Lebanese Hezbollah ministers, MPs could be hit by U.S. law: U.S. official


hezbollah-in-black-paradeMinisters and members of parliament belonging to Lebanon’s Hezbollah could be sanctioned under a new U.S. law targeting the group’s finances, a U.S. Treasury official said on Friday.

The U.S. Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act (HIFPA) passed in December threatens sanctions against anyone who finances Hezbollah in a significant way.

It has ignited an unprecedented dispute between Lebanon’s most powerful group – the heavily armed Hezbollah – and a central bank widely seen as a pillar of the otherwise weak and dysfunctional Lebanese state.

When asked in an interview with television channel LBC if the law could be applied to Hezbollah ministers and MPs in Lebanon, the U.S. Teasury’s Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing Daniel Glaser said: “We don’t make a distinction among Hezbollah members.”

Iran-backed Hezbollah, whose fighters played a major role in forcing Israel to withdraw from southern Lebanon in 2000, enjoys strong support in the Lebanese Shi’ite community. Its members include government ministers, MPs, and local councillors.

Classified as a terrorist group by the United States, Hezbollah wields enormous political influence in Lebanon and its powerful military wing is playing a major role in the Syrian conflict.

The Lebanese central bank and U.S. officials have repeatedly said the law does not target ordinary Lebanese citizens, or the Shi’ite community in particular, and will not adversely affect the country’s financial sector.

“We understand the difference between Hezbollah and the broader Shi’ia community,” Glaser said.

“We are implementing this law world wide. Obviously it has specific impact here in Lebanon because Hezbollah has a big presence here in Lebanon. But Hezbollah is the target of this legislation, not the Shi’ia. And I can’t say that strongly enough,” he said.





106 responses to “Lebanese Hezbollah ministers, MPs could be hit by U.S. law: U.S. official”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Yes indeed. Could happen .. and so? Folks should be moving their savings if they think they did wrong.
    Had enough warnings after all … Banks have to give us all some.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    WONDER How the ELECTIONS are going in Tripoli … hmmmmm … curious LACK of reportage.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        At least there are pictures … AND you can see faces too. People DO exist there. 😉
        Especially Females.

    1. Meditheraces Avatar

      Lebanon kicks off final round of municipal elections in Tripoli (female pictures;-)

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        interesting, that … a name-change or address?

        1. Meditheraces Avatar

          OK. The nutty Rabbi who gave a lecture Jews are “extra terrestrials”
          He stole it from Urantia, the most difficult book ever.. written by unknown people.
          After it appeared Urantia Foundations sprinkled around the world.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            All the volumes of ‘Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’ may also be considered a ‘difficult read’ – but at least we know Douglas Adams wrote it. If I live long enough, having an ‘original print edition’ may turn a profit too.
            I’m certain that some of us understood the Dolphins well enough, when they said ‘So Long and Thanks For All The Fish’ … perhaps a Foundation could be formed. :-)))

  3. “Lebanese Hezbollah ministers, MPs could be hit by U.S. law”
    Good news. Although if they could be hit by a missile, a mortar shell, a cluster bomb, a bullet, an arrow, a baseball bat, a large stone or even some random lightning, I wouldn’t mind either.

      1. Must be a huge source of pride & satisfaction for every true Lebanese (Syrian?) patriot. Just like the return of Kuntar’s moustache to Lebanon. 🙂

        1. Matrix Avatar

          Should this “Hehehe … Looking for a tank?” be funny? It sounds more like schadenfreude to your people’s respect for the MIA.

          5thDrawer has dropped to Hinds (Meditheraces) level….

          Feeling good when others suffer.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            When I suffer, I enjoy some company. Are we not all the same?

          2. Matrix Avatar

            No doubt about it, you definitely do not have an elephant’s memory.
            Nochmal, Nie Auf Wiederhören – kapiert du gar nicht, Mensch?

            (“When I suffer, I enjoy some company. Are we not all the same?
            And were not the bodies returned a little while ago? Or were those some others from a different kidnapping? Hard to sort them all out.
            At least Russia returned the aging tank.”)

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I guess ‘shit happens’ when people keep sneaking over blue lines.

          4. Meditheraces Avatar

            Auf Wiederhören – kapiert du gar nicht, Matrax? Get lost

          5. Dumbissima, I can take anything, but why do you have to mangle German now? Haven’t you done enough to the English language already????

          6. Matrix Avatar

            She love to spew hatred against Jews, Israel and Co. and she can’t digest that non-Jews criticizes her and Co. ….

          7. In this case, I was not defending the Jews but rather the German language :-).

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (should have said something like .. ‘Mein Gott – Vas ist Loss’.)
            (Und Nein, Is nyet spreken ze Deutch …)
            (I’m out for SUNSHINE … :-))

          9. “Und Nein, Is nyet spreken ze Deutch”
            Really? I didn’t notice :-).
            Sunshine is (almost) always great. Unless you’re in Dubai. 🙂

          10. Matrix Avatar

            Where in the hell he got this ‘Mein Gott – Vas ist Loss’?

            I guess I can perform the Arabic language better than the slaughtering of the German language by 5thDrawer.

          11. Meditheraces Avatar

            Irrelevant, get a life Descartes..
            ‘Israeli soldier gives 74-year-old Palestinian woman water then shoots her in the head’


          12. Matrix Avatar

            Thank you, schätzenswert!

          13. Meditheraces Avatar

            Zionists don’t like Jews criticising them..
            “Kaufman: British government pay no attention to Israeli crimes against Palestinians due to Jewish money”

          14. Meditheraces Avatar

            Hehehe..how many times you changed names and avatardness?

          15. Meditheraces Avatar

            No more blue lines today…they pass next steps to next generations. Ausgehen..

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            They have done this so often, that we should assume Lebanese Sheep are the best anywhere. Even some Syrian soldiers did it a couple years ago … and kept the shephard-boy a few days … but that may have been due to lack of food reaching the ‘outpost’…. maybe.

          17. Meditheraces Avatar

            Of course, but settlers burn them alive i Palestinian barns, oh, chosen by the British…huhh,,,

          18. Our buddy 5th seems to have (re-?)discovered the joys of (Arab) anti-Semitism lately. Must feel good to be (back) home.

          19. Matrix Avatar

            5thDrawer is not my buddy, nor is Meditheraces.

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            So, Semite me. ‘Buddy’.
            “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
            If I could forget all the Historical Lies, I would only need to look at the recent ones to form an opinion about those who practice such things as a matter of ‘policy’.
            Liars do seem to be everywhere, of course in some degree … something about ‘human nature’ in that … but when a web of lies has become so tangled that even the Liar can’t figure out how to avoid the sticky path from the one necessary to travel on, then cries for extrication from the self-built trap won’t draw me in to join.
            If one has some sympathy for the human failures seen, then it must include the others stuck struggling to be free of the venom … yet, in truth, I admit I will not venture to become either stuck or poisoned … instinct rules for self-preservation. 😉

          21. Yep, mate, “they” have been known to weave some pretty tangled webs. They are also Master Deceivers, telling Historical Lies (all in capital letters) as easily as they breathe.
            Did you figure all this out by yourself? 🙂

          22. Matrix Avatar

            Barry’s comment addressed to me “You Israel haters latch onto what you think is logic but makes no sense in the real world.” was based on my criticism against Israel, such as the Israeli occupation of the west bank and more.

          23. I’m pretty sure Barry can speak for himself. MY comment was directed at Ya Libnan’s in-house philosopher, Mr. 5th. 🙂

          24. Matrix Avatar

            It was an unfortunate mix of text, because my comments to you are blocked one by one.

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (generally speaking, the ‘BOT’ doesn’t enjoy a repeat. Add something …)

          26. ???? Bizarre.

          27. Matrix Avatar

            working for Ya Libnan News…..

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It’s not ‘News’ .. It’s a ‘Blog’.

          29. Meditheraces Avatar

            ???? Bizarre..
            It’s called spams..nothing of value.

          30. Meditheraces Avatar

            You keep bad company, remember you were banned came back with other names and avatardnes? I alway srecognised you sleazy manipulator. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c62407ad3790ba1e75fd97173b7a54a07dadc9eab4476fee9778f63770f23b99.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6537aa2025a3528bb8094125515dac5982323196db74db0a3c05f8ed26b890b4.jpg Mama Merkel.

          31. Matrix Avatar

            Yes indeed I am in a bad company when you Arschlöcher shows up.

            Let me help you to understand it المتسكعون in your own language

          32. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (blush …. the honour simply flusters me …)

          33. I’m strict but fair. Honor should be given where it’s due. 🙂

          34. Matrix Avatar

            No doubt about it, Barry can speak for himself very well.

          35. Matrix Avatar

            5thDrawer is not my buddy, nor is Meditheraces.

          36. Meditherfeces, formerly known as Dumbyad, is nobody’s buddy.

          37. Matrix Avatar

            It seems as if only some of my comments has been approved NOW by Ya Libnan…

          38. Strange. They don’t seem to have any moderation at all (which is kinda great).

          39. Meditheraces Avatar

            Ykhara we don’t need your kind.

            ‘Israeli soldier gives 74-year-old Palestinian woman water then shoots her in the head’


          40. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The PaliArabs are a tidy group of folks. They took the time to wash the lady and repair her wounds.

          41. Meditheraces Avatar

            LazyRudzyJoker, you don’t read, only spam.

            “IDF spokesman @AvichayAdraee posts photo of soldier giving water to elderly in Gaza but not after they have shot her. Her name is Ghalia Abu-Rida. Visually impaired and can’t walk. Shot and killed in Shujaia district.”

            “The spokesman of the Israeli army, Avichay Adraee, shared the photo of an Israeli soldier holding the water bottle and helping the old woman drink as an example of the “humanity” of the Israeli army towards the civilians in the Gaza Strip”

          42. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Where’s the blood? Where’s the head wounds? Like I said, the PaliArabs are very tidy.

          43. Meditheraces Avatar

            For mates and buddies on YaLibnan..

            Netanyahu: ‘executing wounded Palestinian an ethical act’

          44. Matrix Avatar

            Irrelevant, I don’t approve him.

          45. Meditheraces Avatar

            Not irrelevant.. NaziMatraxTroll, everybody deserted the site because of Zionists hasbara invasion..except me.

    1. Matrix Avatar

      Y K

      Here are some of those Youtube videos that made me to check by myself the reaction among the involved in this insane conflict.

      The “How to Prove a Hamas/Gaza Photo is Fake” post of “syoungil” is confirming that my way to detect photos with fake message was correct.

      Take the example that Meditheraces attached in her post about the testimony of “Ahmad Qdeh knows absolutely nothing about weaponry. He said that the Israeli officer “watched as she bled to death[.]”.

      You will not find any information who made this photo, but you will find plenty of links of Turkish sites….

      Nakba Day remains a Nakba Day, because no one has the power to change it….. they just continue to promise (over 40 years …) that Jerusalem and palestine will be liebareted

      Thank you for sharing your point of view in this unfriendly forum.
      with best regards to you and your peoples,
      Wilhelm (Blankenese HH)

      Disseminated images…

  4. Meditheraces Avatar

    YaLibnan, this is what happens if we get caught in (you might like this) moving ads

  5. Meditheraces Avatar

    To YaLibnan moderators.

    “Y K Matrix • 4 hours ago
    Meditherfeces, formerly known as Dumbyad, is nobody’s buddy.
    • Reply•Share ›”

    “Y K Matrix • 4 hours ago
    Strange. They don’t seem to have any moderation at all (which is kinda great).
    1 • Reply•Share ›”

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      And the significance of that is what?

      1. Matrix Avatar

        She have difficulties with Gentile that started to favor the Jews strong desire of survival, and the arabs strong dream to become martyrs.

        Having now the experiences how the Jews are treated disrespectfully on this forum, then they have my empathy.
        Those individuals are not involved in IDF atrocities and deserved to be respected.

      2. Meditheraces Avatar

        Meditherfeces.. any moderation at all (which is kinda great).,

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Poor girl.

          1. Meditheraces Avatar

            I’m rich.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar


          3. Meditheraces Avatar


          4. Meditheraces Avatar

            Genocide In Shuja’iya Neighbourhood, Gaza July 2014, shooting ambulances..

          5. Matrix Avatar

            “Genocide is the intentional action to systematically eliminate an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group. The word is a combination of “genos” (race, people) and “cide” (to kill).[1] The United Nations Genocide Convention defines it as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.[2][3]

            Well-known examples of genocide include the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the 1971 Bangladesh genocide, the Cambodian genocide, the 1965–66 Indonesian tragedy and more recently the Kurdish genocide, the Bosnian genocide and the Rwandan genocide.”

            Not a ward about Palestinian arabs genocide.

            Damn, Wikipedia has again been manipulated by Zionists….

          6. Matrix Avatar

            I think you are wrong.

            She admits that she is rich – no wonder, they pay her well for round the clock work of presenting propaganda materials.
            They have learned that with cut-throat advertising, you can sell anything.

            Your people (State of Israel) have been beaten by the Arab propaganda machine.

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The propaganda machine leaves questions, but Israel stands as a viable nation while the concept of a Palestine is a PDF file at the UN.

          8. Matrix Avatar

            I have noticed that you have seen my appeal to her to be REALIST.

            “Be realist!
            With the current Israeli government you can take it for granted that the state of Palestine will not become a reality.”

            Map of the Kingdom of Israel, 1020 BCE–930 BCE as imagined from the Bible narrative.
            Notice where ‘Philistia’ is located.

  6. Matrix Avatar

    Good luck to all of you pro-Israeli individuals that are still on this insane forum.

    I have had enough of the “blame on others” Arabs, or what they imagine themselves to be.

    For my part , they may destroy each other (they love ???? it anyway), then we get more money for WIR ZUSAMMEN.

    1. Meditheraces Avatar

      You and trolls make it insane no discussion, only ad hominem.
      Didn’t you just love my stalker, suggested he should add a moustache silly mensch.

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Silly girl. You make any discussion impossible with your insane photoshopped images and edited videos, not to mention your personal hatred.

        1. Meditheraces Avatar

          Harassed by trolls… where is the discussion? They don’t like truth sorry..
          Hilarious, you called Abu Ghraib pictures photoshopped, the above is Malmequer avatar he stole from me so it’s his Photoshop Imbecile, i didn’t post it mosquito, Mr Martyr did.

          I see you’re typing..i will post you edited videos garbage can

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            No blood on the dead women, quoting fabricated stories by known racists/bigots (DeNugent), and you’re going to whine about discussion.

          2. Meditheraces Avatar

            Want to continue..what’s de Nugent doing here?

            “Although the bullet of the X95 is only 5.56mm, it causes horrendous damage because it’s designed to tumble and fragment inside the body of the enemy. Ahmad Qdeh says that the officer shot the old woman in the head from a distance of one meter (3.3 feet).
            Ahmad Qdeh knows absolutely nothing about weaponry. He said that the Israeli officer “watched as she bled to death[.]”

            That part of the image is unclear. (see below) I thought that the black shape was debris, like the various poles and pipes in the background. The officer therefore had to have shot the woman in the head with his rifle, since he had no other firearm.

            Although the bullet of the X95 is only 5.56mm, it causes horrendous damage because it’s designed to tumble and fragment inside the body of the enemy. Ahmad Qdeh says that the officer shot the old woman in the head from a distance of one meter (3.3 feet)”.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            According to the PCHR, this woman was listed as a casualty along with nine members of Hamas on 3 Aug after an IDF shelling. Your fabricated execution was posted 2 January by a Hamas lackey reporter 5 months later.

          4. Meditheraces Avatar

            This dates from five months later i’m not your teacher.
            You asked ‘where is the blood?”
            “She was listed as causality” She was a Shuja’iya resident too old to run away.
            Gaza July 2014. Israel snipers finish up the town hiding in deserted homes, the
            army made a photo op propaganda.


          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The Hamas journalist that made up this story is the source of propaganda. A total fabrication and you are helping the spread of it.

          6. Meditheraces Avatar

            It was not Thé Hamas journalist idiot, the source is a Zionist site calling the dead woman a fake. I said it was in Gaza July 2014.

            Why loose you precious life here commenting..err..spamming?
            It’s a one way discussion, get lost…fly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            If you went to the site you referenced and read it you would have found the journalist’s name and the name of the women. Get off your dead glutes and read.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            That was in July 2014. On January 22nd 2015, Israeli army spokesperson Avichay Adraee shared this image on his Twitter account, but just moments after the photograph was taken, the elderly woman was shot dead by the same soldier. (if you don’t read it someone will read this one day)

          9. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The woman died in August. Ahmed Qdeh, the Hamas journalist fabricated the incident by putting a photo of her supposed death and an Israeli soldier giving her water prior to her death and simply made up the rest. Toss in Ahmed’s lack of knowledge of weaponry and voila, another fabrication.

          10. Meditheraces Avatar

            The source is a Zionist site calling the dead woman a fake.. i said it was Gaza July 2014.


          11. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The woman is dead, just not by execution. And yes, the bullet would have blown a hole in her head. The incident as you explain it is a fabrication.

          12. Meditheraces Avatar

            You don’t know about war weapons
            French policeman died on the sidewalk he got national funeral.

          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What does that have to do with fabricated story about a Gaza woman?

          14. Matrix Avatar

            He deserved a national funeral!

          15. Rudy1947 Avatar

            You were wrong, as always.

        2. Matrix Avatar

          Here are some of those Youtube videos that made me to check by myself the reaction among the involved in this insane conflict.

          The “How to Prove a Hamas/Gaza Photo is Fake” post of “syoungil” is confirming that my way to detect photos with fake message was correct.

          Take the example that Meditheraces attached in her post about the testimony of “Ahmad Qdeh knows absolutely nothing about weaponry. He said that the Israeli officer “watched as she bled to death[.]”.
          You will not find any information who made this photo, but you will find plenty of links of Turkish sites….

          Nakba Day remains a Nakba Day, because no one has the power to change it….. they just continue to promise (over 40 years …) that Jerusalem and palestine will be liebareted

          Thank you for sharing your point of view in this unfriendly forum.
          with best regards to you and your peoples,
          Wilhelm (Blankenese HH)

          Disseminated images…

          1. Meditheraces Avatar

            First video is edited are thousands…children where in front of photographers erecting a barricade to symbolise the Right to Resistance.

        3. Matrix Avatar

          She sounds like Meditheracesssss…. Angry, Racist, Palestinian.

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            She was definitely wired a little tight.

          2. Matrix Avatar

            My DISCUSS profile will disappear on 01.06.2016.

          3. Meditheraces Avatar

            I’m not angry you are ..haha… be free to be

        4. Meditheraces Avatar

          The image above is Malmequer ‘insane’ photoshopped avatar he stole from me.
          Get lost instead of loosing your time.

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Listen, s2pid, my comment had nothing to with your artwork, the avatar or your personal problems.

          2. Meditheraces Avatar

            Listen, s2pid, “You make any discussion impossible with your insane Photoshop images and edited videos, not to mention your personal hatred.”

            Matrix, Y K, Rudzy 1947 loooved this photoshopped avatar. Bye!

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Whaaaa whaaaa. You got caught using fabricated garbage and now your whining. Poor dear. Have you thrown or broken anything yet?

          4. Meditheraces Avatar

            I published the fabricate garbage chum..I’m not your teacher.

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