Rouhani on CNN : This is what we mean by death to America


rouhani davosDuring an interview by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to discuss the nuclear negotiations, relations with the United States, whether he believes an Israeli military strike is likely, and what he thinks should happen next in Syria, He said:

“Well, the people, when they say ‘Death to America!’ – do you know what they are really saying? What they mean to say relates to the aggressive policies of the U.S. and intervention and meddling by the U.S.,” Rouhani says. “We don’t want those to continue. We want people to decide for themselves.”

“All countries in my part of the world, we want democracy to prevail. I told the people, if you want American policies to stop, we need to take action. We need to make the US Understand that its meddling is inappropriate.”


On the 34th anniversary of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, thousands of Iranians gathered  last November 2013 outside that building to once again chant "Death to America."
On the 34th anniversary of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, thousands of Iranians gathered last November 2013 outside that building to once again chant “Death to America.”


436 responses to “Rouhani on CNN : This is what we mean by death to America”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ok, then … so, now, after 40-odd years … NOT Death to Americans, but Only to American Policy.
    Understandable, for sure.
    Now … about the ‘democracy’ decisions …..

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      “Understand that its meddling is inappropriate”

      I guess its ok for Iran to meddle in foreign affairs then, huh?

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        Countries meddle, its a known fact. Especially when national interest is at stake. Just like the KSA , Israel, Qatar, and Iran meddle in Lebanon and Syria. Just like Russia and the EU meddle in Ukraine. Lots of examples are out there. Iran is definitely not innocent when it comes to meddling.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        No, every country is ok to meddle, Iran meddling in foreign affairs is inapropriate then, huh?

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          Is it right for the people in the world to stand by and watch the Assad regime massacre the protesters in Homs? No. Action needed to be taken. Iran and HA joined the war and this is why we are where we are at now.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Warning Grafic..

            That’s the perfect example of Israeli-Western propaganda, stupid propaganda because over in the West they have no idea what’s Homs, it’s Christian country, Sister Agnes Mariam, Mother Superior of Monastery St.James in Cara, said in 2012, that 80.000 Christians were done in Homs, Christians were protected by Assad, you dare tell me this because no one here
            was exposed to realities of what was happening in 2011 in Syria, i saw
            picture of hearthbreaking screaming 4 years old litlle Shia girl, they straped
            to a fence to force her warch them kill her parents, then opened her chest with a knife took out her heart while she was alive..even cave men couldn’t
            do this., animals are more human than these people, how can they return to normal life one day? Mother Agnes took in her community children who lost parents, she wrote on the Monastery’s Website when gardener’s 12 son was kidnaped and killed. She was in contact with the Orthodox Bishops in Lebanon, eyewithness executions of Christians by foreign Islamist said; they rape women and girls chope their bodies in pieces, throw bodyparts on sreet corners, in alleys for the dogs to feed on. They kidnapped 15 old Christian girl, she was made to marry each day different men, raped each day, she
            lost her mind became mad and they killed her. Syrian priests know her story. Bishop in Lebanon warned the “rebels” were planing to kidnappe her.

            She fled Syria, went to Australia then US, tried to speake to the World,
            she was villified by Israeli press calling her the Fying Nun, in UK they refused her presence in the Syria Peace Conference, same France. Disgusting.

          2. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Let me ask, who started the violence?

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar


          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            CIA Nato Mossad were on the ground in Syria in there were in Irak, as they are in Lebanon, as they are in Egypt.
            It’s as Script. Destabilizing Expert Ambassador Robert Ford is the covert role

          5. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Is there a website for this info lol?

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A lot..i gave a small one, surely you kow Fox news, however their concerne is not the history of Ford, its only about Egypt reaction.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why don’t you google, i can’t believe how can people live in closed circuits.
            Why do Wahabias and Israel have the same hate for Mother Agnes?

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            There he is with Libyan terrorists and his team on McCain rigth side

          9. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Those arent terrorists. Those are the average Libyans thankful that the US helped overthrow a dictatorship. Not everyone with a beard is a terrorist. Stop stereotyping lol.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Libyans are as thankfull as Irak, wherever you see Ambassador Ford, death
            and destruction follows. “Liberated” Libya, is a killing field as “liberated” Irak,
            now its the the kiss of death to “liberate” Syria.

            McCain went to Syria in 2012 to meet terrorists funded by the US, he posed
            all smiles in a picture with those who kidnapped two Syrian Bishops, (still missing), why he didn’t ask to release them?

          11. wargame1 Avatar

            Iran is behind the killing of Ambassador Ford

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Maybe you should link up some evidence to support your allegations. I heard Iran was responsible for global warming. Iran is also behind the shifting magnetic poles, did you know that?

          13. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You are mistaken names, not Ford.

          14. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            The US didnt fund anyone. It was a western backed coalition of cruise missiles led by the UK to help rebels oust kaddafi. No other weapons were involved. If you really support kaddafi on this issue the idk about you. But seeing as you support Assad, I wouldnt be surprised.

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Better not talk to me like the Zionist leborigine faker, i know you’re friends
            Read again i said McCain came to Syria and was photographed with the
            man who kidnapped the two stil missing Bishops..
            Go read REAL Midlle-East News..and the Vatican News
            As for your candid ignorant explanation on Nato invasion of Libya, i have
            no time or space for it here. Lets only it’s now a killing field.
            Western Powers NATO coalition Wars, are all made in same patern we had
            time to study Wars live, they are concentrated exclusively on stealing natural resources of Arab Countries.
            I don’I know Kadafi as you, Libya is fare from from my interrests..
            Assad is not behading the Christinans.
            Good bye Bush lover “if you’re not with us you’re with the terroists” .

          16. Hind speak lesson 1:

            “I don’I know Kadafi as you, Libya is fare from from my interrests..”

            Meaning: I couldn’t care what happens to the Libyans coz they r takfiri Sunnis

          17. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            “if you’re not with us you’re with the terroists” .

            Its ironic because that seems to be yours and Assad’s motto right now. So your a hypocrite now?

          18. wargame1 Avatar

            Iran Assad regime and Hezbushaitan helped NATO in Libya. Assad and Iranian regime controls Al-Qaeda.

          19. man-o-war Avatar

            I didn’t know that Qatar is translated into Iran in English. Thanks wargame!
            Or did you forget about their involvement in Libya? Does it not fit the narrative your trying to portray?

          20. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Did you ever hear pro-Israel mention Qatar or Saudi ?
            Qatar and Robert Ford turned the Peace Conference a War room..
            Bosses and Opposition (who love the Syrian people), negociating
            $$$ furnishig them weapons and redoubling the suffering and bloodshed.

            Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding

          21. All the above were involved.

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m used to Zionist talking points.

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Find the websites for this info in google.
            I told you, McCain went to Syria meet with the terrorists US is funding, a few a days after Orthodox Bishop Boulos al Yarzigi and Greek Orthodox Bishop Gregorios Yohanna were kidnapped, he posed all smiles beside the man who kidnapped the 2 Bishps, he didn’t ask to liberate them, they are still missing since, makes you believe US Saudi and Israel want Christians out of the ME.

          24. To All Americans on this site send links of the youtube beheading to your senators, congressmen, the Saudi and the Qatar embassies. I started doing it with an email title “Americans against beheading innocent people”. Make a flyer and pass it out at churches or any civic organisations close to you asking for their support. The last thing we want is our tax $ going for the support of criminal organizations like the FSA and Nusra.

          25. wargame1 Avatar

            In politics there is no friendship or emotions but there is interest. If the American governments interest is hurt in the Syrian conflict then you do not need to make flyer rather they will manufacture something better to legitimize their invasion. American administration is divided in Syrian issue. In the past those emotional propaganda worked because America wanted it , remember Sadam killing incubator baby, Saddam has gas , Sadam had nuke,Sadam ties to Al-Qaeda etc. It worked now you are making flyer about beheading but hey its the FSA/Islam brigade who are fighting against Al-Qaeda. Do not mix up things. America after all these invasion for the last 11 years are bankrupt ,tired and she start making careful moves now. Any emotional propaganda wont work I am afraid.

          26. wargame1 Avatar

            I will bring one not so old incident in Afghanistan. When the Russian inveders were gone and Taliban came to power , the Russian puppet Nazibullah were found hanging under the barrel of a Russian Tank. And now when the occupation forces are gone I am afraid we may find Hamid Karzai and Nuri Maliki hanging under the American tank barrel. I feel pity for those unfortunate minority for their obnoxious desire to rule the majority with foreign backing and when the foreign powers are defeated then the day of reckoning begins. Its really sad to see this again and again and yet again.

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How can how join, copy paste flyer here

          28. wargame1 Avatar

            Mama Agnes is a deceiver, and there is another one call walid shoebat who is also spewing propaganda that the Christian blood are being sold in bottle in Saudi Arabia!! Well those 2001 years are long gone, you just cant bring the Americans with these cheap propaganda. They are very worried about their puppet Nuri Al Maliki ,Hamid Karzai and the Libyan puppet. My advice is that we learn things from History and we must not endanger the minority by acting silly.

            In the past there were more than five crusade and all of them were backed by Iran against the Muslims but the Crusaders lost all the battle. Now we hear history repeats itself . This time it will be no exception. So if you can manage to bring the crusaders somehow then its good initially but at the end of the day they will be defeated and you the minority will have to live with your sunni majority brothers. Hezbushaitan will be kicked out too. So you need to be sensible and its better not to manufacture emotional deception technique so that when the crusaders are defeated and gone you do not need to be worried. I hope you understand my message

          29. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Listen go to hell, i know my people and you know yours.

          30. wargame1 Avatar

            Thats not a valid argument.

          31. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes it’s valid for me, you and friend WarHabi are the scums of the earth,
            just as you calling my people Shitt-dirty Nazi and calling me Terrorist.
            The case is not closed with you.
            Photo shop?

          32. You obviously don’t know this terrorist enabler.

            “Those invited to speak about this immense tragedy should be examined carefully as to their position in support of the forces behind the massacres. It is unethical to give a platform to persons who support these massacres or facilitate them by spreading information that has been proven again and again to be misleading, false, and in many cases pure propaganda of the regime perpetrating the crimes. It would be completely unconscionable for a religious or spiritual organization to put their facilities at the disposal of such persons.”

            “We fully respect the principle of debate and freedom of expression, but in this case the person you have invited expresses blind support for a dictator who has massacred and is still massacring his own population, including over 11,000 children.”

            “The speaker you have invited is one of the key players in this propaganda machine, many of her claims have been debunked by experts and witnesses, while the voices of those murdered by the regime have been silenced once and for all”

            “The peaceful nature of the protests that your guest attempts to depict as a violent insurgency against Syria’s minorities has been recognised by the European Union, the United States and the United Nations. The crimes against humanity committed by Assad have also been recognised by these entities, as well as by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. People in Syria only took up arms against the regime when the killing had reached such a scale that they were forced to defend themselves and their families militarily.”

            Yes you would know her

          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Men, armed forces, massacring innocent civilians in their homes, men, women,
            childrens, elderly that what the West and the Saudi Fat Sitting Rats are paying for Shariabarbie? Heroic.

            HRW Report on Lattakiah massacres by FSA attack Oct.11.2013
            “You can still see their blood”

            Syria executions, hostage taking by rebels, planed attacks on civilians constitute War crimes against Humanity.

            Executions, indescriminate shooting and hostage taking by Opposition Forces in Lattakiah countryside.

            The 105 page represent evidence that civilians were killed on August 4 the first day of the Opposition ground attack took part in the offensive, the Islamic State
            of Irak al Sham and Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar are still holding hostages.

            The National Coalition Forces of the Syrian Revolution, the free Syrian army (FSA) sent a letter to HRW on the same day.
            On Oct.14 Ahrar al Sham sent “this response…..cont.

            Joe Stork: These abuses were not the action of rogues figthers, this operation was a coordinated Planned attack on civilian population in these Allawites villages. hrw dot Org / news / 2013 / 1…

            I tougth FSA chief didn’t go to Lattakiah

          34. Oh now HRW is reliable? But when their reports portray ur idol as a blood thirsty murderer they aren’t reliable. Lol

          35. wargame1 Avatar

            She is like a piece of Shit. The people with some sense wont hold her to make their hands dirty. She is a Nun because she wear nuns clothing but inside she is cunning as a fox. I have been following her evil activities from the begining of the Syrian revolution. She is endangering the Christian community by spewing the dirty propaganda against the Sunnis. The Alawite wont be ruling Syria anymore. There is no possibility. So make a plan B.

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We know Wahabis are Christian killers..

          37. wargame1 Avatar

            The Sunnis do not kill Christians rather they protect the minority. But iranian sponsored Al-Qaeda kill the Christians in order to blame the sunnis

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            OW shut up Zionist Liar i know you.. so they went to Maaloula for chai?
            They looted and sold ancient Christian artifacts on the internet for weapons, destroyed churches, kidnapped 8 innocent nuns shit and beheaded
            3 civilians “To liberate Syria”!! The Syrian army disloged them, they came
            back this time rolling down barril bombs from top of the mount, when the Army came back.

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind … Nobody ‘protects’ anything … much of the ‘art’ and the beauty of civilizations lies under the dust created by those who only protect self-interest.
            Your passion is understandable, but you are not the only one saddened by the demise of ‘things’ of beauty. You should not allow that to sit so heavily in your mind … there is much which can never be ‘undone’. And you need to live.
            Fortunately, in this era, we have better ‘records’.
            Love the pictures.

          40. haha ok wargame and pigs fly .

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            She’s not talking about the Sunnis you insensible man, i think you’re a killer,
            the way you speake is scary. Sunni, Christians Allawites Shia Armenians were
            not killing each other, she withnessing barbarian atrocities commited by non-Syrians, by foreign bandits..she’s doing her duty..and you call her Shit?

          42. wargame1 Avatar

            She is a dirty Natti Nazi. She wear a Nuns dress doesnt make him a nun. Any onr can wear that dress and make propaganda in the name of Christianity

          43. wargame seriously u have to come up with more solid arguments. so now al qaeda is sponsored by iran???? hahahahaahahaahhhhahahahaaahahhaahahahaahahaha

          44. “That leaves us with the crude oil and gas deals. Yes, ISIS as well as others have deals with the Assad regime. Oil and petroleum gas for US dollars. Initially, all these deals were made between local tribes and the regime. Oil and gas for money, and protection — as in no air raids. When ISIS (or Jabhat al-Nusra) overtook an oil well, they just kept these agreements in place, collected the money, and laughed all the way to the bank. The regime relies on every domestic source of oil and gas, so nothing changed except the production well ownerships.”

            “Of course, there is some cooperation between Assad and ISIS on lower levels.

            For example, where ISIS units more or less openly work hand-in-hand with regime forces for pragmatic reasons, since ISIS is in Syria to establish their terror state, and not to fight Assad in the first place (of course they do that when Assad’s forces get in their way, but that’s rare).

            Also, in some cases ISIS did join in battles against the regime, to obtain spoils of war and/or territory, not for the freedom and dignity of the Syrian people. Those ISIS units always were small, and came late to the theater, but their tactics made headlines like in the battle for Menagh Air Base last August.”

            “Al Qaeda and its members held under “house arrest” in Iran over the past decade have had a complicated relationship with the Tehran regime, one which allowed the detainees to often times continue supporting the terror group’s operations in the region.

            Current and former U.S. officials say al Qaeda in Iran managed to be fairly active in facilitating the movement of money and people into Pakistan where the core leadership has safe haven in tribal areas.

            “They helped move people in and out of FATA through Iran for operational reasons,” one former senior counter-terrorism official told CNN.”

            Really cathy? Is that laughter of urs laughter of insanity?

          45. “The group Syrian Christians for Peace has asked that Mother Agnes be excommunicated, calling her “a frequent traveler whose constant goal is to support Assad, demonize the revolution, and present false testimony.”

            The group noted her allegation at a press conference in Beirut that there were no peaceful demonstrations in Syria at the start of the uprisings against Assad in 2011 despite the fact that she was seen at one of those nonviolent demonstrations hours before. She has also collected donations from expatriated Syrian Christians without telling them how the money would be spent, the group said.

            Additionally, the widow and colleagues of Gilles Jacquier, a French photographer killed in Homs last year, have accused Mother Agnes of being complicit in his murder.”

            It appears these Christians, who ARE Syrian unlike u, think she is a fraud.

            “The group Syrian Christians for Peace has asked that Mother Agnes be excommunicated, calling her “a frequent traveler whose constant goal is to support Assad, demonize the revolution, and present false testimony.”

            The group noted her allegation at a press conference in Beirut that there were no peaceful demonstrations in Syria at the start of the uprisings against Assad in 2011 despite the fact that she was seen at one of those nonviolent demonstrations hours before. She has also collected donations from expatriated Syrian Christians without telling them how the money would be spent, the group said.

            Additionally, the widow and colleagues of Gilles Jacquier, a French photographer killed in Homs last year, have accused Mother Agnes of being complicit in his murder”

          46. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Good you go the Zionists lies read Zionists France Holland and BHL, same propaganda as Israeli news papers. where? On Nato coalition collective policy aproved media..THE WEST! The same clique that invaded Irak, Lybia now Syria, the Saudi-Qatar-US-EU-Turkey-Israel Coalition sending thousands filthy Islamists beheaders, canibals, children and girls rapers PAID by that WEST
            to kill Christians. France was Christians greatest defenders, now srael rules France, England the is greate with people like you all over the globe.. Many Jews intellectuals are dennouncing Israels Zionists. Israel managed to take out the Word “Nabka” from Hachete publsher of France school manuals.. but kept “Shoa”.

            I wonder why you’re obsessed by me.
            Do you remember what i told you?, the very First time you adressed me?
            I told you: “Don’t adress me you make me puke”.. It’s extreme it never happened to me, i sensed something profoundly sick about you, and i was rigth, sly disgusting opportunist, using that poor little girl’s picture to attract sympathy and respect, who sufferd hell on earth raped by five US soldiers who then burned her and the whole family.
            Now you’re defending the same Coalition that invade that little girl country
            with fabricated false prove.
            I didn’t read long ..ive read all this since and more.. since 2011, you’re repeating Israeli propaganda, latest Knesset motion:
            “Palestinian Christians are not Arabs” so we are used to the Zionists mental disease.
            Did you find the article when Syrian Christians went to the Hill to ask Congress “Why are you killig us?”

            Mother Agnes was not the only one saying the truth.

            Qatar sent Arab League Mission Monitors to Syria on November 2011 to Feb. 2012, it was furrious at the Report it did not translate it into English and took
            it out of the website. .it was leaked and translated in English.

            -7 Feb. Arab League Provides Evidence CIA M16, Mossad behinde violence..
            w w w dot infowars dot Com

            – Syria Text of Leaked Arabe League Mission on 16 Nov. 2011, 1Feb. 2012.
            w w w dot Com globalresearch dot ca

            -Foolishly ignoring Arab League Report on Syria
            english dot al-akhbar dot Com/node/3902 4Feb.2012

            -NYT. Arabe League Votes to Suspend Syria over crackdown on protesters as death mount. Dec. 2011 Anthony Shadid contributed reporting from Qatar.

            Syrian Catholic priest, Father François Murad in a very graphic video beheaded among a sheering crowd by non Syrian Islamist barbarian.

            Go play in the traffic!

          47. “Others, like Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, a Jesuit priest who has likely been killed by al Qaeda, were more skeptical of Mother Agnes’ mission.

            “Mother Agnes knows how to dose the words and she is only, I repeat and I emphasize, the [able] clerical expression of the deceitful manipulation action of the Syrian regime,” Dall’Oglio said. “Mother Agnes is a self-proclaimed leader of a movement that does not exist on the ground, Musalaha [“Reconciliation”], and it is a real problem because for her interpretation of the facts is always selective and one-sided: that the revolution is terrorism.””

          48. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Who cares about Dall Oglio, suffice to say he was in Holand’s France,,,
            I read all interrested you seam to be! How disgusting, you make
            me want to regurgitate, get of my back..(if you have some honour), where
            do < you come from ..Hell?

          49. Of course you wouldn’t care about him coz he spoke the truth about your terrorist enabling Agnes. And interestingly who put a stop to the father speaking out about Agnes? The Iranian sponsored al Qaeda.

          50. Yeh , it’s sad how a so called woman of God can support the Tyrant Assad.
            Looks like a witch in disguise.

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          Let Iran meddle in Syria and when the Syrian sunnis will defeat them and drive them out of Syria then they wont be able to meddle again. It happened during the time of Khalid Ibn Walid. The Persian were defeated in Homs and then in Iraq and in all other Arab land and then the Arabs went in to Persia and overthrow the fire worshiping regime. Same thing is going to happen again

          1. Iran had proven to the world that it can start and end wars far from it’s borders. Superpowers were the only countries capable of doing so in the past. You wait the west will be begging Iran to stop the syrian conflict, they will also be asking Iran to take over the Afghan theater. Get to your head in 10 years you will not find a sunnis governed country in this whole world. It’s called the G.W BUSH doctrine.

          2. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            G.W Bush isn’t in office anymore. Its some weak democrat named Obama. And Bush disliked Hezbollah. Get to your head.

          3. G.W is not in office but his doctrine lives on. He might have not like HA in public but he was the one that wanted to see Israel asking for mercy during the conflict with HA. He refused to stop the conflict when Israel was begging to stop it, that was to let them know they are not as supper as they thought they were.

          4. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Idk if you remember, but Israel wasn’t asking for mercy. They were barely touched lol. HA looked like amateurs at the rocket show compared to them. Plus the Israelis loved Bush. And Obama is messing up Bush’s policy. Obama has been trying to ween the ME off of US troops. Its obviously not working. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan.

          5. wargame1 Avatar

            The War between Israel and Hezbushaitan was fake. It was the idea of Sharon to give some credibility to Hezbushaitan among the Sunnis so these Iranian entity can be their border guard. Just compare the Taliban war for 11 years against the mighty powerful country. 67+ countries coalition force then compare it with Israel Hezbushaitans 6 Days picnic war. Then again relate the Syrian war where Hesbushaitan Iran Assad regime with the Russian backing cant defeat the Syrian rebel for three years. You live to buy any dreams iran sell to you. War is not a picnic of 6 day. The Taliban will have a belly laugh if they hear Israeli Hezbushaitan 6 day war. This should be in the Guinness book of world record

          6. wargame1 Avatar

            How about Iran1 instead of Libnan1 ID? People like you in all land sell their sovereignty to the foreign power in return of some cheap reward. Learn from the Alawites , their French Master is long gone and now the Iranian Master is in trouble. I would not bet on this bogged down Persian elephant

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            J.W. Bush is the worst President in US history, a moron and a recovering don’t impress us with your Israeli puppy

          8. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            According to Libnan, G W bush would make Iran happy and Israel upset. You guys need to make your minds up.

          9. wargame1 Avatar

            Your thinking process clearly shows that you are flying high. This is how you endanger your community. When your backers are gone then the common people in your local land will give a some back slap in the neck and you will be humiliated. This phenomenon is nothing new. The majority wins in the end and the occupation forces are defeated no matter how powerful they are. Lets hope your dreams come true but wont you make a plan B based on some history lessons?

          10. warga, I’m all Libnan to the bone. I say facts not because I like Iran even though I admire a country that withstood 30 years of sanctions and still manged to be heard on the world stage. It’s not of my business what is their political system, it’s up to the people to change it.
            Think about I said win or lose in syria they proved to the world they are a power to recon with and they deserve to be on any solution regardless of what the world think about their mulas.

          11. IraniAngel Avatar

            worshiping fire is no shame, its a part of our proud culture

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            My fear exactly Irani. Wargame tries to act like he’s tolerant of others, but in reality fire worshipers, rock worshipers, buddhist, are all kuffar in his eyes. They will never be treated equally. Do they need to be hunted down and killed? Well, he hasn’t said it yet, but there is still time.

          13. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Your going to burn your fingers.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sun God RA gave it to you, right? 😉

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          NEW THEORY for Wargame1 to work on ….

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Good stuff!

    2. How else r they both going to sell their decades old alliance that is finally being brought out in the open?

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        American Military Helps Iran – 1964 United States Army Documentary / Operation Delawor ایران. Youtube video link bellow

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      When 911 happend, Iranian whent to the streets chanting we are all Americans.

      1. IraniAngel Avatar

        unlike other places in the region where ppl were so overjoyed that they street partied

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          OK so ? What do you want me do do? I just reponded to 5th drawer and i’m out of this sade place.

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            it was an innocent comment, no need to get angry

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m sorry.

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        Most of the Al-Qaeda member including the family of Osama Bin Laden live in Iran under the care of Iranian government.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Please you and barabas.. i know all that ..his son in law is not a lot of family .
          Iran wanted in exchange to secure the release of an Irani diplomat kidnapped in Afghanistan..and who cares. Good nigth.

      3. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        No, that did not happen lol

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          What do you mean?, that’s childish; “no that did not happen”, what’s the lol.. what does it mean “lol”. Everybody were glued to the television.. and saw it.

          1. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            I even googled it and nothing came up. Post a link, unless its something you made up….

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why are worked up ? I said i saw it!!

          3. She said she saw it and we all know she doesn’t make stuff up. Cough cough

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Use ‘Yahoo’ – not ‘Google’ – 😉 Try ‘AmericanThinker.Com’ for a short video … although at the time we DO remember much longer ‘news scenes’.
            Yet, in a whole world, there was MUCH MORE sympathy and horror.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind … it means ‘Laugh Out Loud’.
            (which may be a laugh at the thought by self, or at the person exchanged with – depending on the context in which it is used ,,, very confusing as Englsh, wonderfully, can be.)
            😉 … That is a ‘winky’. LOLOLOLOL

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I didn’t know.. that’s even worst, laughing at people’s opinions on occasion
            and or, people having fun is good..
            Here it’s loling fest all day long, the warhabia starts responsing by Lol
            on top of it, haha.

            I say haha “only” when i’m sure of what i say, not in the sense of hyenas ‘ha’hiah..

    4. IraniAngel Avatar

      i find it very understandable that u r confused, bcoz its not ur fault, its the damn translators who r to blame as we have witnessed many times b4

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hi Irani. Never quite get the ‘concept’ right, do they, those ‘translators’.
        Way too ‘literal’ most of the time. 🙂 And some can’t even do ‘sign-language’.
        No confusion in my mind anyway, really. It’s all ‘political smoke&mirrors’. About Power.

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          hhhhhhhhhhh i completely forgot about that south african dude 😀 seriuosly thx for joke

  2. man-o-war Avatar

    Some examples of meddling, conspiracy theories? Maybe.


    1. how did you post that link,

      moderator does not allow me to post any links/


    2. man-o-war Avatar

      @Btru2u:disqus Yep, dumbass punks talking smack in the heat of battle. No heads were rolling though. What was the point of the video? To show that Shi’ite hate the Sunni equally?

      If you change the link to .Com it will get past the filter.

      1. YESmaybe so, but theres enough evidence of Syrian gov war crimes,
        Tanks for advice but ,I still cant get the link passed through the filter, im obviously not as tech savvy as you. Do you mind explaining how to change the link to .com

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Btru … If you copy the line, then paste it into here, then edit to a capital before ‘posting’ …. and anyone who copies it and puts it into the browser address line can use it and the browser should ‘correct’ back to the small letter.
          These things that prevent us from freely listing all kinds of crap are called ‘Bots’ – as in ‘autobot’ … a robot programme that protects by association.
          It is not always a ‘real moderator’ at work … no-one could afford to hire enough of them to watch us :-))))))

        2. Btru2u what man o is saying is in the address of the article there is “.com” after the name. When u copy that whole address and paste it here change the .com to .Com. So u r changing the lower case c in com to a capital C

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Or the n in Net

          2. Or the b in Biz
            Or the o in Org

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I keep waiting for one with an ‘S’ for … but then, I could answer some emails. :-)))

          4. Sometimes u r too abstract for me

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hmmm … Hind says the same thing.
            (wow … I’m really losing touch with the young ones …)

          6. No it’s more that ur grasp of the English language is better than anybody else’s on here. And seeing we r currently singing koombaya I won’t get upset that u compared me to hind.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (ooooohhh .. definitely a rascal … mmmmm)
            Things in brackets are only thoughts … you should ignore those.
            (hmmm … knows ‘koombaya’ too … interesting …)

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I was hoping you would also provide translations … of course. :-))))

          9. what they are saying is that the want to kill every last one of the sunni s and take over the kaaba, and that’s putting it mildy….
            BY the way what if thefre is no .com on the link

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Might say ‘org’ or ‘net’ … usually some direction to a specific site … put the word (slash) like that instead or the / …. you’ll figure it out. 🙂
            Barabie knows … too …. hehehehe

          11. You’re welcome but the real credit goes to man o

      2. illtry not to abuse my new knowledge , thanks agaian,
        question: what if the link does not have .com

  3. The Hypocrites supported America in the Iraq , afghan invasions

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    All the happy Ladies.

  5. evidence of Assads war crimes @

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      See? You got it. :-)))

      1. Thanks bro , your ok you know, can we still remain civil , because we know religion will always be brought up in this environment, and we must confront the issues ,as we cannot pretend they don’t exist. but really I don’t mind avoiding the religious subjects if it aggravates people …but it only takes one person to start,,,,,,

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah … I know, and you’re not ‘bad’. I’ll lift a glass to trying. 🙂
          Can’t ‘hate’ a person simply for what’s written here … better to stay with a ‘concept’ that allows us to BE civil … but for me, when it comes to worrying about ‘the end’, I’m not. Ok?
          I worry somewhat about what’s coming for the grandchildren.

          1. That has to be the best exchange I’ve seen on yalibnan. Well done guys
            And yeh 5th ur ok….. For a old man

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Great. And thanks to you too, sweetie. :-/ 😉

          3. I love your attitude,i hope its infectious,

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Careful … might be just the ‘age’ thing. 😉

          5. You know what, it takes more guts to be nice than nasty,

            its a hard climb to heaven and a easy slippery slope to hell,

            but the climb is worth it,

            as the old saying goes , “Anything worth doing is worth doing Miserabley”

            Take note everybody, and lets make a difference…


          6. Lol I don’t agree with that saying.
            Do u think sex is worth doing? If u do u wouldn’t wanna do it miserably

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (yes … definitely a fun rascally lady …)
            I’ve never found it not ‘worth’ doing … hehehehe

            I like the ‘last lines’ of that piece … up to a point …
            “It was not the lack of sufficient knowledge about history and religion which led to the Iraqi debacle, but the lack of restraint among politicians who had all the relevant information at their fingertips.”
            …. the point being, where those lines will seem, to Some, to be directed more at ‘The West’ than anywhere else. So we must assume that ALL the politicians should be lumped into there.
            Otherwise, we could assume that ALL the politicians are NOT privy to the same education and history – or some choose to ignore it entirely.
            Religion – has it become politics – or has it been always. ??
            Radicals certainly exist in each. (‘free radicals’ – a different subject 😉
            I don’t think we need to be miserable in any attempt to separate the politics from ‘belief’ … but perhaps some ‘new revisions’ are needed in ‘the books’.
            The question will be, in how many centuries?

          8. you have some valid points, and maybe they are clutching at straws, because the they did not envisage such extreme and fierce opposition and reactions, but I don’t think any of The Books ” are going to be changed anytime soon…

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Okay … agreed … need to adjust the minds then … 😉

          10. Not everything should be done miserably, especially making love,. I wonder if my Mrs agrees, lol…maybe sometimes not…… but im sure it could apply to many situations in life, like giving up bad habits etc…..I think the real saying goes “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you do it well……” yes it took a while for me to do somethings well …….. but it was fun trying…..

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ‘Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.’ After that, ‘we’ revised it for fun. :-)))

          12. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Sounds like you need a poke, maybe while your head is in the sand.

          13. Not even remotely funny

          14. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Ok your right but I’m a gutter dweller remember.

          15. I never said dweller. Gutter mouth which is different to gutter dweller.

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What an idiotic answer, gutter is gutter.

          17. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Forgive her she’s dazzled, you know it is.

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Excuse me what kind of language is she speaking: The only thing that u think u wants u is ur hand and if it could speak it would sream out RAPE! Good nigth

          19. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You have to mess around sometimes, it’s just getting too serious to get on here.

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True … even Btru2u ‘edged’ into ‘fun’ slightly, and admitted some fun in trying … :-))

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s too serious here ? It’s suffocating with stupitities to bad..i will miss some:)

          22. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            But Hind, your my favourite. Xx

          23. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Hind gorgeous, we are just fooling around don’t get cut, I enjoy a flirt every now and then it’s like practising kung fu and like they say “use it or lose it” just a little tongue in cheek you know what I mean. The best part is the 180 degree change in conversation from attack to blush. Yallah take off the shoes and jump in the gutter we need some class.

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Your favorite cook.. i swore i shall never sbmit.

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Edifyfing dialogues ..

          26. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Me Tarzan, I don’t understand.

          27. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Word games, Hind … word games. :-))

          28. Lol miss professor of English is giving me English lessons. Haha

          29. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Well then start taking notes.

          30. Lol yes sir

          31. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Time for maborlz to out the lights, early start good night peoples.

          32. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Cio …

          33. You better start learning Farsi barabie.

          34. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            LOL plus haha.. needs no Engilsh professor.. hayenas do it naturaly.

          35. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Gutters can be fun sometimes … I used to play ‘marbles’ in them on the way home from school … sometimes with girls … I remember a couple who were good enough to ‘win’ all my marbles … don’t put gutters down completely. 😉

          36. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We need to be accurate, if quoting.

          37. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You want me don’t you baby, it’s understandable your only human but not in this lifetime sweetheart.

          38. The only thing that u think wants u is ur hand and if it could speak it would scream out RAPE!

          39. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Go home

          40. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Looooooooooool, mrs Palmer and her five daughters. Poor lady got a belting a few times.

          41. U realise that makes u a pedophile? 5 daughters

          42. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            How did you figure that out?

          43. Her 5 daughters. Presumably they are all young daughters.

          44. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You poor thing, you have no idea. Mrs Palmer and her five daughters are hand and fingers you egg, don’t be jealous I’ve known them a long time. Loooooool

          45. Omg. Ur the poor thing coz that’s exactly who I was talking about is ur hand. Again omg

          46. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Omg, omg, omg, I thought you were omg…….your as messed up as me omg……
            I’m starting to enjoy this site omg.

          47. 5thDrawer Avatar

            For the edification of English Speaking Peoples:
            ‘Pedophile’ …. The US spelling of ‘Paedophile’.
            Origin: Greek ‘pais’ (child)

          48. Lol u couldn’t help urself ay?

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nope. 😉

          50. I think they call that “stomping”
            Btw do u know mrs palmer too?

          51. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh YES, absolutely.
            It’s ‘THE BEGINNING & THE END’.

          52. Lol
            I hope she isn’t the same mrs palmer as maborlz’s

          53. 5thDrawer Avatar

            LOLOLO …

          54. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Looooooooooooool, killer omg.

          55. 5thDrawer Avatar

            She ‘quick’ …. 😉

          56. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I’m in tears, I tell ya this chick is good.

          57. Just admit it u want me

          58. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari


          59. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh … Maboriz … must tell you, just for the self-confidence.
            After MANY years, I still don’t have hair on the palms.
            We should conclude, I think, that That was another myth. 🙂
            (mind you, I might squeeze in another 20 … who knows?)

          60. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Very reassuring 5th, but I must admit that the eyesight isn’t what it used to be.

          61. Do u prefer a “slow” girl? Haha

          62. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Not at my age … 😉 Arms don’t do as many push-ups.

          63. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes you are indeed very siciable itertaining nice person, i was you i wouldn’t show off linguistic skills for such a perverted post. Everything come from Greek i preffer Greek Tragedies, they had deep significance, not gytter farces playing marbels after school 🙂

          64. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But ‘after school’ didn’t mean ‘education’ had to stop. 😉

          65. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Oh, open the 2d drawer, gutter, not the defition of street depression where children play marbels after school, and water runs whe it’s raining,
            but the “les miserable” definition Befiting the lowest class of human life; vulgar, sordid, or unprincepled.. now i hope the haha don’t meddle in my posts and responds when adressed..this becoming a high school age blog

          66. Haha High school age? So what r u doing here? Kindergarten kids r too young for this blog, get back to kindie. Haha

          67. “les miserable” definition Befiting the lowest class of human life; vulgar, sordid, or unprincepled”

            That describes u to a T. Haha

          68. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I have trouble with translating … let alone beginning English correction, my dear.

            And YOU should know that ‘males’ don’t ‘grow’ (without help) past a certain age anyway … and we’re ALWAYS ready to play ‘games’ – even in a gutter. 😉
            But we can’t limit a ‘blog’ to the restraints of a ‘Thesis’ on anything – since we’re all in this together, and don’t all have that ‘University Paper’ to back us.
            So … on occasion .. play on. 😉

            Now, if we want to have a serious chat on ‘human function’, I can be up for that too. I had a ‘sex-education’ course at some time back there ….

          69. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            There are two definitions to “gutter in Engilsh dictionary, you’rs and the other. Befiting the lowest class of human life, vulgar, sordid, or unprincipled.
            Apropriate to squalid degraded condition, ex: the language that belongs to the gutters..antonym Out of the gutter means “away from vulgarity and sordidness..
            so i think when we say gutter in a conversation, we’re not reffering to water drain.

          70. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes, and in some ‘states’, the language can be rather ‘guttural’. 🙂
            But no, it’s not water drainage we’re working on …..
            Coconuts, maybe …. 😉
            Which brings us back to Geo’s pool … hahahahha

          71. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Tha’ts the most low life post ive read on can’t be flaged..
            but worst than hezzies or nagi obscenities. It is very personal, it touches
            his family, you’e insulting the most sacred thing to a father; his children,
            impliying he abuses his daughters.
            I was rigth 1th time i said go away i don’t like you.
            Wahabis are obsessed with sex for them is a tool of punishement, take
            away that picture, the girl US soldiers raped. thousands were raped by
            Sunni canibals in Syria. You are bad PR for Sunnis.

          72. Lol

          73. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind … please … she knew what he was abusing … as I think some of us other obsessed abusers did … and she called us out on it. :-))
            I’m not a wahabi for sure … just know what makes me tic. :-))))
            In fact, sex is ‘The Reason’. The answer to the ‘WHY’.
            The only thing you rail against here is the ‘forcing’ of it … and we agree on that.

          74. Lol

          75. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I read Jung.. she wears her subconscience on her sleeve, in public..
            (that makes you a pedofile? 5 daughters “(sic) i don’t admit inceste
            as joking mather, sorry.

          76. That’s ur problem. Get over it or better yet have another cigarette. Haha

          77. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I didn’t think ‘incest’ .. I thought Ms. Palmer was a neighbour. 😉

          78. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            She linked the 5 “daughters” to ” pedophile”..he must have children 🙂

            You didn’t answer about les trucs for passing an
            Yesterday i recieved two messages in my mailbox, each a book page,
            from haharabi, i respond to boths in equal page book length, must be
            because they were true, or i missed les helped noman.

          79. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind. ‘Paedofile’ if children. ‘Incest’ if your own. Forget it. Ok?

            ‘les trucs’ …. the trick … is not a trick … only follow instructions.
            Address line – do not put in the ‘http etc part’ Only what is after any (www.)
            CAPITAL any .org or .net or .com …. like .Com or .Net. ……..

            ALSO make sure there are ‘no links’ in any text you copy and paste in the body of a letter …. (like blue-lines or addresses such as www .)
            In fact, put brackets around it all too …. or a space like I did
            You are trying to NOT make it look like an ‘address’ to the computers.

          80. Ur very patient lol

          81. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            4 postes for me?, medelling in each conversation?, on top mention Hind
            in all your postes..humm.. Lesbian public show?…yawnnhh..i bet you look
            like butch

          82. 5thDrawer Avatar

            tsk … sigh ….

          83. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            well stop encouraging her 1- i can’t talk to you (or anyone) without her overlooking and inserting herself while she knows i don’t like her…2- Sorry i entered the “paedo” truc conversation, what touched me was; “Her 5 daughters presumably they are all young daughters” then “pedo”…

          84. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think Australia went to sleep … this is a good time …. 😉

          85. Very disappointing 5th!! I expected more from u!

          86. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sorry … I got tired ….

          87. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (always have been slow … patience comes with that. 😉

          88. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            ‘les trucs’…i said this in French for discretion.. not be noticed by YL..
            thank for the publicity 🙂

          89. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Beinvenue. You didn’t say ‘quietly’ …

          90. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “le truc” can mean you dont want to mention it..going to learn subtil French..

          91. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, I was afraid after all your outbursts, to get into THAT meaning … 😉

          92. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Glenfidchs ?

          93. man-o-war Avatar

            Funny stuff, I’m going to borrow that line if its Ok.

          94. cook2half Avatar

            idk its too long

          95. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ahhh .. the ‘guest’ returns. :-))))

          96. welcome back Cookie,

            Unfortunately I cant entertain you today(too many deadlines) but here is what you missed, bad weather, kitty cat fights, several beheadings 🙁 and sex talk….Have fun and try not to cause too much trouble 🙂 I eave you a first aid kit… Hind did not get too much sleep, just be nice.

          97. cook2half Avatar

            Thanks, hope you’re doing well

          98. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hi halfCook nice to see you..more fun than “the laughing barbedwire” 🙂

          99. cook2half Avatar

            Ive seen people like her before, but I had to pay an admission 🙂 bouwhaha

          100. That’s no way to describe ur loved ones

          101. man-o-war Avatar

            Gotta love it, he didn’t waste anytime. Jumps right back in to the pudding head first ; )

          102. Lol
            “Christmas pudding”?

          103. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Can’t resist mentioning Hind to everyone, now you copy my “Christmas pudding”

          104. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Forgive me for not bouwhahawig that was funny 🙂 but the haha is everywhere meddling.. must be jalousie she’s like my shadow.

            OK. Did y finish University did you finish high school? Bouwhah!

          105. cook2half Avatar

            Have a short break from assignments, spending time w/ family. Might get out of London for the weekend 🙂

          106. Did u pay to spend time with family?

          107. cook2half Avatar

            Nah am saving my money on your nude lesbian Quran reading club on thursdays

          108. But how r u going to get in if its for lesbians? Unless of course ur a girl pretending ur a man

          109. They gave it to u on the house?

          110. Haha I say ur jealous and ten minutes later u parrot my jealousy line. So not original and lame haha

          111. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hahatruk machine, i said the authentic reasoned word to you, i said i missed Croock 2 days ago to geo. that at least he had more intelligence.

          112. Sorry I don’t speak Hindi.
            Can someone please translate what this baboon is babbling?

          113. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, some are only piglets … you should ignore those … 😉

          114. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Like Circe in Odyssey, she ensorcelates men and turn them into piglets. You knew it han?

          115. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Oink oink baby.

          116. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind .. you’re catching on .. good last line there. 😉

          117. Haha ur jealousy is going to destroy u haha

          118. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            geo, you make me smile 🙂

          119. Somebody has to !!! Here to please 🙂

          120. As opposed to urs which is too short

          121. man-o-war Avatar

            Welcome back cook, school took up all your time? Or you couldn’t peel yourself away from CNN to check on us?

          122. cook2half Avatar

            I would never forget about you have no positive discrimination for CNN psychos =D

          123. man-o-war Avatar

            It can be shortened. How about:
            You’re so disgusting, your hand screams rape.

          124. Yeh that works. But be careful hind might get on her high moral horse

          125. cook2half Avatar

            ‘Your hand screams rape, then your poor tongue cleans the mess’

          126. man-o-war Avatar

            Damn cook! I don’t know about that one. Taking it too far, it almost seems like two in one.

          127. cook2half Avatar

            Two in one would be self suck

          128. Self sucking is something u have a masters in.

          129. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Loooool, I like your French barabie. Killer stuff, I’d love to see you on letterman.

          130. Leborigine Avatar

            Haha, autofellatio!

          131. cook2half Avatar

            Am not ready to break my back to try it. LOL

          132. Can u tell me why all the Jewish commenters on this site disappeared at the same and have come back at same time?was it a extended sabbath?

          133. cook2half Avatar

            Im not kosher but was busy flagging some fool on CNN, she got a permanent ban last night

          134. man-o-war Avatar

            Maybe all the posters are the same person. Hmmm….explains a lot cook.

          135. I promise that’s exactly what I was thinking. Just too coincidental that they disappear and return at exactly the same times.

          136. cook2half Avatar

            Nope, doron is too liberal to be me

          137. man-o-war Avatar

            Yeah, but all the posters can’t think the same. People would be on to your games. One has to be liberal from Iraq, one is more hawkish from Iran, and one is conservative but less hawkish from Israel. Were you also hezziesareterrorist and Anti-FSA? ; )

            PeaceforLeb also went MIA never to return, I guess he got tired of getting banned and creating new accounts. Too bad, I like him.

          138. cook2half Avatar

            Nope have just this one. I got banned from jew post but seriously couldnt be bothered with a second account.

          139. Find that hard to believe

          140. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah Man-O … if we all liked it the same way, this would be a ‘love-in’ and banned completely from the internet. :-))))

          141. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Public Domain, Man-O …. (and don’t forget the ‘l’ in that one)

          142. You’re cheeky

          143. By all means 🙂
            Careful tho not to use it (the line that is) in front of hind

          144. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Proof of twisted Wahabi sexual obsessions..
            Honoring the picture of girl raped by 5 pigs ?

          145. Don’t be disgusting using a dead girl to try putting me down. Do u have no morals or shame? Or is coz she was a Sunni that u don’t care about respecting the dead? U truly r one sick demented twisted low life.

          146. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Idem! Gutter’re not demented juste put your own face there, do you have no morals or shame? Let the poor girl rest in peace instead of draging her
            in your hate-gutter, you deshonouring her each time she hears you say “Shits”.
            Maybe she was a Shia? 🙁

          147. Abeer was Sunni. Stop playing dumb to cover ur mistake.

          148. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            My psychology worked..a shia childe raped then cut in pieces while they.. hh.. hh say Allahuakbaar.. is ok because she was Shit (as you call them), that’s what they called her.

          149. Can someone please find me a Hindi dictionary!!

          150. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wait ’till you see Dab’s :-)))

          151. I speak fluent Dabanese ;/

          152. Is that similar to hindinese?

          153. Dab is laid back and running on 6 volts, Hind is an electrifying lighting bolt, bless her heart, I love you both with all sincerity!

          154. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Scroll the page up &’s all about me, interfearing in my conversations, mentionning my name to others, i did not want her to adress me since day one.. geo ..i know yout kindness, but you should have trusted my instinct..i told her
            “I Don’t- Like-You”…now it’s ridiculous.. she’s obsessed.

          155. Hndy I have 3 brothers and 1 sister, she is so much like you 🙂 big heart but cant sort through all the events in her life that upset her, my brothers all have issues too but strangely I am disqualified from giving them advice of any kind due to how they view me as someone who has not troubles of his own, I hide it well ! but sadly all I can do is watch them self destruct with no ability to do anything about it! I want to help you be less upset about legitamit things that bother you because the way you deal with it provokes others and upsets you further. I appreciate your kind trust and your warm friendship but do you ever wonder why I am at peace with others? its not worth it friend, this is so bad for you even though you want to make a difference to make things better every one else is hurting over the whole thing too.

          156. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            geo.. i don’t want, or need, peace with someone who calls me ‘baboon” and “dumb”..whats this familiarity i thing vulgarity is pestering someone who don’t
            wish to speake to you, when i have an instinct it is rigth never been wrong,
            even in my predictions. She wishes death to other people..i wish no peace
            with fanatics! Let’s forget this please.. and stay my friend 🙂

          157. Ok I called u baboon after how long of u calling every name under the sun!? You are such a friggin hypocrite and a joke that I can’t believe I waste time replying to somebody as deceptive and rude as u!! U r exactly like ur idol that pig assaad, he kept killing and killing innocent people and as soon as they defended themselves he cried out look what they are doing to me! Look at ur actions before u blame everybody else for how they finally react to ur non stop abuse and lies. Honestly and this is not just said coz I now truly dislike u but coz its what I’ve noticed, u r the BIGGEST liar on this blog! U disgust me and u should go neck urself!

          158. man-o-war Avatar

            I really don’t want to jump in the middle of this. Just one thing, I have noticed you’ve used “neck yourself” a few times already and I’m pretty sure it’s Aussie slang for hang yourself. When I see it I think of North American slang for making out or sucking on someone’s neck, kinda of funny (maybe thats the man pig coming out)

            Anyway, I will leave you two ladies to get back to whatever was happening here. Surely its no longer about Rouhani on CNN ; )

          159. Lol that’s too funny. Didn’t even cross my mind that it was slang but obviously it is. Yes it means hang yourself. Haha

          160. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Man-O … we’d probably have to conclude that, REALLY, No-One cares about Rouhani AT ALL. Not even EL Supremo. :-)))))
            The only curiosity, (maybe Geo can back me on it 😉 is that something about him must have brought out all the ‘latent sexuality’ festering in the frustrated minds here that keep trying to find a way to ‘fix’ Lebanon….
            Do you think it’s the ‘better-trimmed beard’ ??

          161. 5thDrawer Avatar

            hahahaha … I’m sure Rouhani and El Superdude never considered those.

          162. Patience2 Avatar

            I’m sure that with them it’s number 11, ‘to hide behind’.

          163. Hind, please know that my friendship to you does not hinge on other commentators! it hinges on whether I am effective in being a friend that makes a difference in helping you see more promising outlook and hope of a better way to deal with the evil we face as humans. the peace I want is for you hind because I feel in my heart that you are not in peace with issues relating to Zionism and it became the focal point in every breath you take and it is hurting you in a very unproductive way. I reiterate you are my friend ever since I called you a guy accidently and you forgave me 🙂 and my main hope is that you someday will be open to consider other hopes with more promise to solve the evil in this world, trust me when I tell you that everyone you and Barabie favor are DISQUALIFIED by godly standard, it is contrary for god to be in an unclean non sterile organization of any kind, truth is like your warmest most comfortable garment that you feel wearing yet lies feel like you are wearing thorns! I am a highly trained profiler that reads comments that conclude that most people are in a world of hopeless pain due lack of hope that is based on manly solutions instead of godly solutions. I know it is late and it is so much to absorb but the mind is like a parachute it only works when it is open, please consider all the energy and consumption of politics and negative hopeless news and give your mind a diet with more pleasant menu, trust me there is no solution of any kind with whats on the table but only fight to be right arguments that keep us trapped in our reasoning, you are very intelligent and resourcefull and I respect your passion but you are starved spiritually. your time and focus is so valuable if you revise your mental diet.
            when I wish peace and good relations among people it is for my selfish reasons as I need to feel some calm somewhere. every day I overlook being taken advantage of and not be appreciated by friends, neighbors, employees and clients I give my life to and In an unsincere way I get amazing compliments of how great of a guy I am yet nobody wants to imitate the person they compliment in me.
            it is late I don’t want fill your head all at once, I have a bird that sleeps in my bedroom that refuses to eat all day until she sees me go to sleep….time to let her eat, Good night Hind 🙂

          164. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Medicine for the mind, good stuff Geo fantastically put together now we wait and see if it was absorbed by the nice lady.

          165. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (damn …. now I worry about my own coconut … hmmm … again … maybe lower the fan speed … ) One more ‘up’ for a descent guy. 🙂

          166. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I was spiritual in Lebanon’s Mountain, hearing the sound of crickets comming up from the Mountain’s abiss so profound it echoes and more.

          167. Sure Geo, did you get some of 5th air down there? I just felt it up here.

          168. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (fan speed up as high as it will go …. hehehehe)

          169. greetings Libnan, very weird forecast here too, cool at night and may have had short freeze as my pepper plants looked sad on Saturday but perked up again today, I hope everyone else likes spicy food…I am an addict 🙂

          170. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Peppers on the Grasshoppers …. hmmm .. could work.

          171. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            SHUT UP! Are deaf but not mute?

          172. Oh no one is enough.

          173. I am not enjoying this 🙁 so I want to intervene but dont know how so I will once again try to change the subject 🙂 what happens when a man is married to 4 wives and at least two of them are allways at it like both of you? ???????

          174. Geo I tried very hard to ignore her but she kept going on and on. But tell us what happens when two wives go at it?

          175. lol Barabie are you asking me? I have 2 birds that have cost me $$$$ with vet bills due to injuries from fighting. I was thinking my life would have been simpler raising kids or having 4 wives but at this point I am back paddling fast and not converting :)P

          176. Lol I thought u were telling a joke.

          177. lol, I was calling all my friend. they all abandoned ship 🙁 5th is here but his happy hour started 4 hours ago and may not want to get involved….I love his temperment I hope its contagious.

          178. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh … shhh … Geo,, it’s getting tricky … cut the top off a coconut and I’ll make the Pina Colada … ok?
            But tell me, did you notice any cool breezes down there ?? 😉

          179. Actually I took your cold weather fatwa seriously and had my pilot on stand by to head further south but 71 was very comfortable 🙂
            I wonder how the BRRRRrophetttttt is holding up in minus zone :)P

          180. Prophettttt Avatar

            Geo, greetings to you and to the ladies. I noticed that things are heating up here. Being a good friend,I suggest that you and the two good looking ladies team up for a night out and about ,and over a glass of red wine, smooth things up a bit.
            Seriously now, Hind and Barbie are both wonderful ladies,and both can do a little better to make us ,bad boys ,keep thinking highly of them.
            I have no doubt that ,if they met, both would find so many common things about each other,and most likely become good friend.provided that the bad influence of geo is eliminated.jk
            I say that with all respect to all,and in no way, I intend to offend anyone.

          181. I am offended !!!! just kidding 🙂

          182. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ‘Buddies in Bad Times’ :-> (definitely 2 rascals)

          183. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I think shes drunk ..

          184. Haha one minute I’m a “Wahhabi” and the next I’m a “drunk lesbian”. Make up ur mind (or whatever it is between those ears) little girl.

          185. Hello Barabie, would you consider a a truce ? I promise to make it worth your while but you have to trust me if I have enough credibility with you 🙂

          186. Lol u don’t have to make it worth my while. I will do it just to make u happy, that’s enough reward for me.

          187. very appreciated reply but there will come a time when I promise I will surprise you, to be continued 🙂

          188. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What truce ? It’s between you and barbiche, i have nothing to do with this geo,
            as i had nothing to do with Hezzies

          189. No worries, Not insulted but I assumed you would be pleased with what I asked for as it was harmonious with your wish of not being addressed. All good.

          190. man-o-war Avatar

            Feeling the cold yet?

          191. man-o-war Avatar

            Hopefully it will warm up by next month. I’ll be in Miami, need it to be warm so I can hang out in South Beach and show off the beach bod ; )

          192. Need I say moooooore? 🙂

          193. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What cold? You were having a margaritta near the pool, and i was jalouse but didn’t say.

          194. man-o-war Avatar

            Maybe the snow is further north in the panhandle. Miami looks promising!

          195. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (one more fan might do it …)

          196. Mano photoshoped the sign , supposed to say welcome to astoria New york :)P Its good to be the King 🙂

          197. That was last year’s map Geo ….It’s going to be 35 on Saturday, I call that heat wave …:)

          198. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I ‘m not a brigth bulb.. yes i understand, i was forced because she medlles
            or talk of me to others it made mad. You’re a dear friend it helps in this ice box 🙂

          199. Geo a truce isn’t a truce if the other party keeps insulting and abusing!

          200. I dont think I was convincing enough to get a commitment, your part is a Big deal to me and I appreciate it as neither of you ever owed it to me, thank you Barabie and in time I will do my part! remember this 🙂

          201. Sorry geo but I literally just replied back to her. If ur comment was two minutes earlier I might’ve have not been tempted to respond but too late now I’ve responded.

          202. No worries, I have not read anything posted today but responded in between projects. all is possible if all are willing.

          203. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Please read all from here up!
            Or go up North, then down South.
            You invested a lot in this.. Good Nigth. 🙂

          204. Hey prophetttt I don’t think we’ve met. I like ur suggestion but for some reason doubt hind will approve of ménage a trois.

          205. Prophettttt Avatar

            barabie,My bad messing name. I do have a habit of mispronouncing names,and I admit that I need a new vision prescription too. Yes we have not officially met,though I have seen you dancing around the stage here and then. I just don’t always share your views,yet I respect your right to own them and to express them. in truth, after spending several years at this site, I got fed up,and I have nothing new to offer.
            As for my suggestion I was hoping that we all respect each other,and refrain from engaging in useless and disrespectful debates. hind is a wonderful person, so are you.
            If it takes a threesome,then be it,and geo is the most jk

          206. Prophetttt thank u and I truly believed it was an honest mistake. Regarding sectarianism I absolutely deplore it as I do supremacy or any other form of grouping against another. I am a pacifist at heart and wish humans would stop trying to destroy each other but doubt very much that will ever happen. Yes I admit I’ve responded rudely and harshly to certain people out of anger but I don’t support any one group over another. No matter what some may think I am not sectarian nor am I religious and I’ve never said that before for the simple fact I wanted people to show their true colours. But again for the record I am not religious and don’t pray to any god.

          207. Prophetttt not sure if that was a mistake or not but I will give u the benefit of the doubt, it’s BARABIE!

          208. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Geo is always ‘straight up’. That’s why the birds get him every time. :-))
            (hmmm … no colada … straight up on the favourite then …)

          209. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “She tried verrry harrd to ignore me”.. wallah haha.. you tell that lesbian
            to pllleeeaase ignore me?

            Yesterday there was two long messages in my mailbox i had to scroll them down..she wrote me all the “talking points” from Israel & West Coalition propaganda i’ve read since 2011..I mention..the big black hole..because i I sent “what the West” and this sold-out audience ignored.
            I worry about the inhumaniry of World leaders creating Wars, where they are confortably sitting in security, and millions of refugees are treated like garbage, Palestinians, then millions of Iraqis, now more than million Syrians.

            In 2011 Qatar sent Arab League Mission Monitors to Syria on Nov.2011
            to Feb.1. 2012. Qatar was furrious they rejected the Report, didn’t translate Arabic into English, took it out of the official website and made the Mission
            Chief resign.

            It was leaked and translated in English it appeared on all normal papers,
            black-outed in the West Israel AlJazeera. Same plan as Irak with the same
            US Ambassador Robert Ford, then Ambassador to Syria then to Egypt,
            the Egyptian government was furrious.. because of what happened in Irak
            and Syria.

            Syria text of leaked Arab League Mission Report on 16 Nov..2011- 1 Feb.2012. w w w dot globalresearch dot Ca

            Arab League Provides Evidence CIA M16, Mossad behinde violence.
            w w w dot infowars dot Com 7 Feb.2012

            Foolishly Ignoring The Arab League Report on Syria – Feb.2012
            english dot al-akhbar dot Com / node / 3902

            NYT Arab League Suspends on crackdown on protesters as death mount
            Dec. 2012. Antony Shadid contrebiuted to reporting from “Qatar”
            They never wanted peace they want War and the people can go to hell.

          210. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Copied .. pasted … Can’t you find a shorter SLOG of ‘replies’ to put stuff in ??

          211. man-o-war Avatar

            haha, I know. Scrolling through these comments makes my eyes water. I was just trying to be helpful.
            The infowars article is interesting, but it seems things like this are said anytime a protest gets out of hand. Egypt protests, Iran protest, pretty soon Ukraine. Who knows? Its a hell of a lot cheaper than a bombing campaign or an actual invasion.
            Instigating protests and civil unrest is a well known tactic used when regime change is desired. Its been a preferred method for ages..

          212. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Dear drawer, i wrote this myself.. i didn’t know how to insert links in response
            to 2 long messages from harbrabid in mail box, she didn’t like.. oh yes, she invited me to a sex orgy along all of you, geo, prophett!!!!, Maborlz, mano etc..
            Anyway mano expert found links wich are shorter.. (It’ not a copy pasta 🙂

          213. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok. You should know I find ‘everything’ in life interesting.
            One should never rule out anything – unless considered ‘too’ dangerous. 😉

          214. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Good, then i migth send another one for him to decipher..

          215. You just can’t help yourself can u!! You hypocrite who hasn’t stopped lying and abusing then cries when I respond. Please show when did I invite u to a mass orgy!! U lying pig!

          216. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            YaLibnan barabia invitatation:
            “Oh comme give me a kiss, Mwah! lets get naked and have it 3 ways with Malborlz, mrs Palmer and her daughters can join to. Yes that would be lesbians pedofiles but you only live once.
            I’m a Prophettt i always was. 1st time i said; “you make me pukkk”.
            geo is a rare human being, he didn’t believe that…

          217. “she invited me to a sex orgy along all of you, geo, prophett!!!!, Maborlz, mano etc.. ”

            Are u that retarded? Where did I invite u to a mass orgy??
            U stupid lying imbecile.

          218. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think Hind is trying to copy and paste the wrong lines …. using the ‘headers’, or ‘footers’ …. not the ‘browser address’ ….
            Compare – what Man-O used ….

          219. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I’ll tell you what I’d do Geo, I would enjoy it, make the most off it, use it up before they turn on me but unfortunately, I am dreaming. If only……

          220. Maborlz, you are one honest twisted freak lol, you are allright straight shooter….. the only thing I don’t like about you is that your name sticks in my head sometimes lol, does that ever happen to you? I am a mess I used to play with lead and mercury as a kid and I think it messed up my adult life :)P

          221. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You have nothing to hide when your honest, people tend to appreciate honesty even when It is isn’t popular, but the name what’s wrong with the name, my beautician calls them herballz but I prefer maborlz.

          222. I agree with geo, it sticks in my head too. I’ve even thought of telling u u can them lasered.

          223. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            But I enjoy my visits to shirl’s house of wax.

          224. Lol is really called that?

          225. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I called you stick because of Malboro

          226. man-o-war Avatar

            A man gets a text from his neighbor:

            “Hey I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been using your wife. Actually, I think I’ve been using your wife more than you. I use your wife when you’re home and when you’re away. Without your wife I would be really bored. Thanks and I hope you understand.”

            The man blinded by rage storms into the bedroom grabs his gun and kills his wife. Shortly after he receives another text from his neighbor:

            “Sorry about that, the text was supposed to say WIFI. Damn auto correct, lol!”

          227. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Exactly :-))))

          228. Super funny 🙂 one of my favorite female clients that is a pilot left her plane with me for interior design, her name Was diane, in one of my text exchanges with her I typed Hi Diane with a smiley face and auto correct changed it to NICE DIAMETER 🙂 🙁

          229. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well Geo … At least that would leave her with an option of deciding whether it was boobs or ass you were talking about. Instead of TUMMY. :-)))

          230. Love it. Was he Lebanese

          231. Leborigine Avatar

            ooh ooh ooh eee eee eee aah aah aah Eeeeek eeeeek eeeeek hurrrrr hurrrrrr…….
            Hope that helps!

          232. Lol slightly

          233. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Simple stop adressing me and mentioning me

          234. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind … you should be happy … MOST ladies enjoy being noticed … and you sure have been. 😉

          235. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I don’t come here for that merç’s not a dating lesbian blog..
            It’s about Midlle East big problems. 🙂 🙂 🙂

          236. Oh come give me a kiss. Mwah! Lets get naked and have a 3way with maborlz’s mrs palmer and her 5 daughters can join too. Yes that would make us lesbian pedophiles but u only live once

          237. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (damn again … dreams … )

          238. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            We are naughty by nature, but I think my fiancé busted me being cheeky on this blog so I’m not even allowed to dream no more without her permission. I must be on my best behaviour so no more funny stuff, back to the be-headings and bombs before she sends me to the nut house.

          239. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, Maboriz … that’s one little problem I don’t have. 😉
            But … Is she also the one who who sends you to ‘Shirl’s House of Wax’?
            You lucky dog … clean, clean, clean … :-))
            ( I won’t get you involved any more … 😉

          240. Lol serves u right

          241. Wet dreams …

          242. yu salfite mr you comed dahia me showe yu fun on varanda mr we drink kazoz me watched girles yu lookes man mr dahia no wahabis mr

          243. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            5th we all know Hind is loving every second as she should, coz she cuts it well in the beauty department. Merci my arse Hind stop playing hard to please darling.

          244. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m detestable..huhh.. merçi encore, bonne nuit !

          245. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Sorry I don’t speak Italian……….

          246. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            I guess you don’t remember the Iranian Protesters called Nadia who left dying on the streets because authorities didn’t allow anyone to help her. You don’t remember stories coming out of prisoners in Ivan prison getting raped by guards to make afraid of protesting again. they raped men and women. You didn’t read about a iranian protesters who got shot by Iranian police and his body was not delivered to his family until the latter paid for the bullets the police used to shoot him. what is the difference here between Wahabi and the savage of Iran? you don’t get it do you.. Stop looking one way and ignoring the others. many of us despise wahabi even more than the iranian mullahs. but for you its one way street.
            You want to remind us that you want to protect the Christians of Syria from wahabis. But you never protected the Christians from the Syrian regime that burned out infstractures and killed many people and dragged many to syrian jails.
            you’re nothing but hypocrites and ignorant bitch.

          247. Very true Nagy and like I’ve pointed out to her she has never criticised the Iraqi shites for demolishing the Christian community. Hypocrisy at its finest.

          248. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Mother superior stop medelling and talking in my place..
            this is very indicative of frust-ration, stalker.

          249. man-o-war Avatar

            Why did you have to throw in “bitch” at the end? Not necessary and your point would have come across just the same. No class nag, none at all.

            There are savages and then there are SAVAGES. The people that behead and praise god at the same time are the SAVAGES. The way a ruling government deals with protesters is savage. The guards that raped men and women in prison are savages. What the Syrians did in Lebanon during the war was savage. What the militias did to each other was brutal and savage (your beloved Kataeb included). The Syrians were asked to come in to Lebanon to help the Christians and they did. Things later changed, why nag?

            Look at the Ukraine riots, four protesters killed already and 100’s injured. Egypt protests pre-Mubarak ousting and Post Morsi ousting, hundreds if not thousands killed and thousands more injured. Lets not kid ourselves, if protests erupted in the US on the scale of the Egyptian riots, or even Ukraine riots the streets would run red with blood. Governments don’t do well when their control is threatened and usually respond with deadly force. Is it right? No, I don’t think so.

          250. So ur saying that its not as bad to kill someone if it during a riot or protest? And to be raped in jail isn’t as savage as SAVAGE? Try telling that to them and their loved ones.

          251. man-o-war Avatar

            No, they are all savage. The method of killing is where the savagery differs in my opinion. Also praising God while doing it as if your doing if for god makes a difference to me. We aren’t surprised when psycho savages kill people or rape someone, but when they feel they have a blessing from a higher power to do it, we are surprised. Makes you ask, what type of God approves of this.

          252. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I wan’t me to nuke Iran?
            Wahabi are Christian killers.
            IsaeIi have been trying in vain to get Iranian Jews community to leave.
            Iran’s Jewish population is actualy the second largest in the Midlle East,
            and the oldest undisturbed Jewish community in the WORLD, it’s like if
            the Egyptian Coptic community was undisturbed since 2000 yrs.
            Irani (Persian), Jews is older.
            The Midlle East has been disturbed and guttered to the bone.
            Iranin Jews view themselves as Iranians who are tied to their homeland,
            just like Moslems and Christians Iranians, and for them the concept of
            that they need to relocate in Israel because they are Jewish is ridiculous,
            going to Israel is like going to live in US.
            Is there anything left in MD that has not been distroyed by Saudi US Israel?

          253. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Is your sister a bitch? You must be a Nazi…anti Syrian Christians for Israel- Saudi- West- Maffia, strategical plans in the Midlle- East ..go talk with Netanya hoo?

          254. Btru2 likes to wait for sex till he gets to heaven. Doggy is my favorite position.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        I tried your tricks for posting adress, i don’t know if it’s rigth…

  6. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Meddling my butt. you sent the IRGC to Lebanon since 1982 and they’re hundreds of them. What do you call that you damn liar.. I a beginning to believe Israel that this guy is full of hot air..

  7. cook2half Avatar

    Denial is a big part of Islam

  8. Haha

    Afghan Police Slash Tires To Deter Car Theft

    Police in Kabul, Afghanistan have come up with a very unorthodox way to combat car theft: vandalizing the cars themselves! As first reported by NPR, Kabul police are puncturing tires of cars parked on the street at night to deter car thieves. It’s so crazy that it just might work. Well…maybe not.

  9. cook2half Avatar

    “Israeli fighter planes bombarded S-300 missile launchers in the Syrian port city of Latakia late Sunday, Syrian opposition groups were quoted as saying by Israel’s Channel 2 television. Residents of the city reported hearing loud explosions just around midnight.”

    ya cmon rouhani come and liberate palestine lololol ololol

  10. man-o-war Avatar

    This article has been beaten to “death”, lets move on to the next one.

    1. Beaten? Or beheaded?

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      man-o-war i wan’t you to read someting of interrest, as here the brothel minister conducting the piglets. its’ te leake text of The Arab League Repore on Syria in 2011, that was rejected by Qatar then leaked and translated, i wrote it to dear geo..i don’t think he likes politcs

      1. Hello again Hindy, would you please consider a truce? no name mentioning, no references, no exchanges for 1 week, or what every you suggest so you are both less upset. please let me know, by posting a good picture of your cat you agree 🙂

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Hi dear geo, when i came here..i had a stalker since 2011 lurking in my
          diqus puting downies like my shadow even for hello, for 3 years, i left AlJazz
          he folowed with his sordid hatred he called it; “Price Tag” settlers write it on Palestinian doors), because i’m pro-Palestinian, even thow i said numerous
          times, i have nothing against Jews, only Zionists, many Jews are anti-Zionism,
          it was created by Fascist Russian Revisionist Jabotinsky he highjacked Zion,
          the religion. Don’t sometimes read Jews who are against Zionism like for example Mondoweiss? They have higher intelligence, logical thinking, reasonable, normal, not supremacists, meaning not brainwash Zombies.
          On every opinion she calls me a liar, the reason i avoided her from beginning. She’s from one Sect (Sunni) wishing death on (Shia Sect) and Allawites are a branche of Shia. I have nothing to do with this !.

          I’m horrified by foreign barbarians instaling sharia in the Levant killing Christians, she and many on YaLibnan call me me assad lover as in Hitler
          lover for this? When i mentioned Syrian Bishops kidnapped by “rebels”.
          Syrian Catholic priest beheaded among a sheering crowd, she asks for
          proof calls me full of “garbage”. This is father François Murad

    3. Yeah the market is taking a beating. Buy Apple below 500.

  11. cook2half Avatar

    The American public overwhelmingly supports Israel in most issues, but opposes US President Barack Obama’s positions on related matters, according to a poll commissioned by the Zi0nist Organization of America released Tuesday.

    “President Obama and [US] Secretary of State [John] Kerry should heed these results. They should understand that the American people expect our government to support Israel; stop promoting a Palestinian state; stop condemning Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem as ‘illegitimate’; support Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital; stop funding the Palestinian Authority and impose stronger sanctions on Iran to persuade it to terminate its nuclear weapons program,” ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said.


    1. cook2half Avatar

      Only 31 percent of Americans believe Obama is a close and reliable friend of Israel.

      Most Americans – 51% – believe Obama has not done all he can to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons, as opposed to a mere 28% who believe that he has.

      In addition, 59% of Americans advocate the imposition of stronger sanctions on Iran to convince it to stop developing nuclear weapons, as opposed to a mere 17% who believe the US should weaken sanctions on Iran to convince it to stop developing nuclear weapons.

      As for the conflict with the Palestinians, 59% of Americans believe a future Palestinian Arab state would be hostile to Israel and support terrorism.

      By a ratio of over 3 to 1 (47% –– 14%), Americans believe that Jews have the right to settle in the West Bank, according to the poll.

      An overwhelming majority of 72% Americans oppose Obama’s plan to give the Palestinian Authority $440 million, while only 15% believe that he should.

      Over half – 55% – of Americans believe Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel, and 63% believe that the PA should recognize Israel as the sovereign state of the Jewish people.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And you just KNOW that everyone will believe ‘reports’ and ‘polls’ and ‘sites’ which are SO unbiased … hehehehe

      1. cook2half Avatar

        Different poll from last year:

        “Americans’ sympathies for Israel matched an all-time high according to a Gallup poll released on Friday [15/03/13]

        According to the poll, Americans heavily favor the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64 percent versus 12%.”

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          One example:
          “An overwhelming majority of 72% Americans oppose Obama’s plan to give the Palestinian Authority $440 million, while only 15% believe that he should.”
          BUT … Did that ‘POLL’ also ask: ‘How would you feel about ‘giving’ Israel $440 Million?’
          Never mind … I’d like to see the ‘target audience’ for the poll too.
          It’s just that in here, it’s almost a forgone conclusion you wouldn’t have the same results … no matter how ‘interesting’ it seems.

          1. cook2half Avatar

            More than 70% of aid to Israel is invested back on American companies, creating thousands of jobs for Americans. The rest is military aid for Israel’s security and military technology, a lot information of which is shared with the U.S. Virtually 0% of the money goes to civil affairs in Israel.

            “Israeli companies have increasingly looked to opportunities in the United States, investing more than $50 billion between 2000 and 2009. Israel is among the top 20 suppliers of direct investment into the United States. In fact, Israelis invested more than $7 billion in 2009 alone. This sum marked an increase in U.S.-directed investment immediately following the global financial crisis, when many throughout the world were looking inward.”

            This is very different from the aid given to the Palestinian Authority (not just by the U.S. but also the EU and others); 90% of their very existence is based on foreign free handouts. A lot of it ends up in Swiss bank accounts ($2.5 billion EU aid has been unaccounted for).

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            So … PUSH the ‘ACCOUNTABILITY LINE’. NOT the Anti-Obama crap.
            CONGRESS RULES. Right?? 😉

          3. cook2half Avatar

            The American people and congress members are highly supportive of Israel.

            Obama and his administration is an enemy of Israel, and has dealt very badly with issues in surrounding countries.

            Hence the anti Obama “crap”.


          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Et, Voila.

            I’m out.

          5. I would not take that to the bank. American I know dislike Jews (I actually like Jews) but when it come to Israel and Arabs they definitely prefer Israel because of what they see on TV (death to America and so on), as far as congress they just like the money they get from Jews.

          6. cook2half Avatar

            I dont like Jews either, I just prefer zi0nism to the Pale$tinian Authority

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A picture is worth a thousand words..

          8. cook2half Avatar

            You think I support this filth who says stuff like that?

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I preffer Zionism, that’s pure Zionism…

          10. cook2half Avatar

            You think he prefers me to a palestinian? im a gentile no different

          11. Why does he look so much like Morsi?

    3. man-o-war Avatar

      The article is so dumb its being rejected by the internet. Did the ZOA only poll Jewish Americans? It seems so, this 60% crap is not even close to accurate. Remember 90% of statistics are made up on the spot ; )

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        “The WZO poll was conducted by McLaughlin Associates, surveying 1000 Americans, consisting of Protestants (46%), Catholics (30%), Jews (3.6%), African Americans (13%), Hispanics (12%), Asians (3%) and Whites (70%). Politically, the respondents were 42% Democratic supporters and 41% Republican supporters.”

        I’m I understanding this right? These numbers don’t seem to add up–> 1+1=chair

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          46%+30%+3.6% (Jews as in religion)= 79.6%
          13%+12%+3%+70%+3.6%(Jewish race)=101.6%

          Did they poll any Americans from middle eastern origin? Or they in there with the whites?
          No Muslim Americans polled?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            1000 out of 350 Mil ….. .000003 (with rounding) % of the population ….
            Accurate to within 8.5 out of 10 times … maybe … if McLaughlin thinks it’s wonderful in it’s work.
            Let’s keep ‘polling’ crap out of this site, shall we?

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            Maybe he was trying to entertain us with some jokes, we’ve been in need of some laughs lately.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Damn kids ARE a joke. 😉

          4. cook2half Avatar


          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah .. I know … the old guys … what do they know.

          6. cook2half Avatar

            I didnt mean it that way =/

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Crook means he want to monologue, not to dialoque, i know him..

          8. cook2half Avatar

            Just something I read on the internet thought id share etc

          9. cook2half Avatar


    4. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Israel, don’t lke the non-Zionist Jews, a picture is worth a thousand words.
      He was just stading on the sreet ..beside a peacfull protest

      1. cook2half Avatar

        Reality (the whole picture) is worth even more

      2. In Israel they don’t like good looking people very much. This guy is good looking. The beautiful Israeli activist Leef is currently being put under much grief in Israel too.

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Have you even been to Israel? your flight must have made an emergency landing in Islamabad

      3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        As if Syria let the protesters protest without hunting them like hypocrite as usual.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Everything turns Syria for the Zionists hypocrites here..huhh

          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            To me there are no difference between Syria and Israel. I regard them both as enemies. they both destoryed Lebanon and enjoyed it. but Syria supposedly the brotherly nation and it hardly acted that way. therefore anyone sides with them or israeli is my enemy. that means you..

  12. cook2half Avatar

    I love Israel as much as I love Lebanon

  13. cook2half Avatar

    @disqus_ySaFAwotsk:disqus so ur going to miami lol if u ever decide to visit southern england come visit me lol

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad


      1. cook2half Avatar

        Central London =D

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Please, this is half crooked, South London is not Cental London and South England is not South London……….!

          1. cook2half Avatar

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            When i was in South London i said i was in London,
            South England mean a region not the Capital, you know that rigth?

          3. cook2half Avatar

            Southern England is what I said, meaning anything southwards; places like Greater London, Oxford, Nottingham, etc.. Do I have to specify exactly where I live? =/

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You are the one who said London 🙂 London is one would know where you live..sorry i talked geography. .

          5. cook2half Avatar

            lol well if u ever come ill tell you where I am and we’ll have a coffee yayy

          6. she will poison your coffee cup :

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Crook2halfguest again!

          8. cook2half Avatar


          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m not blind the nun was gone, it became guest..(?)

          10. cook2half Avatar

            London is in southern England, you know that right?

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          I wish that very sick person barbie, would stop dawning anything from traffic to wheater, its ridiculous…

  14. Israel is not stupid to attack Iran with just conventional weapons. If Israel attacks Iran, it will be with nuclear weapons just like Iran said the same against Israel.

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