Nicolas: arrested FPM offical had no relationship with Hezbollah


Free Patriotic Movement MP Nabil Nicolas, told New TV on Thursday that FPM official and Brigadier General Fayez Karam had no relationship with Hezbollah – an ally of the FPM.

Karam who was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of collaborating with Israel has reportedly admitted that he has been spying for Israel and that he has met several Israeli officials during his trips to Europe.

Nicolas said that Karam’s arrest comes as a shock, adding, “We never had any suspicion that Karam could be collaborating with Israel.”

However, he said that the FPM will follow up on the investigation and wait for the judiciary’s verdict.

If Karam is proven guilty, he will be tried just like any other Israeli agent, Nicolas said.

Karam and General Michel Aoun went into exile in France following the defeat by the Syrian army in 1990 and both returned to lebanon following the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon in 2005 .

Karam ran for parliamentary elections in 2005 and 2009 but lost

Hezbollah which is closely associated with Aoun has been calling for the execution of all spies
