Hariri warns against any escalation over Hezbollah tunnells


hariri, cnbcPrime Minister-designate Saad Hariri warned  Wednesday that Israel’s operation to destroy alleged Hezbollah tunnels on Lebanon’s border should not lead to “any escalation.”

“The developments on the southern border must not be a reason for any escalation, and this is what Lebanon wants and is seeking with all the international and friendly sides concerned with this,” Hariri said in a statement.

“The Lebanese government stresses commitment to the full obligations of Resolution 1701 and to the ongoing coordination and cooperation between Lebanese authorities and U.N. forces. It also asserts that the responsibility for protecting the border and extending legitimate authority along the entire border falls on the Lebanese Army, in line with the requirements of international legitimacy and the declared resolutions in this regard,”  Hairi added .

Slamming “Israel’s continued violation of Lebanese airspace and territorial waters,” Hariri added that the Lebanese government will coordinate  the issue with “the relevant parties of the U.N. General Secretariat and the member states of the U.N. Security Council.”



21 responses to “Hariri warns against any escalation over Hezbollah tunnells”

  1. Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt that an act of war to build tunnels into another country for the purpose of future attacks. I am sure they were not bringing flowers. Hezb is playing a deadly game of cat and mouse. On the plus side, Israel has excellent intel from inside the Hezbollah camp.

    1. Agreed, its is an act of war. Now correct me if I am wrong isn’t violating Lebanon airspace an act war too. Two wrongs

      1. Yes agreed. Israel has been as much offence as defense and should respect Lebanese air space, but there is a determined enemy to the North that needs to stop. There is a common thread to this whole problem that has kept Lebanon and Israel on the verge of war. The Iranian proxy that is armed to the teeth and is attempting to turn Lebanon into an Iranian missile factory and probably already has. Be prepared, I have a feeling there may be some surgical strikes on these factories in the near future. The remainder of Lebanon can not control the Hezb, and when Iran needs to play the Hezb card, there will be war, but the question is, will Israel wait till Iran is prepared? Preemptive strikes is Israeli fashion and they have already warned Lebanon several times.
        Sorry to say but the future looks grim.

        1. “Lebanon” is still there geographically, but it has ceased to exist as a sovereign political entity. Hence, “Lebanese air space” is a fiction. There is a Hezbollahstan, though, where, sadly, normal human laws (including those of logic) no longer apply.

      2. There can’t be nothing else but wrongs, those two countries are enemies.

        The wrongs aren’t any surprise, it is devastating that the theocratic Hezbollah succeeded to hold the Lebanese as a hostage.

      3. Forget about “war”, Arzna (Lebanon’s government keeps insisting on being in one with Israel since 1948). How do you define surrendering one’s own country to a gang of thugs? And what’s the appropriate term to describe the refusal to deal with this situation for 20-plus years while putting the blame on everyone else?

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Not wrong for defence.

  2. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Israel planning to invade Lebanon again?

    1. provide normal water supply, electricity 24/7?

      1. Shuja Pasha Avatar
        Shuja Pasha

        Lebanon over all is better than the prostitute, beggar state of Israel. 🙂 .One of the best countries of West Asia is Lebanon.

        1. Suck dick of drunken monkey, pls visit Israel to see reality. Upvoting itself infosharmuta?

  3. Dumbyad is back with a vengeance. I was beginning to worry it looked in the mirror and killed itself.

    1. You do not have to worry, Dumbyad is active as usual (https://twitter.com/abyadhind) – maybe even more active than before.

      As we know, Hindler spreads familiar stories as well as propaganda taken from russia-insider.

      I no longer remember how many times she presented this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9be3093f7414a27844493145e6687143224bad3627c533201eae6b30c936a8ab.jpg Mossed logo designed with the help of “CafePress> Design Your Own”.

      The text of the FAKE logo is absurd so I checked, and I was right – the text is fictional.
      https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ecca3b9ea7a578185ff90a7e6c7d86d2f0736af2e3cfa3a869bb8aaa812dfaff.jpg The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations is the correct translation.


      1. I almost never bother to read the crap she posts beyond the headline.

        1. She dose it again, https://twitter.com/AbyadHind/status/1071859722863693824
          I couldn’t finde the origin of this document, it was simple with the FAKE Mossed logo (designed with the help of “CafePress> Design Your Own”).

          Hundreds of Jews questioned by the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency said they had experienced a physical, anti-Semitic attack in the past year, while 28% said they had been harassed.

          Anti-Semitism is getting worse and Jews are increasingly worried about the risk of harassment, according to a major survey of 12 EU countries. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7829022a4ea1ca75eedbef015a9134db258eac3d3e58b09ddf5d1b81c1d537c2.jpg France is identified as having the biggest problem with anti-Semitism.

          Germany, the UK, Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands also saw incidents. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d83d923745fa98f34ee282cec385b36cf4f300e2782f46ab56ecab9cbaa1d4ee.jpg

          This year alone 85-year-old Mireille Knoll, who escaped the Holocaust, was murdered in her Paris flat and an eight-year-old boy wearing a kippah (skullcap) was attacked in the street by teenagers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e42c6b73faf2a6c1f5f51b4d4ac9425a4c457dc5c081a052653e9438b723719.jpg

          We have proof made by Hindler where antisemitic comments are made…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e5347e930d91a740d387368b5d11a0c3cbbc23aff82944669a45d762197a258.jpg

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar

        Before Zionism Mossad Motto didn’t exist there was no army only Irgun. Hagana. Stern gang.. terrorists organisations.

  4. Knowing that Hezbollah turns Lebanese border villages into military bases, Hairi points that
    “The Lebanese government stresses commitment to the full obligations of Resolution 1701 and to the ongoing coordination and cooperation between Lebanese authorities and U.N. forces. It also asserts that the responsibility for protecting the border and extending legitimate authority along the entire border falls on the Lebanese Army, in line with the requirements of international legitimacy and the declared resolutions in this regard,”.

    Nasrallah has been talking about his plan to conquer the Galilee since 2011, and the IDF has been preparing accordingly – both by gathering extensive intelligence on the terror group’s operations in the border area and by building an obstacle including a wall in some parts, and the use of the natural bluffs in others, meant to hinder the Hezbollah forces while Israeli aerial force bombard them.

    “The developments on the southern border must not be a reason for any escalation, and this is what Lebanon wants and is seeking with all the international and friendly sides concerned with this,” Hariri said in a statement that is just words that will not prevent the escalation.

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