Iraq’s ISIS orders female genital mutilation (FMG)

Under Isis, Iraqi women again face an old nightmare: violence and repression. ISIS ordered
Under Isis, Iraqi women again face an old nightmare: violence and repression. ISIS ordered that all women between the ages of 11 and 46 must undergo female genital mutilation (FGM)

Jihadists in Iraq have ordered that all women between the ages of 11 and 46 must undergo female genital mutilation (FGM), which could affect up to four million women and girls in the war-ravaged country, a UN official said Thursday.

The UN’s second most senior official in Iraq, Jacqueline Badcock, said, “It is a fatwa (or religious edict) from ISIS, we learnt about it this morning. We have no precise numbers.”

The Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), took over large swathes of the country last month and has begun imposing its extreme Salafist interpretation of Islam.

Badcock said that if you took UN population figures as a guide, around “four million girls and women could be affected”.

Female genital mutilation is unusual in Iraq and is only practised in “certain isolated pockets of the country”, she added.

Around 125 million women and girls in Africa and the Middle East have undergone FGM. Over eight million have experienced Type III, which is most common in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. The practice is an ethnic marker, rooted in gender inequality, ideas about purity, modesty and aesthetics, and attempts to control women’s sexuality.

FGM has been outlawed in most of the countries in which it occurs, but the laws are poorly enforced. The health effects depend on the procedure but can include recurrent infections, chronic pain, cysts, an inability to get pregnant, complications during childbirth and fatal bleeding, according to reports

Badcock said only 20 families from the ancient Christian minority now remain in Mosul, the northern Iraq city which ISIS has taken as the capital of its Islamic state. Most have reportedly fled north into Kurdish-controlled territory.

Badcock said some Christians have converted to Islam, while others have opted to stay and pay the jiyza, the tax on non-Muslim’s ISIS has imposed.




68 responses to “Iraq’s ISIS orders female genital mutilation (FMG)”

  1. sweetvirgo Avatar

    I swear I hope these animals rot in hell. I hope somehow God himself will bring them down.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think at the moment ‘they’ are actually proving very well that there is no God/Allah.

      1. sweetvirgo Avatar

        Nshallah they will find out the hard way that there is a greater power. Nshallah ya rab.

  2. self righteous cork suckers, how vile and low can they go? bank robbers and executioners and likely pedophiles suddenly morality enforcers? this is beyond outrageous and disgusting!!

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      And Geo my friend, this is the alternative to Assad. I know who I am with.

      1. Warm greetings my friend, I hope all is well with you and yours. I cant believe the crap I am reading bro, we are very fortunate to be away from this mess.

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Geo my brother, I hope you are doing very well. Bro, each and every time I look at my beautiful wife and my three beautiful children, I thank the lord above for being born in Australia. This article bro is beyond belief. How can someone do this to a fellow human

      2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        And before that Farq2 when Assad was bombing lebanon and killing our women and children? what did you say about him? when he hid Fatah al islam after they butchered our LAF? I am sure you;re going to say it was Hariri.. but that gets old buddy.. Asides from the Jihadists I have seen videos of Shabiha going to Homs and hunting people down like animals.. really I just don’t see much difference between Assad and these jihadists sorry..

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Nagy brother, I never denied and never will deny what Syria did to Lebanon. And I to have witnessed the atrocities both sides have committed. However seriously bro, your comparing Assad to these jihadists. Look at what these jihadists do like for example how they are treating their own women. When has Assad ever done such a thing. Their’s a big difference between the two bro and you know it.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Perhaps with the exception of the methods used to ‘kill the spirt’, there is very little difference. Assad’s jails simply took to cutting off more pieces.
            He took it ‘indoors’.

          2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            My friend when i see my friends going to syrian jails and never come back. what difference how are they killed anyway.. they’re dead and in the end whether beheading or shooting its all the same.. All i can say is after what Syria did to lebanon people are still seeing it as friends and they didn’t want their army to leave lebanon.. killing is killing no matter what methods are used.. i mean the syrian regime throw everything at us and for what? All they had to do is leave lebanon instead of killing us..Unfortunately they didn’t behave any different than the israelis if you think of it. and if you think and I am sure you do that the israelis are your enemy then why not the syrians? And I am talking about before the ISIS and the civil war in Syria.. of course we all civil people have to rethink how ISIS and ISIL took over the syrian revolution and what can be done to not have these jihadists from killing us.

  3. Anti ISIS Avatar
    Anti ISIS

    This is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. And believe me, I work in retail and have heard and seen some disgusting things. This goes against everything Islam stands for. I challenge anybody who can show me in the Quran that this is a common practice in Islam. This is a man made law that is practiced by animals. Actually, not even animal would do this. May each and every last one of these pigs burn deep in the fires of hell.

    1. Farq having raised and rehabilitated many animals I can tell you that we need to find a new word to insult these low lifes instead of animals. imagine a daughter , a sister even a stranger female being dragged and forced to be subjected to this horror by these savages, honestly my blood pressure hit the roof when I read this headline.

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        Geo, I really don’t want to imagine any poor woman or child going through such a disgusting act. And you are 100% right brother, we really do need to find a new name for these less than low life’s.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          After this, can anyone put Israel under the ‘barbaric’ label? Really??

          1. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            5th, I must say, The Israelis are angels compared to these mother f&@kers.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      It’s an ancient ancient TRIBAL custom. Period. Pre-One-God times.
      Common in places where Imams and Mufti and Witch-Doctors before that thought it would be a great idea – just as circumcision was – as the passage into adulthood – except for females it being VERY less important for them to enjoy than males … of course … the decision that they might as well not enjoy any ‘sensual’ life at all. Cut out everything down there. Call that ‘Type III’. Makes a pit to dump semen into.
      Marriage isn’t for love or fun or feeling good anyway. Female = Baby Factory.

      Saudi Kingdom outlawed it … yet 14-yr-old girls are still ‘done’ by local knife weilding ‘specialists’ and held down by aunts and mothers who wish to visit the same desecration on them as they had had done … where it’s difficult for the cops to break into a ‘gathering’ of properly-dressed women. (If they were naked with no veil, well … )
      I suspect here that it’s the ‘We are Going To Be In The West’s Face As Much As Possible’ attitude of ISIS ‘boys’ who also want to watch … of course … and if the ladies scream too loud they will just shoot them.
      ‘Now, keeping your faces covered ladies, lift those stupid black robes and spread ’em.’

      Oh, yes, a Caliph is SO wonderful to have back, enforcing anything he wishes.
      It’s Islamic, right? He says so. A few thousand other idiots apparently are saying so.
      I think it’s time ‘SOMEONE/ANYONE’ armed 4 million females in Iraq …and Syria too.

      If they PUT UP with this, well ….

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (no-one talks about the reality … the actual process of the mutilation … the trauma of the ‘programming’ introduced to young girls by those they thought they could trust… if there’s not too much information on it, maybe it will go away … right …)

        Apparently there is now a ‘rebuttal’ that the report TO the UN was false. And I noted that elsewhere. BUT it goes on anyway among the tribes.
        And it seems that a few of ‘the women’ actually put up with it.

        “One female teenager in Raqqa told ‘Syria Deeply’ that she had been snatched from the street by a group of armed women for walking without an escort and wearing her headscarf incorrectly. “Nobody talked to me or told me the reason for my detention,” she told al-Bahri. “One of the women in the brigade came over, pointing her firearm at me. She then tested my knowledge of prayer, fasting, and hijab.”
        “There is a process of female emancipation taking place in the jihadi movement, albeit a very limited (and morbid) one,” – Hegghammer points to the hundreds of Islamist women in Europe who express support for ISIS on social media. “Many of them are eager to portray themselves as strong women and often make fun of the Western stereotype of ‘the oppressed Muslim woman,’” he says. “On social media at least, I think we can speak of a nascent ‘jihadi girl power’ subculture.”
        The Western narrative of the oppressed Muslim woman may be misguided, but as Raqaa’s experience shows, “jihadi girl power” often comes at other women’s expense.”

        ‘strong women’?? Basically ‘weak-willed’ bitches.

    3. sweetvirgo Avatar

      I agree with you 1000 percent. This goes beyond cruelty. Someone should chop off their private part. They can live without since they practice “obedience”??

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        A Cali-Fat of Eunuchs. Male and female. Interesting. At the moment they just want to do the females.

      2. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        No no no, you seem to be forgetting the 72 virgins. Won’t you feel sorry for the virgins losing all that pleasure. Maybe they should take a strap on with so the virgins can use it on them.

        1. sweetvirgo Avatar

          LOL…..I’m sure they wouldn’t know how to plessure the women.

  4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    What a totally messed up world, I can hear the mannequins giggling in the background they got off lightly with only having to wear the veil.

    1. sweetvirgo Avatar


  5. $89733098 Avatar

    This just proves that IS is nothing more than a puppet of iran/israel.

    Any “sane” “terrorist” would try NOT to upset humanity until they controlled the world!
    So who does this “ruling” help?

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      Barabie, we have been civil with each other lately which makes me wonder what the hell is the world coming to if you and I can be civil and not attack one another. Lol. On a serious note, do you seriously believe Iran and Israel are in bed together on this. Just curious.

      1. Psssst Farq, shhhh don’t say nothing but I took note of the good behavior too, If she keeps this up for another wee and meets all my demands I would be willing to consider forgiving her :P, after all I think she still loves me 🙂

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          We expect ‘our ladies’ to weigh in … heavily … on this one, don’t we?? 😉
          I think ‘some’ of them were waiting for the Cali-Fat heads to make great edicts, in the effort to ‘purify’.
          Known as ‘FAT WAAA’ in some circles, the ‘edicts’ will be exciting them … perhaps for the last time.

          1. $89733098 Avatar

            5th that was a lame attempt at humour. :p

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, after all, The Caliph is attempting to lighten the subject … why should’t I?

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            Oh and that was very chauvinistic! How male of u.

        2. $89733098 Avatar

          Mate u know my condition for us to b civil. Let me remind those who forgot, geo needs to apologise!!

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Barabie. Us ‘real men’ need to apologize all the time. We know that. 😉
            Mostly, we just forget … :-))))

          2. $89733098 Avatar

            U r so cheeky xx
            Just remember without a woman u wouldn’t b here :p

          3. And if 5th wasn’t the fastest swimmer and said “let go my eggo” he wouldn’t be here either :)P He hasn’t been sober since and that was the only race he ever won =D

        3. $89733098 Avatar

          Btw proper grammar would b “don’t say ANYTHING”!

        4. $89733098 Avatar

          I wonder if u know what that is in the pic?

          1. Let’s see, a device for raising the titanic? deployed airbags? OH the picture below? not sure. either way no worries or hard feelings but if the opportunity was there in private I would want you to understand what triggered me walking away, for now I wish you a good weekend 🙂

          2. $89733098 Avatar

            Water and food for the lorikeets that live in the tree across the road.
            And my tits wouldn’t raise anything except what’s between a males legs!
            *another typical male

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar


          4. $89733098 Avatar

            “but if the opportunity was there in private”

            Lol the opportunity was there! I even posted my schedule on here coz I went to Florida.

          5. Barabie, just as a palm tree would not survive in the arctic and requires a unique atmosphere, trust and a pleasant style exchange is something I insist on. At the time of your visit we had a major breakdown between us that made it a deal breaker for me, here is what I made this morning for my blue jays 🙂

          6. $89733098 Avatar

            Wow that’s more food than I make for myself let alone for the birds. That’s nice of u to provide them a 6 course meal.
            As for our “relationship”, if u really want it back at a certain level u would need to apologise.

          7. Not that I am not capable or willing to apologize but there is a chat to be had that will help you see that I am innocent of what I was accused of, either way I will share this for now and if the time comes the rest will get sorted.


            As far as the birds go, they also have a waterfall, iced water, raw coconut oil rubbed on their feet and every morning I decorate a tree in the aviary with fresh fruit 🙂 glad to care for them and I just recieved another one today with a broken wing that I hope will make it.

          8. $89733098 Avatar


            That is so beautiful.

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, knowing how you love the ‘scientific’, and considering we’re into the subject of ‘bit removal’ and the generally gruesome of human history, and it’s probably not a foreskin since those are generally used for growing new skin for burn victims, I’ll take a flyer on it even if it’s blurry … it’s either a nipple, or a ‘Type III’ ending to sensual feeling in a woman, which parts will be mummified and carried around the neck as the Eunuch’s parts were .. to be buried with him after the ‘life of service’ to the Harem.

            I get a good cigar if I’m right? Suits the scotch moments.

      2. $89733098 Avatar

        I definitely believe they r helping asshead

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Fair enough,each to their own. However I have to say I disagree.

      3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        The last honerable Shiite cleric of high regard was Imam Moussa Sadr, he was taken out so the isreali-iranian link can forward us todays hezbollah and others. Not only is iran providing isreal with reasons and excuses to build up its military capabilities, it is facilitating the formation of various self destructive sunni extremist cells, all in all the arabs are being shafted by zionists and persians while they are busy killing each other instead of respecting the cultures that exist in their countries. Dont be offended or surprised but isreal could not exist if they werent looked after by traitors over the past decades.

        1. Zionists and majoosi’s can’t be hidden allies! They have nothing to do with Isis, boko haram, or any other Khawarij animals who call themselves Sunnis. Their time will come along with their masters/puppets.

    2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Iran was supposedly sending troops and volunteer to protect Iraq and the shrines. I have seen only their dust.. they must have either tailed back or as always Iran talks big then they push others to do it.. What a bunch of coward. they created ISIS and then now Assad who is supposed to be against them is buying oil from them. therefore he is in return the biggest funder of Isis.

    3. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well barabie, first, define a ‘sane terrorist’.
      What ‘they’ want is a whole global ‘final solution’ …. and along with ‘certain others’ like Boko Haram, really wish to have ‘the glory’ of the ‘great annihaltion’ and the Armageddon some have been searching for since reading about that in a few books. Promoting ANY ‘rule’ which pushes humanity closer to that, and the various theories of it which seem never to happen, is what ‘they’ attempt to do … and at the moment it seems to be working.
      Some of humanity are becoming more than ‘upset’.

  6. A big thanks goes to the Zionists and their puppets….majoosi’s. They never cease to surprise the world by maligning Islam using their created Khawarij low life’s like Isis, boko haram, etc. Inhumane and nonreligious animalistic acts.
    All this just to scare the west, followers from other religions including Islam?
    They always get away in diverting the focus of the world from their own evil inhumane acts to such rubbish. This shows the level of the people who enjoy having a good laugh at the expense of the lifes of those innocents who got or getting killed all over ME by them.
    Thank you NWO Satan’s!

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Sometimes I wonder at how articles of news-facts are written. Especially about well-documented results of certain ‘practices’. Is this some kind of ‘SOP’ to religions???
    “The health effects depend on the procedure but can include recurrent infections, chronic pain, cysts, an inability to get pregnant, complications during childbirth and fatal bleeding” … and then someone adds, “according to reports.”
    ACCORDING TO REPORTS???? IT IS THE RESULTS … and on many who can never talk about it.

    So I’m not reading reports … I have some imagination.
    Let’s talk about the results of the results, shall we?? Go beyond the ‘simple report’ for a change.
    And not with the implied supposition of ‘according to reports’.
    ASSUMING the female manages to live through it ….. aside from the bleeding to death possibility, and Infections from the initial operation …. usually not done in ‘sterile hospital conditions’ (which even then don’t guarantee ‘no infections’ AS WE KNOW) …
    Later infections from the lack of the NATURAL Protections of the ‘God-Created’ body parts are also a danger to life. The cysts and the chronic pains, can be the least of the problems – although not something anyone could enjoy for a lifetime as recurring events.
    (I think Muslim Males need to ‘do it’ in the dark for more reasons than admitted to – whether that ‘dark’ is with lights off, or only slipping in under the bottom of ‘the black mantle’, ‘it’ remains unseen – and could feel like an inverted ‘knobby condom’, I guess, with enough cysts … hmmm)

    And DEATH?? Fast with a bleed-out may be truly a godly blessing.
    IF the female can’t get pregnant – for reasons related to any of the above – what is her value?
    In this event, Don’t just assume ‘divorce’ and then starve to death because they are not allowed to work. If she can cook and wash floors still, then There’s ONE chance in 4, right??
    But really .. No production, no value.
    Ah yes, they are allowed to ‘see a doctor’ to help ‘cure’ their related problems ?? How Modern.
    Forgetting of course that the doctor can only slip his hands in under the black robe, feel around a little to enjoy his ‘craft’, and prescribe punishing hours of prayer with a little medicine – made too expensive to purchase by the local ‘drug-dealer’ if the woman isn’t producing any money …..
    (Perhaps there’s some comfort for the female that a doctor-male’s hands are allowed to touch her in a more-freindly way than the normal daily ‘reminder’ of her ‘place’ in society.)
    …. having already killed the spirit, The Doc may not find a way to cure it anyway.
    Oh well. Death again.

    If pregnancy occurs … the normal natural progressions of it are obviously not enough of a pain to put up with … and aside from the fact any tiny bug could now enter since the NATURAL Protections were removed and the full 9 months may be shortened drastically … then the happy new ‘male jihadi warrior’ pops out ripping and tearing along the way at the old scarred wounds – to the great joy of ‘her male’, of course. (‘Hey, Allo Allah … let’s do this again soon’, he shouts with his gun pointed up.)
    If she can do 10 more before dying from making babies, she’s ‘a keeper’ for sure.
    Becomes ‘top’ of the Harem.
    (And maybe Allah will ‘re-create’ her as one of the 72 ‘specials’ when she passes on.)

    ISIS Caliphate wants to bring this to a city near you … perhaps even your own.
    I can see that ‘women’ will be pleased … maybe some professionals will even answer their adverts.

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