“We are determined to crush terrorism”, says Saudi King


saudi king abdullahKing Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud warned on Saturday that he would not allow “a group of terrorists” to harm the Arab state.

“The Kingdom … rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and we will not allow a group of terrorists to take this religion as a shelter in order to serve their personal interests to horrify the Muslims or target our homeland or any citizens or residents,” King Abdullah said in a speech that was delivered by the country’s minister of culture and information.

“We, with the great determination, togetherness and cooperation of the people of this great nation, will expel this scourge in their dark holes,” he also said.

The speech, carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency, was to mark the advent of holy month of Ramadan.

It comes only days after the Saudi leader ordered all steps be taken to safeguard the kingdom in light of the turmoil in neighboring Iraq where an insurgency is threatening the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki.

In the speech, King Abdullah stressed that Islam was a religion of “unity, brotherhood and cohesion.”

He said some Muslims had strayed away from the religion, deceived by “people with false calls which are not ordered by Allah.”

“They did not differentiate between reform and terrorism and do not realize that those calls aiming at disturbing communities with the different parties and also aiming to sow division among Muslims,” he said.

“We ask Allah Almighty to eradicate the mist of those misguided and misled people who are deceived by the false calls until they see the truth of this religion, the religion of Islam and peace,” he said.

He also expressed hope for the return of “security, prosperity and stability in the Islamic world in order to achieve values of tolerance, compassion and love.”

Al Arabiya



28 responses to ““We are determined to crush terrorism”, says Saudi King”

  1. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Yeah….you let them leave your country to come to Lebanon and destroy it. That’s how you keep your country safe.

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      Were you saying this when Shiites were bombing Sunni areas to incite strife under Samaha and Mamlouk? I have yet to see evidence Saudi Arabia is behind these terrorist bombs while we have seen many times Syria and its allies attempting to throw the state into panic.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        The most recent bomber at the hotel was supposedly on their “most wanted list”. Yet he was able to fly out of Saudi Arabia to Turkey and from Turkey to Beirut. Then he stays at a hotel 20 meters from their embassy.

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          From what I’ve read he came from Syria. He was wanted in SA for terrorist activities but he was never in SA so he was never caught. And this doesnt justify Syria’s plot, which started the suicide bombs up in Lebanon again.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            I read he came from Istanbul using a Saudi passport. Not really that important. What is important was that he was using a Saudi passport to travel. Hopefully it wasn’t his real passport, because you would think it would be suspended or reported if he was on their most wanted list.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It’s a world of ‘multi-nationals’. 😉

          3. Not surprised that’s what you read.

          4. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            You probably didn’t read anything…

    2. wargame1 Avatar

      I would like to share this 911 attack video which was shot LIVE by a IRANIAN diamond Merchant named Michael Majid Hezarkhani on the day of 911. This video later handed to the mainstream media who showed this video over and over again. NOW this video with super slow motion reveals a dangerous flaw and suggests that it was manufactured before the attack even took place!! Its a well planed conspiracy by IRAN , you wonder why all those Hijackers were of Saudi origin ? 7 of them later emerged ALIVE!! Would you like to see that anomaly in a 2 minute video? Here is the video link


      1. man-o-war Avatar

        Haha! Was this magic trick so good that it fooled the thousands of people that witnessed the plane crashing into the building?

        “7 of them later emerged ALIVE!”, Identity theft?

        1. wargame1 Avatar

          This video was shown by the mainstream media. It was manufactured by a Iranian with computer aided design BUT that Iranian claimed that this video was shot by him live on the day of that attack. It was a Iranian plan to frame Saudi Arabia with 911 attack by inserting some names of Saudi nationals. You can imagine the effect on Iran if those 19 Hijackers were all Iranian nationals. This is a clash of civilization and Iranians are responsible for it. The wrath of Allah is long been overdue on these traitors.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Wow! It was IRAN! I knew it! Those filthy traitors!

            Wait, why are they traitors?

          2. master09 Avatar

            Good work but I do have one idea for you, get out and see some sun get out of that basement with no windows. Lol

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Certainly saw #2 hit on TV … Live … or we thought so … 😉

      2. master09 Avatar

        Again this YouTube shit any one can make up what they want when they want with €1,000 in the pocket or even 1,000 lira. Lol

    3. arzatna1 Avatar

      They didn’t come to Lebanon from Saudi Arabia , they came from Turkey. Besides, the suicide bomber was on the Saudi Interior Ministry’s most wanted list. In other words the suicide bombers are considered the enemy in Saudi Arabia.
      Lets be fair about this. The Saudi king donated three million US dollars to the Lebanese army , who else in the whole world ever donated any such amount to Lebanon to help it protect its sovereignty ? Time to be grateful even though we may all have reservations about many human rights violations that are taking place there .

      1. arzatna1 Avatar

        The Saudi king donated 3 billion US dollars to the Lebanese army not 3 million.

        Sorry for the typo error

        1. As if its his real hard earned money he gave away it was just a propaganda act using media and this tactic to show the world look at us poor Saudi Viagra regime we are so against terrorism stop kidding yourself we all now the root of terrorism is Saudi Arabia their barbaric ideology the way they treat non muslims and yet have the nerve to hide behind America when trouble comes isis and terrorists use the Islamic religion as a cause but you use religion as a cause to keep your throne while your people starve and you and your mafia get fatter and fatter ;;

  2. AkhouManUki Avatar

    Sorry King Blabdullah, you lack sincerity and conviction on this. Do something about the suicide bombers that just happen to be Saudi – like hold their families accountable for their evil actions.

    1. wargame1 Avatar

      The Suicide bombers do not represent the Saudi Administrations will. They can be from any country. Its Iran who initiated this Suicide attack during the Iraq Iran war. We saw the same thing in Palestine by Hezbushaitan. Holding the families for the bomber is not justifies as an individual is responsible for his/her crime and not his family. However when a person is under aged then its logical to hold a family responsible. To much Iranian propaganda against the Saudi regime made many average sunnis hate the Saudi government. But this trend is changing and it will back fire on Iran very badly.

      1. master09 Avatar

        Both sides are in the wrong that is the facts.

  3. Turkey is ready to recognize the state of Kurds in northern Iraq (sorry, offtopic) http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/turkey-ready-accept-kurdish-state-northern-iraq-1454556

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I thought they already did. It was Iran’s turn to do it …

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “… values of tolerance, compassion and love.”

    It IS important to ‘talk the talk’ in these things. And a King should, of course, especially at those times in a year when the ‘heavy speeches’ float in all the ‘political arenas’ of countries.
    Whether or not people can ‘walk the walk’ while talking is another thing, of course. Even walking with the lady-friend can be a rough adventure, let alone smooching with a ‘love’. 😉
    Tolerance seems to be the hardest part … but I’ll drink to the “values” anyway. Nice speech.

  5. Saudi Arabia forbids the importation of camels from Africa!

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