Hezbollah: Every victim of 2006 war should sue Lebanon


Victims of the July 2006 war with Israel should file lawsuits against Lebanese officials and Western governments for assisting the Jewish state during the conflict, Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc MP Nawaf Mousawi said Sunday.

“Those who were harmed from the Israeli aggression should file lawsuits in Lebanese courts and international courts against those who colluded with Israel against them in 2006 and against Western governments, especially the U.S. government, who provided the enemy with missiles to be fired at our neighborhoods and homes,” Mousawi said during a ceremony organized by Hezbollah to commemorate those who died during the war.

“Starting from tomorrow, every victim should … file lawsuits in courts against the names that were mentioned in the documents and be persecuted on charges of treason and complicity with Israel,” Mousawi said, referring to Lebanese officials whose names were quoted in WikiLeaks cables by then U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman as being against Hezbollah during the war.

Mousawi also urged victims to file lawsuits in international courts against the British government for allegedly opening up its civil airports to facilitate the transfer of missiles from the U.S. to Israel.

On March 20, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah vowed to take legal action against Lebanese officials who collaborated with foreign diplomats to incite Israel to prolong the war.

Mousawi Sunday also touched upon the Special Tribunal for Lebanon indictments against four Hezbollah members for involvement in the 2005 car bomb which killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 21 others.

“Any name that the indictments or what comes after it attempt to taint with false shameful accusations will be turned into sacred icons … each [person] mentioned in the indictment will be turned into a saint,” he said.

Hezbollah’s secretary-general, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, has said that the four suspects would not be arrested “in 300 years.” The party has repeatedly questioned the credibility of the tribunal and described the United Nations-backed court as a thing of the past.

“We tell you to increase the number of names because then we wouldn’t have only four names, but 20 or 70 names because these names will be stars shining bright in our skies,” Mousawi said, describing the court as a conspiracy against the party.

The Daily Star



91 responses to “Hezbollah: Every victim of 2006 war should sue Lebanon”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are no Saints in a War.
      History records who started it, who fought in it, how many died, and how it ended.
    We can see who wants it to continue.

    Please file lawsuits if you like … and show some respect for the courts.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are no Saints in a War.
      History records who started it, who fought in it, how many died, and how it ended.
    We can see who wants it to continue.

    Please file lawsuits if you like … and show some respect for the courts.

  3.  Avatar

    There are no Saints in a War.
      History records who started it, who fought in it, how many died, and how it ended.
    We can see who wants it to continue.

    Please file lawsuits if you like … and show some respect for the courts.

  4. 316909 Avatar

    what is this guy nuts? They should sue you for starting the war. These guys want to turn Lebanon into Iran! Its going to be a witch hunt if they get what they want…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Not only killed Hariri and many others, they caused the destruction of many of his accomplishments for the people.

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        his accomplishments?

        i am sorry but if it was up to him he will only accomplish failure upon failure.
        if it wasn’t for all lebanese pple standing with this moron, during 2006 war, the results would have been different.

        this ungrateful thug…international and regional nation have given aid for lebanon after 2006 war which was not the fault of lebanese…..how could this irani agent lie so baltantly and ignore all the assisstence and the aid of different parties during 2006 war?

        who does he think he is? a prophet that we do not know about?
        i dunno about anyone here but this moron is looking more like pharoah la3natallah 3alayh.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          when I said ‘his’, I meant Hariri …

          It’s ok 😉

          1. antar2011 Avatar

            my bad!

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          when I said ‘his’, I meant Hariri …

          It’s ok 😉

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Not only killed Hariri and many others, they caused the destruction of many of his accomplishments for the people.

  5.  Avatar

    what is this guy nuts? They should sue you for starting the war. These guys want to turn Lebanon into Iran! Its going to be a witch hunt if they get what they want…..

    1.  Avatar

      Not only killed Hariri and many others, they caused the destruction of many of his accomplishments for the people.

      1.  Avatar

        his accomplishments?

        i am sorry but if it was up to him he will only accomplish failure upon failure.
        if it wasn’t for all lebanese pple standing with this moron, during 2006 war, the results would have been different.

        this ungrateful thug…international and regional nation have given aid for lebanon after 2006 war which was not the fault of lebanese…..how could this irani agent lie so baltantly and ignore all the assisstence and the aid of different parties during 2006 war?

        who does he think he is? a prophet that we do not know about?
        i dunno about anyone here but this moron is looking more like pharoah la3natallah 3alayh.

        1.  Avatar

          when I said ‘his’, I meant Hariri …

          1.  Avatar

            my bad!

          2.  Avatar

            my bad!

          3.  Avatar

            my bad!

      2.  Avatar

        his accomplishments?

        i am sorry but if it was up to him he will only accomplish failure upon failure.
        if it wasn’t for all lebanese pple standing with this moron, during 2006 war, the results would have been different.

        this ungrateful thug…international and regional nation have given aid for lebanon after 2006 war which was not the fault of lebanese…..how could this irani agent lie so baltantly and ignore all the assisstence and the aid of different parties during 2006 war?

        who does he think he is? a prophet that we do not know about?
        i dunno about anyone here but this moron is looking more like pharoah la3natallah 3alayh.

  6. Fauzia45 Avatar

    And only if they had known; they said after the war !  Loss of lives ,suffering and destruction could have been avoided !!!

  7.  Avatar

    And only if they had known; they said after the war !  Loss of lives ,suffering and destruction could have been avoided !!!

  8. if you stop eating you will die, if you stop breathing you will die, if you dont poke at the hornets nest you wont die! what did you think was going to happen when you kidnap 2 israeli slodiers? i wil never forget the image of a little boy missing all his limbs because of the israeli bombing, as far as i am concerned you are equally responsible legaly and morally for robing this boy of any joy for the rest of his life further the emotional damage  you have done to his mother and familly for having to watch him helpless laying in bed.and thats what you call victory? and yet  you want to sue others for the outcome? your biggest asset is self righteousness . when i think of that boy with no limbs it makes me want to say f!~#k you and your war , martyrdom is over rated, if jordan can make peace so can lebanon. if japan and the usa can be friends so can lebanon, if germany and the us can be friends so can lebanon , lets be honest about it you are a beneficiary from being in the business of  war  just as all the previous warlords were.

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      if they have followed the formula of “the means do not justify the ends’, then martyrdom would not be a bad thing….but these pple…these pple’s actions have shown what are their intentions and their intentions are not pure therefore, these pple cannot be martyrs…these pple are thugs and martyrdom for the right cause is innocent from the likes of them.

  9. if you stop eating you will die, if you stop breathing you will die, if you dont poke at the hornets nest you wont die! what did you think was going to happen when you kidnap 2 israeli slodiers? i wil never forget the image of a little boy missing all his limbs because of the israeli bombing, as far as i am concerned you are equally responsible legaly and morally for robing this boy of any joy for the rest of his life further the emotional damage  you have done to his mother and familly for having to watch him helpless laying in bed.and thats what you call victory? and yet  you want to sue others for the outcome? your biggest asset is self righteousness . when i think of that boy with no limbs it makes me want to say f!~#k you and your war , martyrdom is over rated, if jordan can make peace so can lebanon. if japan and the usa can be friends so can lebanon, if germany and the us can be friends so can lebanon , lets be honest about it you are a beneficiary from being in the business of  war  just as all the previous warlords were.

    1.  Avatar

      if they have followed the formula of “the means do not justify the ends’, then martyrdom would not be a bad thing….but these pple…these pple’s actions have shown what are their intentions and their intentions are not our therefore, these pple cannot be martyrs…these pple are thugs and martyrdom for the right cause is innocent from the likes of them.

  10. 7akibalash Avatar

    if you push someone infront of a moving vehicle and they end up dead who is the one that is responsible? you or the vehicle driver?
    all 2006 victims should sue hizbilkhara and namely zabrallah.
    the ones responsible for all the deaths are those who start a war then run and hide in bunkers while the people get pummeled. hizbilkhara put the civilians’ lives in danger by not insuring proper bunker systems for them to hide in while hizbilkhara and Israel exchanged fire. but it wouldnt be in hizbilkhara’s interest for there to be only militant casualties now would it? they need a bullshit reason to keep their guns dont they? they used the civilians as human shields just like hammas and all other terrorist groups.
    if you still think hizbilkhara is legitimate then think about this, do legitimate soldiers wear masks over their faces?

    1. NAGDELLA Avatar

      “if you still think hizbilkhara is legitimate then think about this, do legitimate soldiers wear masks over their faces?”
      Yeah you’re right. While they’re at it, they should also unmask their names, addresses, bank details, employment history, favorite color..
      Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns.

      But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (after first Nag)
        Yes, yes … need more women in here … 😉

        (after 7akibalash)
        Sigh … don’t need more women in here … 🙁

        (after NAG ..)
        The TV ‘personality’ needed a mask? Ahhh .. efficiency with no make-up … but wait … now you are talking ‘law-enforcement’ guy … perhaps some woman would have recognized him from a ‘house call’ … there’s a reason for everything … a woman should know …

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (after first Nag)
        Yes, yes … need more women in here … 😉

        (after 7akibalash)
        Sigh … don’t need more women in here … 🙁

        (after NAG ..)
        The TV ‘personality’ needed a mask? Ahhh .. efficiency with no make-up … but wait … now you are talking ‘law-enforcement’ guy … perhaps some woman would have recognized him from a ‘house call’ … there’s a reason for everything … a woman should know …

      3. 7akibalash Avatar

        wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. you honestly dont think that you actually made a legitimate argument here? do you?

        “Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns.” <<<< wow so all the lebanese are traitors and that's the reason hizbilkhara wears masks… yeah that makes alot of sense …NOT.

        hizbilkhara can only exist in an environment of fear, if they dont keep the fear mongering going their legitemacy with morons like you would discipate… God gave you a brain .. use it sometimes 😉

        "But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper"
        and 4 dollars gets you a cup of cappuccino at starbucks.

        1. NAGDELLA Avatar

          “wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. “
          It’s your premature mind that fails to grasp the principle at hand. What makes any military organization efficient and the front runner in warfare is secrecy. Anyone with half a brain knows this. The Lebanese law enforcement rep showcasing the Israeli spy gear that was discovered was wearing a mask. Do you see the common denominator? Everyone acknowledged the Israeli infiltrations in all sectors of Lebanon. They didn’t assign them to retrieve some of Ahmad Fatfats’ juicy tea did they?
          It doesn’t surprise me that you know the menu pricing at starbucks. After all, they are proud sponsors of the IDF!

      4. 7akibalash Avatar

        wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. you honestly dont think that you actually made a legitimate argument here? do you?

        “Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns.” <<<< wow so all the lebanese are traitors and that's the reason hizbilkhara wears masks… yeah that makes alot of sense …NOT.

        hizbilkhara can only exist in an environment of fear, if they dont keep the fear mongering going their legitemacy with morons like you would discipate… God gave you a brain .. use it sometimes 😉

        "But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper"
        and 4 dollars gets you a cup of cappuccino at starbucks.

        1. NAGDELLA Avatar

          “wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. “
          It’s your premature mind that fails to grasp the principle at hand. What makes any military organization efficient and the front runner in warfare is secrecy. Anyone with half a brain knows this. The Lebanese law enforcement rep showcasing the Israeli spy gear that was discovered was wearing a mask. Do you see the common denominator? Everyone acknowledged the Israeli infiltrations in all sectors of Lebanon. They didn’t assign them to retrieve some of Ahmad Fatfats’ juicy tea did they?
          It doesn’t surprise me that you know the menu pricing at starbucks. After all, they are proud sponsors of the IDF!

      5. 7akibalash Avatar

        “It’s your premature mind that fails to grasp the principle at hand”  how come you dont grasp the fact that israel is of no threat to lebanon unless lebanon allows rogue groups to operate under it’s watchull eye and attack israel from within  kind of like what happened in 2006 and back in 82 when they came in to take out the plo. in which case if israel was allowing rogue groups to operate under its watch and attack lebanon with rockets almost on a daily basis wouldnt lebanon have the right to send troops to take out those terrorists? why are the arabs allowed to terrorize Israel and in your eyes Israel isnt allowed to respond? do you see your hypocrisy? your war lord zabrallah has to keep the fear going otherwise he wont have an excuse to own arms… Israel left lebanon on its own accord in 2000, and stopped the bombing in 2006 at its own accord as well… please tell me how the zabrallah gang is protecting lebanon from Israel?
        all this fear mongering soon will be exposed and the truth will shine, you cant hide the truth for too long, your war lord zabrallah is nothing but that, it is only in his interest to keep the lebanese frightened from the “zionist bou3bou3” we know you used to do it to your kids about Bachir el Gemayel, you had your children crapping their pants at the mention of his name.
        bunch of brainwashed donkeys you are…. and easily brainwashed at that..

      6. 7akibalash Avatar

        hey btw, wanna boycott Israel? how about starting by burning your computer? 😀
        and your cell phone too cant, support the zionists you know 😀

    2. master09 Avatar

      Come on 7akibalash HA does nothing they are good people they are the resistance God made them his party lol.
      This group uses children and women to hide behind and to some people thats ok, but remember to these people women are not humans . They are taking over Lebanon but thats Ok as well, people get thier camera smashed because they are taking family snaps but Ha say you can’t take pictures in your own country ,because you are an Isreal agent all Lebanese are now Isreal agents, LOL
      What a joke but I love this jokers comments below by nagdalla.

      Yeah you’re right. While they’re at it, they should also unmask their names, addresses, bank details, employment history, favorite color.. Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns. But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper!

    3. antar2011 Avatar

      >>>>”if you push someone infront of a moving vehicle and they end up dead who is the one that is responsible?”<<<<<

      this man would answer you, the responsibility falls upon the next door neighbour whose grandfather happened to be the son of a jewish woman who happened to watch the incident unfolds…oh and their anscestors 500 years ago have their roots in amercia!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        ah yes … seems reasonable … 😉

      2. 7akibalash Avatar

        ” the responsibility falls upon the next door neighbour whose grandfather happened to be the son of a jewish woman who happened to watch the incident unfolds…oh and their anscestors 500 years ago have their roots in amercia” 

        A+++ for your answer, I didnt think anyone would get it right, you amazed me, you must have graduated from al manar university


        1. antar2011 Avatar

          what? you mean the one in tripoli?….euh….nope

  11. 7akibalash Avatar

    if you push someone infront of a moving vehicle and they end up dead who is the one that is responsible? you or the vehicle driver?
    all 2006 victims should sue hizbilkhara and namely zabrallah.
    the ones responsible for all the deaths are those who start a war then run and hide in bunkers while the people get pummeled. hizbilkhara put the civilians’ lives in danger by not insuring proper bunker systems for them to hide in while hizbilkhara and Israel exchanged fire. but it wouldnt be in hizbilkhara’s interest for there to be only militant casualties now would it? they need a bullshit reason to keep their guns dont they? they used the civilians as human shields just like hammas and all other terrorist groups.
    if you still think hizbilkhara is legitimate then think about this, do legitimate soldiers wear masks over their faces?

  12.  Avatar

    if you push someone infront of a moving vehicle and they end up dead who is the one that is responsible? you or the vehicle driver?
    all 2006 victims should sue hizbilkhara and namely zabrallah.
    the ones responsible for all the deaths are those who start a war then run and hide in bunkers while the people get pummeled. hizbilkhara put the civilians’ lives in danger by not insuring proper bunker systems for them to hide in while hizbilkhara and Israel exchanged fire. but it wouldnt be in hizbilkhara’s interest for there to be only militant casualties now would it? they need a bullshit reason to keep their guns dont they? they used the civilians as human shields just like hammas and all other terrorist groups.
    if you still think hizbilkhara is legitimate then think about this, do legitimate soldiers wear masks over their faces?

    1.  Avatar

      “if you still think hizbilkhara is legitimate then think about this, do legitimate soldiers wear masks over their faces?”
      Yeah you’re right. While they’re at it, they should also unmask their names, addresses, bank details, employment history, favorite color..
      Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns.

      But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper!

      1.  Avatar

        Yes, yes … need more women in here … 😉

      2.  Avatar

        wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. you honestly dont think that you actually made a legitimate argument here? do you?

        “Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns.” <<<< wow so all the lebanese are traitors and that's the reason hizbilkhara wears masks… yeah that makes alot of sense …NOT.

        hizbilkhara can only exist in an environment of fear, if they dont keep the fear mongering going their legitemacy with morons like you would discipate… God gave you a brain .. use it sometimes 😉

        "But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper"
        and 4 dollars gets you a cup of cappuccino at starbucks.

        1.  Avatar

          “wth planet are you on? how would you like to get pulled over by a guy wearing a mask? not even the nazzis wore masks…. look how stupid you are, you try and equate showing one’s face with bank details/employment history/favorite color….. “
          It’s your premature mind that fails to grasp the principle at hand. What makes any military organization efficient and the front runner in warfare is secrecy. Anyone with half a brain knows this. The Lebanese law enforcement rep showcasing the Israeli spy gear that was discovered was wearing a mask. Do you see the common denominator? Everyone acknowledged the Israeli infiltrations in all sectors of Lebanon. They didn’t assign them to retrieve some of Ahmad Fatfats’ juicy tea did they?
          It doesn’t surprise me that you know the menu pricing at starbucks. After all, they are proud sponsors of the IDF!

      3.  Avatar

        “It’s your premature mind that fails to grasp the principle at hand”  how come you dont grasp the fact that israel is of no threat to lebanon unless lebanon allows rogue groups to operate under it’s watchull eye and attack israel from within  kind of like what happened in 2006 and back in 82 when they came in to take out the plo. in which case if israel was allowing rogue groups to operate under its watch and attack lebanon with rockets almost on a daily basis wouldnt lebanon have the right to send troops to take out those terrorists? why are the arabs allowed to terrorize Israel and in your eyes Israel isnt allowed to respond? do you see your hypocrisy? your war lord zabrallah has to keep the fear going otherwise he wont have an excuse to own arms… Israel left lebanon on its own accord in 2000, and stopped the bombing in 2006 at its own accord as well… please tell me how the zabrallah gang is protecting lebanon from Israel?
        all this fear mongering soon will be exposed and the truth will shine, you cant hide the truth for too long, your war lord zabrallah is nothing but that, it is only in his interest to keep the lebanese frightened from the “zionist bou3bou3” we know you used to do it to your kids about Bachir el Gemayel, you had your children crapping their pants at the mention of his name.
        bunch of brainwashed donkeys you are…. and easily brainwashed at that..

      4.  Avatar

        hey btw, wanna boycott Israel? how about starting by burning your computer? 😀
        and your cell phone too cant, support the zionists you know 😀

    2.  Avatar

      Come on 7akibalash HA does nothing they are good people they are the resistance God made them his party lol.
      This group uses children and women to hide behind and to some people thats ok, but remember to these people women are not humans . They are taking over Lebanon but thats Ok as well, people get thier camera smashed because they are taking family snaps but Ha say you can’t take pictures in your own country ,because you are an Isreal agent all Lebanese are now Isreal agents, LOL
      What a joke but I love this jokers comments below by nagdalla.

      Yeah you’re right. While they’re at it, they should also unmask their names, addresses, bank details, employment history, favorite color.. Legitimate soldiers wouldn’t need to wear masks if the glorious national army wasn’t infested with Israeli pawns. But you’re right, talk is cheap. Ignorance is even cheaper!

    3.  Avatar

      >>>>”if you push someone infront of a moving vehicle and they end up dead who is the one that is responsible?”<<<<<

      this man would answer you, the responsibility falls upon the next door neighbour whose grandfather happened to be the son of a jewish woman who happened to watch the incident unfolds…oh and their anscestors 500 years ago have their roots in amercia!

      1.  Avatar

        ah yes … seems reasonable … 😉

      2.  Avatar

        ” the responsibility falls upon the next door neighbour whose grandfather happened to be the son of a jewish woman who happened to watch the incident unfolds…oh and their anscestors 500 years ago have their roots in amercia” 

        A+++ for your answer, I didnt think anyone would get it right, you amazed me, you must have graduated from al manar university


        1.  Avatar

          what? you mean the one in tripoli?….euh….nope

  13. Lebman12 Avatar

    Every victim should spit on your faces before dying, it is yet another %#@^&- ing game of yours to push Lebanese against Lebanon, or Lebanese against Lebanese, 7akibalash is correct, you are hizbilkhara,

  14. Lebman12 Avatar

    Every victim should spit on your faces before dying, it is yet another %#@^&- ing game of yours to push Lebanese against Lebanon, or Lebanese against Lebanese, 7akibalash is correct, you are hizbilkhara,

  15.  Avatar

    Every victim should spit on your faces before dying, it is yet another %#@^&- ing game of yours to push Lebanese against Lebanon, or Lebanese against Lebanese, 7akibalash is correct, you are hizbilkhara,

  16. dm9076 Avatar

    I tell you there are so many Lebanese who are going to sue Lebanon for not having you (ha) locked up in jail back then.

  17.  Avatar

    I tell you there are so many Lebanese who are going to sue Lebanon for not having you (ha) locked up in jail back then.

    1. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah should be charged by Lebanon with crimes against the state, for STARTING the war in the first place. HE is responsible for every single death,and every single dollar’s worth of destruction to your country. Punishable by execution. Period.

      1. 7akibalash Avatar

        zabrallah should be hung by his genitles from the wall of the palace of b3abda for the whole country to see

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          No,no … gentlemen please … we are in modern ‘politically correct’ times … and, being a politician, he would get a slightly larger more comfortable cell … for life.
          Hmmm … maybe fish on Fridays …

    2. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah should be charged by Lebanon with crimes against the state, for STARTING the war in the first place. HE is responsible for every single death,and every single dollar’s worth of destruction to your country. Punishable by execution. Period.

    1. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah should be charged by Lebanon with crimes against the state, for STARTING the war in the first place. HE is responsible for every single death,and every single dollar’s worth of destruction to your country. Punishable by execution. Period.

      1.  Avatar

        zabrallah should be hung by his genitles from the wall of the palace of b3abda for the whole country to see

        1.  Avatar

          No,no … gentlemen please … we are in modern ‘politically correct’ times … and, being a politician, he would get a slightly larger more comfortable cell … for life.
          Hmmm … maybe fish on Fridays …

  18. Leborigine Avatar

    So nawaf, I can sue aoun for killing a few of my cousins for serving him in the liberation war in 1989??
    I can also sue HA for not protecting me against the syrians from 1990 to 2005??!!
    Can I also sue the French and the British for creating the state of israel in 1947, thus creating the PLO, who came in to Lebanon and started murdering us?
    I would also like to sue Philo Farnsworth for inventing the television and causing my eyesight to deteriate!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Like it … 🙂

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Like it … 🙂

  19.  Avatar

    So nawaf, I can sue aoun for killing a few of my cousins for serving him in the liberation war in 1989??
    I can also sue HA for not protecting me against the syrians from 1990 to 2005??!!
    Can I also sue the French and the British for creating the state of israel in 1947, thus creating the PLO, who came in to Lebanon and started murdering us?
    I would also like to sue Philo Farnsworth for inventing the television and causing my eyesight to deteriate!

    1.  Avatar

      Like it … 🙂

  20. the stl is not going to show only who killed hariri but who is been doing the killing in lebanon since 1975 and guess who this group is ? well mousawi if nasrallah and his thieves did not started the 2006 would not happen the sayyed did admit himself by say ( if i know i would not kidnap the soldiers ) so start file go on plus if you thing with your silly few thousands idiots going to fight the word go on show us what can you do and lets hope you will make the same mistake this time like 2006 they are ready for you smart ass and they want you so badly if you are man enough yo and the underground rat do something plus thid time you not going to find any lebanese home welcoming you traitors syrian ass lickers

  21. the stl is not going to show only who killed hariri but who is been doing the killing in lebanon since 1975 and guess who this group is ? well mousawi if nasrallah and his thieves did not started the 2006 would not happen the sayyed did admit himself by say ( if i know i would not kidnap the soldiers ) so start file go on plus if you thing with your silly few thousands idiots going to fight the word go on show us what can you do and lets hope you will make the same mistake this time like 2006 they are ready for you smart ass and they want you so badly if you are man enough yo and the underground rat do something plus thid time you not going to find any lebanese home welcoming you traitors syrian ass lickers

  22. kindman242 Avatar

    To hell with you Mousawi and Hizbollah. You are nothing but a bastard and full of lies and shit . Justice will be served you bastard against who carried out the mureder of Rafiq Hariri, and victims of 2006 war should sue you and Hizbollah for casuing this war and the destruction that brough on Lebanon . You bastrad you will pay , dogs for Iran , Hizbollah will pay , Allah willing.

  23.  Avatar

    To hell with you Mousawi and Hizbollah. You are nothing but a bastard and full of lies and shit . Justice will be served you bastard against who carried out the mureder of Rafiq Hariri, and victims of 2006 war should sue you and Hizbollah for casuing this war and the destruction that brough on Lebanon . You bastrad you will pay , dogs for Iran , Hizbollah will pay , Allah willing.

  24. josephphdman Avatar

    hezbollah is to be blamed for all those destruction of lebaneese land and the the loss of lebannese lives ,because they were the cause of an a unjustifiedwar , when they have acted alone without permission of the lebaneese state and approval of the lebaneese governement, they have acted illegally and irresponssibly ,and crossing another state and kidnapping 2 soldiers triggerring retaliation
    the lebaneese people should hold ha responsible and iran for all the losses   inflicted on lebanonbecause iran gave those orders to ha

  25.  Avatar

    hezbollah is to be blamed for all those destruction of lebaneese land and the the loss of lebannese lives ,because they were the cause of an a unjustifiedwar , when they have acted alone without permission of the lebaneese state and approval of the lebaneese governement, they have acted illegally and irresponssibly ,and crossing another state and kidnapping 2 soldiers triggerring retaliation
    the lebaneese people should hold ha responsible and iran for all the losses   inflicted on lebanonbecause iran gave those orders to ha

  26. shankarees Avatar

    The appropriate persons to sue are the instigators of the 2006 war i.e. Hassan Nasrallah and his gang of terrorists not Lebanon!

  27.  Avatar

    The appropriate persons to sue are the instigators of the 2006 war i.e. Hassan Nasrallah and his gang of terrorists not Lebanon!

  28. Zaatar Avatar

    Lebanese should sue Nasrallah for inciting the 2006 war, for the incident of 2008, for the camps, ,for being obnoxious and delusional, for the aggravation everytime he speaks.  Plus sue his mother for all of the above and for not teaching him any common sense.  Honestly, when will the Lebanese say enough is enough?

  29.  Avatar

    Lebanese should sue Nasrallah for inciting the 2006 war, for the incident of 2008, for the camps, ,for being obnoxious and delusional, for the aggravation everytime he speaks.  Plus sue his mother for all of the above and for not teaching him any common sense.  Honestly, when will the Lebanese say enough is enough?

  30. LubnanAwalan Avatar

    Is that a joke ???, Hezbollah provoked the 2006 war and want us to pay the bills of destruction he was the trigger for, what else Mr. Nassrallah,, you better look in the pocked who ever gave you the orders ,, was your Iranian Mullahs or the Dictator of Damascus   

  31.  Avatar

    Is that a joke ???, Hezbollah provoked the 2006 war and want us to pay the bills of destruction he was the trigger for, what else Mr. Nassrallah,, you better look in the pocked who ever gave you the orders ,, was your Iranian Mullahs or the Dictator of Damascus   

  32. LubnanAwalan Avatar

    Is that a joke ???, Hezbollah provoked the 2006 war and want us to pay
    the bills of destruction he was the trigger for, what else Mr.
    Nassrallah,, you better look in the pockets who ever gave you the orders
    ,, was your Iranian Mullahs or the Dictator of Damascus

  33.  Avatar

    Is that a joke ???, Hezbollah provoked the 2006 war and want us to pay
    the bills of destruction he was the trigger for, what else Mr.
    Nassrallah,, you better look in the pockets who ever gave you the orders
    ,, was your Iranian Mullahs or the Dictator of Damascus

  34. 316909 Avatar

    It may be a good Idea. Lets shoot all the spies and sue the organization they belong to.

    1. Wahab and his body gauard.
    2. General Karam.
    3. the group of Sr. HA members found a few weeks ago.

    P.S when Wiki leaks mentions HA or its supporters they says “its all lies” and when they mention others they say “see they are spies”. You guys are so stupid, your followers are stupid poor brain washed people and I cant wait to see how you end up.

    The STL type U.N court bought Yugoslavia down and multiple countries before that starting with hitler. A court like the STL has never been setup without it ending with the accused as losers. Unless youre stronger than Yugoslavia I would seriously be looking at real estate in Iran so you can all hide once it starts. The accused all did the same thing HA is doing but it always ended the same way…. 

  35.  Avatar

    It may be a good Idea. Lets shoot all the spies and sue the organization they belong to.

    1. Wahab and his body gauard.
    2. General Karam.
    3. the group of Sr. HA members found a few weeks ago.

    P.S when Wiki leaks mentions HA or its supporters they says “its all lies” and when they mention others they say “see they are spies”. You guys are so stupid, your followers are stupid poor brain washed people and I cant wait to see how you end up.

    The STL type U.N court bought Yugoslavia down and multiple countries before that starting with hitler. A court like the STL has never been setup without it ending with the accused as losers. Unless youre stronger than Yugoslavia I would seriously be looking at real estate in Iran so you can all hide once it starts. The accused all did the same thing HA is doing but it always ended the same way…. 

  36. Constantin7 Avatar

    Everyone who suffered injury and damage should rather sue HA who caused that war and all this damage, death and handicaps. Nasrallah in any other civilized country would have been in jail for life since a long time. This party that has nothing to do with God and every thing to do with: Killing, murdering, stealing, threatening, intimidating and causing rift, division and destruction in the society….all features of the devil itself….and they dare to call themselves party of God. Your time is coming and soon. The minute the Syrian regime on which you depend falls, HA is finished. The clock is ticking…….SANARA, SANARA MEEN RAH YENHAR…lol

  37.  Avatar

    Everyone who suffered injury and damage should rather sue HA who caused that war and all this damage, death and handicaps. Nasrallah in any other civilized country would have been in jail for life since a long time. This party that has nothing to do with God and every thing to do with: Killing, murdering, stealing, threatening, intimidating and causing rift, division and destruction in the society….all features of the devil itself….and they dare to call themselves party of God. Your time is coming and soon. The minute the Syrian regime on which you depend falls, HA is finished. The clock is ticking…….SANARA, SANARA MEEN RAH YENHAR…lol

  38. leobetapar Avatar

    this guy is great and clever

  39.  Avatar

    this guy is great and clever

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