Siniora urges the government to cater to peoples’ needs


sinioraFormer Lebanese Prime minister  and Future Movement parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Siniora urged the government of PM Tammam Salam  to cater to  the people’s needs instead of wasting time in endless debates over its methodology.”

During the launch of a workshop in the northern city of Tripoli Siniora said : “The government must go ahead with its responsibilities and avoid becoming embroiled in endless debates about its functions.”

Siniora also reiterated his bloc’s call for the immediate election of a new president.

“The most important mission for the cabinet is to work on the election of a new president… ” He stressed.

“The vacuum in the presidency is unacceptable and we must end this flawed situation,” he added.

“A presidential candidate should be a uniting figure for the Lebanese and he should have a sound national vision for the country. “He added

He also urged the parliament to remain functional

In light of the ongoing vacuum, the parliament should remain “calm and productive”. He said

“The Future Movement bloc does not seek to obstruct parliament’s work,” he said in reference to the recent boycott of a legislative session aimed at discussing a new wage scale draft-law.

He urged the country to distance itself from regional turmoil and called on Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria

“Lebanon should not expose itself to regional dangers and  Hezbollah must immediately withdraw its fighters from Syria.”






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