Hariri blasts Iran’s Rouhani: Has no right to tell us what we should do in Lebanon

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is shown with resigned PM Saad al-Hariri, who announced his resignation as Lebanese prime minister on Nov. 4, Photo courtesy of Dalati Nohra
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is shown with resigned PM Saad al-Hariri, who announced his resignation as Lebanese prime minister on Nov. 4, Photo courtesy of Dalati Nohra. November 21, 2107

Resigned Prime Minister Saad Hariri blasted Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s remarks stressing   that Iran is not entitled to interfere in Lebanon’s internal affairs, blasting its attempts to dominate the region.

“It is not Rouhani the one who decides what we should do in Lebanon,” Hariri said in an interview with Al-Rajol magazine.

“Iran is trying to show its might in the region. This is part of a propaganda that Tehran promotes by claiming that it controls Syria,” he added.

Hariri dismissed any influential role for Iran in Syria, adding that it wouldn’t have been able to achieve any progress had the Russians not interfered.

“Hadn’t it been for Russia, Bashar Assad would’ve been toppled long time ago ,” he added.

“Despite all the efforts it exerted, Iran couldn’t keep Bashar. That’s why it turned to Russia for help,” Hariri noted.

Hariri praised the leadership of Saudi Arabia, hailing the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman as a man with a vision.

“The Crown Prince and the other young generation in the Kingdom are giving hope to the future,” he stated.

“  Prince Mohammed bin Salman , the crown prince has a vision and only a few leaders possess  such a vision. He  is very  capable  and  working hard  to meet the challenges,” Hariri added.

Lebanese newspaper An Nahar reported that resigned PM Saad Hariri had an excellent meeting Friday Nov 17, 2017 with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman ( MbS)
Lebanese newspaper An Nahar reported that resigned PM Saad Hariri had an excellent meeting Friday Nov 17, 2017 with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman ( MbS)

Hariri, whose resignation earlier this month from , Riyadh Saudi Arabia caused widespread consternation, is set to return to Beirut on Wednesday to participate in the Independence celebrations

After quitting he remained for  two weeks  in Riyadh, prompting accusations  by Hezbollah  that he was being “detained” by the Saudis.

Hariri strongly denied he was being held against his will and flew to Paris last Saturday to meet  French President Emmanuel Macron. On Tuesday he headed to Egypt where he met with Egyptian president .



193 responses to “Hariri blasts Iran’s Rouhani: Has no right to tell us what we should do in Lebanon”

  1. Bravo Mr Hariri ! tell Rouhani to go to hell and take Nasrallah with him. Iranians have no business telling the Lebanese what to do . They can’t even handle their own country . They have more problems at home than you can ever imagine. I must add that no country in the world has any right to tell the Lebanese what to to do

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Curiosity.. 6 likes from Zionists some never seen here.. humm

      1. I thought one of the likes was from you under another name . Now be honest which one ?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Wahyat Allah i never need that. I hate lies..not Ruthie Riegler?

          I’m one of these rare people:
          Great sixth sense or intuition can sense, danger, infidelity, and disloyalty from a hands distance..

          Over the time they form a special energy cycle around them,
          which people around them simply cannot intrude.

          Trying lying to them, and they’ll unleash the worst ever side of themselves. They might forgive, but they’ll never forget.

          Nothing or no one can bring them any harm; such is the power
          of their luck.

          These people are sharp, intuitive, have great knowledge and
          memory of an elephant. They are easy to adapt and make no
          fuss about arrangements around them.

      2. MaImequer0 Avatar

        Hey sweetie… what’s not to like?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          You, fatso.

    2. Except Israel? 😛

  2. Hold your breath everyone.The guy who has returned to Lebanon is not Saad Harriri.The guy we see is an imposter,or Harriri’ look a like or body double who was sent to Lebanon by the Evil Empire running the show.Saad Harrir was taken care of in France.That’ why He was sent there in the first place.Every member of the Harriri ( the brave ,self made millionaire nationalist) family will be exterminated one after another.Lebanon should be governed , (T)hey have decided,by a bunch of very corrupt mercenary,coward politicians headed by a semi literate ex vegetable seller ,the fatso Hassn Nassrolah.The next thing we will witness ,will be this imposter kissing Hassan Nassrolahs hand.The farther Saad Harriri had stayed away from Lebanon , the more irrelevant this fatso would have become.therfore , a plan had to be designed to reverse the outcome.Using body-doubles and look-a-likes is a fast growing trend which can even confuse the pundits,

    1. You know if you were to remove the s from your name how it sounds in French? débile…

        1. Did you notice that when you ignore YucK the troll he gets even more sarcastic? That is because he is bankrupt 😉 in his brain that is. Best is not to engage them. Let them bark. he he

      1. Wow, that’s the funniest joke I heard in ages. Does your sense of humor run in the family? I hope you regale ’em wage slaves in your “startup” with more of it.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Blablabla what’s so funny petty Yakov, speaking French
          worth a post?

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