Kabbara: Iran is strange, should Leave Lebanon, Arabs alone


March 14 MP Mohammad kabbara responded to the statements by the Iranian foreign ministry during his meeting with his visitors at his office in Tripoli, by saying:

“Iran is strange .. we asked them to stop interfering in the internal affairs of our country and the other Arab neighboring countries and they respond by confirming their interference and trying to lecture us on how to deal with our own people.” He said “Iran’s arrogance in asserting its interference in our affairs is lie the arrogance of Hezbollah when it called its May 7, 2008 attacks against the innocent Lebanese women and children as a glorious day.”

“We told Iran not to interfere in our own affairs and that we don’t want to become an Iranian protectorate , they responded by accusing us of serving the American -Israeli axis . Let me say this to whoever is willing to listen and understand in Iran and elsewhere…. we don’t want anything from anyone…all we are asking for is leave us alone and don’t interference in our internal affairs . We do not antagonize anyone except those that attack us. We antagonize Israel and all those who attack us and point their weapon to our sovereignty, independence and the Arab identity of Lebanon. ”

He said “our allegiance is to Lebanon, not to Iran, not to Israel nor the United States ..Iran should understand too that we are not Persians… we are Arabs. If Iran want to settle accounts with Israel and the United States let it do it on its own soil with its own people , its own arms ….not in Lebanon at Lebanon’s expense ”

He criticized the way the Iranian regime dealt with the the protesters against the regime. Was that an example on how to deal with the people who demand freedom and democracy? He asked.



26 responses to “Kabbara: Iran is strange, should Leave Lebanon, Arabs alone”

  1. eblashko Avatar

    Good to to know that we here in Israel are not the only ones with Iran troubles. It seems like everything they touch turns to shit.

    Who knows… maybe one day Lebanon, Israel, a free Palestine, and a free Syria will be able to finally kick the Persians out of the Levant and we can sleep easy without having to worry about them instigating wars between us Semitic cousins.

    Or else, they will turn the entire Levant, or even the entire Middle East and the Gulf, into a huge Shiite Gaza which serves Persian nuclear masters.

    1. jshemir Avatar

      Lets remember if there was no Iran, Jews would be still wondering (read your book) and if there were no Hezbolah, an occupying force called Israel had annexed Lebanon by now (remember who kidded the Israelis out only few years back) Look what Israel has done with Palesatian so far against all international rule of law, the crime commited against them killing men, women, children, young, old, distroying their houses, stealing their land , garden,farming lands in daylight time in front of the whole world….then you say you can be friend with Lebanon and or people of palestaine, ..this would be a friendship of hyenas and dead…

      1. george_shalhoub Avatar

        Jshemir I am sure many Lebanese would not object to Hezbollah if they’re purpose was only to liberate Lebanon.
        But we all know yet you supporters of Hezbollah seem to ignore how many killings of Lebanese at the hands of Hezbollah after the war ended. How many attacks on Lebanese beside the sit-in in downtown Beirut and ruined the economy in lebanon for 2 years. Not only to their stupid decision to attack and kidnap Israel Soldiers to free their beloved terrorists Samir Qantar.. Every time we remind you of it, you try to remind us that Hezbollah freed us from Israel. we tell you we don’t mind at all the arming against Israel but you keep attacking Lebanese and bring Iran and Syria into the mix so they control us further and make our lives hell. Until you free yourself from Iran and Syria then Lebanon is not free from occupations. We the free People of Lebanon are tired of Hezbollah, Syria and Iran and want you and them out of Lebanon. we can deal with the Israelis with more peaceful way. Go to hell all of you Hezbollah and their supporters..

  2.  Avatar

    Good to to know that we here in Israel are not the only ones with Iran troubles. It seems like everything they touch turns to shit.

    Who knows… maybe one day Lebanon, Israel, a free Palestine, and a free Syria will be able to finally kick the Persians out of the Levant and we can sleep easy without having to worry about them instigating wars between us Semitic cousins.

    Or else, they will turn the entire Levant, or even the entire Middle East and the Gulf, into a huge Shiite Gaza which serves Persian nuclear masters.

    1.  Avatar

      Lets remember if there was no Iran, Jews would be still wondering (read your book) and if there were no Hezbolah, an occupying force called Israel had annexed Lebanon by now (remember who kidded the Israelis out only few years back) Look what Israel has done with Palesatian so far against all international rule of law, the crime commited against them killing men, women, children, young, old, distroying their houses, stealing their land , garden,farming lands in daylight time in front of the whole world….then you say you can be friend with Lebanon and or people of palestaine, ..this would be a friendship of hyenas and dead…

      1.  Avatar

        Jshemir I am sure many Lebanese would not object to Hezbollah if they’re purpose was only to liberate Lebanon.
        But we all know yet you supporters of Hezbollah seem to ignore how many killings of Lebanese at the hands of Hezbollah after the war ended. How many attacks on Lebanese beside the sit-in in downtown Beirut and ruined the economy in lebanon for 2 years. Not only to their stupid decision to attack and kidnap Israel Soldiers to free their beloved terrorists Samir Qantar.. Every time we remind you of it, you try to remind us that Hezbollah freed us from Israel. we tell you we don’t mind at all the arming against Israel but you keep attacking Lebanese and bring Iran and Syria into the mix so they control us further and make our lives hell. Until you free yourself from Iran and Syria then Lebanon is not free from occupations. We the free People of Lebanon are tired of Hezbollah, Syria and Iran and want you and them out of Lebanon. we can deal with the Israelis with more peaceful way. Go to hell all of you Hezbollah and their supporters..

  3. So Eblashko start a movement peaceful that is to pressure your right wing stubborn and blind PM Nathanyahu to start thinking outside the box and not to think that God gave the land to Israelis forever I have a good Jewish friend with PHD in sciennce, he said “of course in Torah is written that this land belongs to Israel and Jews are Gods favorite people,Torah written by Jews was not going to say God gave the land to Phillistinians of that time,” so those Sephardic Jews have to look beyond The Torah.

    1. eblashko Avatar

      Rafic, like it or not, Israel is a democracy, and this right wing government won the election fair and square (only by a little bit, but they still won). The voters were discouraged because the government before this one, Olmert’s Government, the Kadima government, was a Peace government, and although between 2005 and 2008 we pursued peace very strongly, evacuated from Gaza, made concessions on Jerusalem, everything, we still got nothing but Iranian rockets, either from Hezbollah or Hamas.

      However, Israelis are quite a fickle people. No government has ever made it to the end of its term. Opinions change, coalitions change. And especially in light of the events in Egypt and the rest of the Arab Spring, I don’t think people are willing to keep the status quo going. Indeed, according to the recent polls, if elections were held today, a right wing government would not be formed. I’m telling you, the average Israeli is far more interested in peace than in land. The problem is that we don’t think there is anyone on the other side who wants peace. Our withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza taught us that if you give up land, you only get rockets. And now in Egypt, we here calls for the peace treaty to be annulled and for them to start a new war with us. So looks like pulling out of Sinai in 1979 might have been a mistake also. If you want the average Israeli to vote for peace, then you have to give us a reason to trust you. The Saudi peace plan of 2002 was a good start. But we need more. We need an Arab leader like Sadat, who will say, “Jews, if you give up some land, we won’t be you enemies anymore, and we will become your brothers and we will live in peace.” You see, we have this complex that we think everyone wants to kill us. You can’t blame us. It’s been that way since the birth of our nation 3,000 years ago.

      The average Israeli is not like the one you describe above. There are a lot like that, and they have a lot of kids, so in the future unfortunately there will be a lot more, but as of right now thankfully, they are in the minority. Zionism started as a secular movement, a nationalist movement, not a religious one. I’m not here because God promised me, or my people this land. That’s bullshit. If God really did promise me land, then why would he put the Palestinians here in the first place. No no, I’m not here because of God. I don’t even believe in him. And, at least for now, most Israelis are secular and they think like me. I’m here because this is the land of my ancestors, and the only place where my people have ever had a home of our own. We were kicked from place to place, from country to country, and now that we’ve reclaimed our dignity after 2,000 years of humiliating forced diaspora, we are not going to be so quick to be kicked out again.

      And Rafic, before you tell me about how we kicked Palestinian refugees out and this and that, let me tell you that my family comes from Morocco. My grandparents wanted to stay, but in the 50’s, when they got independence from France, the Arabs kicked them out to Israel too, just like in the rest of the Arab world, and over 1 million Jewish refugees became Zionists overnight by the hand of the Arabs. So before you get angry at the Sephardic Jew like you did above, remember who put him in Israel in the first place.

      1. My million $ question to you is Israel better off now then 40-50 years ago also if you remember what PM Golda Meyer said then “There is no Palestinian question!”

        1. eblashko Avatar

          40-50 years ago there was also no settlements question or occupation question… but there was still no peace.

          In 1966, a year before the “occupation” started, Hafez Al Assad said “We shall never call for, nor accept peace. We shall only accept war and the restoration of the usurped land [i.e., Israel proper]. We have resolved to drench this land with our blood, to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.”

          To answer your question, I do think we are better off now, with the strategic Golan Heights, than we were then. Back then, Syria used to shell innocent Jewish farmers and fishermen from up there all the time (including my girlfriend’s father’s best friend). I think the best solution would be to give it up for peace, and I’d be happy to do it, but we won’t give it back for free just so they can rain bullets and missiles on us again like in the 40’s and 50’s.

          And Assad saying he’ll make peace on one hand, while arming Hezbollah terrorists on the other, is no peace at all. Like they say… Assad will fight for the Golan until the last Lebanese, and if that doesn’t work, until the last Palestinian. Hopefully this Arab Spring will oust prince Assad once and for all, and there will be a responsible Syrian leadership who is willing to leave Israel and Lebanon alone, cut their ties with Iran and Hezbollah, and live in peace. If they do these things, we will be happy to give them the Golan for peace.

  4.  Avatar

    So Eblashko start a movement peaceful that is to pressure your right wing stubborn and blind PM Nathanyahu to start thinking outside the box and not to think that God gave the land to Israelis forever I have a good Jewish friend with PHD in sciennce, he said “of course in Torah is written that this land belongs to Israel and Jews are Gods favorite people,Torah written by Jews was not going to say God gave the land to Phillistinians of that time,” so those Sephardic Jews have to look beyond The Torah.

    1.  Avatar

      Rafic, like it or not, Israel is a democracy, and this right wing government won the election fair and square (only by a little bit, but they still won). The voters were discouraged because the government before this one, Olmert’s Government, the Kadima government, was a Peace government, and although between 2005 and 2008 we pursued peace very strongly, evacuated from Gaza, made concessions on Jerusalem, everything, we still got nothing but Iranian rockets, either from Hezbollah or Hamas.

      However, Israelis are quite a fickle people. No government has ever made it to the end of its term. Opinions change, coalitions change. And especially in light of the events in Egypt and the rest of the Arab Spring, I don’t think people are willing to keep the status quo going. Indeed, according to the recent polls, if elections were held today, a right wing government would not be formed. I’m telling you, the average Israeli is far more interested in peace than in land. The problem is that we don’t think there is anyone on the other side who wants peace. Our withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza taught us that if you give up land, you only get rockets. And now in Egypt, we here calls for the peace treaty to be annulled and for them to start a new war with us. So looks like pulling out of Sinai in 1979 might have been a mistake also. If you want the average Israeli to vote for peace, then you have to give us a reason to trust you. The Saudi peace plan of 2002 was a good start. But we need more. We need an Arab leader like Sadat, who will say, “Jews, if you give up some land, we won’t be you enemies anymore, and we will become your brothers and we will live in peace.” You see, we have this complex that we think everyone wants to kill us. You can’t blame us. It’s been that way since the birth of our nation 3,000 years ago.

      The average Israeli is not like the one you describe above. There are a lot like that, and they have a lot of kids, so in the future unfortunately there will be a lot more, but as of right now thankfully, they are in the minority. Zionism started as a secular movement, a nationalist movement, not a religious one. I’m not here because God promised me, or my people this land. That’s bullshit. If God really did promise me land, then why would he put the Palestinians here in the first place. No no, I’m not here because of God. I don’t even believe in him. And, at least for now, most Israelis are secular and they think like me. I’m here because this is the land of my ancestors, and the only place where my people have ever had a home of our own. We were kicked from place to place, from country to country, and now that we’ve reclaimed our dignity after 2,000 years of humiliating forced diaspora, we are not going to be so quick to be kicked out again.

      And Rafic, before you tell me about how we kicked Palestinian refugees out and this and that, let me tell you that my family comes from Morocco. My grandparents wanted to stay, but in the 50’s, when they got independence from France, the Arabs kicked them out to Israel too, just like in the rest of the Arab world, and over 1 million Jewish refugees became Zionists overnight by the hand of the Arabs. So before you get angry at the Sephardic Jew like you did above, remember who put him in Israel in the first place.

      1.  Avatar

        My million $ question to you is Israel better off now then 40-50 years ago also if you remember what PM Golda Meyer said then “There is no Palestinian question!”

        1.  Avatar

          40-50 years ago there was also no settlements question or occupation question… but there was still no peace.

          In 1966, a year before the “occupation” started, Hafez Al Assad said “We shall never call for, nor accept peace. We shall only accept war and the restoration of the usurped land [i.e., Israel proper]. We have resolved to drench this land with our blood, to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.”

          To answer your question, I do think we are better off now, with the strategic Golan Heights, than we were then. Back then, Syria used to shell innocent Jewish farmers and fishermen from up there all the time (including my girlfriend’s father’s best friend). I think the best solution would be to give it up for peace, and I’d be happy to do it, but we won’t give it back for free just so they can rain bullets and missiles on us again like in the 40’s and 50’s.

          And Assad saying he’ll make peace on one hand, while arming Hezbollah terrorists on the other, is no peace at all. Like they say… Assad will fight for the Golan until the last Lebanese, and if that doesn’t work, until the last Palestinian. Hopefully this Arab Spring will oust prince Assad once and for all, and there will be a responsible Syrian leadership who is willing to leave Israel and Lebanon alone, cut their ties with Iran and Hezbollah, and live in peace. If they do these things, we will be happy to give them the Golan for peace.

  5. We need a desperate solution now, this can not go on,lots of people had to emigrate and i could not go back because of the nonstability in Lebanon and Middle East, if you replace people from there homes they will react thus causing problems the Jewish problem became an Arab problem and a World problem, you need people like Sadat on Israeli part to come up with peace, I am not blaming this or that but seems like Israel like to have his cake and eat it too, and it is not working ,we have one life to live and this is not sustainable.

  6.  Avatar

    We need a desperate solution now, this can not go on,lots of people had to emigrate and i could not go back because of the nonstability in Lebanon and Middle East, if you replace people from there homes they will react thus causing problems the Jewish problem became an Arab problem and a World problem, you need people like Sadat on Israeli part to come up with peace, I am not blaming this or that but seems like Israel like to have his cake and eat it too, and it is not working ,we have one life to live and this is not sustainable.

  7. Isn’t it amazing how easily the people who demand freedom and democracy are being dismissed, and killed when inconvenient?…. Nothing new unfortunately! But After all, we believe the Middle East Dictator Mockeries of human right, are just where; the Dinosaurs met their end ” THE BEGINNING OF THE END ”

  8. Isn’t it amazing how easily the people who demand freedom and democracy are being dismissed, and killed when inconvenient?…. Nothing new unfortunately! But After all, we believe the Middle East Dictator Mockeries of human right, are just where; the Dinosaurs met their end ” THE BEGINNING OF THE END ”

  9. Isn’t it amazing how easily the people who demand freedom and democracy are being dismissed, and killed when inconvenient?…. Nothing new unfortunately! But After all, we believe the Middle East Dictator Mockeries of human right, are just where; the Dinosaurs met their end ” THE BEGINNING OF THE END ”

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