Jewish Israeli man shot dead after being mistaken for attacker


An Israeli police inspecting the site where two alleged Palestinian attackers were shot by Israeli police after attempting to board a bus carrying children then stabbing an Israeli, in the Israeli city of Beit Shemesh, west of Jerusalem. — AFP pic
An Israeli police inspecting the site where two alleged Palestinian attackers were shot by Israeli police after attempting to board a bus carrying children then stabbing an Israeli, in the Israeli city of Beit Shemesh, west of Jerusalem. — AFP pic
A Jewish Israeli man was shot and killed in a scuffle with Israeli soldiers who suspected he was a Palestinian attacker, police said Thursday, in a reflection of the jittery mood that has gripped Israelis amid a spate of near-daily stabbings.

The shooting came as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Germany for talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on how to restore calm. Kerry expressed a “cautious measure of optimism” following the four-hour meeting about proposals that could help defuse tensions. Kerry is set to meet with the Palestinians this weekend.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the shooting of the Israeli man in Jerusalem late Wednesday occurred after soldiers patrolling the area asked him to show ID as he got off a bus.

The man refused, scuffled with the soldiers and then attempted to seize one of their weapons. A private security guard nearby shot the man, and one soldier also opened fire, police said. The man later died of his wounds.

Police said the soldiers had grown suspicious when the man, speaking in Hebrew, asked to see their IDs and proclaimed, “I am ISIS,” referring to the Islamic State militant group.

“The soldiers had high suspicions that he was a terrorist,” Rosenfeld said. Police later identified the man as a 28-year-old Jewish resident of Jerusalem, without providing further details.

Avraham Ben Haim told Channel 10 TV he was a friend of the man killed. He said the man was from the restive Russian region of Dagestan, worked as a security guard and was not stable.

“I don’t know how fit he was to carry a gun,” he said.

Grainy footage emerged Thursday showing the man scuffling with numerous people on the street before he was shot.

Palestinian attacks have Israelis on edge. Several politicians have urged licensed gun owners to carry their weapons and there have been several bloody accidents. In one case, an Israeli man stabbed a fellow Jew, thinking his victim was an Arab because of his dark skin. Earlier this week, a security guard shot an Eritrean migrant he thought was an attacker during a bus station shooting.

As the Eritrean lay on the ground, a mob cursed, kicked and hit him with objects. He died of his wounds. Four suspects arrested for their role in the beating were released on bail following a court appearance.

Opposition legislator Tzipi Livni accused hard-line politicians of fomenting a climate of fear and danger with their calls for people to arm themselves.

“This is not the Wild West,” she told Israeli Army Radio. “The suspicion there is now, the fear and the hate lead to brutal and very difficult results.”

Israelis have scrambled to purchase pepper spray for self-defense, and stores and restaurants are empty. Israel has beefed up security, deploying hundreds of soldiers to back up thousands of police officers. Police have erected concrete barriers and checkpoints at the entrances to Arab areas of east Jerusalem, where many of the attackers are from.

Meanwhile, many Palestinian residents of Jerusalem have been afraid to leave their homes for fear of getting mixed up with vigilante mobs or being mistaken for an attacker.

In new violence Thursday, police said two Palestinians stabbed an Israeli at a bus stop after they tried to board a bus ferrying children to school. Police shot the two men, one of whom later died while the other was seriously wounded. Police said the Israeli man was moderately wounded.

Israel’s Shin Bet internal security agency said the men, both about 20 years old, have records of militant activity. One is a member of the Islamic militant Hamas group while the other was jailed for two years after he was caught carrying a knife at a sensitive West Bank holy site.

Later Thursday, New Zealand’s foreign minister said his country will circulate a draft U.N. resolution in the coming days that will call on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to use their authority to end the current wave of violence.

Murray McCully told a U.N. Security Council ministerial meeting that the draft will also reaffirm the council’s commitment to a two-state solution and direct talks to achieve peace.

He said the council should mandate a course of action for the two parties to prepare for talks in “a realistic but early timeframe.”

Israeli and Palestinian officials at the U.N. traded blame for the violence.

Israel’s U.N. ambassador Danny Danon told the Security Council to “stop making excuses for the Palestinians” and hold them accountable for the current wave of violence. He said the U.N. should end its usual practice of urging both sides to exercise restraint and demand that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas “cease his incitement.”

Palestinian foreign minister Riad Malki accused Israel of “feeding the fires of religious racism and hatred.”

Also Thursday, Israeli troops placed a concrete barrier in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, near a Jewish holy site where thousands of faithful are expected for a pilgrimage this weekend. The gathering threatens to heighten tensions in the city, where Palestinian demonstrators clashed recently with Israeli troops.

Police said they would deploy hundreds of troops to maintain calm. The holy site known as Rachel’s Tomb lies beyond Israel’s West Bank separation barrier on the outskirts of Bethlehem.

Ten Israelis have been killed over the last month, mainly in stabbing attacks. On the Palestinian side, 48 people have been killed, 27 of them labeled by Israel as attackers, the others killed in clashes with Israeli forces.

The violence erupted a month ago, fueled by rumors that Israel was plotting to take over a sensitive Jerusalem holy site revered by both Jews and Muslims.

Palestinians point to the growing number of Jewish visitors to the site, as well as calls from activist groups and senior politicians for expanded prayer rights.

Israel says it is committed to a longstanding status quo and adamantly denies the rumors, saying they incite violence.

The violence was initially confined to Arab areas of east Jerusalem but soon spread deep into Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians say the violence is rooted in frustration at decades of living under Israeli occupation, while Israel accuses Palestinian leaders of inciting the unrest.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders during a visit to the region this week and then offered the Security Council a grim assessment of prospects for defusing the violence.

Netanyahu, who met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, held talks with Kerry on Thursday in Germany.

After the meeting, Kerry said he would “characterize that conversation as one that gave me a cautious measure of optimism.” He said he hoped there would be some proposals in the next few days.

Kerry told reporters that he planned to raise the proposals with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah this weekend in Jordan’s capital, Amman.

Before their talks, both Kerry and Netanyahu condemned the wave of Palestinian attacks on Israelis. The Quartet of Mideast mediators, a grouping that includes the U.S., U.N., EU and Russia, is set to meet Friday to call for calm.

Associated Press



340 responses to “Jewish Israeli man shot dead after being mistaken for attacker”

  1. arzatna1 Avatar

    Another case of mistaken identity.
    Perhaps this time Israeli leaders will realize that the 2 state solution is the only solution left for Israel and Palestinians

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      No after Netanyahu blamed Palestinians for the Holocaust, the fanaticcs will kill more Palestinians

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Maybe they guy was on the edge, anyway, as the neighbour says. There’s a lot of battered brains there. ….. ‘How DARE you ask for MY I.D.? I’m not a bad guy! I want yours.’ And then the fun begins … and escalates … he thinks he’s being attacked. In a sense, he is. But self-control went.

      1. “But self-control went”

        So you started wearing adult nappies. Xoxoxo

      2. “Maybe the guy was on the edge, ”

        I could be wrong but I was under the impression he was on the middle of the road. :p

    3. “Another case of mistaken identity.”

      What does that mean?
      The guy did what Palestinians allegedly do, so he was shot.
      Hang on, so if they knew he was Jewish and committed the crimes he did, he wouldn’t have been shot?
      It shouldn’t be about identity but about the crime.
      Just another confirmation that Israeli laws and society are racist.

  2. “Yehuda Meshi Zahav, a member of the ZAKA emergency medical team called to the scene, told the local Jerusalem Post he had also mistaken the man to be a Palestinian.

    “I wanted to cover the body in a black bag [reserved for alleged attackers],” he said. “After I was asked to take care of the body I saw that he was a Jew, and that it was mistake to speak of a terrorist. I immediately notified the police and we switched to a white ZAKA body bag.””

    1. “I saw that he was a Jew, and that it was mistake to speak of a terrorist”

      Just wanted to highlight that sentence.

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        Are going to rip your head out of dorans arse?

        1. No! I like it there, at least it’s cleaner than your mouth. Xoxoxo

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Yeah it’s kosher for a pig’s head.

          2. Religious bigot

        2. In FACT, I’m going to apologize to doron. Thanks for reminding me sweetie. And who said you are useless?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            While you do that, ask about the colours of bodybags. I always thought one size fits all.

          2. Why? Don’t you have fingers?
            That’s right, you are spineless. How did I forget that!?

          3. And size is not color, spineless.

        3. Btw you are one jealous old bitch.

  3. Interesting how when they thought he was Palestinian, they labelled him terrorist but when they discovered he was Jewish, they don’t call him terrorist.

    The usual narrative of “only Palestinians are terrorists”.

    1. Terminilogy, it’s rare scenario for a jew to attack other jew on terror basis so it’s set in like that in everyday doesnt mean that he believes jews can not inflict terror cause obviously it will be inaccurate,unfortunatly we have some capabale of terror acts too.
      The change of body bag to white is cause of jewish burry tradition, we burry our dead covered in white covers.

      1. Doron please STOP!

        “”I wanted to cover the body in a black bag [reserved for alleged attackers],” he said. “After I was asked to take care of the body I saw that he was a Jew, and that it was mistake to speak of a terrorist. I immediately notified the police and we switched to a white ZAKA body bag.”””

        1. Here the source without my words and my interpetation.

          1. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            The source without words….

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The source with words….

            “The U.N. partition plan had declared Jerusalem an international city that was to be ruled by neither Arab nor Jew. But the Jewish terrorists, including Shamir and Menachem Begin, the leader of the largest terrorist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, also known by the Hebrew acronym “Etzel”—had rejected partition and claimed all of Palestine and Jordan for the Jewish state. These Jewish extremists were horrified at Bernadotte’s suggestion.”

            Swedish National Archives Count Folk Bernadotte assassination by Zionists terrorist Ythak Shamir


          3. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            My “The source Without Words ….”, refers to how easy it is to manipulate reality.

            Do not mix apples with oranges.

            Are tired of your nagging about the past.

            Have enough problems these days, do not need the past – The past remains the past!

          4. lol when it suits your agenda, the past stays in the past.
            What an idiot

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The past is here today!! What a good Swedish patriot you are.

          6. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            That is the problem with you people, the past is more imported then the future!

            That why we have to act against Palestinians that overstayed in Sweden.

            Since they have no permit, the authorities ordered eviction/deportation – on October 8, the Palestinians were evicted from the protest camping outside the Immigration Service in Malmö.
            In conjunction with the V-senator Daniel Sestrajcic suspected of a crime – kicking at a policeman head.


          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Spare me your picture gallery you can’t speak without

            “Without The Past There Is No Future”… but you can correct the path of now so that the future’s path will lead to better understanding.
            Then lets say you education is in the past so forget It.

          8. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            “Without The Past There Is No Future. …”, and who erases away the past?

            We care about our history / culture.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Others than you also care about their history and culture

          10. Your Alzheimer’s erases the past

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Descartes’s argument can be represented logically, so change the Dubium sapiente initium
            name and Descartes avatar

          12. control freak now telling posters what names they are not allowed. Control FREAK

          13. “”Without The Past There Is No Future. …””

            If you were not born in the past, you couldn’t be here now or in the future!
            Just one example, you racist fuck.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Good Bye, not interested in “Virginity Tests”.

          15. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            “Virginity Tests” are your cultural traditions in a nutshell.

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s not mine “cultural tradition” I’m Christian.. I said Good Bye!

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Dear Hind… Ahem,ahem … maybe not your particular tribe of Christians…, but I seem to recall it necessary for some to hang a bloody sheet out the balcony window after the ‘first joust’ so the waiting crowd who had listened to the appropriate screams could also rest assured that the appropriate ‘dowry’ had been paid. ;-)))

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And, one more time again:
            My youngest friend (RC-Christian) in Tripoli, who was forcibly ‘finger-raped’ by the ‘Internal Security’ of Lebanon, when taken to hospital due to lack of blood because 5 days later the internal nail-cut was still bleeding, was MOST relieved not at surviving the whole trauma of the experience, but when the doctors were able to tell her she was still a virgin … and she was quick to inform me of this, as she had been most fearful of that bleeding, and I had had to send another to search her out since she had gone silent.
            The nail-scratches on the breast, and the baton-beaten legs only needed time.
            I told her I was proud of her Resistance to opening the legs.
            (what else could I say to a believer?)
            (I’d be happy to meet the bastard who doesn’t cut his filthy nails)

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You too, spare me your Tripolata blablabblaah social chattering blog.

          20. Have you ever considered this is his only “social chattering” he can get??
            Remember he lives on his own and doesn’t have a partner. He has kids but I’m sure, like most kids, his kids have their own life.
            So stop trying to isolate him even further. Yes I pick on him but, believe it or not, it gives him the ability to “social chatter” when I pick on him.
            Yes it would be better to create “social chatter” in other ways instead of picking on him but I’m not perfect.

          21. And keep in mind, he treats you better than he treats anyone else and you still berate him when he doesn’t say what you want. Anybody else would’ve told you to fuck off but he stuck by you. So next time you want to have your monthly on 5th, just try to remember what I said.

            And 5th, sorry if you took offence to my analysis of your current status. I honestly didn’t mean any ill by it.

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Can’t you keep (a little tiny bit) out of a conversation…(just Once in a While)?

          23. Sweetie, one: you are a hypocrite!
            Two: this is a PUBLIC blog not Tehran.
            If you don’t want to be caught out then say what you want to 5th, PRIVATELY!!
            You are truly one nasty piece of Iranian shite.
            I can only imagine what “CONTROL” you exercise where you have the power to do so. Well honey, this is not Tehran, and I’m FREE to comment on ANYTHING I wish. If you don’t like it then you can fuck off back to Qom.

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Even sooo.. ? ? Just give a little space for Reply..? ?

          25. Sweetie you are free to reply whenever you want and when it comes to space on the net, it’s infinite.

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Infinitum like you

          27. As opposed to your brain cells, they are non existent ya ibn sharmouta.

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ov gourz

          29. Go talk to your other personalities you sick twisted control freak.

          30. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I don’t talk to you, you talk to me.

          31. Yes I talk to you and you don’t talk to me but you bark at me like the rabid sharmouta you are. Kess emak
            Seriously you are lucky you are not next to me.

          32. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Now you’re threatening me?

          33. Yeh from 16000 miles away.lmfao you are lame.

            “Hind Abyad
            20 minutes ago
            Have no time, going to bed ..maybe tomorrow..”

          34. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Stop sending messages.. control spine..etc..thank i need music to get out the Madame Butterfly

          35. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            A few cans of Glen 20 might HELP.

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No thank you i’m not amateur, a glass of hot milk is calming before bed ..add a little mazaher

          37. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Won’t the mazahar curdle the milk?

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Of course not know that..

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (psssst … Mab … if you’re getting it in cans, trust me, it’s fake..)

          40. LOLLLL

          41. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Not Talking about the same Glen, sorry the Glen 20 I’m talking about is a disinfectant surface spray. I guess both have similar effects. It’s made by reckitt benckiser I’m sure they all over the world sounds like a multi national brand.

          42. Sweetie you are pollution.
            And I love how you try using messages as an excuse for being caught out. Deceptive taqqiya whore

          43. “Hind Abyad O
            32 minutes ago
            I don’t talk to you, you talk to me.”

            Lol as it “talks” to me. Lmfao at your deception and hypocrisy. Yalla go shower, you stink of shite.

          44. Nazi slag

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            O brain cells

          46. Wow original, considering I said the following to you 20 minutes before you barked this bark.
            “As opposed to your brain cells, they are non existent ya ibn sharmouta.”

            You honestly have serious mental health issues and you should seek professional help

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I repeated iou

          48. Speak English not farsi you Iranian whore

          49. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I just went home the were 66 discus notifications from you.. take a pill.

          50. Yes they were replies to your 120 barks.

          51. Lol I’m the only one?
            That’s funny considering it’s 5th and you that comment on here the most.
            What? Are you feeling like I’m going to take over your number one spot?

          52. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Except when you insult his dead wife, disgusting thing to do I’ve never seen that anywhere.

          53. Lol sweetie it’s obvious what you are trying to do you jealous manipulative little Iranian sgarmouta

          54. You’ve never seen it anywhere? Or you choose when to see it?
            Coz I’m very certain others have sworn at dead relatives before, on this blog…. NUMEROUS times. So stop your manipulation. You are obviously bitter that I called you out on your treatment of 5th and you hate anyone pointing out your ugliness.

          55. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            His wife is not your relative..anyway you’re seriously crazy, calm down.

          56. “Hind Abyad
            20 minutes ago
            Have no time, going to bed ..maybe tomorrow..”

            Haha thanks for confirming you are a liar

          57. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I listen …

          58. That’s your problem.

          59. Speaking of nails. Does Any Arab male, on Yalibnan, grow their pinky to pick their nose? I’ve seen a few Arabs who grow that nail and it is DISGUSTING!

          60. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I knew a Classical Guitarist who kept his whole right hand that way, ate Gelatine to assure solidity, trimmed to a particular task, and went into a fit when he broke one. ;-))
            He wasn’t Arab.

          61. Long nails are disgusting on a man.

          62. “who was forcibly ‘finger-raped’ ”

            Is it possible to be “finger raped” non forcibly??

          63. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You need the whole fist, and the force would be coming from you.

          64. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Oh yuck, I’m going to be sick. I need break off this site.

          65. Yes please but make sure you cut your filthy nose picking nails first. Thank you for showing how nice and decent Arab Christians are.

          66. I bet if you ever finally find any female dumb enough and desperate enough to stay with, you will beat her up.

          67. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Only if she reminds me of you.

          68. Already making excuses for your domestic violence. What a man

          69. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes … when you open your legs out of pure fear of being ‘hurt’ somewhere else, and let a bastard stick a finger in easily – to get you, what he thinks is, warmed up to the next ‘bone’ he’s going to push in. ‘Rape’ is a ‘Mental Push’. And you should know.

          70. exactly why I asked the question. Coz even if you open your legs it is still by force. And you should know that. Nothing worse than one that can’t admit their error even after it has been pointed out.
            Rape is by force, FULL STOP!

          71. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I didn’t make an error. She didn’t open. He forced his way in. Simple. Physical force by a finger on top of the initial mental … which she really didn’t succumb to, because he couldn’t get to the next phase. I have to say ‘finger-rape’ because any smart-ass lawyer will ask if the dick made it in, and then try to say it wasn’t really rape. Have you been there? Being exact will at least prove Assault with a dirty-nail weapon.

          72. “Have you been there?”

            In your friends vagina? No!
            But of course that wasn’t what you meant and yet you still have the audacity to say “however ‘attacks’ are not nice, and some are really horrible. I agree.”

          73. “Physical force”

            But you didn’t say physical force. So don’t try to worm your way out AFTER the event.

          74. “when you open your legs out of pure fear of being ‘hurt’ ”

            Sweetie, the FEAR is the FORCE!
            One can’t be raped unless there is some type of force!
            If she willingly opened her legs without fear directed at her then it’s not rape!
            Ok, let me ask you. Question. Would she have opened her legs if there was no fear or threat?? If your answer is no, then she was forced.

          75. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You have all the attributes to be recognised as one sick fucker. Please stick to drinking at all times, a limp prick sicko can’t do much harm.

          76. Unlike you, in my family we have Christians, Muslims and alewife. And I date a Jewish guy. I can’t see you accepting anyone except Christians and THAT is the kind of mentality that makes you disgusting.
            You are a good example of people may not migrants.

          77. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Only thing your dating is yalibnan, your mouse the rest.

          78. True that. You caught me out.

          79. “You are a good example of people may not migrants.”

            Correction: You are a good example of why people may not like migrants.

          80. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well Mab, we know the ‘reality stories’ don’t make anyone super-happy. You can stick to the jokes too, as you wish. Garbage-talk with ‘O’ if you want to – it fills more space. :-))

          81. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            If you are supposedly telling a story about a dear friend of yours and you post it on a public blog and describe that person’s pain with the graphic term you used then the reality is that the garbage talk is coming from you 5th.

          82. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Mab … The difficulties of my friends and their stories with which I AM most familiar, in a place I actually enjoyed being in (for some profound reason), while I cannot put names and pictures to until they are dead (I won’t wait as long as Presidential records -promise), ARE the BEST examples of what Lebanese Politics produces FOR it’s citizens.
            The IS supposed to a ‘site’ looking for answers … isn’t it?? IF we don’t KNOW the experience of ‘Being a Lebanese’, OR of ‘Being a Lebanese Woman’, how will we ever find any answers related to the EXACT EXPERIENCE. ???

          83. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Didn’t seem right. I don’t think your helping.

          84. “This IS supposed to be a ‘site’ looking for answers ”

            Where does it say that? And why have you never said that to certain others?

          85. Lol still a spineless geriatric

          86. “a limp prick sicko can’t do much harm.”

            That’s not what the children who are victims, of your priests molesting them, said.

            In fact, children molested by priests have even taken their lives while your church still tries to sweep it under the carpet.

          87. “You have all the attributes to be recognised as one sick fucker. ”

            Lol coming from YOU? that’s hilarious.

          88. Bitch, you are only upset coz 5th FINALLY said something negative about Christianity. Stop your lies that it is about how he described his friends rape by scum like you.
            And you barking “Didn’t seem right. I don’t think your helping.” Just proves you couldn’t find fault with his rape story. The deduction being it was not about the rape story but about the sheets story. Gutless old prick

          89. “My youngest friend (RC-Christian) in Tripoli, who was forcibly ‘finger-raped’”

            Please explain how her religion has any relevance to your story!!

          90. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You know VERY Well what i meant so stop it, i’m not a Christian living in DaRK RagEs!!!!!

          91. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I know,

          92. Omg! Did you grow a bit of spine? What is the world coming to.

          93. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            In Shakespeare times..i’m not in the mood for “The Taming of the Shrew” jokers.

          94. 5thDrawer Avatar

            In some truths, there is no joke. Willy knew no-one would listen to truths without the jokes. He tried to make a living being an ‘artist’ with words.

          95. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            But it was true at the time.

          96. 5thDrawer Avatar

            If we recognize his ‘TALENT’ with words, now, it does not mean we live in his time.

          97. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He wrote Comedies ..and Tragedies where he didn’t make any “jokes”.

          98. Hind Abyad 5thDrawer
            a day ago
            You too, spare me your Tripolata blablabblaah social chattering blog.


          99. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            That’s not the way i see it.. it was Art.

          100. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, true, AND I Am sure not making a living on this.
            But wasn’t he writing for an audience anyway? And the playhouse had to be build and funded somehow, after all … in a sense he was payed by being heard. 😉
            And writers are like musicians … the vast majority living in poverty. BUT still working at making some coin – perhaps to buy a string- so they can practice their art. A writer needs a pencil, or a quill pen … or maybe a computer.

            To save a space below, I’ll comment on some fun in a tragedy.
            I can’t imagine anything more darkly humorous than saying:
            ‘Alas poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio.’ … while holding the skull of Yorick, who was a ‘man of infinite jest’. 😉 That’s serious comedy.

          101. Writers also destroy humanity.

          102. Hind Abyad 5thDrawer
            a day ago
            You too, spare me your Tripolata blablabblaah social chattering blog.

          103. All I can say is that your friend should write a letter to the organisation that is part of the UN, known as “UN WOMEN”! Fuck the rat that took advantage of a female. I would’ve ripped his balls off, motherfucker!!!!

            Btw, The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed on 25 November.

            And check this out, it was only In 1995 that the UN saw women’s rights as human rights! Wtf!!!

          104. “The Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, went a step farther than the Nairobi Conference. The Beijing Platform for Action asserted women’s rights as human rights and committed to specific actions to ensure respect for those rights.”

          105. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I cannot ‘force’ them to come ‘OUT’ of the Shell Of Fear which tells them they should remain ‘hidden’ to any – lest ‘making a wave’ only returns them more trouble …. which IT HAS on two occasions. (that I know of..)
            Almost each time they attempt to ‘be seen’ and ‘recognized’, they are beaten.
            And where they have been successful in getting past ‘The Fear’ – usually out of absolute necessity and a hope that they found a way – they have only been listened to then ignored. You could call it ‘Patronized’. I’d call it being fucked again.
            There was, in fact, one Lawyer who honestly tried … and even went beyond his own ‘office billing-rules’ to actually help … and he was in turn fucked by a Syrian, which also fucked the women again, and left them without ‘one’ wishing to hear from them again.
            Would ‘UN WOMEN’ do better? Honestly?

          106. i honesty don’t know if un women would do better but the whole existence of that organisation is to protect women around the world. It was only a suggestion. :(((

          107. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What has that to do with my reply to Dubitus Sabiente Inanus?

            Thanks for Arabic numbers..

          108. “Thanks for Arabic numbers.”

            They are not Arabic numbers. 1 to 9 were invented by the Indians. But the Arabs did create zero (In its current form) which revolutionised numeracy.

            “It was al-Khowarizmi who first synthesized Indian arithmetic and showed how the zero could function in algebraic equations, and by the ninth century the zero had entered the Arabic numeral system in a form resembling the oval shape we use today.”

          109. “but I seem to recall it necessary for some to hang a bloody sheet out the balcony window after the ‘first joust’ so the waiting crowd who had listened to the appropriate screams could also rest assured that the appropriate ‘dowry’ had been paid.”

            You must be mistaken coz according to the self prophesied Christians on this blog, Christians are infallible.

          110. “but I seem to recall it necessary for some to hang a bloody sheet out the balcony window”

            Have they never heard of spare sheets??

          111. 5thDrawer Avatar

            In ‘some quarters’ and to appease the old folks, and apparently tradition, a little vial of some kind of blood is carried in pocket to the nuptial suite, the couple make the appropriate sounds, spill the blood on the sheet, have a last glass of wine and a good shower, then hang the sheet before passing out from the exhaustion of a wedding day.
            The crowd still cheers.

          112. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Is that the response to dubitus sapientiaiii inanus:
            “Virginity Tests” are your cultural traditions in a nutshell.”, that i answered ? ?
            He likes it.. i can’t believe this! For Gods sake what has your post supposed to say about dubitstupidus racial attack on me?

          113. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think all the attacks are atrocious. I also have come a conclusion that everyone in here is ‘certifiable’ (that means crazy). But then, look at Lebanon. We could have a bit of factual stuff enter on occasion just for the back-up to the humour, in whatever form that takes, however ‘attacks’ are not nice, and some are really horrible. I agree.
            What can I do in a nut-house??

          114. Lol you claim to know about their “cultural viginity tests” but somehow don’t know who nasty is. Just confirms you spend your time digging shite material to incite hatred. I never liked you from day one.

          115. “not interested in “Virginity Tests”.”

            Lol it’s obvious why ya sharmouta

          116. Repeat. You already barked that one. You need new hate material

          117. “That is the problem with you people”

            “You people”???? Who are this group?

          118. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Is it so painful that I’m Swedish?

          119. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Warning! I’m tired of you pictures so don’t BOTHER ..

          120. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            You are tired of reality as we have, so keep your conflicts at your home!

          121. Patience2 Avatar

            Where’d you ever GET this picture of Nasrallah??

          122. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Who is “Nasrallah”?

          123. 5thDrawer Avatar

            He means ‘Nastyrallah’ …:-)))

          124. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Don’t I have the right deliberately ignore this turban carrier?

          125. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Not in south Beirut.

          126. Yes you have that right but you chose to ask about nasty. So don’t go crying like a baby when you are caught out red handed.

          127. You are truly a racist.

          128. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Taliban Jews turban carriers..even babies

          129. You had to be a religious bigot. Do you never learn

          130. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Oh yeah those are indeed Jews, but they are not “Taliban” and not turban carriers.
            Thankfully, such retrograde fanatics we do not have in Sweden.

            The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan.

            Though those in the picture belongs to a “sick” sect that is not even welcome in Israel.

          131. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah well, they calls ’em like they sees ’em. 😉 The really good thing is, that as a ‘male’, you can put your running shoes on and go for a jog naked down those streets, and no-one will bother you. ;-))

          132. How do you know what is welcome in Israel but pretend not to know who nasty is?

          133. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            From the SVT news as well as from the “The Sydney Morning Herald” –

          134. Thank you for trying to provide an answer but that article says nothing about a “sick sect” nor does it say anything about being welcome. I have to be blunt and tell you that you just did a hind (meaning you posted something totally unconnected with what we are discussing).

            Btw I noticed you only replied to me after I said my partner is Jewish. Are you Jewish?

          135. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            I didn’t see your “I said my partner is Jewish.” and you are Christian or….

            It’s good that you noticed that I don’t commenting to you, simply because I never liked your approach.
            You have a partner that is Jewish, I don’t.

            Just because you are by some way attached to the Middle East, it doesn’t mean that (outsiders) others are not allowed to comment.

          136. “others are not allowed to comment.”

            Have I ever told you you can’t comment???

          137. “others are not allowed to comment.”

            Have I ever told you you can’t comment???

          138. Patience2 Avatar

            Go to south Beirut and just ask around.

          139. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium


          140. Is he seriously asking who nasty is??

          141. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            He hangs out at gay clubs.

          142. LOLLLLLLLLL

          143. And you would know coz you frequent the very same bars.

          144. Warning! I’m tired of your braying ya daft mare, so don’t BOTHER!

            This is another perfect example of your control issues.
            He can post whatever the fuck he wants! Do you never tire of trying to control the world???

          145. Yes the control freak only wants its pictures. How dare anyone else post pics without its approval. Control freak

          146. 5thDrawer Avatar

            To my ear, an African Tribal Rhythm and Accent … amazingly, those chants can go on for hours … clapping and dance-steps included.

          147. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          148. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Who the hell is Malmo? Note i’m not really interested just stop.

          149. It’s an area in Sweden

          150. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            MALMÖ is the place your brothers and sisters come to when they’re treated badly in Lebanon.

          151. So you adit they are refugees seeking refuge from the bad treatment. Good boy. There might still be hope for you yet.

          152. No it’s not. But it’s painful that you breathe.

          153. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Ma abyakheek.

          154. Wow you are original ya bayeekh

          155. “My “The source Without Words ….”, refers to how easy it is to manipulate reality”

            You just described daft mare perfectly.

          156. You are one weirdo

          157. un fu(ck)ing believeable!

          158. Ok doron let’s look at that with an open mind. Why would any Palestinian need to make that pic up when they have plenty of REAL pics they can use?
            The only ones who gain from this is the ones that want to discredit Palestinians. I don’t believe that pic was circulated by Palestinians, not even for a second.

          159. there are reports that the demonstrations are being orgnized from above and that so called “activists” are being paied for it. possibly it’s a case like that one.
            having said that, i have no idea when and where it was taken, or why were they fighting in the first place. i only know from this picture that it’s never black and white as it might look from the side

          160. Very rarely is anything black and white. But as far as that picture is concerned, I don’t believe it.
            Being in IT you know how easy it is for anyone to photoshop.
            And considering he posted it, I’m going to accuse him of photoshopping that pic.

          161. i don’t think its photoshoped, it looks too life to be a fake.
            but here is another possible explanation: could be the arab is showing the soldier something on his phone and nto taking a selfi

          162. “could be the arab is showing the soldier something on his phone”

            Would the soldier still point the gun at him in that case?

          163. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Can’t help you with that.
            However I have seen a link that are dealing with the falsified reality photos and bring the real story – in video format.

          164. tnx,
            would love to see the link

          165. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            There’s no business like show business…. –

            Media Manipulation in Syria.

          166. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            Tell me Doron, is the Israeli media doing like the Austrian media as well as our mainstream media – concealing such pictures?

            Is the the expulsion of Palestinians from illegal camping in front of the Migration Board offices documented in Israel?
            These Palestinians have started the protest camp in Malmö with the reasons that they are denied a residence permit in Sweden.

            There was much commotion when the police would remove them from the campsite – a Swedish politician (a Muslim himself) has even kicked the police in the head – left wing is known for its support for the Palestinian Arabs.

          167. left wing is the the gun with which Europe commits suicide.
            israeli media outlets are a little more balanced. we have some lost souls left here that still argue it’s our fault the arabs riot…there are less & less of them with every escalation.more and more Israeli figures are convinced everyday palis want victory , not peace, and ofcourse you can’t fool the people here with bogus articles
            here we show another version, little more balanced then the articles “on behalf of..” published by forign media.

          168. Dubium sapientiae initium Avatar
            Dubium sapientiae initium

            The left wing in Europe is loosing ground after the migrant “invasion”.

            In Poland we have seen the results of the latest elections.

            In Sweden ordinary Swedes have just put the country’s anti-immigration party in first place. Sverigedemokraterna (SD)

            The amazing thing is that former immigrant are the supporters of SD, furthermore many of those former immigrant are SD party members!

            Their popularity of SD has doubled in one year. It’s impossible to dismiss these and other Scandinavians as “racists,” as the Left is trying to do.

            MP Daniel Sestrajcic (V) from the Left Party have committed offense by kicking the policeman in the head at the eviction of Palestinians barricaded themselves in their illegal tent setup in front of the immigration office.

            Palestinians protested against the Migration Board’s decision not to give them a permanent residence permit.

            Half of the migrants that arrived to Malmö skipped registration, with the result that the Swedish police is alarmed – they don’t have a clue who those “migrants” are, or where they are.

            Sweden is a very large country and distances are hundreds of kilometers between towns, the same applies in Finland.

            This Abdullah Waez; 25 is claiming that this place (Malung) is not human – but swedes are living there, that’s why they have those holiday cottages.
            “- It is dangerous there.
            There are no people and there are animals.
            We can not stay here.
            We have children. It’s too cold, he says.” – good morning yxskaft….

            After about 35 asylum seekers arrived in the village of Lima outside Malung refused several to get off the bus in protest.

            One of those who did not want to get off the bus is Abdullah Waez; 25.
            – We are grateful, but this place is not human, he says. NOT HUMAN….


            Daniel Sestrajcic, riksdagsledamot Vänsterpartiet

          169. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah .. perfectly understandable .. no ‘Label’ is probably better.

          170. I read that and all I got from it was their way of justifying their racism!
            It’s a body bag not a burial sheet. If Israelis don’t want those “dirty terrorists” to be put in Zaka bags then have ALL bags blank!
            I just can’t believe how you blatantly defend ANYTHING Israeli. Reminds me of hind, mekh and a couple of others.

            Btw, I owe you another apology. I was under the impression you voted for nutty. But when you said you didn’t, I tried to figure out why I was under that impression and the only thing I could come up with is that it was cook who said he voted for him. So I’m sorry.

          171. i’d burn the body of each dead terrorist on the spot. and extinguish the fire by colective peeing on it. it’s not racial, i just hate MFrs who come to kill me cause i’m a jew

          172. ” i just hate MFrs who come to kill me cause i’m a jew”

            Doron please stop! Otherwise I will do a you!
            Israelis only kill Arabs coz they are Arabs.

            You and I are intelligent educated people, so stop with the immaturity. (Watch all the haters jump on that last sentence :)))))

          173. no we dont! i work with arabs, we live in joined cities , go to the same movies yet you can’t see it , we kill Fing terrorists (which are videotaped performing murders!!!) and you say we kill arabs cause they are arabs?
            sorry but it’s not your best answer yet

          174. “and you say we kill arabs cause they are arabs?”

            I said that only to show you how you sound. Not that I believe it, just like I don’t believe the majority of Palestinians kill Jews purely coz they are Jews.
            You might have misunderstood my intention when I said that. And if that was the case then it’s my fault for not explaining my opinion better.

          175. “and you say we kill arabs cause they are arabs?”

            I said that only to show you how you sound. Not that I believe it, just like I don’t believe the majority of Palestinians kill Jews purely coz they are Jews.
            You might have misunderstood my intention when I said that. And if that was the case then it’s my fault for not explaining my opinion better.

          176. ok ‘ lets clear the atmosphere then:
            i refered to terrorists and terrorists only, i did not implay all arabs target jews. and in that light ,yes, i’d put a bullet through each terrorist and bnever feel a moment of remours.
            i would never harm someone who don’t try to harm me.

          177. if it is a terrorist, regardless of what religion it claims to follow, then I support you in putting a bullet through its head… But only when you are 100% certain it is a terrorist.
            100% so as not to have innocents killed, perfect example is the Eritrean.

          178. if it is a terrorist, regardless of what religion it claims to follow, then I support you in putting a bullet through its head… But only when you are 100% certain it is a terrorist.
            100% so as not to have innocents killed, perfect example is the Eritrean.

          179. Israel is procecuting 2 warden officers for being part of this lynch, they will face charges as they were expected to be proffesional about it… i risk saying no arab nation would act the same.
            as for civilians- i dont know the procedure regarding civilians, cause civilians are not expected to same standarts as proffesional army/police man.
            still it was lynch and Israel would trial the people involved

          180. Btw what bag do you use for Palestinians that aren’t accused of terrorism?

          181. they aretreated & burried by their own religious institutions. we do not supply religious jewish burrial to arabs

          182. You didn’t answer my question. I didn’t ask how they are buried. I asked what bag do you use for a Palestinian not accused of terrorism.

          183. i answered: we do not take care of bodies palistinians not killed when confronting IDF. Palistinians have their own institues for that.

          184. So if a Palestinian dies in a car accident in Israel, for example, you have the red crescent come pick that body up off the street?
            But I thought there was no discrimination

          185. ” it’s not racial”

            But it is if the law is based on race or religion. One can’t have two different laws, in the same country, based on race or religion.

          186. Oh please O, we’re taling about terrorists here, not everyday citizen.
            nothing would convince me to treat his body with respect.
            as the article said :it is not the law ,it is something decided after people called and complained.
            now before you go and call us racicts keep that in mind: if the god dammn terrorist is alive and in worst condition then his victims- our doctors tend him first, as absourd as it is…no racicst country would ever act like that

          187. You see, you don’t have a white bag with Zaka on it and a white bag that doesn’t. You have a white bag (good) and a black bag (bad). So it’s obvious that it’s done as a racist thing or else you would’ve had two WHITE(or black) bags, one marked Zaka and one not.
            And using religion to justify racism is absolutely unacceptable!

            Btw what does Zaka mean?

          188. zaka is abbrevation for identifing deseastor victims.
            it’s important for religious reasons ,not racial and the reason is burrial.
            jews must be burried in a certain way, rules or something like that so a religious body which looks for pieces of human flesh everytime there are death cases.
            after reading myself the article i posted’giving the terrorists a seperat bag seems appropreat to me:
            the zaka white bages have the words “חסד של אמת” on it – mercy of justice/truth or something close, hardly what a terrorist deserves- to be covered in white as his victims. i’m ok with that completly, i would just burn the boddy and flush the remains down the toilet…mybe make a nice video of it and put it on the news as well… mybe let a woman do that, as the kurds do, so the F’r will not go to his heaven and get his 72 virgins.

          189. Thank you for explaining the meaning of zaka xx

          190. Thank you for explaining the meaning of zaka xx

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I never saw black sheets on the Muslim bodies in Syria … interesting similarity …

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          Black sheets are in use while still alive. White isnt a good match.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I enjoyed the Silk .. but only in warm places.

        2. you almost never see any sheet on muslims in Syria, if they’re lucky someone throws a cloth on the face to stop the flies and hide the death grin

          1. That’s disgusting! Try some empathy once in a while

          2. i am notorious for being realistic O. what i wrote is the truth in many many cases i saw and no point trying to make reality sweeter.
            sorry if it hurts your feelings but it is what it is.

          3. Doron if it was true they wouldn’t be fighting, they would just let the dictator massacre them (I’m talking about Syrian civilians). Sorry but you are being an inciter in this instance. And the fact there was no need to say it, makes me question your motives for saying it.

          4. i could try and convince you i have no motives but it will take long time and i’m not sure you’ll bring yourself into believing me.
            instead i sugest this:
            google “Syria Casualties” , on the “images” section you’ll see what i see.. not too many covered there and the ones who do , only have a cloth covering them loosly.
            it’s not a question of motive, i gain nothing from pointing this obvious truth. exept mybe removing the mask of ignorance of some here conviniently a jew, i know too well the “i never knew that… version.

          5. I should have explained myself better. I was not talking about face covering but about “hide the death grin”

          6. i apologize if it’s too graphic yet it is the truth, not talikng about it will not make it go away
            unfortunatly, after few hours , all bodies start to decompose, skin begins to streach ,mouth included and thats what they mean death grin. not people smiling at the sight of dead people.
            ..and lets not talk about it anymore

          7. Ahhh that makes sense now. Language barriers grrr and in our case, innocent misunderstanding. Unlike when daft mare does something then hinds. Incredible how two honest people can communicate even through misunderstanding.

          8. if there’s a will there’s a way 🙂
            and speaking of lang barrier.. you will not believe how hard it is to explain something in many times i say something that in hebrew would mean something completly different then in english :)’s exhausting sometimes to explain what i mean (plus, no one believes the explanation cause if i said something and back track it – then it must be I was lying…
            oh well, it’s probably my fault for going on an english site in the first place 🙂

          9. Lollll
            But your last sentence is probably right in THAT context. But in the context of bettering or improving your English, being on here is a very smart idea.

          10. Lollll
            But your last sentence is probably right in THAT context. But in the context of bettering or improving your English, being on here is a very smart idea.

          11. “if there’s a will there’s a way”

            That is so true. In fact Israel and Palestine came to mind when I read that.

            As you may have noticed, I even tried making peace with daft mare. But there was no will on its part.

          12. waste of breath talking about her, i was foolish enough to belive she is more then the embodiment of hate and bigotry before as i know she is beyond salvation 🙂
            she will die a bitter old woman cause every year passing by ,Israel becomes stronger , which causes her so much pain 🙂

          13. Just one last misunderstanding on that subject.
            “not people smiling at the sight of dead people.”

            I thought you were saying the dead were grinning coz they died. Only coz of what you said the other day about Muslims loving death.

          14. do you think i’m THAT superficial?
            besides, overwhelmingly, the civilians are the biggest group among casualties and i don’t believe they prefer death then life

          15. Now you can understand how that misunderstanding upset me

          16. “i am notorious for being realistic”

            So am I. And extremely outspoken.

          17. very much extreem :))

      3. After reading what 5th said I did some googling.
        The following quote is about Muslims :
        “Enshrouding dead body in a white cotton or linen cloth”

        And I would “assume” :p you should know that, seeing you guys send them so many to their graves. It’s incredible how similar Jews and Muslims are.

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          Same same no difference. Enjoy each other.

          1. Of course to an ignorant Arab Christian, they are the same. How is charbellllll. I heard your saint died. How could he!?

          2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I heard your prophet choked on vomit, one of his wife’s that he stole of a Jewish family had the last laugh. Your better of joining them they will always be a step ahead sorry light years ahead.

          3. “Hind Abyad O
            2 hours ago
            How many replies you need..?? Can i Interfere .. ? ?
            0 Reply

            Maborlz Ez-Hari Hind Abyad
            14 minutes ago
            Why would you? the stench is unbearable. Avoid as much as possible the thing is infected.”

            Lol typical Arab Christian hypocrisy

          4. Lol oh no you upset by insulting religions. HAHAHAHAHA.

          5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I’m not upset you talk shit and I responded with the truth. Am I wrong?

          6. i apologise, I shouldn’t have labelled you Arab Christians considering you lot claim to be Phoenicians. Btw if Phoenicia existed before Christianity then it must have been conquered by Christians. Just using your “logic”

      4. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Not rare anymore! Zionism is mental disease now coming out in the open.
        Would Rabbi Arik Ascherman have been put in Blackiebag if he had died?

        “Peace activist Rabbi Arik Ascherman attacked by knife-wielding settler in West Bank”

        1. you are a mental disease :))
          actually it was never in the shadows . you’re a deluded freak of nature who’s mind play tricks on.
          you’re a hatefull creature and very much single minded about it. in your sick corrupted world there is no other option then destroying israel which is the reason why you and other lunatics like yourself will keep sending children to die at our hands.
          btw snake of lies, i got a question for you: will you send your little boy to be killed by israeli hands as well or do you reserve that fate for the children of others?

          1. “will you send your little boy to be killed by israeli hands as well or do you reserve that fate for the children of others?”

            I can answer that question. Look at what its masters in Iran do and you have your answer :))

          2. her masters would send her little child to die no doubt about it, my question was if the hypocrit herself would do that 🙂
            btw- the answer is no. not in a million years she would sacrifce her child for the palistinian cause. her son will grow a Canadian with a kuku head mother living a life of hate and halusinations of a big fight for a nothing cause…he will be embarresed of his mother for sure :))

          3. LOLLLLL
            POOR child. And I say that with the utmost concern for any child that has daft mare or my ballz is parents. There should be a test before “people” are allowed to have kids. I’ve always held this belief. Just like one needs a licence to operate a vehicle, one should need a licence to raise a child.
            And it’s not only directed at the hinds or mabz but at all sorts. Like drug addicts etc.
            And I totally agree it wouldn’t send its own brats, actually that was what I was trying to convey when I mentioned its masters.

    2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Well O its very simple all the blogs you have written you never condemned once ISIS and Al Nusra for all the slaughtering of Civilians. that makes you a very big hypocrite as you already are anyway.

      1. Sweetie, stop your lies. My words are there in black and white.
        Btw there plenty of others I haven’t condemned but yet for some reason you want to make yourself feel more righteous by accusing me of siding with Isis. Lmfao you are one desperate baboon. Yalla rouh intak B teezak.
        Do you know what you are? A bitter old man who has so much hate for Muslims and Jews, hence why you and hind get along so well. I’ll be upfront, the Middle Eastern Christians on yalibnan are the most ignorant, homophobic, racist Assholes I’ve come across.

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          first you little fart i am not old man and you don’t know my age anyway. second i am not bitter you are the one who is always bitter and fighting mood. second i am always against anyone who is against Lebanon whether it may be Christians, Muslims or whoever it is i could careless. i didn’t like Hind in the beginning i admit but i do now and i respect her opinion even though i don’t agree 1/2 of the times. I respect Anti-ISIS despite his admiration for Hezbollah. he is human and i found his blogs some of the times reasonable and funny at times. I respect Israel for its standing tall but i despise the aggression it did on the Poor Palestinians but not their leaders. i hate the settlers and i know many of Jewish people i met hate them too. these settlers don’t want to be in the Army either. imagine how many young Jewish blood can join the Army if these guys let their young join. I never again saw one word out of you condemning them. You don’t even cheer the LAF when kill some of them. For you information most of best friends are Sunnis and i love them very much. again i may have gone overboard with my comments not an excuse but spur of emotions which i should not have let it out that much. The middle eastern Christians are the best that ever happened to the Middle East. if we have to depend on braying all the times and go out and kill in the name of Allah then what good race are you? what is this religion are you talking about. just cause you say so? what have you created in your life other than breeding babies and low life cock sucker.

          1. ” i am not old man ”

            Sweetie, you already told everyone that you lived through the civil war. And you were an adult back then, so you must be at least 60. 60 is bloody OLD.

          2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            civil war i left lebanon one year after it started.. that was in 1975 and now it’s 2015. that’s 40 years plus i was very young when i left there. you are the hater and you created hate and disgust. you don’t like nobody and nobody likes you. i used to like you until your ugliness showed up. you attack people left and right like a woman with continuous PMS. there is no pause or comma.. just keeps on ticking like a time bomb. slow down sweetie go down to ISIS there are many ugly sub-human animals and monkies who love to make you and get you to chill a little bit. believe me those ugly Saudis will love to have you no matter what you look like.

          3. Lol wow you appear upset old man. Go get an education.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            he appears, to you.

          5. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            i have two degrees and a great job unlike you who have nothing but yalibnan..

          6. Like I said, NOTHING you say can be believed. I tell you what, scan your degrees and block out any revealing information and I will apologize. Until then you are nothing but a lying Arab Christian, who defends child molesters.

          7. Do you have grey hair?
            Be honest!

          8. Looks like nagging Nagy has grey hair.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            So stupid.. now it’s hairs story

          10. Still trying to control everything including what people speak about. You must be one of those killjoys at parties or gatherings.
            Why don’t you put up a list on Yalibnan of what we can and can’t talk about.
            Control freak!

          11. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Don’t be jealous i love Hind now.. XoXoXo

          12. Sweetie, who you love means fuck all to me. Now go see your priest about molesting another child.

          13. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            because she is trying to cover her hairy body so she has to bring down somebody else. what difference does it make grey hair or not?

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Grey hair is manly and normal.

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (forget the coffee … I was going to top up the colour …)

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            forget the coffee..why?

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok … forget the colour joke too. Geezzzz…. what can I say? Coffee is sort of brownish.
            (if I have to explain the joke, it wasn’t good… :…-( … )

          18. Serves you right coz you should know better.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Can i honestly say jokes leave indifferent.

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes. I see … but .. maybe Nagy got a chuckle …
            I’m not scrolling into here again … and all the lines are mixed up now … you’d think some chronological order could be maintained …

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You’re right that’s what i noticed yesterday.. because of OOOOOO multiple replies nothing is in it’s place.Good night.

          22. Lmfao!
            The two that comment on here more than anyone else, are complaining about too many comments.
            Hypocrisy at its “finest”.

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar


          24. edit whore did its usual

          25. “So stupid.. now it’s hairs story”

            Typical hypocritical shite whore

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hypocritical shite whore are always Typical ..Arabic numbers are not Arabic.

          27. This is to daft mares “friends”, get the daft one its medication if you truly care about it.

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You said it’s Indian not Arabic numbers..Mathematicians worked during hundred of centuries in BC and AD. Arabs found the zero. West uses Arabic numbers.

          29. O Hind Abyad
            a day ago
            “That’s what you do to All i engage with.”

            Ok here’s the deal. You prove that and I will never ever comment here again. But if you can’t then you have to change your name to “lying sharmouta”! Deal?????
            0 Reply

            Hind Abyad O
            a day ago
            Have no time, going to bed ..maybe tomorrow..

          30. And daft mare accepted the deal coz it brayed it would do it “maybe tomorrow ” which now is today.
            But like a typical shite whore that always lies, it will refuse to honor the deal.

          31. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I have no deal with you. loose your time by yourself as you please.. Ludicrus

          32. Daft mare accused me of what it is guilty of. So I offered to stop commenting here if it could provide proof of its accusations. It brayed ” Have no time, going to bed ..maybe tomorrow..”

            That “tomorrow ” is now here but nothing from daft mare. I can only conclude it loves me and doesn’t want me to leave or it is lying.

          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Again ??? Is yesterday today? Going to be late..

          34. Yep you got caught out again. :)))

          35. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Enjoy yourself..have a nice evening

          36. Why thank you. :)))

          37. “Grey hair is manly”

            What a dumb sexist remark!
            As if women don’t go grey. So according to daft mare, those greying women are “manly”!
            Always said you are male coz no woman would say “Grey hair is manly”!

          38. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            about 10 with all honesty to many people surprise..

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            hmmm .. i admit to 20 more than 10 … better pour in a coffee … 😉

          40. Lol I wouldn’t believe anything a Arab Muslim barks. You lot have shown how honest you are on here. I bet that “10” is all the hair you have left.

          41. “you don’t like nobody and nobody likes you.”

            Lol if it makes you feel better believing that then by all means go ahead in live in your fantasy world. Now I remember why I used to call you nagging Nagy. You are worse than a old woman.

          42. “and now it’s 2015”

            No shit Sherlock. Did you just find that out now?

          43. “what is this religion are you talking about. just cause you say so?”

            Lol when did I say so?
            Stop your lies you senile homophobic racist religious bigot!
            And fuck the USA for not detecting you racism, homophobia and bigotry before they gave you a visa.
            That just proves, yet again, that the USA is run by incompetent assholes.
            And stop this lame “I have Sunni friends” crap. It’s illegal when homophobic retards abuse gays but then try covering it up with “but I have gay friends”! PUHLEAZE!

          44. Correction!

            It’s LIKE when homophobic retards abuse gays

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How many replies you need..?? Can i Interfere .. ? ?

          46. Have I EVER told you you can’t interfere??? In ANY conversation!!???
            And I will use as many replies as I want, if you don’t like it then you can kiss my ass. Control freak!

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Said the Control freak!

          48. Lol yeh I’m the control freak. Haha. Coz I go around telling others not to talk to certain people. And I’m the one telling you how many comments you can make.
            Etc etc etc.
            your hypocrisy and shifting of blame doesn’t work with me sweetie. I’ve been onto your deception from the beginning. Like a typical Iranian, you use the Palestinians for your hatred of Jews. You couldn’t give a damn about Palestinians coz they are Sunni, and you have proven many a time you hate Sunnis. But that doesn’t stop you from using their suffering to propagate your hatred.
            I swear on everyone I love that your are the most vile thing I’ve come across on yaibnan. You can’t even lie straight in bed.

          49. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            That’s what you do to All i engage with. ( O; iou zhould ztob ingouraging herr)

          50. Show one comment of mine where I’ve told anybody to stop speaking with anyone!
            Stop your deception you disgusting Iranian sharmouta

          51. “That’s what you do to All i engage with.”

            Ok here’s the deal. You prove that and I will never ever comment here again. But if you can’t then you have to change your name to “lying sharmouta”! Deal?????

          52. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Have no time, going to bed ..maybe tomorrow..

          53. LMFAO
            Bitch I will remind you tomorrow.
            Hinding whore

            This is a perfect example of what doron was talking about when he said you go away and lie low when cornered.

          54. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m not cornered no time for kindergarten..Yalibnan is your only universe? Bye

          55. “maybe tomorrow..”

            I love how you put “maybe” in front of tomorrow. Bitch you are too easy these days.

          56. Yeh coz going to bed requires precision timing. HAHAHAHAHA

          57. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari


          58. Oink oink

          59. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Bitch slut old hag.. sharmoutah akroutah.. just kidding..sweetie.. don’t cry..

          60. Get me a tissue.

          61. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Shut the hell up and she has the right to interfere whether you low life scumbag like it or not..

          62. “she has the right to interfere whether you low life scumbag like it or not..”

            Sweetie you confuse me with daft mare. I’m all for free speech even daft mare’s. Daft mare is the only on here telling others not to interfere. But like a typical Arab Christian hypocrite, you accuse others of what your kind are guilty of.
            Btw, I will make this even more interesting; you find one comment of mine where I have told anyone not to interfere and I will apologise and never comment here again.

          63. O Hind Abyad
            a day ago
            Have I EVER told you you can’t interfere??? In ANY conversation!!???
            And I will use as many replies as I want, if you don’t like it then you can kiss my ass. Control freak!

          64. “Shut the hell up and she has the right to interfere”

            That is a perfect example of Arab Christian hypocrisy!
            On one hand nagging barks daft mare has a RIGHT to interfere but in the same sentence tells me to shut up.
            Honestly if all Arab Christians are like the Arab Christians on this blog, then Arab Christians are fucked up

          65. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Why would you? the stench is unbearable. Avoid as much as possible the thing is infected.

          66. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I see that!!

          67. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Makes you question the reason for it’s existence, should be turned into salami

          68. Inciting violence? How Christian of you.

          69. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            she is just a witch on a broomstick trying to find a man any man to get laid. but she can’t why i don’t know. just too damned ugly i guess.

          70. Be careful, I might bewitch you

          71. Wow I love seeing good Christian morals on display. Go molest another child

          72. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Child Molestation started with no offense with Prophet mohamed who married a seven years old. that’s speaks volume there. go ask the kids in Tripoli about the sheikhs bumping before you talk about few priests who are at least punished for their wrongdoings. the pope even kicked out one recently who is gay. at least we are hold accountable for our actions unlike you barbarians..

          73. lol the only reason the church did something is coz it was rampant and damaging to the church’s finances. Btw do you know the real reason the last pope was forced out? Jahaha im gonna love this convo
            And one other thing, what other religions do or don’t do doesn’t justify your church’s sorry record when it comes to child molesting.

          74. “For you information most of best friends are Sunnis and i love them very much.”

            “The middle eastern Christians are the best that ever happened to the Middle East. if we have to depend on braying all the times and go out and kill in the name of Allah then what good race are you? what is this religion are you talking about. just cause you say so? what have you created in your life other than breeding babies and low life cock sucker.”

            Lol yes I’m sure your “best friends” would love to read that religious bigotry of yours.

          75. “what have you created in your life other than breeding babies and terrorists”

            Well I know they created 0. :))))))

          76. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            you are such a looser you have nothing else but to dissect every word and trying to make something out of it. I guess you don’t go out on dates and you have nothing else to do. sit here waiting for people to comment so you can rot on yalibnan website and trying to save ISIS and Al Nusra..

          77. Lol yeh by me catching out your lies and hypocrisy, I am helping Isis. Tell you what, go report me to the government.
            Lol and you claim to have not one but TWO degrees. Where are those degrees from? Dahiya university?

          78. “sit here waiting for people to comment”

            Lol, sweetie, I don’t need to sit. I have a CELL

          79. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            we are more super intelligent and human unlike you hairy beast. you are not even a woman you are just a beast. you are driving me toward saying things that i should not have said. my best friends would support me over you any day you little whore.

          80. “we are more super intelligent and human unlike you hairy beast.”

            So you are saying Christians are “more super intelligent and human unlike” Muslims, considering you believe and have accused me of being Muslim.
            What a disgusting religious bigot you are.

            “you are driving me toward saying things that i should not have said.”

            Sweetie don’t blame others for your own actions! I can’t make you do anything, take responsibility for your own bigotry and stupidity. Lame old fart.

          81. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            She’s a pig, fat, smelly, dirty, slob of a pig.

          82. Come here Saint Charbel and lick my fat smelly dirty swine of a pussy. You uneducated disgusting ignorant religious bigot.

          83. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            That’s absolutely disgusting too bad there are no monitors, as for nagy and Malborlz (and many others who have different opinions), you were the one to insult them first..i can say ..since 2 years i have been here.

          84. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Hind she is jealous of you because i am defending you. please forgive this smelly goat and porky pine she is just not finding any who wants to have sex with her that’s all. i mean you can’t blame the old hag for being so bitter and feeling like a looser all the time. she has to attack constantly to make her feel better about her life. but then she loves to sniff your legs i don’t know why.. lol. have a good night my friend.

          85. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          86. LOLLLLLL

          87. You are absolutely disgusting and a lying shite whore.
            Nothing you bray is true.

  4. Robert Skinner Avatar
    Robert Skinner

    News with an Israeli source are as trustworthy as Netanyahu.

    Oct 2015

    Netanyahu Palestinian persuaded Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews

    Nov 2011

    “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.

    “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you,” Obama replied, according to the French interpreter.

  5. Yalibnan keep trying you religious bigots. i told you a long time ago to bring it on

  6. Yalibnan keep trying you religious bigots. i told you a long time ago to bring it on

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