FPM has faith in Hezbollah’s arms


In response to statements that the issue of Hezbollah’s weapons must be discussed in the national dialogue, Culture Minister Gabi Layoun said he rejects attempts to disarm the Shia group.

“[Rival] parties do not want to engage in dialogue to strengthen Lebanon, but are seeking to disarm the Resistance, and this is a matter we reject,” Layoun – a member of March 8’s Free Patriotic Movement – told the Voice of Lebanon (93.3) radio station.

He added that the FPM “has strong faith that Lebanon is strong by having the arms of its Resistance pointed at Israel.”

The Syrian- Iranian-backed Hezbollah group has ruled out its readiness to address the issue of its weapons in the national dialogue, while the western-backed March 14 parties said they will not take part in the dialogue unless the issue is discussed.

Members of the opposition have been calling for the disarmament of the Shia group, which – they said – has used its arms against the people and to exert political pressure.

Now Lebanon



5 responses to “FPM has faith in Hezbollah’s arms”

  1. 316909 Avatar

    Sure you have faith. Its the only reason any of you FMP dirt bags are in the government. Aoun was elected by HA voters (Shia) and has barely any support among the christians except for idiots that dont know any better…. Man you people are crazy! How is making Lebanon strong keeping an armed militia that routinely threatens people when they dont get what they want? How is having a poorly equipped army  and a militia that is listed as a terror organization supposedly defending us making Lebanon strong? You people are nothing but liars and you cheated Lebanon out of a elected government after agreeing you would not resign in Doha. What a piece of crap! You people threaten the country daily, break every law in the book, have spies in your organization working for the U.S, Israel, Syria and Iran and the other side is making Lebanon unstable?  They always talk about spies and all the spies that have been detained we from march 8. What a bunch of hypocritical bastards.

  2.  Avatar

    Man you people are crazy! How is making Lebanon strong keeping an armed militia that routinely threatens people when they dont get what they want? How is having a poorly equipped army  and a militia that is listed as a terror organization supposedly defending us making Lebanon strong? You people are nothing but liars and you cheated Lebanon out of a elected government after agreeing you would not resign in Doha. What a piece of crap! You people threaten the country daily, break every law in the book, have spies in your organization working for the U.S, Israel, Syria and Iran and the other side is making Lebanon unstable?  They always talk about spies and all the spies that have been detained we from march 8. What a bunch of hypocritical bastards.

  3.  Avatar

    Man you people are crazy! How is making Lebanon strong keeping an armed militia that routinely threatens people when they dont get what they want? How is having a poorly equipped army  and a militia that is listed as a terror organization supposedly defending us making Lebanon strong? You people are nothing but liars and you cheated Lebanon out of a elected government after agreeing you would not resign in Doha. What a piece of crap! You people threaten the country daily, break every law in the book, have spies in your organization working for the U.S, Israel, Syria and Iran and the other side is making Lebanon unstable?  They always talk about spies and all the spies that have been detained we from march 8. What a bunch of hypocritical bastards.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Damn … there’s that old ‘Faith’ thing again … so now they reject the 1701 … errr … what ‘culture’ Layoun? Mold?

  5.  Avatar

    Damn … there’s that old ‘Faith’ thing again … so now they reject the 1701 … errr … what ‘culture’ Layoun? Mold?

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