Saudi officials slam Aoun over his support for Hezbollah

Supporters of Christian leader Michel Aoun hold Free Patriotic Movement flags and a picture of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah,
Supporters of president  Michel Aoun hold Free Patriotic Movement flags and a picture of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah,

Saudi officials bitterly  criticized President Michel Aoun over his support for the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group   during recent meetings in the kingdom with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and Phalange  Party chief MP Sami Gemayel, Lebanese  media reported  on  Tuesday .

“Geagea and Gemayel heard from the Saudis bitter criticism against Aoun during their visits,” sources close to Prime Minister Saad Hariri told al-Akhbar newspaper.

The sources quoted the Saudis as openly saying: “We did not want the president to join the March 14 camp, but we were hoping that he would become centrist, and that’s why we did not oppose his election.”

“He surprised us. He is acting as if he is linked ideologically to Hezbollah. He is formally claiming that he is at the same distance from everyone in order to facilitate his presidential tenure, but at heart and at the core he is totally linked to Hezbollah,” the Saudi officials reportedly stressed.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri  who is currently visiting Saudi Arabia  reportedly heard the same kind of criticism  from saudi officials .

Hariri reportedly met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the future king of the kingdom.

Following their meeting he said in a tweet :

“Whenever I meet His Highness, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) , I become more convinced that we and the Saudi leadership are in full agreement on Lebanon's stability and Arab identity,” said Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday during his trip to the kingdom
“Whenever I meet His Highness, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) , I become more convinced that we and the Saudi leadership are in full agreement on Lebanon’s stability and Arab identity,” said Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday during his trip to the kingdom

“Whenever I meet His Highness, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) , I become more convinced that we and the Saudi leadership are in full agreement on Lebanon’s stability and Arab identity. ”

Saudi Arabia’s official news agency said talks between the two leaders tackled “bilateral relations between the two countries and the regional developments.”

 Hariri  also said  Tuesday that he held a “long meeting” with  Saudi State Minister for Gulf Affairs Thamer al-Sabhan, a day after the minister criticized Hezbollah over its interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries



25 responses to “Saudi officials slam Aoun over his support for Hezbollah”

  1. Aoun’s behavior is extremely strange and , should know better .
    If it wasn’t for Geagea and Hariri backing he would have never seen Baabda .
    He should know that Hezbollah never wanted him as president but was embarrassed after Geagea and Hariri backed him and after the Saudis and Iranians decided to back him too

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      Even Hezbollah were hesitant on him until he made a promise he will lick Nassrallah shoes and make sure he will obey his master in Dahia. what a puppet Aoun turning out to be.

        1. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          You told me what? some steve paul blabber something and you are taking it with grain of salt? and second what do you expect when you constantly threatening Israel? If you want the farms I am sure Israel will hand it over if Lebanon were to commit peace with israel. and i am not talking opening borders and embassies. I am talking peace here. Not that I would justify Israeli nuclear/non-nuclear options because I would be very devastated if anything happened to Lebanon. But again you can’t keep threatening Israel and expect them not to fight? We accepted the PLO in our country and they were pushed on US. To date i have no clue who were the countries that pushed us into submission or forced us to have a Cairo agreement where we let you beloved PLO shoot at Israel from South Lebanon.. who the the ungrateful bastards turned their guns against us and you supported that for sure.
          I am basically starting with the original conflicts and I am sure Israel pushed some PLO over to our borders. But we should have contained the PLO and any attacks from Lebanon regardless whether we consider Israel an enemy or not? second here comes Hezbollah and Iran. Israel withdrew from South Lebanon and no one can justify their aggressions against us and they got punished for it anyway. But again we are making more excuses to attack them. If Israel pitting the arabs against each other to weaken them and keep them busy. Then you are stupid to fall for that trap and you deserve what you get.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Who am i to “threaten Israel” ..your brain is screwed..i’m was warning about Zionism, not Judaism. Netanyahu’s Likud was founded by Irgun Menahem Begin, they introduced terrorism in the Holy Land.

            ” Encouraged by the nebulous border in the Galilee region, early Zionist strategists considered Lebanon, especially the southern portion, an arena for potential Zionist settlement. Chaim Weizmann toured Lebanon in 1907.”

            “They identified the owner as a wealthy Christian from Beirut with considerable land holdings in southern Lebanon, also available for purchase. Enthused one Hibbat Zion agent [wrote]:

            Every man has his fateful hour and now is the fateful hour to seize the land…It would be a sin on our part if we miss it. We must gather every resource in our power to effect this purchase… We will not cast from our hand this treasure, this wonderful gem, which could be for us a key to a strong position in the heights of Lebanon so dear to us.(3)”

          2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Is this how you communicate with people in real life? Every time something contradicts your belief system you resort to copy-paste gibberish.

            How do you act when you’re shopping at the supermarket?

            Woman at the till: “Sorry ma’am those items are no longer on discount.”
            You: “Likud zionism Irgun Begin jew settlement land + conspiracy website.”

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionist Yelow Rag aka-Malmequer knows your history.
            Likud was founded by Menachem Begin.
            Albert Einstein: ‘Letter to the Editor NYT in 1948’.

          4. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            When was that published? 514 A.D.?

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Oh dear, not again.

          6. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            MaImequer0 HebAlba • 3 years ago

            Sweetie, 514 phone prefix for Montreal, millions of people.. it is not your private code. I suppose all the others using 514 stole it from you eh??? lol.

            O Hind Abyad • 3 years ago

            You mean videotron isn’t a video to the 514 code of your private parts?
            Maybe it’s 514 videos of your 514 personalities.
            Take a screenshot and then go play in traffic. Blease.

          7. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            How long have you been posting on the internet? since 1996?

          8. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Answer my question. How long have you been wasting your time on the internet?

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Repeating Malmequer0 all over again … Cook2half and me corresponded by email, he would also call me on the was cookie who sent captures showed when John Gilbert become Malmequer0..and others;-)

          10. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Listen Hind I am no way shape or form support Israel let’s be clear here. Second I hated Belfour act not for the love of Palestinians but because I didn’t want them spreading across the arab world. To me Israelis and Palestinians not generalizing them here but most are troublemakers for sure. so I would love to steer clear of both of them. No one can deny the Jewish grand scheme of divide and conquer. But that was the theme of the Al Assad Clan as well. the arabs did it to themselves. Hosni Mubarak wanted it all with his sones and didn’t give the egyptian much of anything. Saddam screwed his own people. Gaddaffi did the same. Bashar is no different with his cousins. Look at the Saudis so called royal family. Who the hell made them royal? the same in Yemen Saleh and many others. these rulers opened up the road to destructions and Israel capitalized on it. We are still protecting like these rulers still. Bashar, Nassrallah, Berri, jumblatt, Harriri, Geagea and his darling Streda.. yes they are smaller compared to Nassrallah. Basically what I am saying had we established any democracy that looks after our own Israel would not have been able to touch us. I guarantee you if the PLO didn’t try to take over Lebanon and the same for Syria. Christians would not have leaned toward Israel. The proof even when Bashir Gemayel when he met with Begin refused his hegemony over Lebanon because he didn’t want anyone controlling us regardless of what you think of him. the bottom line if we are united no powers of the west or the east or Israel can divide us. Now we are letting Iran decides our fate and using Hezbollah to push it’s agenda across middle east. we don’t want to test israel and neither we want to be an iranian pawn to be used as a defensive front for the mullahs. If we don’t give Israel excuse to attack us and if they did for no reason, the world will shun them.

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Well said Danny

    2. yu knowed nothin mr. yu no knowed aoon and ha goood for libnain mr

      1. Welcome back buddy where have you been? Does the Nasrallah’s bunker smell so bad . We missed you greatly and glad you survived. Don’t leave us no more , this place is not the same without you

        1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          Is he having a stroke?

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Keefak ya haboub?

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