STL tells Hezbollah: Show us what you have


The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) called for the submission of all “relevant evidence related to Hariri ‘s assassination .

STL spokeswoman Fatima Issawi said the office of Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare “has always invited and continues to invite anyone who has evidence relevant to the attack against former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri to bring it to its attention.”

Bellemare “has also said that any allegation that is based on credible elements … will be carefully considered,” she added.

This comes after Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tried Monday night during a televised press conference to present evidence including footage he said came from Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) monitoring Hariri to prove that Israel was behind the assassination of Hariri

Syrian- and Iranian-backed Hezbollah is facing increasing pressure as the U.N.-backed tribunal appears set to indict several of its members.

Nasrallah has said Prime Minister Saad Hariri, son of Rafik, vowed he would publicly declare any Hezbollah members that will indicted as “rogue elements” and the party will not be indicted .

Hariri’s stance is widely viewed as an attempt to spare the country a civil war , by avoiding violence between his mainly Sunni Muslim supporters and the mainly Shiite supporters of Hezbollah .

Tribunal President Antonio Cassese has said there is no fixed date for any indictments, which “will depend on when the prosecutor determines there is enough evidence.”

STL was formed by the UN to try the killers of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri.

According to legal experts Nasrallah during his Monday presentation tried to discredit the Tribunal by sowing seeds of suspicion to completely invalidate its work.

Nasrallah’s speech is part of a well organized campaign against the STL following a report last month in the pro-Syrian newspaper Al Safir which revealed that Hezbollah members will be indicted by STL in the assassination Hariri. Hezbollah officials, Lebanese allies, Iran and Syria have been actively trying to discredit the Tribunal and portray it as a an Israeli project designed to create sectarian strife in the country.

The campaign is aimed at giving the Lebanese a choice between Justice or a repeat of the May 7 event . This refers to May 7, 2008 when Hezbollah occupied the western part of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy Mt Lebanon



14 responses to “STL tells Hezbollah: Show us what you have”

  1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    “STL tells Hezbollah: Show us what you have”

    ^Thats what she said^

  2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    “STL tells Hezbollah: Show us what you have”

    ^Thats what she said^

  3. Wake up ya loubnan Avatar
    Wake up ya loubnan

    Tribunal President Antonio Cassese has said there is no fixed date for any indictments, which “will depend on when the prosecutor determines there is enough evidence.”

    Interesting paragraph, probably would take another 5 years to have credible evidences. Wouldn’t be too late? Let’s close that chapter and move toward better since we are rich er got oil. In my opinion it’s over.

  4. Wake up ya loubnan Avatar
    Wake up ya loubnan

    Tribunal President Antonio Cassese has said there is no fixed date for any indictments, which “will depend on when the prosecutor determines there is enough evidence.”

    Interesting paragraph, probably would take another 5 years to have credible evidences. Wouldn’t be too late? Let’s close that chapter and move toward better since we are rich er got oil. In my opinion it’s over.

  5. Wake up ya loubnan Avatar
    Wake up ya loubnan

    Tribunal President Antonio Cassese has said there is no fixed date for any indictments, which “will depend on when the prosecutor determines there is enough evidence.”

    Interesting paragraph, probably would take another 5 years to have credible evidences. Wouldn’t be too late? Let’s close that chapter and move toward better since we are rich er got oil. In my opinion it’s over.

  6. Who else killed Harriri other than them?

    Otherwise why Nasrallah is getting nerves.

    SHAME ON YOU, may god cripple all who want harm to Lebanon

  7. Who else killed Harriri other than them?

    Otherwise why Nasrallah is getting nerves.

    SHAME ON YOU, may god cripple all who want harm to Lebanon

  8. Who else killed Harriri other than them?

    Otherwise why Nasrallah is getting nerves.

    SHAME ON YOU, may god cripple all who want harm to Lebanon

  9. this should add more coal to the fire.

    wake up ya loubnan i agree with you cos i said that in my previous post that this will take 5 years which is why i have always said this STL is a big waste of time and money. the money we already wasted on this could have been well spent on other things that are good for the people.

  10. this should add more coal to the fire.

    wake up ya loubnan i agree with you cos i said that in my previous post that this will take 5 years which is why i have always said this STL is a big waste of time and money. the money we already wasted on this could have been well spent on other things that are good for the people.

  11. i don;t thing its over i thing its the begining a lot of people they wan;t to know the killer real face as a lot of crimes in lebanon been bruched under the carpet lets hope this is not the case anymore

  12. i don;t thing its over i thing its the begining a lot of people they wan;t to know the killer real face as a lot of crimes in lebanon been bruched under the carpet lets hope this is not the case anymore

  13. i don;t thing its over i thing its the begining a lot of people they wan;t to know the killer real face as a lot of crimes in lebanon been bruched under the carpet lets hope this is not the case anymore

  14. i don;t thing its over i thing its the begining a lot of people they wan;t to know the killer real face as a lot of crimes in lebanon been bruched under the carpet lets hope this is not the case anymore

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