundred years seem to only want to put Jews in power and use them as front groups in huge world events such as world wars and genocides. The “Jews” will then get all the blame and the true people behind the crimes will stay hidden and they are the same people which are manipulating the world financially and politically till today. The countries the “Jews” ran like Russia and Germany got destroyed. Russia lost 100 million people due to Communism and Germany is still paying Jews around the globe compensation till today. If you were to dig deep enough into Nazism, Communism and the Young Turk Movement then you will realize that the most prominent leaders heading them were of Jewsih origin and mostly Ashkenazi.
        Vladimir Lenin, Hitler.Stalin, Attaturk, Trotsky etc.
        At one point in the USSR when churches were burned down and banned, antisemetism was met with jail sentences and even death in some cases. Some pogroms did occur but not to the degree that they are said to be. The number of Russian Orthodox Christians that were killed by Stalin was hundreds of times more. The Bolsheviks were funded by banks in NYC and 90% of the important leaders during the revolution were Jewish. What a coincidence. Same thing with Turkey.

        In my definition of real Judiasm, I see Jews as peaceful people that adhere to the Noahide code. The people mentioned above are killers on the most part and do not even deserve to be called Jewish.

    2. intresting but very disturbing , are you saying that jews were responsible for the genocide? i am confused…sorry

      1. It is in fact very disturbing. The people who are pulling the strings of world events for the past hundred years seem to only want to put Jews in power and use them as front groups in huge world events such as world wars and genocides. The “Jews” will then get all the blame and the true people behind the crimes will stay hidden and they are the same people which are manipulating the world financially and politically till today. The countries the “Jews” ran like Russia and Germany got destroyed. Russia lost 100 million people due to Communism and Germany is still paying Jews around the globe compensation till today. If you were to dig deep enough into Nazism, Communism and the Young Turk Movement then you will realize that the most prominent leaders heading them were of Jewsih origin and mostly Ashkenazi.
        Vladimir Lenin, Hitler.Stalin, Attaturk, Trotsky etc.
        At one point in the USSR when churches were burned down and banned, antisemetism was met with jail sentences and even death in some cases. Some pogroms did occur but not to the degree that they are said to be. The number of Russian Orthodox Christians that were killed by Stalin was hundreds of times more. The Bolsheviks were funded by banks in NYC and 90% of the important leaders during the revolution were Jewish. What a coincidence. Same thing with Turkey.

        In my definition of real Judiasm, I see Jews as peaceful people that adhere to the Noahide code. The people mentioned above are killers on the most part and do not even deserve to be called Jewish.

  9.  Avatar

    The chief architect of the Armenian genocide was said to be Talaat Pasha. Most the leaders of Turkey at the time were Jewish as were most of, if not all the leaders of the Young Turk Movement. Even the editor of their magazine was a Russian Jew. The Rothschilds funded them. The Jesuits used this as a trial to see if they could get away with a genocide. They also needed control over the Baku oil region and used this as an opportunity to permanently ruin Turkey’s image using the genocide because it was projected to become one of the leading economies and powerhouses in the region in the next 100 years and not to mention have the oil pipelines flowing to Europe from Asia. They needed them politically weak because of their crimes in the eyes of the world and ready to succumb to the demands of oil companies and foreign governments under a promise to smooth things out regarding their past. The only difference is that they say that the genocide never happend and they just helped the Armenians migrate after they attacked Turkey first. .Hitler even joked that no one remembers the Armenian genocide and this paved the way for the Gypsy, Romany, Homosexual, Jewish and Minority groups genocide committed by Hitler in WWII.
    My Grandma’s side of the family are survivors of the Armenian genocide from Constantinople, we will never forget who was really behind it.

    1. intresting but very disturbing , are you saying that jews were responsible for the genocide? i am confused…sorry

      1.  Avatar

        It is in fact very disturbing. The people who are pulling the strings of world events for the past hundred years seem to only want to put Jews in power and use them as front groups in huge world events such as world wars and genocides. The “Jews” will then get all the blame and the true people behind the crimes will stay hidden and they are the same people which are manipulating the world financially and politically till today. The countries the “Jews” ran like Russia and Germany got destroyed. Russia lost 100 million people due to Communism and Germany is still paying Jews around the globe compensation till today. If you were to dig deep enough into Nazism, Communism and the Young Turk Movement then you will realize that the most prominent leaders heading them were of Jewsih origin and mostly Ashkenazi.
        Vladimir Lenin, Hitler.Stalin, Attaturk, Trotsky etc.
        At one point in the USSR when churches were burned down and banned, antisemetism was met with jail sentences and even death in some cases. Some pogroms did occur but not to the degree that they are said to be. The number of Russian Orthodox Christians that were killed by Stalin is hundreds of times more. The Bolsheviks were funded by banks in NYC and 90% of the important leaders during the revolution were Jewish. What a coincidence. Same thing with Turkey.

        In my definition of real Judiasm, I see Jews as peaceful people that adhere to the Noahide code. The people mentioned above are killers on the most part and do not even deserve to be called Jewish.

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