Israel demolishes Palestinian al-Araqib village


The Israeli occupation forces demolished on Wednesday the Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Naqab desert in Southern Palestinian occupied territories, according to official Palestinian Authority (PA) owned news agency – Wafa.

This is the 120th time Israel demolishes the village. The first demolition of al-Araqib took place in June 2010.

Wafa news agency reported that the Israeli occupation police and bulldozers broke into the village and demolished all metal shelters built by its residents, following each demolishment they have had to endure since 2010. Al-Araqib is one of the 35 Bedouin villages considered “unrecognized” by Israeli authorities.

According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), more than half of the approximately 160,000 Naqab Bedouins reside in unrecognized villages, which the Israeli occupation refuses to provide with a planning structure and location under municipal jurisdiction. ACRI explained that Israeli occupation uses a variety of measures to pressure Bedouins into relocating to other areas, disregarding their needs.

“Whole communities have been issued demolition orders; others are forced to continue living in unrecognized villages that are denied basic services and infrastructure, such as electricity and running water,” said ACRI according to Wafa.

Moreover, the Israeli occupation forces sent a demolishment notice on Tuesday to a Palestinian resident of al-Walaja village, located northeast of Palestinian city Bethlehem.

The demolishing activities serve the escalated settlement expansion plans of the Israeli occupation government approved in July. In 2013, Israel launched a mass Bedouin home eviction campaign, which Palestinians strongly resisted. Palestinians consider these Israeli acts as attempts to erase the identity and presence of several Palestinian villages. In response, they organized sit-ins and protests, as well as online campaigns to highlight the human rights violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians.

The Israeli occupation authorities ignored Palestinians’ demands and the government approved a legislation that discriminates against Bedouins and authorizes large-scale displacement, while severely restricting Bedouins’ ability to appeal. According to Israeli estimates, implementing the law would displace at least 30,000 Bedouins.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), 200,000 Bedouins live in southern Naqab; where the majority live in seven government-planned townships and several thousands more live in 11 Bedouin communities that Israel is in the process of “recognizing.” However, Israel’s planning documents and maps exclude 35 “unrecognized” Bedouin communities, where, according to the government’s estimates, 70,000 to 90,000 people live.
HRW explains that Israel demolishes Bedouin homes on the basis that they were built without permits. For decades, Israel refused to either legally recognize these communities or allow their residents to gain title to ancestral land.
The Israeli government rejected discussions of proposed plans submitted by groups seeking authorization for Bedouin communities, making it impossible for residents to obtain building permits. In contrast, the government takes an active role in planning and expanding Israeli communities in the region, and has retroactively authorized construction there by Israeli citizens.

Since 2013, HRW has documented the demolition of 18 Bedouin homes and 11 other structures, including eight tents where victims of previous demolitions were living. According to the organization, in one case, security forces demolished the home of a family that had two children with disabilities, without allowing their parents time to retrieve the children’s medication, hearing aids or oxygen canister.




267 responses to “Israel demolishes Palestinian al-Araqib village”

  1. Egypt Today: “Since 2013, HRW has documented the demolition of 18 [!] Bedouin homes and 11 [!!!] other structures.”

    Sounds like a true genocide. And of course, not a single “Bedouin structure” has ever been demolished in Egypt or elsewhere in the Arab world. 🙂

    1. Jews suck at genocide, man.

      1. Arabs suck at everything else. 🙂

      2. There are genocide lessons going on next door on a daily basis.
        And Iran has come along way from home to help Assad show Israel how genocide is done. I would love to see the JDAM video from the latest spanking of Hezb/Iran in Syria.

    1. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
      Sex & Chocolate

      NIce photo vs but are you trying to say that the events in the article have never taken place? if its true may I ask if you are comfortable with it.

      1. Hi S&C, are You familiar what is happening in Negev? Africa? ME? This Wafa and Orabian (Egypts) news is diversion (also stupid Hannibal here) from Orabian occupation EVERYWHERE. I posted not photo, link (to may be not updated satellite picture) of wikimapia. You and anyone can contribute to improve info (politics not welcomed)

        1. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
          Sex & Chocolate

          Hi Vs, Josef’s post clarified the history and details not mentioned in the article, although human laws are not always perfect I am more comfortable living in a society that has laws and enforces them than to be in a lawless society. I read a lot but I don’t read everything , the majority of news outlet is biased as well as commentators.
          If you hire a lawyer to represent you in a murder trial he will use all his experience and evidence in the case to exonerate you and find you innocent, the same lawyer with the exact same evidence may end up working as a prosecutor one day and he will also do everything he can to prosecute you and have you jailed for life or executed. humans have a strong tendencies to be biased dishonest and unfair when it suits them, this dishonesty has no borders, some simply compromise their integrity to meet their needs, so don’t worry I don’t believe anything I hear and half of what I see.
          As far as Hannibal goes you will notice that his discus account is not private, take a look at his views from years ago and you will see that he is not a fan of Hizbollah and he is not anti sementic and he is actually a very intelligent accomplished person that has a bad temper and is happy to have it lol, I cant speak for Hannibal but I can tell you that as I get older I find less tolerance for trouble makers from both sides of the border that suffocate hope and peace, what may have been ok for me as a child of war is not ok for me now, some feelings grow and others die. the only thing that matters is that those steering the bus today are producing results for better conditions for both peoples, it is a human issue and my faith teaches me equality and fairness to all humans.
          Any rational logical person in a healthy society knows that there is no room or welcome for a group like Hizbollah, however I have reasons and evidence that not all people south of the border are warm and fuzzy either, however I believe that in general Jewish people have more desire for peaceful conditions than others involved .
          my contribution is not political I am open minded and I love good and fair people no matter where they are from .

        2. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
          Sex & Chocolate

          Hi Vs, Josef’s post clarified the history and details not mentioned in the article, although human laws are not always perfect I am more comfortable living in a society that has laws and enforces them than to be in a lawless society. I read a lot but I don’t read everything , the majority of news outlet is biased as well as commentators.

          If you hire a lawyer to represent you in a murder trial he will use all his experience and evidence in the case to exonerate you and find you innocent, the same lawyer with the exact same evidence may end up working as a prosecutor one day and he will also do everything he can to prosecute you and have you jailed for life or executed.

          Humans have a strong tendencies to be biased dishonest and unfair when it suits them, this dishonesty has no borders, some simply compromise their integrity to meet their needs, so don’t worry I don’t believe anything I hear and half of what I see.

          As far as Hannibal goes you will notice that his discus account is not private, take a look at his views from years ago and you will see that he is not a fan of Hizbollah and he is not anti sementic and he is actually a very intelligent accomplished person that has a bad temper and is happy to have it lol, I cant speak for Hannibal but I can tell you that as I get older I find less tolerance for trouble makers from both sides of the border that suffocate hope and peace, what may have been ok for me as a child of war is not ok for me now, some feelings grow and others die. the only thing that matters is that those steering the bus today are producing results for better conditions for both peoples, it is a human issue and my faith teaches me equality and fairness to all humans.

          Any rational logical person in a healthy society knows that there is no room or welcome for a group like Hizbollah, however I have reasons and evidence that not all people south of the border are warm and fuzzy either, however I believe that in general Jewish people have more desire for peaceful conditions than others involved .

          my contribution is not political I am open minded and I love good and fair people no matter where they are from .

          btw Sex & Chocolate comments are almost always deleted as spam, this is my second attempt to reply…..must be the Mossad :)D

          1. Thank You! But as i can see Hannibal is just info fighter and Israel hater, sorry for him. My many comments were also marked as spam, my best comments! Not sure by Mossad. By haters? I’m sorry no disqus and yalibnan access, contact. I think we are all even so different can be friends and not enemies and info fighters

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            I won’t be an Israel hater if the Zionists leave the country. My difference is not with the Jews but with the warmongers zionists. As a matter of fact my next door neighbors who just passed (God rest their souls) were too old to shovel the snow from their driveway so I sent my son to do it for them. He also was given the keys to go in and remove their trash so they do not slip on the ice. If this is the work of a jew hater you tell me. I still believe there is hope but extremists from both sides make this an impossible outcome. Palestinians need a Palestinian home NOT an Arab home. They are incompatible with other countries as we have seen as much as Syrians and Lebanese are incompatible despite the fact we share a common language when you meet us you will see considerable differences.

          3. Yet you are ok with the Iranian take over of Lebanon? Go figure. Maybe when the Iranian force Lebanon to accept Syrian occupation again you will be even more happy.

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            If you did read my posts for the past 10 years you’d know I am not a fan of anything Islamic including the Islamic resistance. I am a BIG fan of the Lebanese Resistance. For me, IF Hezbollah does not turn its weapons to the state when the LAFs can do their job they become another PLO usurpers. Until then they remain a wall between Israel, Islamists and other plots and I thank them for it. When they turned their weapons internally, I criticized them everywhere.

          5. “Zionists” are your mad extension, substitution meaning Jews, trick, you are really another Jews hater like f.e. Hind and Omega (quickly up voting you lol), sorry you are fooling yourself

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            I am no Jew hater… I am a Zionist “resister” 😉 Jews and Zionists are not the same. Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Shlomo Sand, etc.

          7. Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Shlomo Sand are Jews haters like you

          8. Hannibal Avatar

            They are more Jewish than you.

          9. leftist hateful like You also Jews triators, are You learned Aramaic, (sorry, idiot)? ????????????????????????

          10. Hannibal Avatar

            I think there is a third column that does not want peace… 😉

          11. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
            Sex & Chocolate

            No doubt there is more than one and sadly all it takes is one person screw everything up for a lot of people.

          12. Hi Hannibal,

            Not too long ago, there was an article on YaLiban about the mass-migration of people from Africa and other countries to Europe. I went through the comments in your profile to find that comment but couldn’t – hence why I’m reaching out here. You were wondering about the motives. While I had an idea back then (that it was orchestrated to destroy Europe, etc), I wasn’t entirely sure. After doing some research, I found the answer: the Coundenhove-Kalergi Plan. I invite you to see for yourself. Coincidentally and on the topic:

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            The zionist plan for Europe is disgusting… It is purely white genocide because they are the only people who can stand against their hegemony. Look at this:

            You owe it to yourself to study those videos.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why are they so ..oh.. so ugly

          15. Hannibal Avatar

            Specter is uglier than Shrek…. Inside and outside.

          16. You’re insulting Shrek.

          17. Hannibal Avatar


          18. It is indeed disgusting but most of the “leaders” of Europe are on board – by will or force.

            I haven’t read/watched anything from Duke until now thinking he was controlled opposition. I realize I was wrong. While the likes of Specter and Diamond are deviant Zionist filth, they remain agents. This mass-migration scheme isn’t their machination but the one of the Zionist ruling class who seek to establish a “master race”. Modern Zionism is a hegemonic tool. It was with it that they controlled the USA, created IsraHell, etc. To understand it, you must read the following:

            The average-joe Jews, as you by now know, are nothing but pawns serving that ruling class. It wasn’t a coincidence that Herzl (a late comer to the Zionist band wagon after the Dreiffus Affair and deceitfully know as the father of Zionism) proclaimed that Britain will have millions of loyal agents (in reference to the Jews who were to populate Palestine) – it’s in his diaries. It also not coincidence that Bolshevik leaders proclaimed to aim for “control of the world” (for their masters in Britain) – something other Zionist leading agents have proclaimed as well after leading coups, revolutions, etc. All for their masters – knowingly or not, willingly or not.

            Their system takes its roots in Mesopotamia (Babylon/Sumeria) and moved around to finally land in Venice before being transplanted to Britain.


            Tarpley depicts it, in detail, best: We say “All Roads Lead to Rome”, wrong, they always lead to Venice and the Venetian Party. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is itself of Venetian roots. Another example: the Warburg family (formerly known as Del Banco in Venice) financed the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler’s war machine and created the mother of all central banks, the BIS. If you read Tarpley and you’ll know how it got where we are.

            That being said, there isn’t only one ruling class today. The Zionist one has been the most powerful since the 18th century – notably due to their control of word banking. With the rise of Russia, China and others, its changing and they are at war – which is a good thing for the sake of balance and the humanity. In case you wonder why is Putin hated so much by that West, I invite you to peruse the Masonic Ur Lodges. This isn’t the typical Masonic silliness with men and their badges on their cars or pins on their jackets. The Ur Lodges was discovered by Giole Magaldi, a Mason, who wrote a book about it (“Massoni”), it’s only in Italian for now. It depicts how every major leader of the world is member of one or more Lodges and how they wage war on each other. Looking at how Trump shook the house since he came to power and how both the Democrat and Republican establishments have teamed up against him, the war between the Ur Lodges seems to make sense. And their war isn’t just political. Look at what’s happening with Joolywood, exposing Bush Sr.’s past sexual assault(s), etc. The discovery of the Ur Lodges also help understand the alliances between former enemies, etc as in the end, they all want to be in control.



            It doesn’t mean that Ur Lodge members run the show but are “representatives” of wealthier and more powerful entities. Take the case of the Bush (member of Three Eyes Ur Lodge) – they’re known as self-made business men but Tarpley’s Book on Bush Sr. (also on his website) starts as follow: Their wealth and influence resulted from their loyalty to another, more powerful family, and their willingness to do anything to get ahead..

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I know the Coundenhove-Kalergi Plan, look whats happening to Europe and America, Zionists are ruling.

          20. I don’t think the Coudenhove-Kalergis were Jewish. Richard’s father, Heinrich, hated Jews actually. Richard diverged from his father’s ideology and came up with different ideas: pan-Europeanism, eradicating of race, etc. The end goal is to have a white ruling class and mongrel everyone below.

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I know;-)

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          The only stupid person is the one calling others stupid OK stupid?

          1. Nothing wrong with to be stupid, Hannibal. Problem with to hate and corrupt.I can afford to myself to be also stupid, but i hope i can control my stupidity. Are You also?

          1. FaLIEstinian made in Soviet KGB nationality its not real, its politic.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They will they loose their identity, no people have suffered living under Israeli boots like Palestinian people.

        4. Hannibal Avatar

          And Christian Palestinians singing the same song in the heart of Israel….

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            A real goy… A sheep who surrendered his neck to slaughter.

          2. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
            Sex & Chocolate

            Precious and beautiful people, not sure about any Arabic music though 🙂

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Palestinian Christian students dance same Dabkeh song
            ‘My blood is Palestinian’, as Moslem Palestinians in video below.

          4. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
            Sex & Chocolate

            I just watched the one above again, the innocence and joy of children having fun is priceless.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They give meaning to beauty of life.

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            OK listen to this and tell me if you still feel the same: 😉

          7. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
            Sex & Chocolate

            I have to admit tthat I do like it, I have not listened to any music for 3 weeks , Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hannibal Avatar

    Apartheid state.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Wow! “Christian refugee from Lebanon war” helping
      Kurd robbing Assyrian Christians land.

      Israel will send 200,000 settlers there-
      Zionist motto “From the Nile to the Euphrates”

  3. Why it is always accusations against Israeli torture of Palestinians, but never pointing out Al-Jazeeras article about the Palestinians that speak out about torture in PA prison?

    “People face torture in many places when they are in [the] custody of the Palestinian Authority,” said Anas Barghouti, a Ramallah-based human rights lawyer. “Many people also face torture in Jericho, but what makes it different is that it is especially a place for political prisoners.” (Al-Jazeera)

    21-year-old Baraa El Amer challenges feared Palestinian security service (Mukhabarat) in the West Bank.

    “Palestinian security services continue to abuse and torture the detainees, but 21-year-old law student Baraa El Amer is now trying to bring the security police to justice. A unique case, means leading human rights organization.

    They hit me brutally, with sticks and ears. Often I think of what happened.
    Why did they take me? Sometimes I wish I was dead.

    Baraa has always felt safe here in the West Bank. But then he was taken by Mukhabarat, the Palestinian Security Service.
    He tells that kicks and kicks hail over his back and knees for two days. The blues have faded, but not the fear of being taken to the infamous Junid prison again. And he has been called for a new interrogation.

  4. You can’t trust Donald “Duck” Trump – very bad news for the Palestinians.
    WASHINGTON – The Trump administration has notified the Palestinian Authority that unless it enters serious peace negotiations with Israel, the U.S. could shut down the Palestinian diplomatic delegation in Washington, D.C. within the next few months.

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