Hezbollah: Border attack was message to Israel


naim kassemAn attack by Hezbollah on Lebanon’s border with Israel which wounded two Israeli soldiers was a message that the group remained ready to confront its old foe despite its engagement in Syria’s civil war, the group’s deputy leader said.

The soldiers were wounded by a bomb planted by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in the Shebaa hills, drawing Israeli artillery fire in response. It was the first time Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for an attack against the Israeli army since 2006, when the two sides fought a 33-day war.

“This is a message.. Even though we are busy in Syria and on the eastern front in Lebanon our eyes remain open and our resistance is ready to confront the Israeli enemy,” Sheikh Naim Qassem told Lebanese OTV television late on Tuesday.

Israel and Lebanon are technically at war but their 80-km (50-mile) border has been largely quiet since the 2006 conflict.

Hezbollah members have been fighting alongside forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s civil war. The move by Hezbollah, which is backed by Shi’ite Iran, has helped turn the tide of the war in Syria against insurgents seeking to oust Assad.

The group said it took the decision to fight in Syria to prevent jihadi fighters, like those from Nusra Front and Islamic State which seized parts of Syria and Iraq, from advancing into Lebanon.

On Sunday, 10 of the group’s fighters were killed during a battle with hundreds of Nusra Front militants on the border in eastern Lebanon.




33 responses to “Hezbollah: Border attack was message to Israel”

  1. AkhouManUki Avatar

    A message that we are stupid enough to instigate a war that will result in hundreds of thousands of innocent people getting murdered.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      As long as more of them die than us, it is perfectly ok. Actually it’s our duty to end the occupation.

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Ahlan Akhou, this is not me talking below, it’s mad Malmequer stalker (still stalking), i changed names 4 times in a row now he’s Hind.
      Good night.

      1. MaImequer0 Avatar

        lol sweetie.. that’s funny, you have a different profile for each one of your personalities….☻

      2. AkhouManUki Avatar

        So are you the new Lebanese pornstar posting under a different name?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Wainak akhou? You always appear like a phantom of the Opera :)) happy New year!
          This individual is sub human.. it’s called Zionist mental disease, he stole the “she Malmequer” ID, my old avatar scribbled on, now a dead chicken with my name.

          That’s him in person below

          Dany Nohra

          As a Christian Lebanese, I love watching you sand niggers argue and
          measure dicks. The Shi’ite and Sunni’s of the Mid East are bunch of
          barbaric tribes with uneducated extremist citizen disconnected from
          reality and misinformed. Iran is a cancer with evil intention and
          policies of hate and ignorance, KSA on the other hands, are fraudulent,
          sneaky, dirty and without oil the US would’ve turned it into a parking
          lot after what 17 of its citizen flew into the world trade. In
          conclusion, exterminate each other you dumb animals and cleans this
          world from this evil you spread.

          2:22 a.m., Saturday Nov. 15

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Wow Hind – it’s clear that I can go and come back and not much has changed 😉

            Happy new year to you too!!

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You mean No evolution.. haha :))

          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            No… I kind of meant that you are still babbling about the same shit you were yapping about 3 months ago 😉

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Your the one babbling, you sent a message out of nowhere 3 months old article i was chocked, a dead chicken named Hind Abyad, i didn’t even know it was there.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (shocked .. not ‘chocked’ … no-one wants to block your wheels.)

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why can’t i understand you language….what wheels.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hind. I notice that some stories never get commented on, until the news becomes so boring that people ‘browse’ back through the files. When they hit the one they didn’t see ‘back then’, they find something to say.
            When they find the one I put the nude photos in, they may be pleasantly surprised. 😉 But we generally pass on and on in other items of interest. THIS one was from last October.
            But my reply is about 40 minutes after you asked ….
            wheel ‘chock’ – holds wheels in place so a car or airplane doesn’t roll … wedge-shaped
            ‘choke’ … to strangle with hands, or unchewed food ….
            ‘shock’ … to be surprised … and maybe with nude pictures too. :-))

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Am i the only one the see 7 days ago? Is it computer virus?

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I cannot answer that one … if your computer clock is not ‘updating’ properly, it may be you didn’t set ‘auto-update’ …. OR, it’s about to commit suicide.
            P.S. I am still willing to model, but your studio must be heated. (25C ok .. not minus)

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No modelling now. I went to side comments “Virgo comment 1 hour ago”. when i entered it was 7 days, actual posts are 7-8 days for me on same time here, in “hezbollah-border-attack message-israel” octobre article, the others are 3 months old, notice Akhou an my reply are 8 days (for me), so it’s actual..yesterday he posted from this article .
            I asked you do you see the dead chicken avatar, just below with my name on, dating 3 months?

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes … in here … and on that ‘same’ link … And I made coffee before I wrote this.
            I attempt to ignore the ‘non-Hind’ Hinds …. xox

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You know you’re in a 3 month old article? I only discovered the dead chickenpox when i got Akhou message.
            I’m going to Khalifa to give you this link..cause you have to be out of here for the link to function.

          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes. I know. I read (pronounced as past-tense) the dateline ….
            I don’t have to anywhere else … I can open several windows and 2 browsers at the same time … but it can lead to finding something interesting and reading for a while … or an on-line game … or I’m vacuuming the floor … I can’t understand why you WORRY so much about this … unless your computer is about to ‘kack’.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            WORRY.. I’m killing myself trying to explain you..your answers prove something’s wrong with my computer, looks I’m hacked (Malaria – Israeli sand nigger..have relations:) I’m going out for coffee..see this link in Khalifa blease..

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I fixed something..see it’s not 7 days ago, it’s 1 day, better but not correct.:) yet

          16. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Ouf ouf ya Hind, do you think I was sent back in time to comment on your article from 3 months ago?

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ou ouf ya Akheh, no i don’t think you were sent back in time to comment on (my) article from 3 months ago, it just happened you were exploring YaLibnan after a long absence and made a joke on this post:..


            Hind Abyad 3 months ago

            lol sweetie.. that’s funny, you have a different profile for each one of your personalities….☻



            Hind Abyad 8 days ago

            So are you the new Lebanese pornstar posting under a different name?


            Hind Abyad

            AkhouManUki 8 days ago

            Wainak akhou? You always appear like a phantom of the Opera :)) happy New year!
            Different name ? No, he took my name, it was my grand mothers name..(..)

          18. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Walla bravo Ya Hind – you’re smarter than people give you credit for around here – what you need is a marketing campaign to set the record straight!

            Btw, I hear they’re still looking for a president in Lebanon 😉

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hhhhh..ya funny Akhi :)) I will tell you a secret, hum..no pretense i don’t care about the few people around..you can count less than 5 fingers of smart people here..

          20. AkhouManUki Avatar

            I usually count with my toes

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (A JIN !! … )

          22. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            oolak shou ya Akhou, how you brother. I’ve missed you. hope you and your family are well my friend.

          23. AkhouManUki Avatar

            shta2nelak ya farqrallah!! happy new year, I hope you are doing well too.

          24. Each tom Avatar

            Lebanon is example 1 on why a one state solution will not work for israel and Palestine.

  2. The militants of the “Islamic state” executed Iraqi journalist http://lenta.ru/news/2014/10/11/isis/

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