Several Hezbollah fighters killed in Yemen, while helping the Shiite Houthi rebels, report


hezbollah parade

Hezbollah and Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards are reportedly engaged in battles alongside the Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, al-Mustaqbal newspaper reported on Saturday.

According to the daily, several Hezbollah Shiite fighters have been killed as the coalition of largely Sunni Muslim countries led by Riyadh has been hitting Houthi rebels in Yemen with air strikes in a bid to restore the government of ousted President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

Saudi Arabia has vowed to bomb the rebels, who it says are backed by Tehran, into surrender to prevent them establishing a pro-Iran state at its doorstep.

Sources told al-Mustaqbal daily that Hezbollah’s involvement in battles in Sanaa is “possible as several of its fighters and experts, who hold the Lebanese nationality, were in Yemen’s Sanaa before the rebels seized swathes of territory in Yemen since they entered Sanaa last September.

The sources stressed that Hezbollah and Iran’s presence in Yemen isn’t a secret, pointing out that several military experts have been sent to aid the Houthis.

“The military experts entered Yemen by using fake identification papers,” the sources continued.

BBC Arabic reported on March 27 that Qassem Suleimani the head of the Qods Force, the foreign arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps who has been heading up the Iranian and Iraqi Shiite militia attack against the Islamic state in Tikrit was dispatched by the Islamic Republic of Iran to Yemen reportedly to help organize the Shiite Houthi rebels following the Saudi-led airstrikes .

Hezbollah was established in 1982 by the Qods Force. Suleimani has reportedly become the de facto leader of all Shiite militias fighting in the middle East , including Hezbollah .

Yemen has slid deeper into turmoil after a Saudi-led air campaign began on March 26 to push back the Iran-backed Shiite Houthi rebels advance after they forced President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi to flee the country.



55 responses to “Several Hezbollah fighters killed in Yemen, while helping the Shiite Houthi rebels, report”

  1. What a surprise. Not!

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      The only surprise is how much penis you consume every day while posting on this blog at the same time. You really are talented.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hi Anti … how’s it going? ;-))

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Very good thanks commander.
          :-)) Thanks for asking. How are you, hope you are very well. I see things haven’t changed much. What are they accusing you of being this week 5th?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think her latest was ‘rimming’ … besides the usual. :-)))
            However, in real life, I’m still kicking, the weather’s beginning to improve, and there’s even some birds attempting to fly north. Lots of ‘outside’ jobs to do. Which might make it more pleasant than being in here ALL the time. :-)))

          2. Patience2 Avatar

            Are you talking about ‘rimming’ Margarita glasses?? No Scotch in them though!

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Last drop in the Glen-Bottles … a favourite … and it means the ‘recycle’ guy with the shopping cart doesn’t search the bin too long. (lots of those these days even here …)

          4. Patience2 Avatar

            So you like strawberry Margs, eh? I prefer the salt on the originals!

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Also like Manhattans … NO ice … the Cherry at the end is delightful. 😉

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Give the bottles to Bibites wife she loves recycling

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Demain il va faire beau.:).Enfin

      2. arzatna1 Avatar

        This p..s seems the only thing coming out of your mouth . Please be civilized in dealing with others , otherwise I will request Ya Libnan to black list you for bad manners

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (the fake lands again …)

          1. it seems you have a problem with some fakes but not others. Why have you never called your boyfriend a fake? You two faced old snake

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            She looked real enough to me.

          3. Is that why he refuses to post a pic holding three fingers up? Maybe you could explain why your “real” boyfriend refuses to post that pic. You two faced old snake

          4. Lol I knew you would not reply

          5. Lol still avoiding the question. Just proves how deceptive you are

        2. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Thanks for the heads up, however speak when you are spoken to. That thing is who you should address that threat to.

          1. So who gave a dog like you permission to bark!

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Leborigine – Guest(Barabie) • 8 months ago

          I suggest that you
          shut the fuck up you fucking idiot! Don’t pick a phrase from a post,
          argue it and dismiss the rest. I highly recommend that you fuck yourself
          really hard with whatever it is that you will be using, depending on
          the size of your bore. Stupid fuck!

          BTW, don’t get upset with my language, if you want to give it, I’m pretty sure you will be able to take it 🙂
          have abused some of the nicest people here and due to their kindness,
          they opted not to reply to you. So, on their behalf, whether they accept
          it or not – Fuck YOU
          2•Reply•Share ›

          Anti ISIS – Leborigine • 8 months ago

          Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted
          Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted
          Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted
          3•Reply•Share ›

          Hind Abyad – Leborigine • 8 months ago

          Feel better? Big daddy?
          •Reply•Share ›


          Hind Abyad • 8 months agoYou want piece of the action too?
          2015-04-10 18:47 GMT-04:00

        4. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Funny you never say this to the civilised porn queen

          1. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Like always Hind, Arzatna can’t see beyond his/hers nose.

          2. Look who is the porn whore.

            “Hind Abyad 5thDrawer
            13 hours ago
            o O I Barabie playing with herself..”

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What do you call talking to yourself, o O I & game player

            “°√°” ? ZZZZ

      3. Ok I promise to leave some for your daughter. Greedy slut she is

  2. arzatna1 Avatar

    The Hezbollah fighters must have been born in Yemen. After all Hezbollah chief is supposed to be a Sayyed and is not supposed to lie .
    I feel real sorry for the young Lebanese to go and die in Yemen , just to satisfy Iran’s ego
    What a shame

    1. Caribbean Avatar

      “I feel real sorry for the young Lebanese to go and die in Yemen , just to satisfy Iran’s ego
      What a shame”

      do you also feel sorry for the young Lebanese that are dying in Syria fighting against Assad? don’t tell me your good heart only works on one side

      1. arzatna1 Avatar

        both sides
        I said many times I fee sorry for the young Lebanese that go to Syria and die for the sake of protecting a rotten dictator

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (not Arzatna …)

      2. I feel sooty for your parents

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well, ‘sooty’ is new one, I must admit. You like ‘Ash Wednesday’?? :-))))))))

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You like sooty scotch?

    2. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      Did you ever stop to think that maybe these men are HA supporters and actually not part of HA it’s self.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        One can always ‘register’ with a political office, just by phoning in. Become part of all one can be. Send a donation … that sort of thing. :-)))

      2. arzatna1 Avatar

        it is the same
        Supports usually become members

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Lol, is that what usually happens, is it. Not even worth a response.

      3. Lol what a lame excuse. Back to your rimming donkey’s ass.

      4. In Arabic it means tilhas teez jahash

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Yuk, I not going to lick you mums ass.

          1. If she’s dead she doesn’t have an ass. But that donkey you call your mum is bent over with its dirty gaping hole ready for you to lick till your hearts content.

      5. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        He never stop to think..

  3. Yemen is not Lebanon’s war. Nasrallah should be removed for bring this newest war.

    1. He should be removed from the face of the earth.

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        And you should stop consuming penis. It’s distorting your way of thinking.

        1. Why? Isn’t your mom getting enough donkey dick?

  4. Patience2 Avatar

    If they fight for a foreign country they should lose their Lebanese citizenship. And, be buried in the foreign garbage dump.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Perhaps all of the ones flying to fight as ….’terrrorits’ … basically Mercenaries who just love that as a job.
      But then one could ask if they are fighting ‘for’ … or ‘against’… something in a foreign space.
      I doubt many outside of family really care, and then when they go, maybe not many of those care if they return … even in body-bags. Saves a lifetime having to apologize for them, perhaps, if they rot where they lie … which is pretty well what happens to ‘self-detonators’ who leave little to pick up.
      (collect dirt with some DNA – wash the rest away.)

      1. Patience2 Avatar

        So true.

    2. arzatna1 Avatar

      You nailed it !!

    3. Well said But they shouldn’t be buried, they should be cremated.

      1. Patience2 Avatar

        Yah — why ‘soil’ the dump?

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