Lebanese leaders condemn the bombing at ISF checkpoint

Lebanese firefighters extinguish a flame on a vehicle at the site of an explosion near a police checkpoint in the eastern town of Dahr el-Baidar, Lebanon, Friday, June 20, 2014. A suicide bomber detonated his vehicle Friday near a police checkpoint in eastern Lebanon, killing a few people amid heightened concerns of renewed violence, the country's state-run news agency and security officials said. (AP Photo)
Lebanese firefighters extinguish a flame on a vehicle at the site of an explosion near a police checkpoint in the eastern town of Dahr el-Baidar, Lebanon, Friday, June 20, 2014. A suicide bomber detonated his vehicle Friday near a police checkpoint in eastern Lebanon, killing a few people amid heightened concerns of renewed violence, the country’s state-run news agency and security officials said. (AP Photo)

Lebanese leaders strongly condemned a bombing that  targeted on Friday an Internal Security Forces checkpoint in eastern Lebanon  as  General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim’s convoy was passing through  it  .

Ibrahim escaped unharmed but 2 were killed an at least 20 were injured .

Prime Minister Tammam Salam  condemned the terrorist act and  called for urgent security meeting at the Grand Serail.

Former President Michel Suleiman slammed the “terrorist act,” calling on officials to voice their support to all security agencies.

Former PM and Future Movement leader l r Saad Hariri called on “all Lebanese sects and parties to be vigilant and cautious and unite against the plot targeting Lebanon and the region, which only aims at inciting sedition.”

Hariri praised the ISF and all security agencies for their tremendous tasks during this stage.

The Lebanese Forces decried the “terrorist attack,” hailing the sacrifices by security forces to safeguard the civil peace.

The March 14 general secretariat also denounced the attack, expressing solidarity will all security agencies and the cabinet of Prime Minister Tammam Salam.

“The March 14 alliance has continuously warned of Hezbollah’s interference in the Syrian conflict,” demanding the party to “immediately withdraw from the battles in the neighboring country.

Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, a close aide of  Speaker Nabih Berri , said that the state “is in an open battle that requires security forces to remain on guard.”

“Lebanon was saved from terrorism and extremism,” Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh said.

He pointed out that local unity has become a pressing demand.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

The attack also coincided with a series of raids in the Lebanese capital following reports of a plot to target security posts.



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