Future Movement holds Hezbollah responsible for Arsal violence


future meetingThe Future Movement parliamentary bloc condemned on Tuesday the clashes between the army and gunmen from the al-Nusra Front in the northeastern town of Arsal, describing that the attack against the army an assault against the whole of Lebanon.

In a statement issued after its weekly meeting the bloc held Hezbollah responsible for the developments in Arsal :
“We hold Hezbollah and those allied to it largely responsible for the developments in Arsal .”

It added that Hezbollah’s involvement in the ongoing fighting in Syria alongside the Syrian regime forces “obstructed the decision-making power of past Lebanese governments.”

“It prevented the governments from taking any decision aimed at protecting Lebanon or disassociating it from the conflict in Syria,” added the bloc.

“Hezbollah took part in the fighting in Syria without the consent of the Lebanese state and people. It violated the border with Syria through the transfer of weapons and gunmen, which led Syrian gunmen to come to Lebanon,” it continued.

The statement added the party obstructed “the national Lebanese decision that called for the deployment of the army along the border with Syria.”

The statement added“: Hezbollah did not allow the government to seriously deal with the case of Syrian refugees after it prevented it from setting up organized refugee centers near the border with Lebanon,”

The bloc demanded that Hezbollah should withdraw from Syria:

“Hezbollah should therefore withdraw from Syria ,in order to halt the spread of catastrophes, extremism and terrorism to Lebanon.”

The Future bloc also warned Hezbollah against intervening in the battles between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Islamist militants taking place in Arsal.

The bloc stressed that it strongly supports the Lebanese army and security forces and praised the stance taken by the cabinet and the decision to provide full support to the army.



24 responses to “Future Movement holds Hezbollah responsible for Arsal violence”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Don’t worry NOW about casting the blame … just support the Army in what it needs to do now.
    BE a government of a country, even for God’s sake.
    (But hey … don’t drag Hezzys back now … 😉

  2. blue sky Avatar

    Nazirallah’s in trouble now. ISIS are some mean, crazy mofos,

  3. I actually think that the ISIS and Al Nusra are a bigger threat to Lebanon than anything. They stated that their plan is to build a state which would include Lebanon as part of it, so naturally whenever they would finish their job in Syria and Iraq, they’ll progress west.
    I do not support HA at all, they are a terror group, BUT … Lebanon must resist the radical Islamic terror groups (who are a collection of idiots who has no meaningful life)!!! HA should now get all of their fighters to support the Lebanese army in protecting the borders of Lebanon and the freedom of its residents.
    In addition, the Lebanese Sunnies should be loyal to Lebanon now and not to terrorists who share the same stream of religion. They should realise that those terrorists would like to make their life living hell and to kill all the others in Lebanon

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      Agreed , ISIS ,IS/ISIL are extremely dangerous and should be kept out .

      Also agree that Hezbollah is also dangerous and should withdraw from Syria and defend Lebanese borders if its is truly a resistance movement and not a hired mercenary army to defend the rotten regimes of Syrian and Iraq . Hezbollah keeps calling itself a resistance movement but in reality the part as been acting as a hired mercenary army by Iran to defend the Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad and the failed Iraqi leader Nuri al Maliki .

      Time for Hezbollah to show it is Lebanese and not an Iranian proxy

      1. Thanks for the response. I do think that this is a timer for all the Middle East to wake up and to do something.
        If it is true that Qatar is behind these organisations, it is time to boycott them and show them that money is not everything.
        I believe that this is the biggest war we are about to have in the region and we need all the support possible

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          If they don’t ‘wake up’ to what is happening now in Iraq – and what is attempted in other places like Arsal – the future will be nothing but death in ‘the region’.

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        Arzatna no need to look for proofs of what you said about them being faqih mercenaries: read what’s on their flag. “Al moukawama al islamiya FI lubnan.” Not “al lubnaniya” but “Fi” meaning IN Lebanon. Meaning they are foreign and not Lebanese…

    2. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      You people make me laugh. On one hand you call HA a terrorist group, and on the other you are asking them to help the army liberate Arsal. Can you now see that one of the reasons HA went into Syria because they always knew that these animals the ISIS would eventually try their luck in Lebanon. HA is the only hope Lebanon has against these ass holes. Good to see that some people are starting to acknowledge this.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        Yeah, keep trying to market this idea.
        Everybody knows you’re a bunch of terrorists, the exact same kind of animals as Isis. In fact if Isis takes Lebanon, nothing would really change, it will be Baghdadi instead of nasrallah and the shit on the streets will keep piling up. But some people in Lebanon (mostly fpmers) still want to believe that you have some love or respect for your Lebanese identity, and that if you sold your soul to the wali al faqih maybe at least your body remains Lebanese and that one day you will join the army as Lebanese soldiers fighting for Lebanon.
        But since that would mean that your leader will be a Lebanese (and Maronite) and not the faqih in tehran it will never happen, right farq?

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Who’s everybody, the circle you run with. lol. Whether you want to admit it or not, HA is the only chance Lebanon has against the ISIS. So go and spin your shit to someone else.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            Everybody means the world and all its people. Did you leave a country that doesn’t hate you? Even Thailand wants to get back at you terrorists. Even the Iranians in their majority hate you. So tell me now who lives in a circle? If HA is lebanon’s only chance against Isis I say burn that damned country. Better a desert of ash and sand than living under the rules of any of you pieces of yellow or black shit.

          2. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Of course you would say burn it. After all, that is the American way. You low life deserter.

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            No need for the Americans to burn it
            you’re doing a great job yourselves
            Dar Dar… Lebanon?

    3. MekensehParty Avatar

      I’m sorry to ask Alonso, but don’t you think that Lebanon is a living hell right now?

      1. You do not need to apologise.I think that everything is rational in life: maybe now it is bad, but it could get worse! Those groups has an idea to take the world thousands of years backwards. They kill innocent people only for their faith!!! They would execute the majority of Lebanese because they are not sunnies and turn lebanon into the living hell you can’t imagine. This is the time for HA to show the loyalty to Lebanon and to maintain the Lebanese interests. United Lebanon is the key to turn Lebanon into a living heaven as it used to be before.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Hmmmm … Maybe it’s really Purgatory … And the Catholics should run it. ;-)))
          Aoun seems to think so … being ‘crown prince’, and all.
          But you’re right. ISIS would definitely make it Armageddon.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            You want an Armageddon scene, try to drive from jounieh to Beirut (15km) between 6am and 8pm
            Advice: get a portable DVD player and watch Armageddon the movie twice.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I did. Soulfully chilling.
            And I get ‘updated’ from Tripoli …. thought it was bad enough 6 years ago.
            I was happy enough to put my life in the hands of a taxi-driver … thrill-seeker.
            :-))) (couldn’t believe the crappy car could go that fast…)

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            That’s courage right there
            I wont drive on the streets of Lebanon even in a tank 🙂

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Like the drivers there, I didn’t bother with the seat-belt … figured it wouldn’t make much difference anyway. :-))))))
            Or, it might be better to be in ‘free-flight’. :-))))))))

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          I don’t see any difference between IS methods and hezbollah’s methods. Maybe you don’t remember how in 2008 Hezbollah went on a rampage on all who opposed them throwing people out of the windows. And what about the 2006 war where they held 4 million people in fear and endangered every Lebanese life only to pick a couple of bodies… Maybe Hezbollah doesn’t cut heads but they sure prefer to blow people, politicians and civilians alike… Christians can pray in churches while their patriarch has no voice beyond the wall of the church? Is that an achievement? Every time someone tries to do something they don’t agree on they send their “black” shirts (doesn’t IS love black) on the streets threatening of another 2008. And 3 years ago they decided to take all of Lebanon into an adventure Lebanon and Lebanese refuse in their majority even if jumblat changed his mind lately. So please tell me again how it’s different?
          Hezbollah is only temporarily allowing certain illusionary freedoms but when Tehran decides that the “plurality” photo they photoshopped no longer serves their interest Hezbollah will take the country and turn it into a willaya with basij on motorcycles hitting women on the streets for not wearing the hijab.
          They do it to their own people of all religion, you think they will hesitate to apply the same on the new willaya?

  4. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Of Course Nassrallah will lie and deny that he had anything to do with it and so does the Devil in Damascus. And where are the syrian jet fighters when you truly need them. now suddenly they are not bombing ISIS position in Arsal.. funny how Assad and ISIS always coordinating things. It makes wander what these two devils up to..

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