Israel PM ready to discuss border “package”: official


Israel has told Middle East power brokers it was ready to discuss a proposed package on borders with Palestinians to help Western powers revive stalled peace talks, an Israeli official said Monday.

The official denied reports by Israeli and other media outlets that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had backed down from an earlier rejection of President Barack Obama’s proposal to negotiate a pullback to so-called 1967 borders.

But he suggested Netanyahu had signaled a new readiness to aid last-ditch U.S. and European efforts to renew talks frozen since last year in anticipation of a Palestinian threat to seek a unilateral United Nations mandate for statehood in September.

Israeli and Western leaders have been concerned that any one-sided step could trigger new violence after months of calm, given the spreading unrest in the Arab world and recent calls by some Palestinians for protests to accompany any statehood bid.

“In order to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and facilitate the restarting of direct talks, Israel has been willing to accept a package that includes a formula on borders,” the official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Such a package could include borders “that would be difficult for Israel to accept,” the official said, adding that “a part of the package would mean being recognized as a Jewish state,” a demand thus far rejected by Palestinian leaders.

Israel Radio and a television station reported that Netanyahu had agreed to negotiate a possible withdrawal to a frontier from before a war in 1967 when Israel captured West Bank land where Palestinians seek to build a state.

The Israeli official responded that Netanyahu “has been clear that Israel will not return to the 4th of June 1967 borders,” or the lines that stood before that war.

Netanyahu told a closed-door session of a parliamentary committee on defense matters earlier there were “ongoing efforts to restart peace talks” by Washington and European leaders who had so far failed to find a formula to do so.

The Israeli leader said further he was “willing to accept working with the international community to find a way to make that happen,” the official quoted him as saying.

Western-sponsored peace negotiations broke off just weeks after painstaking efforts to renew them last September, in a dispute over Jewish settlement building.

Netanyahu’s government, dominated by pro-settler parties, had rejected calls to halt the construction saying it had already observed a 10-month building hiatus from late 2009.




28 responses to “Israel PM ready to discuss border “package”: official”

  1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Even if we forget about Jordan’s Palestinian majority and talk about issues West of the Jordan river then even our rightist parties will talk to any Palestinian who supports two states for two peoples west of the river. There is not one that will allow Israel to exist as a state that happens to have a Hebrew majority. There is not one that will protect the safety of any Hebrews who would take Palestinian citizenship in a future Palestinian state.

    1. 2160John Avatar

      When the Israeli government makes up for the damage they caused for the Arab populace and returns parts of the land it took from the Palestinians then they will be cautiously accepted in Middle Eastern society.

      But if they continue to fight and demonize 220 million Arabs and 1 billion Muslims then their fate is bleak.

      The fight is not about Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Zionists and Islamists anymore. It’s about doing what’s right.

      1. a2160John, I am sorry but you are showing you do not know anything of History, even recent history nor international law.  First of all there was a two-state solution where the Jews gave up 78% of their homeland to people could make the Country of Jordan in order for no one to further question.  They have 22% left from the river Jordan to the sea.

        The “palistinians” have only been using this name since the 1960’s; it is the 3rd identity that they have tried to adopt.   Before that and esp. before 1948, they did not wish to use this name b/c it often meant Jews and were insulted.

         Just read any of the newspapers back then , even the New york times.  There is even a 15th or 16th century census performed by the Turks/ottman emipre where in Israel the Jews were called Yahudi or Falastini while the Arabs were called Bedouin or Arab.

        Certainly some minority of Arabs went and conquered parts of Israel and have been there for perhaps 1,000 years but the vast majority went to Israel looking for jobs as economic migrants from the 1920’s-1948 and from 1948-1967 during the occupation, illegal according to international law  and never recognized by any Arab country.See League of Nations, San Remo accords signed by Faisal bin Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi, فيصل بن حسين بن علي الهاشمي. on behalf of the Arab nation and articles 2 and 80 of the UN charter)

        According to international law  since the early 1900s, even forgetting 4,000 years of history, at the very least the lands from the Jordan river to the sea belong to the Jews.  Now, these simillar mandates and decesions by the League fo Nations also set up other countries as well including Lebanon. So, if you try to delegitimise Israel’s right to their country you also delegitmise Lebanon’s right to exist-this I have a very big problem with, John.

        Salaam, Peace!
        One of my degrees is in  International Relations.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Gee … you just put half the people in here a little out of joint. 😉  I like it. Now, if you could get us past the religion bits …

      2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

        What are you talking about???? When did the Palestinians EVER rule the West Bank before 1993???? Go and read some history books. Try the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners.

  2. Even if we forget about Jordan’s Palestinian majority and talk about issues West of the Jordan river then even our rightist parties will talk to any Palestinian who supports two states for two peoples west of the river. There is not one that will allow Israel to exist as a state that happens to have a Hebrew majority. There is not one that will protect the safety of any Hebrews who would take Palestinian citizenship in a future Palestinian state.

    1.  Avatar

      When the Israeli government makes up for the damage they caused for the Arab populace and returns parts of the land it took from the Palestinians then they will be cautiously accepted in Middle Eastern society.

      But if they continue to fight and demonize 220 million Arabs and 1 billion Muslims then their fate is bleak.

      The fight is not about Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Zionists and Islamists anymore. It’s about doing what’s right.

      1. a2160John, I am sorry but you are showing you do not know anything of History, even recent history nor international law.  First of all there was a two-state solution where the Jews gave up 78% of their homeland to people could make the Country of Jordan in order for no one to further question.  They have 22% left from the river Jordan to the sea.

        The “palistinians” have only been using this name since the 1960’s; it is the 3rd identity that they have tried to adopt.   Before that and esp. before 1948, they did not wish to use this name b/c it often meant Jews and were insulted.

         Just read any of the newspapers back then , even the New york times.  There is even a 15th or 16th century census performed by the Turks/ottman emipre where in Israel the Jews were called Yahudi or Falastini while the Arabs were called Bedouin or Arab.

        Certainly some minority of Arabs went and conquered parts of Israel and have been there for perhaps 1,000 years but the vast majority went to Israel looking for jobs as economic migrants from the 1920’s-1948 and from 1948-1967 during the occupation, illegal according to international law  and never recognized by any Arab country.See League of Nations, San Remo accords signed by Faisal bin Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi, فيصل بن حسين بن علي الهاشمي. on behalf of the Arab nation and articles 2 and 80 of the UN charter)

        According to international law  since the early 1900s, even forgetting 4,000 years of history, at the very least the lands from the Jordan river to the sea belong to the Jews.  Now, these simillar mandates and decesions by the League fo Nations also set up other countries as well including Lebanon. So, if you try to delegitimise Israel’s right to their country you also delegitmise Lebanon’s right to exist-this I have a very big problem with, John.

        Salaam, Peace!
        One of my degrees is in  International Relations.

        1.  Avatar

          Gee … you just put half the people in here a little out of joint. 😉  I like it. Now, if you could get us past the religion bits …

      2. What are you talking about???? When did the Palestinians EVER rule the West Bank before 1993???? Go and read some history books. Try the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners.

      3. What are you talking about???? When did the Palestinians EVER rule the West Bank before 1993???? Go and read some history books. Try the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners.

      4. What are you talking about???? When did the Palestinians EVER rule the West Bank before 1993???? Go and read some history books. Try the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners.

  3. leobetapar Avatar

    the hebrew have to go back where they came from :europe
    palestinians are not amerindians 16 century wasn’t 20 century
    soon usa will be bankrupt and justice will be done

    1. 2160John Avatar

      Hebrews are from Iraq.

      What you were probably refering to was Ashkenazi Jews which comprise a large amount of Israelis. The Ashkenazis hold the key posts in the government and millitary. They are also biased towards Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews.

      1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

        Have you ever been here John??? You are talking about an era from the past. First of all, Ashkenazim are 50 – 80% Middle Eastern in their DNA. Secondly, more than 1/3 of marriages are between Ashkenazim and non-Ashkenazim. Thirdly, the last President was born in Iran and the same of two chief of staffs ago. There is little to no official or even unofficial discrimination towards non-Ashkenazim anymore.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Tracking the movement of ‘peoples’ on the planet is only interesting in an anthropological sense … and may give some understanding of the quaint customs developed in any particular area – usually due to geographic conditions encountered and human experience with the environment over millennia.
        Some like lush farmlands, some like forests for hunting, some like hot dry sand and rock, some enjoy warm wet islands, and some insist that snow & ice are wonderful.
         Go figure.
        The fact that humans have legs and tend to walk around a bit should not be surprising by this time in our evolution.
        Trying to use that particular habit against them for political arguments is only highlighting the stupidity left in certain genetic structures of a brain – or showing it’s general lack of use. (basically only 1/6th)

        To Jay (below)
        Geezzz … if you give them that much information, you’ll have people rushing around wanting to get their ‘hits’ in before the inevitable happens … like whacking the kid who stole your pencil in grade 5 😉
        But you missed #3 … the huge volcano that filled the atmosphere with sulfuric gasses for several years … which is now a lake in the Phillippines, I think. That should disturb the asthmatics …

        1. In fact, we have a part of the the brain that is responsible for aggression; what was an advantage to us in the past to help protect our territory or to simply to expand territory against a rival species (Homo Habilus, Homo-Ergaster, Homo Neanderthalis)  is now working against us in the modern era.

          It should be noted that our brain is a composite of different sections and hemispheres.  Aggression is part of our lower brain, while cognition, logic, morality and compassion are part of our higher-brain functions and in fact can override our instinctual aggression.  This is located in our frontal lobe.

          What we need to do is come together as humanity and work together for a brighter future.  This aggresion and belief in bringing back “the 12th Imam”, Mahdi and hastening his return by creating havoc and war on Earth will work against us.

          It will have the possiblity of wiping off thte face of the Earth , our progress.  In fact, for the first time in the history of Mankind or even of any species on Earth, we can now detect almost all asteroid and comet threats which could cause a huge decrease in human beings or even our own extinction and possiblly change their course toward Earth, causing them to miss Earth.  If the primitive-minded aggressive people send us back to the 16th century or stone age then what hope do you have to avert a disaster/extinction event?

          There is also another two extinction events that could destroy us all  (and in fact already destroyed almost all life which was close to the surface, when it was only in the ocean in the past):

          1) Huge gamma ray bursts from a super nova (the explosive end of a star with more solar masses than our sun) whihc could be within 100 light-years distant or as much as 1,000 thousand light-years or

          2) the energy released from a galaxy with a central core of a black hole both of whihc if close enough and if the poles of the release of energy are pointing in our direction would obliterate the atmosphere and “fry” all complex life on the surface.

          It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when ‘.  Therefore we as humanity need to progress to expand to other parts of our galaxy in order that we may continue to exist for hopefully, millenia if not millions or billions of years.

          Let’s learn to be constructive and not destructive!
          Salaam/Peace out.

    2. Leo, just as the the Phoenicians’ home land is Phoenicia (Northern Lebanon and part of Syria) and the Kurdistan is occupied by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, Irna and Iraq occupy Assyria,  and the home land of Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula so too the home land of the Hebrews is the Hebrew/Jewish homeland. 

      Fortunately, I am educated, 1) more than half of Jews  in the land of the neighbors to the south are of Middle Eastern Jewish origin (that means that they either continued to lived in Israel or were forced out and lived in what latter became Arab lands/states before going back home. 

      2) The other half or less spent a long time, centuries in Europe  after leaving the middle east but according to genetic studies they are as Jewish as the Middle Eastern Jews having ME genes and in fact have more in common with Lebanese/Pheonicians than Europeans, genetically speaking.

    3. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
      Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

      You should also read the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners. We are NOT from Europe. We lived there as refugees due to the economic and social discrimination in the Middle East which prevented us from returning in large numbers. Hebrew is a language of Middle Eastern origin.

  4.  Avatar

    the hebrew have to go back where they came from :europe
    palestinians are not amerindians 16 century wasn’t 20 century
    soon usa will be bankrupt and justice will be done

    1.  Avatar

      Hebrews are from Iraq.

      What you were probably refering to was Ashkenazi Jews which comprise a large amount of Israelis. The Ashkenazis hold the key posts in the government and millitary. They are also biased towards Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews.

      1. Have you ever been here John??? You are talking about an era from the past. First of all, Ashkenazim are 50 – 80% Middle Eastern in their DNA. Secondly, more than 1/3 of marriages are between Ashkenazim and non-Ashkenazim. Thirdly, the last President was born in Iran and the same of two chief of staffs ago. There is little to no official or even unofficial discrimination towards non-Ashkenazim anymore.

      2.  Avatar

        Tracking the movement of ‘peoples’ on the planet is only interesting in an anthropological sense … and may give some understanding of the quaint customs developed in any particular area – usually due to geographic conditions encountered and human experience with the environment over millennia.
        Some like lush farmlands, some like forests for hunting, some like hot dry sand and rock, some enjoy warm wet islands, and some insist that snow & ice are wonderful.
         Go figure.
        The fact that humans have legs and tend to walk around a bit should not be surprising by this time in our evolution.
        Trying to use that particular habit against them for political arguments is only highlighting the stupidity left in certain genetic structures of a brain – or showing it’s general lack of use. (basically only 1/6th)

        1. In fact, we have a part of the the brain that is responsible for aggression; what was an advantage to us in the past to help protect our territory or to simply to expand territory against a rival species (Homo Habilus, Homo-Ergaster, Homo Neanderthalis)  is now working against us in the modern era.

          It should be noted that our brain is a composite of different sections and hemispheres.  Aggression is part of our lower brain, while cognition, logic, morality and compassion are part of our higher-brain functions and in fact can override our instinctual aggression.  This is located in our frontal lobe.

          What we need to do is come together as humanity and work together for a brighter future.  This aggresion and belief in bringing back “the 12th Imam”, Mahdi and hastening his return by creating havoc and war on Earth will work against us.

          It will have the possiblity of wiping off thte face of the Earth , our progress.  In fact, for the first time in the history of Mankind or even of any species on Earth, we can now detect almost all asteroid and comet threats which could cause a huge decrease in human beings or even our own extinction and possiblly change their course toward Earth, causing them to miss Earth.  If the primitive-minded aggressive people send us back to the 16th century or stone age then what hope do you have to avert a disaster/extinction event?

          There is also another two extinction events that could destroy us all  (and in fact already destroyed almost all life which was close to the surface, when it was only in the ocean in the past):

          1) Huge gamma ray bursts from a super nova (the explosive end of a star with more solar masses than our sun) whihc could be within 100 light-years distant or as much as 1,000 thousand light-years or

          2) the energy released from a galaxy with a central core of a black hole both of whihc if close enough and if the poles of the release of energy are pointing in our direction would obliterate the atmosphere and “fry” all complex life on the surface.

          It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when ‘.  Therefore we as humanity need to progress to expand to other parts of our galaxy in order that we may continue to exist for hopefully, millenia if not millions or billions of years.

          Let’s learn to be constructive and not destructive!
          Salaam/Peace out.

    2. Leo, just as the the Phoenicians’ home land is Phoenicia (Northern Lebanon and part of Syria) and the Kurdistan is occupied by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, Irna and Iraq occupy Assyria,  and the home land of Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula so too the home land of the Hebrews is the Hebrew/Jewish homeland. 

      Fortunately, I am educated, 1) more than half of Jews  in the land of the neighbors to the south are of Middle Eastern Jewish origin (that means that they either continued to lived in Israel or were forced out and lived in what latter became Arab lands/states before going back home. 

      2) The other half or less spent a long time, centuries in Europe  after leaving the middle east but according to genetic studies they are as Jewish as the Middle Eastern Jews having ME genes and in fact have more in common with Lebanese/Pheonicians than Europeans, genetically speaking.

    3. Leo, just as the the Phoenicians’ home land is Phoenicia (Northern Lebanon and part of Syria) and the Kurdistan is occupied by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, Irna and Iraq occupy Assyria,  and the home land of Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula so too the home land of the Hebrews is the Hebrew/Jewish homeland. 

      Fortunately, I am educated, 1) more than half of Jews  in the land of the neighbors to the south are of Middle Eastern Jewish origin (that means that they either continued to lived in Israel or were forced out and lived in what latter became Arab lands/states before going back home. 

      2) The other half or less spent a long time, centuries in Europe  after leaving the middle east but according to genetic studies they are as Jewish as the Middle Eastern Jews having ME genes and in fact have more in common with Lebanese/Pheonicians than Europeans, genetically speaking.

    4. You should also read the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners. We are NOT from Europe. We lived there as refugees due to the economic and social discrimination in the Middle East which prevented us from returning in large numbers. Hebrew is a language of Middle Eastern origin.

    5. You should also read the Ladybird book of Middle Eastern history for beginners. We are NOT from Europe. We lived there as refugees due to the economic and social discrimination in the Middle East which prevented us from returning in large numbers. Hebrew is a language of Middle Eastern origin.

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