Geagea calls for a president that does not stab the state in the back


geageaLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea challenged on Wednesday Free Patriotic Movement MP Michel Aoun to officially announce his candidacy and responded to Hezbollah leader’s speech by calling for a president who โ€œdoes not stab the state in the backโ€ and denied claims that March 14 had sought to extend former President Michel Suleimanโ€™s term.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah called in his speech for a president that does not stab the Resistance in the back.

โ€œWe want a president who does not conspire against the resistance and stabs it in the back. This is not a difficult condition.โ€ Nasrallah said in a speech last Sunday.

He also accused March 14 of conspiring to extend Suleiman’s term.

โ€œMarch 14โ€ฒs real goal was the extension of the current presidentโ€™s term.โ€ Nasrallah said.

โ€œSayyed Hassan Nasrallah does not dictate what we want in the presidential elections , he should discuss what he wants,โ€ Geagea said in a press conference on Wednesday

โ€œ Term extension needs two thirds approval so how would we be aiming for it? His team should have taken part in the electoral sessions. His candidate could have won.โ€

โ€œExtension of Suleimanโ€™s term was proposed to last for a period of a year or two years to avoid vacuum at the Baabda palace , and it was announced by Maronite Patriarch Beshara Boutros al-Rai, despite the fact that he is opposed to term extension on principle.โ€

Responding to to claims by Aoun that he is an unconstitutional candidate, Geagea said

โ€œIf I am unacceptable to half of the Christians then he is unacceptable to the other half, and if I really am an unconstitutional candidate, Aoun should be happy because he will definitely be elected president.โ€

He added โ€œIf he can secure 65 votes then March 8 should take part in the session on June 9.โ€

There are 128 members in the parliament and the winner has to secure a minimum of 65 votes.

He challenged Aoun to officially announce his presidential candidacy and told him not to count on Hariri’s support after what he and Hezbollah did in 2011 to topple his cabinet.

In another response to Nasrallah, the LF leader denied that he is running as a โ€œprovocativeโ€ presidential candidate.

โ€œI am a Christian Maronite Lebanese and I have the political and legal right to run for president; my program is clear and it is true that my opinions do not match the views of Hezbollah but this does not mean I am running for the election to provoke or challenge anyone,โ€ he said.

Geagea also slammed the Syrian presidential vote for expats being held Wednesday in Lebanon as a โ€œfarceโ€ and said the country lacked the required conditions for an election.

โ€œThe Syrian election does not have the needed conditions and requirements to be considered as an election, and the majority of the Arab and international community do not recognize this election,โ€ he said.

โ€œThe presence of a million Syrian refugees in Lebanon is the biggest evidence that the election lacks the right conditions,โ€ he said. โ€œWhat is happening today is not an election, but a demonstration in support for the Syrian regime.โ€

According to media reports Hezbollah provided financial and security cover for Syrians wishing to vote in their countryโ€™s elections at the Syrian embassy in the Beirut suburb of Yarzeh on Wednesday.

The reports added that voters residing in South Lebanon, and the central and eastern Beqaa Valley were provided by Hezbollah with transport to Yarzeh in order to give the impression of a high turnout.

The reports added that more than 55% of the Syrians who made their way to Yarzeh were too young to vote.



32 responses to “Geagea calls for a president that does not stab the state in the back”

  1. AkhouManUki Avatar

    Nasrallah would stab every man, woman or child that gets in between him and Iran. Make no mistake, this man could give a shit about Lebanon – it could burn to the ground for all he cares, and he has facilitated that happening in previous wars.

    1. Farq2 Avatar

      Sorry, but that is the biggest load of shit I have heard you spin yet.

      1. master09 Avatar

        And the shit u spin is better rite. Sorry the load is bigger. Everything u follow is rite and the rest is a load of shit. Lol Remember the day dick head Nasrala pulled the guns on the Lebanese in 2008. He does not give a hoot about the Lebanese, take that load of shit where ever u need. Lll

        1. Farq2 Avatar

          Oh my friend, you are the one who runs with the name master. Master of spin. You are just upset because HA has its foot on the neck of all those corrupt pricks in Lebanon. Don’t get upset. Go buy some shoe shine and start polishing.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It’s all about the ‘spin’. :-)))

          2. master09 Avatar

            Who’s upset, a person who thinks a shoe polisher is below he is even below the shoe himself, brainwashed by a group that is part of a government and goes on its own to fight a war in another country. Now tell me if u see that as ok than Brainwashed is below u. Upset u must think I am like u who support a group or party, well wake up I DO NOT Support one single political person in Lebanon. What I do want is Freedom to walk in my country be it south North or west without a gang saying u can’t come in this town because u are not HA or Sunni Or Christian. Wake up to ur blind support to a group that does NOT give a shit about Lebanon. Not one single politician gives a shit about Lebanon but another country because the load the pockets with dosh , lol upset I’m not a child to be upset. I am 13, lol. So tell me it was ok what they did to the Lebanese in 2008 or is that not in ur brain anymore u just blind to that happening rite. But of course that’s like saying I hate my self, u support this group that holds and has its foot on the neck of the Lebanese and its future. ALL Lebanese.

          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Ya Farqrallah, you should not look down on people who are not as highly educated or as highly compensated as yourself. Mocking those who shine shoes is a direct attack on my good friend imm anwar, who I respect for taking on two jobs while raising a family of 12. You could learn a thing or two about humility from imm anwar!

        2. AkhouManUki Avatar

          I remember that day like it was yesterday – all I can say is when power and war are the only world you know, I can empathize with why Nasrallah felt it within reason to spread fear and imprint dominance. This is precisely why Hezbollah have no place in Lebanon’s future – their model is designed on destruction, and Lebanon will never grow and prosper under such a model.

      2. AkhouManUki Avatar

        Thanks ya farqrallah! The fact that I have you questioning the integrity of your supreme leader means we are on the way to victory. Keep it up!

  2. Andre Avatar

    Funny of all people that Geagea the safa7eh is talking about “Not Stabbing!”. Lebanon is spiraling its way back into lawlessness, thanks to the same the criminal militia heads (from the civil war years) running the country. That’s what you get when you allow criminals to integrate into the political system.

    Lebanon will not heal, unless all the criminals are put out the political system and replaced with Lebanese abiding citizens that serve Lebanon. Lebanon needs a Spring cleaning!

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      Well said Andre the Giant – it’s about time we got Geagea, Aoun, Jumblatt, Gemayel, Franjieh, and the rest of the usual suspects aboard a Malaysian airlines flight to China. Then we need the Batrak to pray that it disappears.

    2. MekensehParty Avatar

      The Spring cleaning starts with a mekenseh ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Farq2 Avatar

    Then you best rescind your nomination Mr Geagea. After all, you are the biggest back stabber we have in Lebanon not to mention a mass murderer as well.

    1. master09 Avatar

      And the others are saints I bet.

    2. master09 Avatar

      No did not think I would get a reply to truth

      1. Farq2 Avatar

        What truth are you after. I mean you spun your crap and I chose to not reply because after all it is crap. The Hezb’s enemies in Lebanon are the minority my friend and frankly we could careless about them. We can go tit for tat all day long, however it won’t change mine or your opinion. And most importantly it change the fact that the Hezb is going nowhere. Remember, since the HA went into Syria, Lebanon has became safer. Just look at Saida, Tripoli and Arsal. Who do you think brought peace to those areas and forced you friends the terrorist to either leave or be killed. You may hates us, however at the very least give credit where credit is due.

        1. master09 Avatar

          Wrong answer WHY did they pull the guns on the Lebanese I don’t give a shit about Majority or minority,, second where the F can u show me the NUMBER. That’s the facts I am an asking for WHY did they pull the GUNS on the Lebs.
          The point is u blind person I clearly say I support no one not even ur Islamic solefest cousins, but when u a gang saying u can not enter the south, which is my country than I have a fuken problem and if u love ur land than u would give a fuk as well. You support a group like a soccer team go figure. That is brainwashed. Going no where no because HA is a God . Lol 2 years and remember this number very careful because thier time the Islamist and terrorist time is coming as people will revolt in a big way.
          So why did they pull the guns on the Lebanese hey answer that.

  4. Hannibal Avatar

    Lebanon is like Janus… having two faces, not only looking to the future and to the past but at the same time looking into two directions. Yet one cannot be separated from the other as it will end in its demise. Janus is said to have presided over the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace.
    The sooner we accept our differences and announce our neutrality the sooner we will pay forward for our sins and religious bigotry and paved the way for next generation. The selfishness mentality of me, myself and I that constitute the “make-up” of our leaders begs to differ but it is enough stupidity as they are elected by the same people who claim they want the change… The so called silent majority.
    Enough already… Politicians should work for you the voters, and the tax payers and the laborers, and the bread-winners… Aren’t you tired of it? Aren’t you SICK of the BS???? Do something about it and vote them OUT of office and start anew with new blood and younger people who are more interested in the infrastructure and the future rather than the petty squabbling and their failing prostate. A country like the USA with 325 million people has but 2 or 3 parties. Lebanon with its 4 millions has over 115 parties. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a party.
    What should be done?
    1. Dissolve all parties and start a two party system.
    2. Fire ALL politicians bar none and elect new individuals.
    3. Institute a secular system and separate totally the state from religion.

    1. Not that I dont already love you in a non homo way Hannibal lol but excellent comment and the love meter goes up as you get more “NUETRALIZED” ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you are doing well friend.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        I love you and your birds (in non-homo way) as well…
        Waiting for the prophet and 5th now… ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. :):):):):):):)

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nice to see you back Geo. Hope you are well.
            As you see, nothing much changed here, :-))

          2. Thanks 5th, Hope you are doing well too, as I told Farq at one time we made time for poking and insulting each other in good harmless humor to change the seriousness of the doom lol, but it got too injurious and out of control for peace of mind and blood pressure and with the aviary full of screaming arrivals it is time better spent with feathered friends that have no clue what sect, flag or religion is ๐Ÿ™‚ best to you and the rest of the gang.

          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Life is too short to let blood pressure and stress slow you down!

    2. hanibaras Avatar

      Kick them all out and get new fresh faces ie: university law graduates.

      1. AkhouManUki Avatar

        Love the passion ya Hani! Excellent ideas. I recommend going with janitorial graduates first, because we need humble leaders that are there to serve us, and quite frankly there’s a lot of shit to clean up.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          So true… All we need is more lawyers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Yeah, in Lebanon we seem to find the lawyer/doctor/engineer combo is most likely to be elected. I would love to see posters that start with “el sangaree” or “el tabakh”

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