MP Sakr: Hezbollah will be hurt most by Lebanon sedition


March 14 MP Okab Sakr said in an interview with Al-Arabiya television on Sunday that the sedition and the collapse of the calm atmosphere in Lebanon will damage Hezbollah before any other party.

If Hezbollah carries out a military coup, its image will suffer internationally, Sakr said, adding that such an action gives Israel an excuse to regard Lebanon as another Gaza and consider it to be an Iranian satellite . “This would be a reason to strike Lebanon again,” he stressed.

“A Lebanese agreement must be reached to avoid the negative repercussions of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) indictment before it is issued,” the MP also said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that Lebanon is quickly becoming a “satellite” of Tehran . “In the last few days we have heard slurs and insults directed at Israel,” the Israeli premier told a weekly cabinet meeting

Tension escalated in Lebanon following reports that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will soon issue its indictment into the 2005 assassination of Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Last July, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the tribunal is “an Israeli project” that will indict Hezbollah members. Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind Hariri’s assassination but refused to provide the evidence to STL to support his claim.

There are concerns that should the court indict Hezbollah members, it could lead to a Shiite-Sunni strife.

Berri ruled out sedition

Hezbollah’s closest  Shiite ally,  Lebanon speaker Nabih Berri ruled out a sedition in Lebanon during an interview with Quds Al Arabi newspaper on Sunday “specially because of the the existence of 362 000 marriages between the Shiites and Sunnis, ” he stressed.

Berri however warned that Israel sees the sedition as the opportunity of a lifetime.

Berri added that Israel is counting on the indictment by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to cause a strife but stressed that as long as the Syrian-Saudi relations are ok Lebanon will be ok



10 responses to “MP Sakr: Hezbollah will be hurt most by Lebanon sedition”

  1. Lebanon will be hurt most by Hezbollah sedition Mr Sakr.

    The Lebanon constitution is still this inherited from the french colonialism time, the army is still not independant, there’s still tension with Israel.

    Don’t take it as an offense, but you’d better pray for yourself.

  2. Lebanon will be hurt most by Hezbollah sedition Mr Sakr.

    The Lebanon constitution is still this inherited from the french colonialism time, the army is still not independant, there’s still tension with Israel.

    Don’t take it as an offense, but you’d better pray for yourself.

  3. Lebanon will be hurt most by Hezbollah sedition Mr Sakr.

    The Lebanon constitution is still this inherited from the french colonialism time, the army is still not independant, there’s still tension with Israel.

    Don’t take it as an offense, but you’d better pray for yourself.

  4. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    there is sedition if the indictment came out accusing members of ha they will fly those members and hide them in iran and they will tell the lebaneese justice we ca,nt find them and the case is over you ca,nt try those members in absentee and if you do how they are going to testify who and what happened and who ordered them and what details? it will remain a question mark so nothing happen to ha
    when they can always deny that they gave order to those members and those members have defected and been working with another organization

  5. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    there is sedition if the indictment came out accusing members of ha they will fly those members and hide them in iran and they will tell the lebaneese justice we ca,nt find them and the case is over you ca,nt try those members in absentee and if you do how they are going to testify who and what happened and who ordered them and what details? it will remain a question mark so nothing happen to ha
    when they can always deny that they gave order to those members and those members have defected and been working with another organization

  6.  Avatar

    there is sedition if the indictment came out accusing members of ha they will fly those members and hide them in iran and they will tell the lebaneese justice we ca,nt find them and the case is over you ca,nt try those members in absentee and if you do how they are going to testify who and what happened and who ordered them and what details? it will remain a question mark so nothing happen to ha

    when they can always deny that they gave order to those members and those members have defected and been working with another organization

  7. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    i meant there is no sedition
    they have a way out they can still use as i mentioned in my comment

  8. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    i meant there is no sedition
    they have a way out they can still use as i mentioned in my comment

  9.  Avatar

    i meant there is no sedition

    they have a way out they can still use as i mentioned in my comment

  10.  Avatar

    i meant there is no sedition

    they have a way out they can still use as i mentioned in my comment

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