Obama OKs limited air strikes, humanitarian aid mission in Iraq


Obama OKs strikes in IraqPresident Obama said Thursday he has authorized “targeted” air strikes if necessary to protect American interests in Iraq from insurgent forces that are taking over the country’s northern cities.

If the terrorist group ISIS reaches Erbil, the president said he will call in U.S. air strikes. The U.S. has an embassy and other staffers in the city. Air strikes have also been authorized to protect families fleeing ISIS in the Sinjar Mountains.

“These innocent families are faced with a choice: descend and be slaughtered or stay and slowly die of hunger,” he said.

Obama said U.S. combat troops will not return.

“As commander in chief, I will not allow the United States to be drawn into fighting another war in Iraq,” Obama said.

The announcements marked the deepest American engagement in Iraq since U.S. troops withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.

“Today, America is coming to help,” Obama said. “The U.S. cannot turn a blind eye.”

An air drop of food, water and medicine made at the request of the Iraqi government has been completed, the president said in the statement from the White House.

U.S. aircraft, escorted by fighter jets, dropped 5,300 gallons of fresh drinking water and 8,000 meals ready to eat. The aircraft were over the drop area for less than 15 minutes flying at a low altitude, the U.S. Central Command said in a statement.

The emergency effort is being deployed to help a group of 40,000 Yazidis, a group of ethnic Kurds, who fled villages in northern Iraq under threat from ISIS.

The Yazidis fled to the Sinjar Mountains, in a remote part of northern Iraq near the border of Syria, where they are stuck without food or water while ISIS forces are gathered at the base of the mountains.

ISIS has overtaken much of the northern part of Iraq, including the city of Mosul, over the past two months. They are simultaneously waging campaigns for territory in Syria and Lebanon in their quest to create a unified Islamic state encompassing territory from all three countries.

The Iraqi government has had little success battling ISIS.

In a statement, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said a solution to the threat posed by ISIS “will require further reconciliation among Iraqi communities and strengthened Iraqi security forces.”

“Department of Defense personnel in Iraq therefore continue to assess opportunities to help train, advise, and assist Iraqi forces, and will provide increased support once Iraq has formed a new government,” he said.

ABC News



12 responses to “Obama OKs limited air strikes, humanitarian aid mission in Iraq”

  1. $89733098 Avatar

    ““The U.S. cannot turn a blind eye.””

    What a lying pig!
    It’s coz the yanks turned a blind eye to maliki’s sectarianism, some would even say promoted, that we are at the situation we are at now!
    Enough of the BS and the charades!!!

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      more lies from the haters of good, from those who don’t lift a finger but bark all day
      we’ve been very clear for years how much we disapprove of Maliki and we left you idiots to sort it out and left Iraq and this is where you led yourselves, an extermination war.
      If anything a US intervention proves how incapable you are at running your own countries towards a respectful life. All you did, with all those revolutions, is prove how barbarians you truly are.

      1. $89733098 Avatar

        “haters of good”

        Of course a pig like u would claim a terrorist administration like the one in the US is “good”. After all u r the one who stated u would eat popcorn while watching the slaughter of Arab children.

      2. $89733098 Avatar

        “we’ve been very clear for years how much we disapprove of Maliki”

        7, 2010, Iraq held elections. Nouri’s political slate (State of Law)
        came in second. Iraqyia — headed by Ayad Allawi — came in first.
        Nouri refused to give up the post of prime minister. The White House
        backed him because he promised to keep US troops. Samantha Power was
        the fierce advocate to continue backing Nouri.

        Yes the yanks were “very clear” in their fierce backing of their puppet.
        Enough of the BS!

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          you said it fool
          He promised to keep US troops and that was when? in 2010!!!
          4 years ago
          and then what did he do? He said American troops out
          and look what happened since we left…

          1. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Everything you said proves that ISIS is a US creation so they can invade again to protect their interest in Iraq. Who are you trying to fool, FOOL.

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            Mahdi school analytical skills level
            Anything that threatens the shia is American/Zionist made…we know the song

  2. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    “If the terrorist group ISIS reaches Erbil, the president said he will call in U.S. air strikes. The U.S. has an embassy and other staffers in the city. Air strikes have also been authorized to protect families fleeing ISIS in the Sinjar Mountains.”

    The best defense is a good offense. Once the Jihadists reach Erbil its too late. No surprise Obama has one of the lowest presedential ratings of the era.

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