Gaza update: Obama welcomes Egypt’s ceasefire plan but Hamas rejects it


sisi interviewsisiUS President Barack Obama on Monday welcomed Egypt’s proposal for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, saying he hoped it could restore calm.

At an Iftar dinner marking the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan, Obama also said Israel had a right to defend itself against “inexcusable” rocket attacks but described the deaths of Palestinian civilians in the conflict as a “tragedy.”

Obama spoke after Egypt said a ceasefire should start on Tuesday and that it was willing to host high-level Israeli and Palestinian delegations for talks after a truce went into effect.

Obama said Washington’s priority was to restore a 2012 ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after a previous explosion of violence.

“We are encouraged that Egypt has made a proposal to accomplish this goal that we hope can restore the calm that we are seeking,” Obama said in the State Dining Room of the White House.

“The pictures that we are seeing in Gaza and in Israel are heart wrenching,” he added.

“I will say very clearly, no country can accept rockets fired indiscriminately at civilians. We have been very clear — Israel has a right to defend itself against what I consider to be inexcusable attacks from Hamas.”

“At the same time … the death and injury of Palestinian civilians is a tragedy, which is why we have emphasized the need to protect civilians regardless of who they are or where they live.”

Earlier, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said US Secretary of State John Kerry has been “deeply engaged in conversations” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Egyptian officials and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on the crisis.

A senior State Department official meanwhile said that, since Saturday, Kerry had talked to Netanyahu four times, the foreign ministers of Egypt and Qatar twice and the foreign ministers of Turkey and Jordan once each.

At least 186 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip as the conflict entered its eighth day.

Israel says its air strikes are in response to Hamas rocket fire on its cities, which have mostly been blown out of the sky by Israeli interceptor missiles without causing any deaths.

Hamas rejects ceasefire

Hamas rejects peace proposal as “surrender”
The armed wing of Hamas on Tuesday rejected Egyptian proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza, threatening to “intensify” its conflict with Israel if truce terms were unsatisfactory.

“No official or unofficial side has approached us about the ceasefire talked about in the media… (but) if the contents of this proposal are true, it is a surrender and we reject it outright,” the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades said in a statement.
“Our battle with the enemy will intensify.”

Yesterday the Palestinian Hamas movement said that it would not end hostilities with Israel without concessions by the Jewish state.

“Talk of a ceasefire requires real and serious efforts, which we haven’t seen so far,” Hamas legislative member Mushir al-Masri told AFP in Gaza City on Monday.

Masri said Hamas would only negotiate on the basis of a set of concessions it wants to see Israel agree to.

President Barack Obama speaks while hosting an Iftar dinner at the White House in Washington July 14, 2014. (Photo : Reuters)
President Barack Obama speaks while hosting an Iftar dinner at the White House in Washington July 14, 2014. The event was boycotted by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ( ADC) and several prominent Muslim Americans , citing domestic spying on Muslims and the Israeli attack on Gaza (Photo : Reuters)

Those include the lifting of Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip, the opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt and the release of Palestinian prisoners Israel has rearrested after freeing them in exchange for kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

“Any ceasefire must be based on the conditions we have outlined, nothing less than that will be accepted,” Masri said.

Israel to discuss ceasefire plan
Israel’s security cabinet was to meet early Tuesday to discuss Egyptian proposals for a truce in Gaza, a senior official said, as an aerial campaign against Hamas entered its eighth day.

“The security cabinet will meet early tomorrow to study seriously the Egyptian proposals,” the official told AFP, on condition of anonymity.

Egypt proposed ceasefire to start at 0600 GMT
Egypt proposed a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and its Islamist foe Hamas to start at 0600 GMT and be followed by talks on easing the flow of goods into Gaza, AFP reported.

The proposal late on Monday came on the eve of a scheduled visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry to Egypt.

US US warns Israel against ground assault
Washington warned Israel against any ground invasion of Gaza.

AFP reported that the White House stopped short of criticising Israel over the civilian casualty toll from its devastating air and artillery bombardment of the densely populated Palestinian enclave that has drawn flak from the United Nations and human rights watchdogs.

It said the Israeli government had the “right” and “responsibility” to defend its citizens against rocket attacks by its Islamist foe Hamas from its Gaza stronghold.
But it said even more civilians would be put at risk were Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to heed hardliners in his governing coalition and send in troops and armor.

Lebanese rocket hits northern Israel

A rocket fired from Lebanese territory hit northern Israel on Monday, the army said, after overnight rocket fire from both Syria and Lebanon.

“At least one rocket fired from Lebanon hit an open area north of Nahariya,” a coastal city not far from the Lebanese border, the Israeli army said in a statement.
No casualties or damage were reported, it added.

The army said it responded shortly after with artillery fire “towards the launching site” of the rocket.

Israeli military officials said they believed the attacks were carried out by a small Palestinian group in an act of solidarity with Gazan militants.

Economic Times/First post



32 responses to “Gaza update: Obama welcomes Egypt’s ceasefire plan but Hamas rejects it”

  1. July 15, 2014:

    00:30. In the settlements, located on the territory of the regional council Sdot Negev siren sounded warning of rocket attacks.

    1:30. Terrorists fired three missiles at Eilat. Two of them exploded in built up areas in the city, causing material damage. Another rocket exploded in an open area. The shelling two people were slightly injured.

    3:30. In settlements Eshkol Regional Council worked early warning system for rocket attacks

    4:15. Gaza sources reported that the IDF Air Force attacked a group of terrorists in the area of ​​Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, just before preparing them to rocket fire into Israel. In addition, the blows were home senior “Brigades of al-Qassam Izaddina” (armed wing of Hamas) and “El-Quds Brigades” (armed wing “Islamic Jihad”).

    6:00. Rocket fire district Hof Ashkelon. The rocket exploded in an open area.

    7:00. Gaza sources reported that the area of ​​Rafah was killed motorcyclist, who participated in rocket attacks. Khan Younis: was hit home Hamas militants and “Islamic Jihad.” Including the house was attacked by the second number of military wing of Hamas, Marwan Issa.

    1. no one will answer you on an article which states Hamas rejected the cease fire. they can’t enter here cause it will make it hard for them to claim israel is slautering palistinians

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        It’s been mentioned elsewhere … you want another long diatribe from Wargame??

  2. Qatar bought U.S. weapons for $ 11 billion

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Was that a ‘bargain basement’ sale?? Why mention it?

  3. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    Hamas wants Israel to continue bombing Gaza simply for media. Even the US media antagonizes Israel for its unnecessary military action without going into why Israel is doing it in the first place. Hamas would have no benefit from a ceasefire, Israel continues looking like an aggressor in media worldwide, and the Palestinian people suffer. Simple as that.

    1. $89733098 Avatar

      U r a “real” idiot!

      1. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Let us please hear your reason on why Hamas refuses a cease fire and the continuation of Palestinian massacre in Gaza 🙂

        You’re ‘real’ hot btw 😉

  4. Hamas HATES gazans. Gazans should get rid of Hamas and all the crazies that have started and maintained this war.
    WHERE are the SHELTERS for the population………!

    1. sweetvirgo Avatar

      They use the shelters to hide the ammo. Why would hamas want to protect the people?

  5. Carried out attacks on Israeli territory from mortars. In the area “Erez” was mortar shell shrapnel wounded 36-year-old man. The wounded were taken to the hospital, “Barzilai” where doctors pronounced his death. This is the first killed by shelling from the Gaza Strip since the beginning of operation “Enduring rock”

  6. Hamas is rejecting the ceasefire at its own peril.

  7. Fauzia45 Avatar

    It is the same tragedy indeed!!The civilian population pays the high price!They reject but in the end after so many deaths and destruction they will accept the truce one day and this is the tragic comedy!!!

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      But aren’t the “civilians” part of the problem? On both sides you have a majority of people wanting war, so are the populations really innocent of what’s happening to them?

      1. $89733098 Avatar

        “On both sides you have a majority of people wanting war”.

        Let me guess u conducted it very own poll of the “majority” on both sides and they told u they want war!
        Stop talking out ur ass.

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          Israelis voted for a “war government” and Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas in their majority, last I checked Hamas doesn’t want peace (= wants war).
          so tell me barabie, do I really need to conduct my own poll?
          Sometime my ass is surprisingly accurate. What are you going to do, crucify him on your neighborhood bridge?

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          oh and PS, when you see both Dr. Maher’s samples giving you likes you should know that what you said is nonsense. They’re like a compass that always shows the south. You know what a compass is? or is it haram to learn about technologies in your neighborhood?

  8. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Wednesday .. for the ‘Charts&Graphs’ people …..

  9. This HIND girl is so annoying….

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