Israel Jabs Back After U.S. Official Calls Netanyahu a Coward


OBAMA NETANYAHUWhat’s the appropriate response to an anonymous slur hurled at an Israeli prime minister by a member of the Obama administration? Why, an anonymous accusation by an Israeli official tossed right back at Washington.

Israeli politicians spent most of Wednesday responding with outrage and concern to an article in The Atlantic quoting a senior American official calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “coward” — and also using a more colorful but vulgar synonym that starts with “chicken.” Mr. Netanyahu and his allies denounced such a personal attack as inappropriate, while his critics declared it evidence of the dangerous deterioration of the state’s most treasured alliance that Mr. Netanyahu has caused.

Then, in late afternoon, a senior Israeli official offered a new spin. “It appears that someone in the administration is trying to pre-empt Prime Minister Netanyahu’s criticism of an imminent and highly problematic deal with Iran,” said the official, speaking on the condition that he not be named, since that is how this game is played. “It is a transparent attempt to discredit the messenger instead of dealing with the substance of his criticism.”

It would be easy to write all this off as what Aaron David Miller, a veteran Washington observer on all things Middle East, called “the nanny-nanny-boo-boo kindergarten school,” where “they call each other names.” But there are serious underlying differences in Israel and the United States regarding the fate of Iran’s nuclear program, and the downward dip between their leaders comes at a critical juncture.

With a Nov. 24 deadline looming, Israelis have watched, with rising concern, signs of an international deal that would allow Iran to preserve at least some of its nuclear program and would bring about the lifting of crippling economic sanctions. Worse for Jerusalem, President Obama’s aides have indicated that they will try to bypass a vote on the deal in Congress, where Israel’s support is strongest and Mr. Netanyahu has occasionally made direct appeals.

Mr. Netanyahu, who has spent much of his career arguing that a nuclear Iran is an existential threat to Israel, insists that allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium at any level leaves it on the threshold of producing a bomb, and that a flawed deal is worse than no deal.

“There is no way to bridge this gap, because whatever is acceptable to America is not acceptable to us,” said Giora Eiland, a former Israeli national security adviser. “So there could be some kind of deliberate attempt to put Netanyahu in some kind of uncomfortable position, so when he says whatever he says in a month, it will be less relevant or attract less attention.”

Or, it could be an attempt by the anonymous Israeli official to change the subject and deflect attention from his leader’s character flaws, analysts said.

“Bibi’s in some respects at war with himself,” said Mr. Miller, using Mr. Netanyahu’s nickname. “His bravado masks a lack of confidence. He’s probably the most worried prime minister I’ve ever dealt with, and he worries about everything.”

The sour relationship between Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Obama is no secret, and nothing new; the two have been disagreeing, sometimes politely and at other times far less so, since they both took office in 2009. In the Atlantic article, headlined “The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here,” Jeffrey Goldberg wrote that the relationship between the two administrations is “now the worst it’s ever been,” an assessment shared by other analysts.

This week came the latest of what seems like umpteen rounds of Washington condemnation of Israeli announcements regarding construction of settlements in territories seized during the 1967 war. When Israel’s defense minister visited Washington this month, he was denied meetings with Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (the snubbing was chalked up to the minister’s having been quoted — anonymously, of course — calling Mr. Kerry “messianic” in his pursuit of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal).

As Israeli commentators continued to parse the significance of the spat — among other matters, they struggled to translate the unfamiliar chicken-related put-down into Hebrew — the White House made a public effort to patch things up.

“The comments in the article do not represent the administration’s view, and we think such comments are inappropriate and counterproductive,” said Alistair Baskey, a spokesman for Mr. Obama’s National Security Council. Echoing other day-after apologias from both sides, Mr. Baskey said Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu “have forged an effective partnership and consult closely and frequently.”

Mr. Netanyahu, too, dabbed at damage control. “I respect and appreciate the deep ties with the United States we’ve had since the establishment of the state,” he said in a speech to Parliament. “We’ve had arguments before, and we’ll have them again, but this will not come at the expense of the deep connection between our peoples and our countries.”

Michael B. Oren, who last year finished a four-year term as Israel’s ambassador to the United States, was one of several analysts who pointed out that while the public (if anonymous) sniping has rarely been as harsh, there has so far been little substantive change in strategic cooperation. Analysts contrasted this with, among other nadirs, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s threat to sanction Israel over its conquest of the Sinai Peninsula in 1956; President Ronald Reagan’s delay of the delivery of fighter jets in response to Israel’s bombing of an Iraqi nuclear reactor; and the first President George Bush’s denial of $10 billion in loan guarantees to protest Israel’s settlement policies in Palestinian territory.

“If you say this is the worst crisis in history, it’s not — but I do not remember a time when language was used like that,” said Mr. Oren, a historian.

“They know each other quite well,” he said of Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Obama. “They’ve met, I think, altogether 14 times — that’s a lot of meetings — they’ve spent many hours on the phone together.”

“O.K., they disagree on some things,” he added. “What is it all about? I actually don’t know. It clearly is visceral.”




40 responses to “Israel Jabs Back After U.S. Official Calls Netanyahu a Coward”

  1. “He’s probably the most worried prime minister I’ve ever dealt with, and he worries about everything.” Bibi should golf more like Obama.

    1. He is a pariah, a heartless and soulless person. Very unhappy with his insignificance in the world, and he is living it up like a castrated little worm.

  2. MekensehParty Avatar

    That sounds a lot like something Biden would say after a glass or two…
    But hey, it’s the truth. Bibi needs to man up.

    1. Netanyahu is a clueless and soulless loser. He couldn’t make it in America, so he rode Ariel Sharon’s coattail of horror. He will face similar fate like Ariel Sharon, it is guaranteed.

    2. the only reason i never voted for him

  3. The chihuahua is is attempting to roar like a lion, but in the end, it is still only a nauseating and miserable chihuahua. Netanyahu is indeed a coward. Antone who’d authorize an unnecessary and lopsided war against a defenseless population, like Netanyahu’s 50 days pulverization of GAZA is as weak as they come, worse than Hitler and the Nazis.

  4. TheOtherSide Avatar

    The Obama Administration only represents 50% of the USA population. That should be stressed whenever the US is used in broad terms of US Policy.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      It’s a country where the majority rules.
      50% + 1 = the whole country. That’s how democracy is respected.
      The 50% – 1 have all the rights to criticize and hold accountable but they have to wait for elections to try and win at least +2 which will make them the majority.
      Anyway, when it comes to foreign affairs only a small percentage of the population really cares and that small percentage is divided between supporters and critics of Netanyahu.
      For now the majority of that small percentage are not all smiley when they see bibi’s face and for obvious reasons, he has been biting for far too long the hand that feeds him.

      1. Dream on. When Israel asked for re-supply of Iron Dome during Gaza war, Only 8 members of Congress out of 535 voted against it. US has 3 equal branches of government. The Muslim Obama may hate Israel but he can’t do much because Congress has their backs. Obama is on the way out along with his rampant corruption.

        1. arzatna1 Avatar

          Unfortunately the corrupt part is the US congress. The members love the freebies that they personally get from Israel.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You have a point there, Arzatna … and it’s something I think the Pope was talking about … because he notices too. Let’s go back to the first election.
            Usually it takes at least 6 months before ‘people’ begin whacking at the new ‘Presidents’. In Obama’s case it was about 3. And as you can see here (sarai), they tried everything to prove he wasn’t an American, was a Muslim, wasn’t fit to be a president, etc, etc, etc. All theories and stories which made no real sense. Suddenly AFTER the election, he had more ‘Muslimness’ than all of Bush’s Oil-Buddies combined.
            And then, he said a bad word. ‘Health Care.’ Ohhhh Dear … the ‘socialist=communist’ thinkers all came out of the woodwork and highly polished tables of the Insurance Companies on that one. And THEN he said: ‘Guns kill people’. Well, that’s putting icing on the hate-cake for sure, in some parts of the ‘good-ol USA’ -especially where pockets are lined by lobbyists for ‘Big Business’, since that’s a real biggie. Each of these ‘points’ ALMOST overshadows the colour of his skin, in some states. AND THEN, the UNIMAGINABLE happened. He got elected AGAIN. !!!
            Not only the ‘News-Show-Theorists’ are foaming at the mouth these days. :-))
            Now, since ‘Congress’ is almost a separate entity to the president, and each to ‘The House’, I think it’s a wonder the ‘system’ functions at all … ALTHOUGH, as Mekenseh points out, people were generally taught to respect a vote result. AND THAT IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE.
            The corruption continues, of course … one President will never stop that.
            And now, thinking people talk about ‘Minimum Wages’. The whole country must be going to hell in a hand basket …right? ;-))
            And this is all ‘Obama’s/Netanyahu’s/Putin’s .. and even Canada’s’ fault. :-))))
            Oh, hell, throw in all the Europeans too. Why not?

          2. Obamacare was shoved down the throats of Americans in a unique and undemocratic manner, and yet it is a dramatic change affecting 1/6 of the economy. It polls as very unpopular with the US public.

            Obama was unqualified in that he was a Senator with a mere two years experience in national government and no executive experience. Americans are feeling that lack very painfully right now as everything he has done is falling apart.

            As to corruption, I can’t expect you, in the heart of the Levant, to even understand that concept. USA is not accustomed to baksheesh as a way of life.

            Scandals under this administration – Benghazi, IRS, Gun Running, Illegal sanctuary, loss of Iraq, rise of Daesh, stimulus money disappeared, Solyndra, devaluing the currency, cutting military, no budgets, etc. It’s been fun.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hey … YOU voted for him. Didn’t you check his ‘credentials’ FIRST ????
            But I think you and I will disagree on some points anyway …

          4. Not me to be sure. Too little experience among other things I objected to.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            BUT, you respect that ‘simple majority’ concept. So … try to change the education system to allow people to think better for themselves.

          6. Actually it is not a simple majority. It is an electoral system. But yes, I respect the system.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Question. How many times has that ‘system’ sent out a ‘Referendum’ on the very sensitive ‘topics’ that politicians feel they shouldn’t decide, all by their lonely selves, for a whole country? The kind of thing that a ‘majority’ poll could decide. One person – one vote – with an unbiased wording asking about an important change to existing ‘law’, considering that law may have been written in a different age of thought. COULD the ‘system’ allow it??

          8. That’s sometimes done by individual states (California tuned down homosexual marriage by referendum) not by the whole country. US is a representative republic not a straight democracy. But representatives are up for election every two years which makes them pretty accountable. This system prevents a majority from running roughshod over the minority by sheer numbers. It was deliberately constructed this way to protect minority rights, less populous states.

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah. Yes. Ok … slightly dis-united. I’d go for the Colorado Rocky Mountain ‘High’. Seems they are paying off their debts the way the Taliban do. 🙂
            And that’s a different ‘religion’.

          10. man-o-war Avatar

            Yeah, scandals only came about with Obama. Lord knows that past administration were scandal free, lol.

            You left ebola off your list. Has fox news not sent you the updated scandals list? We all know Obama is a “Muslim” Kenyan, and Kenya is in Africa. Ebola originated in Africa. Bam! President Ebola!

          11. This administration has usurped power from the legislative branch against the rules of the US Constitution. It has done this to an extent no one else has ever come close to. Further it has increased US debt 106%, more than any other president at the same time he ended costly wars.

            You can make snide comments, I’ll stick to the facts.

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Facts? Where are your facts? Is Obama being a Muslim one of your facts? haha
            No other president has been African American. No other president has been attacked and blocked in Congress as this one. How many times have they tried to repeal ACA? What a waste of time. Instead of trying to take it and improve it they just decided to act like spoiled children who had their favorite toy taken from them. Congress even chose to shutdown the government instead of working on compromise. They made it clear from the get go that they would drag their feet for the entire time he’s in office.

            “McConnell managed to block almost all constructive legislation in the Senate. And it’s not even a fair fight. McConnell manipulated and wheeled and dealed so that the majority no longer can do anything. It now takes 60 votes to pass almost anything in the Senate. That’s because the Republican obstructionists have threatened to filibuster anything of substance. Important bipartisan legislation that would normally pass with a majority of 51 to 59 votes out of the 100 possible are now scuttled by backroom politics and the blind hatreds that some have for this nation’s president who was elected by the people and by the Electoral College—twice.

            And now comes Mitch McConnell to again obstruct the people and the government. He vows if the Republicans win the Senate in November, he will shut down the government if President Obama doesn’t agree with the Republicans.”



          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Lay it out there for them, Man-O …. Republicans sound like Hezzys+Aoun. :-)))
            (And I think most of the LOONS are in Texas … )

          14. man-o-war Avatar

            2/3 of the debt is brought on by previous Presidents, but according to you, Obama gets 100% of the blame.

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            lolololollool ….

          16. What freebies? A trip to Israel to see its tiny size?

            So little Israel managed to corrupt 527 of 535 Congress members. Quite a feat.

            Did it ever occur to you that Americans relate to Israel as one democracy to another the way they relate to Europe, Australia, Japan? The US doesn’t have much in common with the totalitarian regimes of the rest of the Middle East.

            Have you seen polling of American citizens’ opinions on Israel? Same thing.

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wasn’t Obama also trying to cut down on ‘lobbying’?? Do you understand what that is – in a country where, to ‘get the word out’ to 350+ million people a politician needs to have a billion in his pocket to pay for the adverts??
            So you have the ‘system’ …. ‘You fund me, I’ll give you a break later’ … even if ‘the people’ didn’t want me to. See ‘NRA’ … 4 million of you run the rest of you about ‘gun-laws’. Voila.

          18. man-o-war Avatar

            When someone refers to Israel as “tiny in size” and “little Israel ” it should be clue that this person is a diehard zionist. Not a problem with being a zionist, but its nice to know where your comments are coming from.

            Poor “little” Israel surrounded by a massive enemy. How could poor little Israel, so so so tiny, be able to pull strings in congress? Israel may be geographically small, but its reach and power is far and wide. Don’t be fooled by the zionist. AIPAC is such a tiny pro-poor tiny small Israel lobby. They are powerful and is only one tool for political manipulation.

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          “Muslim Obama”? Are you mentally challenged?

          1. Excuse me, maybe I misunderstand Muslim theology. If your father was a Muslim doesn’t that make you a Muslim?

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Only in ancient minds. Which would also say that Obama should be shot each time he enters a church. Of course.
            You confuse religion with race. Not a good idea. And I’m sure he feels like an American, anyway.

          3. Are you saying you can’t “feel like an American” and be Muslim?

            “Ancient Minds” like those that believe in Sharia Law?

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I didn’t say either of those things. Please re-read.

          5. I re-read. Please define “ancient minds” since you seem to reject my attempt to define it.

            And what does feeling like an American have to do with whether he is a Muslim?

            You raised those issues so please clarify.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok, maybe he feels Hawiian. But since Yankees run the place … ya know?
            And really, if you live and run in Chicago …. Bada Boom Bada Bing … American. 😉
            BELIEF SYSTEMS have nothing to do with PARENTAGE, except by influence. And people form their own ‘feelings’ of what they will believe. They may even ‘change’ … or come to realize it’s a lot ‘bunkum’. So ‘race’ does not denote ‘belief’. Hell, I know some ‘Southerners’ from the USA who are Protestants, but not Raving Baptists. :-))))
            Hope that helped you know the difference.

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            Do you believe that religion is genetic and therefore passed down from parents to offspring?

          8. MekensehParty Avatar

            No it doesn’t!!!
            You misunderstood a ton of things it seems.

        3. MekensehParty Avatar

          Aaaah you’re one of those losers who support the son of a MusliN theory. Your shares are skyrocketing on my list of biggest morons.
          Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that a MusliN cannot be a president. And just like an African American became president I look forward to see Americans of different races and faith take the leadership of the country following democratic elections that keep showing a population avid for diversity more than ever. Your time (you as in the leftover racists/bigots of a different age) is over. We’re sick of your conspiracy theories, your lies and your shitty propaganda that actually resembles a lot that of the leaders of the MusliN world.
          Obama doesn’t hate Israel, he hates Netanyahu. Americans in their majority still support Israel’s right to exist and will defend this right; but Americans in their majority as well support the right for Palestine to exist. That’s what changed and it’s making the bigots like yourself melt in rage.
          I think you should stop dreaming that the old days of bigotry and racism would return to the US. Get over it, he’s half black, half Kenyan and twice the president of the most diverse country in the world and you can’t do anything about it.
          Haters to the side…

    2. arzatna1 Avatar

      Are you trying to imply that Netanyahu represents the other other 50%.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        2 seats out of 30 in an election is not 50%. But it seems Nastyrallah controls more than his ‘share’ … and that’s because of ‘Coalitions’ … in another country like Israel with WAY too many ‘parties’ going on.

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