Syrian government refuses UN truce terms for Aleppo

At least eight children were killed in Aleppo Sunday when rockets struck a school in the contested city
At least eight children were killed in Aleppo Sunday when rockets struck a school in the contested city

The Syrian government on Sunday refused a U.N. proposal to grant the rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo autonomy in order to restore calm to the war-torn city.

Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said the state’s institutions “must be restored” across the city and the militants expelled.

At least 164 civilians have been killed since the government renewed its assault on the besieged enclave six days ago, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The U.N. estimates 275,000 people are trapped inside. By Saturday, the government had damaged or destroyed every hospital in the east, according to the Syrian American Medical Society, which supports doctors and hospitals in Syria.

Rebels outside the city have meanwhile launched two unsuccessful offensives to break the government’s siege and shelled the government-held western districts.

U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura had proposed that the Syrian government grant eastern Aleppo autonomy in exchange for peace, and called on the estimated 900 al-Qaida-linked militants in the east to depart to other rebel-held territory in Syria.

But al-Moallem refused the offer in a meeting with de Mistura in Damascus on Sunday. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, the foreign minister said restoring government rule was a matter of “national sovereignty.” He said Damascus would not allow the people of eastern Aleppo to be “hostages to 6,000 gunmen.”

“We agreed on the need that terrorists should get out of east Aleppo to end the suffering of the civilians in the city,” he said.

Syrian opposition forces meanwhile pressed on with their preparations to attack the Islamic State-held town of al-Bab, about 21 miles (35 kilometers) northeast of Aleppo. They are backed by Turkish ground forces operating inside Syria. Al-Moallem called the Turkish presence a “violation” of Syrian territory.

“We cannot accept to have one Turkish soldier to remain on Syria’s land,” he said.

De Mistura is expected to make remarks later in the day about the meeting with the foreign minister.

The envoy warned in an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Guardian earlier this week that the government was chasing a “pyrrhic victory” in Aleppo if it does not arrive at a political settlement with the opposition.

 He warned the military’s approach would drive more moderate rebels into the ranks of the Islamic State group.

Earlier Sunday, at least eight children were killed when rockets struck a school in Aleppo’s government-run western quarters, the Observatory said. Syrian state media said a teacher was also killed in the attack.

Associated Press



17 responses to “Syrian government refuses UN truce terms for Aleppo”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    One does fail to see how calling “on the estimated 900 al-Qaida-linked militants in the east to depart to other rebel-held territory in Syria” will solve any larger problem for civilians. It only moves the killing of civilians from one place to another, in the generality of the whole scene. We’d have to listen to ‘news’ about a different city producing bodies for blown-down hospitals – and maybe with a harder name to pronounce.
    And yet, if one doesn’t want to change ‘Traditions’, the “pyrrhic victory” seems a favoured ‘solution’ in the Muddled East, doesn’t it? ‘My hill’, ‘your valley’ and ‘the other side of a wall’ has made the whole place so quaint and touristy after all … for a generation or two, perhaps … or at least until someone makes their grass more green.
    Not that grass on cement-dust has been a raving success so far.
    But also ‘yes’ … the ‘militaristic approach’ only creates generations of new brain-damaged civilians wanting to ‘join’ some gang for a never-found ‘revenge’ which fills the imaginations.
    Might be best to just buy oil from whoever manages to bring it to the gate on any given day … and walk away, after selling them some food and bandages and body-bags, in return. Traditions.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      AND if a ‘Silky Road’ cannot be maintained. go back to a Traditional Lebanese way … Take a Big Boat around the whole damn mess.

  2. US backed rebels bomb school in govt held Aleppo & kill at least 10 & injure many more. Will MSM report this?

  3. Mixa Klimment Avatar
    Mixa Klimment

    I suggest you never read this filth again. I’m very disappointed to discover that this particular website actually posts the same distorted lies about Russia that the mainstream media throughout the western nations repeat on a daily basis.

    1. There are no more Lebanese here they all left this place with hasbara squatters trolls insultes and spamming..and news we can find on mainstream media..

      1. “There are no more Lebanese here they all left this place with hasbara squatters trolls…..”
        And yet you keep clinging on for some reason….

        1. I’m Lebanese. here before Syria War. All left.
          Hasbara spammed Christians or Moslems opinion and free speech except their ‘colleagues’.. so Saturday is your day pay on Saturday?
          You’re a vulgar thug go to Hell!

          1. You don’t have any “opinions”. And you’re certainly not “Christian”. Are you a Muslim? 🙂
            By the way, it’s Monday today. I guess time must stand still when you’re in a lunatic asylum, so I just wanted you to know… 🙂

          2. O'Matrix Avatar

            HebAlba shows for Scradje the Ukrainian Nazis as if those was the only one in this part of the world.
            “You’re sick go back were you belong..Nazi Eastern Europe”, is Scradje Ukrainian? How come she says “go back were you belong”?

            How about the RNU?
            Russian National Unity….
            or the Scandinavian Nazis…
            Neo-nazis marches through Stockholm, or Arab Nazis
            Islamofascism, the very appropriate term, Islamo Arab Fascism (Islamic facism)
            as well as
            Hadj Amin Al-Husseini, Grand Mufti de Jérusalem et oncle de Yasser Arafat, passant en revue les musulmans bosniaques de la 13ème Division SS de Montagne
            we have this ‘Dreck’ too
   and it is difficult to completely eradicate this ideology.

    2. Posting distorted lies and hate is the job of the kremtroll sociopaths and misfits who infest media outlets to glorify the countless atrocities committed by their fascist rulers.

      1. This is Not your bloody private site. “kremtroll sociopaths and misfits who infest media outlets to glorify the countless atrocities committed by their fascist ruler” You’re sick go back were you belong..Nazi Eastern Europe

      2. Mixa Klimment Avatar
        Mixa Klimment

        You, guy, is just pathetic! You are trying to mislead people here. Russia is much better off nowadays, and Russia finally stopped listening to the western hypocrites.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          After reading Solzhenitsyn, we can agree that Russia has had some improvement for it’s Zeks … unless they happen to be ‘Gay’, of course. And one can understand the pride fely in it too – especially when everyone can come together for ‘Winter Games’ … along with Baltic games, Mediterranean games, and the never-ending North Pole games we have experienced for an elephant’s age – or longer.
          Congratulations must go to ‘the people’ in all of this, of course. And that palace is still one of the best anywhere too.

  4. US backed rebels bomb school in govt held Aleppo & kill at least 10 & injure many more. Will MSM report this?

  5. “The envoy warned in a recent interview with the U.K. newspaper The Guardian that the government was chasing a “pyrrhic victory” in Aleppo if it does not reach a political settlement with the opposition”.
    Who’s the opposition?

    “He warned the military’s approach would drive more moderate rebels into the ranks of the Islamic State group.”
    What moderate groups?

    ‘At least 172 civilians have been killed since the government renewed its assault on the besieged enclave six days ago, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.’
    ‘The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a Propaganda Front funded by the EU and US’ Pro-Democracy Terrorism”:
    And this since 2012. Mr De Mistura doesn’t know it? Western powers lapdogs.

    YaLibnan stop making us Stupid.
    “A festering ‘SOHR’: Does the word “journalism” still apply to the Guardian?”

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Astounding, isn’t it? :-))) At least the 6 owners of all the ‘big’ media are alive … (we think.) :-)))
      Becoming more recognized by some serious folks on ‘Disgus’ may not have been the best thing for ‘YaLibnan’ either … in the ‘internet exchange’ world, it’s the ‘hits’ counted by computers which raise those recognition numbers … and potential income from advertising, at least, if not from the folks with agendas.
      I like to think that more and more of us are actually noticing that it requires reading from more than one ‘source’ to have a more clear picture of what is real or applicable – that ‘we’ have noticed certain inconsistencies, and that having more than 30 seconds of TV blurb is necessary to any understanding.
      Although, for ‘the masses’ without the connections, beyond a cell-tweet, it is improbable.
      Actual understanding, and reading, of printed words is still beyond far too many even with translations.
      But – as seen with reactions to elections lately – there’s a lot of people wondering what they missed in the whole of events, and considering what ‘secrets’ were kept from them – even if they could have looked up most of it beforehand to actually know more about what they voted for. ‘Being Told’ hasn’t fixed their problems at all, when counter-stories pop up sometime later. Now they just don’t believe …
      And of course, few are willing to put the time and effort out to read a book. Journalists were supposed to tell them things they needed to know about boring politics, so they could spend more time trying to understand instruction manuals for a potential job … and wondering why they didn’t get it anyway, if they had ‘the marks’. Finding that one’s favourite ‘news reporter’ just reads the lines of an unknown writer/editor from a teleprompter and that no-one checked for veracity, can lead to a passionate response … like marching around streets for some nights ‘on the town’. 😉
      There’s a few countries that is happening in … maybe there’s hope for the kids yet. 😉
      Those of us with a habit of looking deeper into a subject of interest, should not be surprised and filled with ‘the angst’ about it all. A little frustrated is fine, however … even when repeating yourself leads to nothing of improvement, we know ‘honest politicians’ have the same problem. There’s some who must only shake their heads, I’m sure, when they read a headline that paraphrases what they actually said,
      OR ties that to 15 other subjects not actually talked about. And how many read past a ‘headline’?
      Some happily admit they don’t. :-)))

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