Hezbollah’s future hinges on the outcome of Syria’s war


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad  (L) and the head of   Shiite militant group  Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (L) and the head of Shiite militant group Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
For all its current brutality and intractability, the war in Syria, like all wars, will one day come to an end. In pondering over what the Middle East will look like when that day comes, it is worth considering how the war will have changed Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia and political organization.

Last week Hezbollah’s Mustafa Badreddine was killed in Syria. Badreddine was not just an ordinary fighter for the group. He was responsible for some of Hezbollah’s most spectacular attacks over the years, including the 1983 U.S. Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, along with other hotel, embassy and airline bombings. His death was one more sign that Hezbollah is being changed by Syria.

When Hezbollah started sending fighters into Syria in 2012, it did so quietly, without acknowledging it—and for good reason. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah knew his group had much to lose by admitting it was siding with a reviled dictator facing a popular uprising. But that dictator, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was losing the war, and Hezbollah had to help save him in order to save itself.

Before the war in Syria, Hezbollah’s official raison d’etre was to protect Lebanon from Israel. The group was established in southern Lebanon by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in the 1980s, at a time Israeli forces were occupying that part of the country as a buffer zone. Iranian advisers trained Hezbollah fighters, and Tehran continues to help fund the group today. When Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah remained committed to its destruction. The two have since fought several wars.

After the 2006 war with Israel, Hezbollah and its leaders became heroes in the Arab world. A 2008 poll showed Nasrallah had become the most popular figure in the region.

The same poll showed Assad as the second-most-popular man. By 2012, when Nasrallah decided to send his fighters into Syria, the Arab Spring had exploded, and the Islamic State had not yet become a force. Arab publics had come to view Assad as a tyrant crushing his citizens’ democratic dreams.

Nasrallah eventually admitted publicly that he had thrown his lot with Assad and with his patron, Iran, in the fight for Syria, declaring, “This battle is ours.” As some observers noted, the fact is that if Assad had lost the war at that moment, Hezbollah might not have survived. Syria serves as a vital link between Iran and the organization. Without it, Hezbollah cannot replenish its armaments and operate as Lebanon’s state-within-a-state.

Syria and the Middle East look very different today than they did even in 2012. Iran has at least partially come back in from the cold due to an international agreement over its nuclear program. Russia has intervened on Assad’s side in the Syrian civil war. The rivalry between Iran and its Arab neighbors has become even more acrimonious. And the Islamic State has become a major player, boosting Assad’s claim—many argue by design, not coincidence—that he is the sole alternative to terrorism in the country.

There is also an international process, albeit a faltering one, to bring an end to the war. It now seems quite conceivable that Assad might survive the conflict.

That brings us back to the question of how the war will end up affecting Hezbollah’s regional position.

Undoubtedly, Hezbollah’s prestige in the Arab world has plummeted. Its image as a single-minded enemy of Israel is tarnished. It has now clearly taken a side in the deepening Sunni-Shiite regional divide, with disastrous consequences for its standing among the Sunni-ruled states.

In March, the Gulf Cooperation Council—comprising Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar—unanimously voted to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. The move came after a number of terrorist plots involving Hezbollah operatives were uncovered in Arab countries, including one in Bahrain earlier this year reportedly involving the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as well. In Kuwait, 25 people were charged with spying for Iran and Hezbollah and planning attacks after a weapons cache including rocket launchers, machine guns and grenades was discovered in their possession.

A week after the GCC decision, the entire Arab League followed suit, with the 22-member pan-Arab group also labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Only Lebanon and Iraq expressed “reservations” about the designation.

With the moves, the GCC and the Arab League joined the U.S., Canada and Australia in blacklisting Hezbollah as a terrorist entity. The European Union calls Hezbollah’s “military wing” a terrorist organization.

In addition to the blacklisting and the erosion of support in Arab capitals, Hezbollah has lost large numbers of fighters in the Syrian battlefield. One Washington think tank analyzed funeral announcements and concluded that at least 865 Hezbollah militia fighters have died in combat. Among the dead are some of the group’s top strategists and operatives, including Imad Mughniyeh and Samir Kuntar, in addition to Badreddine. With Nasrallah, they were some of the group’s core personalities, and their loss is a serious blow to the group, with lasting consequences.

And yet, Hezbollah has also gained invaluable military experience in Syria, where Western experts believe Nasrallah has deployed some 8,000 men. When the war ends, they will emerge battle-hardened, trained in the use of more-advanced military equipment, and versed in combat tactics including those developed by Iran and Russia.

What’s more, intelligence experts believe Hezbollah has replaced the armaments it lost in 2006, its most recent war with Israel, and has far surpassed its previous levels. Current estimates say it has about 150,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israel.

In fact, the group’s loss of popularity could start fading after the Syrian war ends. Nasrallah will pivot back to confronting Israel as soon as he can. The group’s main focus, and Iran’s longer-term mission for its Lebanese ally, is challenging Israel. Once a new and seemingly inevitable clash between Israel and Hezbollah occurs, popular support for Hezbollah is sure to increase again.

Nasrallah is already working to drum up that support. In a recent speech, he boasted of a plan to attack Israel and cause damage comparable to that of a nuclear attack. The Hezbollah leader’s words cannot be dismissed. His plan, he said, is to launch missiles at a large chemical facility in the northern Israeli city of Haifa, where ammonia storage tanks, if hit, could cause devastation.

As for the ties with Arab capitals, that rift will not soon heal.

While the balance is mixed, the ultimate impact of the Syrian war on Hezbollah will depend on how the conflict ends. If the war ends with a power-sharing agreement that brings an end to the rule of Assad and other Iran loyalists in Damascus, Hezbollah will have lost much in the conflict. If Assad survives, Hezbollah’s—and Assad’s—patrons in Iran will make sure the group is generously compensated with weapons, cash and very possibly access to strategically useful territory near the border with Israel. In that case, too, Assad will remain eternally in Hezbollah’s debt, and Hezbollah will emerge stronger from the conflict.




132 responses to “Hezbollah’s future hinges on the outcome of Syria’s war”

  1. This is a war of attrition between Assad, Hezbollah, crazy Iranian mullahs, and Russia versus the entire Sunni world. A war of attrition does not favor the Shia population of the world.

    Any war, where a Muslim kill another person, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, is frowned upon in the eyes of Allah.

    1. Mario Avatar

      Why not just say it…it’s a war between Sunnah and Shiaa, and each side has their direct/indirect allies from and outside the region.

    2. “Any war, where a Muslim kill another person, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, is frowned upon in the eyes of Allah.”
      Tell it to the Muslims. They might learn a thing or two.

    3. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Allah must have a fixed frown these days.

      1. No more of a frown than the Christian God as the Christians slaughter people in Africa.

        No more of a frown than the Buddhist God as the Buddhists slaughter people in Burma.

        No more of a frown than the Shiite God that slaughters everyone in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen.

        No more of a frown than the Christian God as gangs slaughter 10% of the world’s murders in Brazil.

        No more of a frown than the Atheist Gold (said in jest) as Russia slaughters people in Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine, and Syria.

        Perhaps God should just start over.

  2. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    It’s Israel War for the West Bank, Golan Heigts, Syria, Israel Wars are for Greater Israel

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      Corrections, J&S and the Golan are against Israel and a smaller Jordan. The Syria war is just various Arabs trying to grab control for a greater something.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        “Just”? Total destruction of any societal infrastructure is ‘just’?
        Walk on the other side, then. No samaritan thought there.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Compare that to others throughout history in their quest for domination and control and Syria is just another quest.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            IT WAS “Greater Syria” It was MESOPOTAMIA. It included the whole Fertile Crescent untill SikoPico drew lines in the sand, Syria included the region of modern-day Syria, Lebanon and Palestine (Israel):
            A region where many cultures and empires have left their mark.
            Already in the 3rd millennium, trade routes connecting the two main centres of civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/784e9e1b197b8338213dbd01de22bb28efdb3b64f6dd1e93d1f20b8669053340.gif ran through Syria.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar


          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You prefer Greater Israel? Empires are things of the past.

            The Persian Empire ushered in a period of harmony and peace in the Middle East for two hundred years, a feat that has seldom been replicated ;-(

          4. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Not very good map makers though.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Certainly a Mes(s) after people walked all over it for too long … ;-/
            Good to see some ‘original’ names are still there.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Mesopotamia ” land between two rivers”, as greek Mediterranius “middle of the land”.
            Americans took Philadelphia from Greek

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Whoopie. Much of world took from the Greek. So happy you agree.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Western civilisation is built on Arab translation of the Greek in 800 AD Philosophy-Democracy. Arabs had preserved the Greek textes
            but you’re stupid

          9. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’m sure Nasrallrat had that in mind when he planned his strategy.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Nasralla is not from 8th century AD. Rudsbilie village idiot

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar

            That’s debatable.

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionist stooge your stupidity is beyond my expectation

          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            We took Alexandria from the Egyptians, Damascus from the Syrians, Bethlehem from the Jews, Berlin from the Germans, Paris from the French and Rome from the Italians. So what.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Factually, the ‘we’ didn’t do all that, of course.

          15. Rudy1947 Avatar


          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The supine position. :-)))))

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Rudy…. zzzzzzzzzz..moskito brain buzzzzing on yalibnan

          18. Rudy1947 Avatar

            If someone shoved your brain up a gnat’s patoot, you could used the gnat as a rattle.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The moustique is annoying

          20. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ignorant !! I’m talking about Greek and Latin.
            There was no Germany but barbarians.
            Paris was Lutèce 2000 years ago,
            Berlin was founded in 1810

          21. Rudy1947 Avatar

            MY dear, who the he11 cares if Philadelphia was taken from the Greeks or the cities I mentioned.

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It was not addressed to you, i have nothing to tell you.

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Speak English…Heureux les imbeciles

          24. Looks like a map used by the followers of the demented Antun Saadeh. His insistence on attaching Cyprus to his Reich looks like a boderline hilarious crazy icing on this cake of insanity. 🙂

          25. Matrix Avatar

            There is no shortage of maps of “Greater” – Greater Serbia, Greater Russia, Greater Turkey and “Greater Israel” (occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com), and so on and on.

          26. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup … All the ‘Greats’ screwing with the ‘Lessers’ forever … and anon.

          27. Of course, the “Greater Israel” that you put up here map is in no way political: at least it has never been in modern times (it’s supposed to reflect the Biblical narrative of the Israelite Tribes’ area of settlement). The only political map that can be considered that of “Greater Israel” is th that of the original Palestine Mandate, which included what later became Tranjordan. Saadeh’s map was, on the other hand, a reflection of stated and concrete poltical aspirations.

          28. Matrix Avatar

            I’m aware of it, but as you know this “Greater Israel” is very popular among your enemies, that’s why they turn it to be a political map.

          29. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And with increasing populations, the charts&graphs boys have fun working their numbers.
            Big, bigger, biggest … reflects market-drives and rarely ties it into population increases of ‘quiet times’ vs ‘destruction times’. Is it ‘percentages’ or ‘actual numbers’ they like to use most when creating more destructive methods? It seems to vary when talking about natural disaster or war.
            The island of Santorini blew up at one point we know of … which totally covered a few ‘civilizations’ of the Mediterranean in one short moment of time, with up to 300 feet of dirt and ash. Was it the ‘count’ that mattered most? Or the percentage of 100?
            Can’t beat Mother Nature, after all. Although it can be said that some sure try.

          30. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What the he11 are you blabbing about?

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Humans can’t possibly eliminate everyone when they try, although radiation certainly may accomplish that … but Mother Nature provides the ‘better way’, as it surely did at least one time, even to the best and biggest dinosaurs.

          32. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Sorry for the cliche, but you do go where no man has gone before.

          33. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Into a real history seems a problem. Sorry.

          34. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionists propaganda in Europe psychological-warfare by the media and political establishment of the west and their allies, aimed at facilitating the US, European and Israeli agenda…

          35. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The have your mattress bugged.

          36. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True enough .. the incidence of Bed-Bugs in even the cleanest of vertical-human-storage cities has been one of the ‘big news’ items recently … not even counting Cock-Roach manifestations which are not always so dangerous and don’t bite.
            Those of us with individual-famiy land and real homes must be very careful about buying or bringing home anything previously used in the city … even our clothes.
            Public transport vehicles are now thoroughly cleansed regularly too. Bed-Bugs are more dangerous than even cigarette smoke.

          37. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Such a wealth of info. I’m impressed.

          38. “Cock-Roach” = a roach with an abnormally large sex organ? 🙂

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (wow .. somebody picked up on that … :-))))))

          40. I hope under “bugged” you mean bedbugs… 🙂

      2. Matrix Avatar

        We have a real renaissance of Jewish life in Berlin, those Israelis are the one that emigrated to Germany because of the current political status in Israel – they are against the continuing occupation of the westbank.

        The Spandauer Vorstadt is a melting pot in the middle of Berlin.

        The Nürnberger Straße is regarded as an institution, where you are sure to meet members of the community and find out what’s new.

        As well as this, many Israelis have settled in Berlin and run both small and large restaurants and snack bars, hummus bars and luxury restaurants.

        One incomparable place with a flair, is the restaurant Neni – including one of the finest rooftop terraces in Berlin and a spectacular view of the zoo.

        In Prenzlauer Berg, an Israeli and a Palestinian got together and opened the restaurant Kanaan on Kopenhagener Straße, where they offer a wide range of kosher dishes. Kanaan is open at lunchtimes from Monday to Friday and at weekends in the evening too.

        They are far away from the slaughtering done by various Arabs that have only the interest of grabbing control for a greater syria or whatever.

        On TDS article ‘Retaliation for future Israeli attacks won’t be in Shebaa: Nasrallah’ you find the “Royal Kingdom Greater Syria” (http://www.governmentkingdomsyria.com/) comment – DS can try to provoke war with Israel & Hez. but hopefully Hez. & Israel will not go to war with each other. It is in the best interest of Hez. at this time to increase aid and assistance to the Houthis of Yemen as they could be in line to come into some Saudi money and oil fields.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Getting and keeping some distance seems best.

          1. Matrix Avatar

            Nochmal, Nie Auf Wiederhören – kapiert du gar nicht, Mensch?

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We speak English on YaLibnan

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Tsk. (did I just hear a small explosion?) ;-))))

          4. We do. You don’t. Can you speak at least one language properly?

          5. Matrix Avatar

            For this ‘intellectual’ it is convenience with “We speak English”, when they don’t want to get a strait massage – “nie und nimmer”, no further contact with the individual in question – nie wieder hören!

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, Matrix, the ‘Site Rules’ state that it’s ‘English To Be Used Only’ … although as we have seen, that hasn’t overburdened folks too much. :-))))))

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I don’t need a strait massage..thank you.

            Massage is French, idiot is French, imbecile is French..hhh..

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I sort of liked the massage idea … 😉

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Not straight away.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Don’t expect heaven’s divine rewards for the consequences of your actions.


        2. Barry Avatar

          Kind of a stretch, Matty. Israelis have entire neighborhoods in LA and London. they have been there for decades. Israel still wins Nobel Prizes, has a massive military, booming hi tech, and sky high real estate.
          Russia is depopulating via emigration. Check out Berlin for them. You think Russia will collapse or pull out of Crimea?
          You Israel haters latch onto what you think is logic but makes no sense in the real world.

          1. Matrix Avatar

            I don’t need to look out for them, we have now smaller number of Russians since the introduction of sanctions against Russia – now they are no longer stiff in cork, the russian currency is att RUB 100.00 = EUR 1.33….

            No one speculate if Russia will collapse or pull out of Crimea, right now we just watch the transformation of Russia and Turkey to dictatorships – the first one with the dream to be back with “Warsaw Pact” status, the second one dreams about the restoration of the Caliphate “Turkish Parliament: genuflection to Erdogan” – (http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-parlament-hebt-immunitaet-auf-kniefall-vor-recep-tayyip-erdogan-a-1093325.html).

          2. Matrix Avatar

            What makes you think that I belong to “Israel haters”?

            Germany have empathy for the state of Israel –

            The Israeli warning system (app) is used by many Israelis here that have friends and family in Israel.
            When the phone rings – from the bunker.


            Some friends and I were skeptical that it works , but we had to remove the app – did not want to get a heart attack in the middle of the night!

            However I don’t understand why Gaza’s population is without such system – do you know why?

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            TOO FUNNY ….
            An App to “follow the fighting in Gaza and Israel and to leave comments. Many of the comments have expressed sadness or anger, and used a thorough dose of profanity.”
            “During a one-hour period on Monday, rocket alerts on the app came frequently, with as many as five in an hour.”
            “Co-creator says biggest challenge is the volume of users” …

            He’s not going to make much money with only a total 7 thousand users, who may be the ONLY ones who can stand being totally bugged by another App, which adds a lot of cursing and swearing to the insane daily lifetsyles. :-))) It’s amazing … weird. :-)))))

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes … there’s no plusses in a ‘plus’ trying to get something for nothing. ;-))

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            When winning a ‘Nobel Prize’ is a ‘Raison D’etre’, I’d say a lot of an ‘original reason’ has long left the chicken-coop.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad
          7. Barry Avatar

            Einstein was a Labor Zionist. Labor Zionists in Palestine informed on Irgun to British. They hated each other. Nt as much as your beloved Sunnis and Shiites, but lots. Einstein was offers the Israeli presidency in 1949 but turned it down due to old age, not anti Zionism. He bequeathed papers to Israeli institutions at his death and hosted top ZionistS in Princeton his entire life.
            Sorry, nice try, but no luck.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Holy Crappola !! You mean there are Jews who are actually ‘Pro-Worker’, ‘Pro-Worker-Rights’, ‘Pro-Pension-Plans-Paid-By-The-Workers which can’t be stolen by the markets and bankers’, ‘Really Supportive of People in a humanitarian way’??? I like those ones.
            My old Union was that way … ‘they’ managed to kill it. :-/

          9. No worries, buddy. There are none. In reality, they all got hooked noses, cupid lips and short hairy fingers busy counting money. They also invented Liberalism, Communism and all the other “-isms” (with the notable exception of Baathism – created by the world’s foremost thinker Michel Aflaq). They also killed Christ, the Russian czar, JFK and Malcolm X. And don’t forget, they are the ones responsible for the Federal Reserve and for the subprime crisis!

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “They also killed Christ, the Russian czar, JFK and Malcolm X. And don’t forget, they are the ones responsible for the Federal Reserve and for the subprime crisis!”

            You mean the Zionists.

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Don’t forget the extinction of the dinosaurs, Mammoths, the Lusitania, Titanic, Hindenburg, various earthquakes and tsunamis.

          12. I mean – and I’ve always meant – one thing only: you are a clinical imbecile. And an extremely obnoxious one to boot.

          13. Matrix Avatar

            It is no exaggeration to say “you are a clinical imbecile.”.

            How otherwise can one explain her “desperate attempt” to get any reply comment from me, specielt considering that I clearly pointed out that there will be no further engaging?


          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think she’s sexy … but maybe that’s not enough for you guys. Hmmmm ….
            I cannot fault someone ‘on a mission’ to stop people from being killed, displaced, tortured, treated like slaves, etc, etc … although obviously, repeating the theme all the time (ad infinitum) hasn’t had much success since way back when WW2 ended, that I can see, and some of us went into the Hippie Mode for a short time. In a history of humans, that was the blink of an eye.
            I tend to agree with Hind that there are definitely tons and tonnes of the human race who NEVER have gotten the concept … ‘Make Love, Not War.’
            THAT really did not mean Sex, as most seem to TRANSLATE it … but then of course, using condoms for the pleasure in that physical event would have been the Right Thing to do. Might have saved this planet.
            30 years after WW2 here was good … had a rebuilding ‘feel’ about it … but then it started going downhill. And in some places, the concept of Love of Human has more often gone the way of the Dodo – which silly bird ‘we humans’ also killed off, because it was too stupid to run away and hide – and couldn’t fly away to a different land either, as a refugee species sometimes must for survival. Did the dork who ate the last Dodo live longer?
            Megalomaniacs would probably prefer ‘a Hind’ to do what ‘most’ seem to do – Hide and Keep Silent. That has not proved to be a ‘better way’ as far as I’m concerned. The example of 20% showing up in Beirut to ‘vote’ doesn’t seem best for Lebs OR for democracy as it should be. Love of the country has gone too.
            The girl in your pic is probably doing maths … there is 3/4 of a world who don’t have a computer to work with it on, even if they might enjoy that. Some who have one never quite succeed anyway … Naturally.
            I think Hind does hers well enough. It’s simply the ‘pedantry’ that’s not enjoyed.
            Yet don’t we find the ‘Holocaust and Semitic’ lines the same?? An Over-worked ‘Cause Celebre’ in a History, LIKE ALL other Genocides, but now 70 years past?
            Only some seem to learn by the Histories.
            Otherwise we’re bored to death of the repetition. After a lifetime witnessing, running and hiding seems more sane … I suppose.

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But … but … but it seems some are on the side of the workers … 8..-(
            Sad that many are not.

          16. Stop spreading Zionist propaganda, mate. Dumbyad won’t be amused.

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            If anyone had an ‘Educational System’ up to snuff, there would be no arguments over any of the ‘past’, would there. We’d only disagree on what to make of a future.

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I know all that Zionist appropriation of Einstein.
            Labor Zionists was the Socialist left wing of Zionism in 1920, unlike the “political Zionist” founded by Theodore Herzl.
            Einstein did not believe in a Jewish state, he called Irgun Fascists and gangsters.
            No wonder Albert Einstein refused the presidency of Israel, he was anti Zionist till his last breath.
            “In January, 1946, in a reply to the question of whether Jewish refugee settlement in Palestine demanded a Jewish state, Einstein told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, “The State idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is connected with narrow-minded and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it.”

            “David Horowitz: “Einstein’s opposition to Israel was widely known and reported on during his life. In fact, the myth of Einstein’s support of Israel was born the day after Einstein’s death in his obituary in The New York Times, which shamelessly wrote that he championed the establishment of the Jewish state. This contradicted decades of reporting from the Paper of Record. Jerome provides some examples, including a 1930 article headlined Einstein attacks British Zion Policy, a 1938 article stating Einstein was Against Palestine State and a 1946 article stating Einstein Bars Jewish State.”

            Sorry, nice try, but lo luck

          19. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Good historians do their best to find ‘original’, or original first copy. Those who wish to ‘turn a phrase’ to suit a line of propagandized ‘new-think’ use the bits which suit their mood.
            People are not generally good historians … and even if perhaps interested in a subject, rarely look beyond a version given as a ‘Precis’ to save their own time and energy, in what could also not be near as ‘Precise’ in original thought; leaving some gaps in understanding of what was meant. They will even attempt to re-translate to shorten it again.
            Not all obfuscation is actually intended – some simply occurs naturally by being lazy.
            Arguing vehemently from a supine position never works well. :-))
            Imagine if physicists tried short-cut mathematics. 😯

          20. Trying to educate this degenerate is a waste of time. You’ll have much more luck with autistic children.

          21. Matrix Avatar

            I noticed that Hind will do anything to protect her own image, and the chance to demonize all that is associated with Jews.

            Since this genius Albert Einstein was a Jew, she is using him to promote a particular political cause HER point of view.
            By referring to the ‘washingtonsblog that’ “knows everything” about Albert Einstein.

            I don’t believe that if Einstein was alive they could come with such nonsense as “It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.”.
            As far as I know the offering of Presidency of Israel to Albert Einstein didn’t occur before November 17, 1952.

            The atrocities in the fifties against Palestinian Arabs didn’t have today’s proportions.
            Beside it at the fifties the westbank and gazastrip was not occupied by the isreli state.

            Some five years ago an Israeli I got acquainted with, give me this link.
            It was astonishing since many are claiming that jews are fabricating a history of a jewish kingdom.

            I would like to hear a scientific explanation to the imaging of Titus Arch, clearly showing the result of the looting of the temple “Spoils of Jerusalem” – claimed by many that it didn’t existed at all.

            Wouldn’t surprise me if Hind never been in the Via Sacra “Sacred Way” at the Forum Romanum. It is the main street and the widest street in the Forum Romanum.

          22. Meditheraces Avatar

            “On the occasion of the opening of the university, Albert Einstein published a manifesto “The Mission of our University”, which generated interest and excitement in the entire Jewish and academic worlds.

            It states: “The opening of our Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, at Jerusalem, is an event which should not only fill us with just pride, but should also inspire us to serious reflection. … A University is a place where the universality of human spirit manifests itself. Science and investigation recognize as their aim the truth only.”

            Einstein concludes with the vision that, “… our University will develop speedily into a great spiritual center which will evoke the respect of cultural mankind the world over.” ”

            Zionists at the time were socialists he warned against Irgun’s Begin, it was prophetical Begin founded the Likud, the party of Jabotinsky.

          23. Matrix Avatar

            Barry, here are some of those Youtube videos that made me to check by myself the reaction among the involved in this insane conflict.

            The “How to Prove a Hamas/Gaza Photo is Fake” post of “syoungil” is confirming that my way to detect photos with fake message was correct.

            Take the example that Meditheraces attached in her post about the testimony of “Ahmad Qdeh knows absolutely nothing about weaponry. He said that the Israeli officer “watched as she bled to death[.]”.

            You will not find any information who made this photo, but you will find plenty of links of Turkish sites….


            Nakba Day remains a Nakba Day, because no one has the power to change it….. they just continue to promise (over 40 years …) that Jerusalem and palestine will be liebareted

            Thank you for sharing your point of view in this unfriendly forum.
            My opinion about it all will stay with me, it was a hell of experience about blind hatred and arabic antisemitism.
            With best regards to you and your peoples,
            Wilhelm (Blankenese HH)

            Disseminated images…

        3. Rudy1947 Avatar

          “They are far away from the slaughtering done by various Arabs that have only the interest of grabbing control for a greater syria or whatever.”

          Jews in Berlin or Jews in America can enjoy the distance , past and present. Jews in Israel, not so much.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, they should have thought of that when the Zionists decided to take over Palestine.
            Many things could be better in life if people would only think.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            So you justify the continued Arab violence against the state of Israel. Arabs had the same opportunity but chose a 7 decade path. The Arabs failed.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Humans fail as a species … can’t support themselves until after age 10, and then rarely.
            (perhaps a few noted exceptions where plants were plentiful after age 5.)

          4. That’s a profound observation. No wonder Dumbyad likes it.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Money buy’s.

          6. Rudy1947 Avatar

            It bought a lot Soviet weaponry, not that it was successful.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Not interested

          8. Rudy1947 Avatar


        4. “In Prenzlauer Berg, an Israeli and a Palestinian got together and opened the restaurant Kanaan on Kopenhagener Straße”
          I hear the food there is crap. My guess is that’s just what the bearded hipsters like.

          1. Matrix Avatar

            You can not judge if you have not eaten at “Kanaan “, that is for sure that you never been there or been in Berlin at all?


    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      At least everyone agrees ISIS must be wiped out … maybe the only thing they can agree on.
      Those bone-heads simply went over the top in their insanities.
      ‘Lesser Terrorists’ may stick around for much longer.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “The two have since fought several wars.” … Little teeny aggravating wars on a roundtable of literary revilement.
    Syria has become the worst in historical destruction thanks to the literary geniuses who created 3 books.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      Is it the geniuses who created the books (arguably more than 3) or the readers who used the books for their own purposes. Also, Atheists didn’t believe in the “three” books.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Well, atheists don’t believe them, even when they read them, at least. If they don’t read, then they only go on hearsay … yet many are still good people within a society because of hearing something – perhaps even about a good set of laws.
        ‘Belief’ is a matter of ‘self-seeking’, unless one is programmed not to do that and is simply led by the nose. There is nothing wrong with asking oneself a question either, after all.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Yes, Atheists don’t believe in the “books’ and yet are responsible for the same historical destruction at times in history.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Voila. Human nature. All different, and the same. ‘Choice’ is important.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What happened to the books?

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            First we learn to use our hands. (or feet, if one is a Thalidomide person)
            If a book is for education, reading only one from 3000 years past ignores the accumulated ‘thoughts’ that went on in other brains over that time. There are actually a choice of books. Amazingly.
            (the ones who chose Thalidomide made a poor choice of course .. not all books are accurate)

          4. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Is that why we owe are brains to our feet?

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ?? Need full sentence …

          6. Rudy1947 Avatar


          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You ARE allowed to edit .. :-))

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He can say “Charming”… :-)).

          9. Rudy1947 Avatar


          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why are you yuppifying?

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar


          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Apparently, after several ‘dynasties’, the Egyptian Ladies were well advanced in this aspect … and they made the males wear those rather short kilts, to keep things ‘well in hand’, as they used to say. Then one of the Queens lost her head a bit to a ‘Roman God’ named Anthony, and Egypt sort of fell apart with several book-burnings occurring in Alexandria’s biggest library on ‘how to keep a male calm’. Totally fouled it up for us males, I’m thinking.
            But … hmmm … times ARE changing. 😉

          14. MekensehParty Avatar

            Which atheists are you referring to? The communists?

    2. Syria has become what it has become largely thanks to its brand of Arab nationalism – which is horrible even by the abysmally low Arab nationalism standards – incarnated by the Baath. So unless by the “books” you mean Michel Aflaq’s crappy masterpieces, I think you’re way off.

  4. Rudy1947 Avatar

    “If Assad survives, Hezbollah’s—and Assad’s—patrons in Iran will make sure the group is generously compensated with weapons, cash and very possibly access to strategically useful territory near the border with Israel. In that case, too, Assad will remain eternally in Hezbollah’s debt, and Hezbollah will emerge stronger from the conflict.”

    The ultimate goal of the conflict according to Iran.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Doesn’t help the starving in Lebanon at this moment.

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Dial 1 800 Iran for further info.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Dial Rudzy 0 for stand up comedy

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Wish I was a stand up comedian. But the Iranian meddling is the issue. Any comments on them or do we get a cartoon?

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ask Matrax he’s the expert in cartoons

  5. MekensehParty Avatar

    Such a weak article, more like stating known facts and then turning to a crystal ball
    By all accounts, Israel is now less unpopular than Hezbollah among Sunnis who are actually praying that Israel enters in a war with Hezbollah and this time another “divine” victory will only be believed by the farters of the resistance, not the whole farters of the Arab world.
    Because those “victories” are nothing but illusions and propaganda for the naive and emotional. Factually we know who lost more, suffered more and who’s not daring to start a new war with Israel, blaming “takfiris” for the death of their top commander…

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