Lebanon’s October 2019 revolution will soon elect its leaders , report, video


To the skeptics of the October 17 revolution, who claim that it is “without a leader “… The revolution will reportedly surprise us soon, and it will achieve what many have been asking for.

Few days reportedly separate us from the election of the leaders of the Lebanese revolution!

In this regard, retired Brigadier General George Nader revealed through “Spot Shot” that “we are working closely with the revolution groups in order to designate representatives to them to enter the Representative Council of the revolution,” noting that “this council may number 200 to 300 people , and these people will then meet to elect the Revolutionary Command Council soon.”

Nader pointed out that “meetings are already taking place for this purpose with the Revolution forces, and for this purpose intensive and daily workshops are being held for several hours in order to choose their representatives to elect the representative council of the Revolution, which in turn will elect the collective leadership of the revolution.”

Nader warned that “Lebanon has entered a phase of total and complete chaos, which the security forces will not be able to tackle any longer.”



One response to “Lebanon’s October 2019 revolution will soon elect its leaders , report, video”

  1. Anxiously waiting to see and get to know the leaders of the revolution.
    Time for the revolution to prove it is not leaderless .
    No leaderless revolution ever made it

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