M14 MPs slam Nasrallah speech as “arrogant” and “intimidating”


hassan nasrallah Beirut , Lebanon – March 14 alliance MPs slammed on Monday Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s speech describing it as “arrogant” and “intimidating” .

“With his usual arrogance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, yesterday, came out to say – using muscle, not the intellectual language or the language of the law and order that Hezbollah does not need anyone’s protection, on the contrary it is the party that protect [others],” Lebanese Forces MP Antoine Zahra said in a statement.

Nasrallah’s insistence, he said, to disrupt Lebanon’s democratic system “and make it clear to everyone that either they bow to his demands or they don’t have a chance to lead a normal life! This is the biggest disaster we are going through in Lebanon.”

In his speech on Sunday marking the Liberation Day , Nasrallah said: “We want a president who can preserve stability, but we are not looking for a president who protects the resistance. The resistance is the one who protects the nation.”

Nasrallah in his speech tried to justify why Hezbollah and allies are disrupting the election of a new president:

“We don’t mind if you say that we are disrupting the elections. This issue is a national and historical responsibility, and we don’t have a problem if you accuse us of being disruptive.”

Similarly MP Ahmad Fatfat also slammed Nasrallah’s “arrogance”.

“What’s new from Hezbollah is that he is not ready for any national, comprehensive vision and [it] has nothing to do with a supreme national interest,” Fatfat told Voice of Lebanon radio station.

Hezbollah’s only concern, he said, is to protect the interests of Iran in the region.

“His intimidation speech is clear. Nasrallah wants to impose his own conditions on all the Lebanese. Either they accept them or [there will be] no presidential elections,” Fatfat said.

Once again Lebanon is without a president, as it struggles to deal with the fallout from the civil war in neighboring Syria where thousands of Hezbollah fighters are actively trying to save the regime of the embattled president Bashar al Assad despite the Baabda accord which calls for dist

Lebanese politicians haven’t been able to agree on a successor to Suleiman, whose term ended on May 25



16 responses to “M14 MPs slam Nasrallah speech as “arrogant” and “intimidating””

  1. AkhouManUki Avatar

    I love how Nasrallah doesn’t waste his time playing by the rules. I be the was one of those kids that would knock over everyone’s pieces as soon as he started to lose at Risk or Monopoly. Look at him now, all grown up still ready to knock people’s shit over and bulldoze his way to whatever solution his heart desires. Hold on… are we sure this guy isn’t Israeli?

    1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
      Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

      You have to put a dig in there against Israel just to make sure that everyone knows that you’re not pro-Israel in criticizing Hezbollah. That’s amusing.

      1. AkhouManUki Avatar

        Adam, all I can say is that Israel has invited this level of criticism upon itself by their own actions. I would love to not have to make the analogy of bulldozing your way to a solution, but let’s be honest here, that is the way your government gets to solutions too. If I can draw on parallels between you and your enemy, I think it demonstrates the small-minded mentality of all sides in the conflict. Given that I am independent in my perspectives, those thoughts come naturally.

        You on the other hand are not independent, neither is Farq or many of the other one sided commenters that I read. You and Farq are like long lost brothers, or cousins as we like to say, committed to proving your political heroes are exceptional and can do no wrong. I’m sorry I don’t buy into your bullshit, but don’t go around pretending to understand my perspective when you are so blinded by your own.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          You mean … that they are are ALL from the SAME original ‘TRIBES’??? ;-)))))))
          (always thought it was a genetic thing ..)

          1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
            Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

            We’re family alright, no matter how much a lot of people like to deny it.

        2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
          Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

          I have never said that “my political heroes’ are exceptional and can do no wrong. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. Israel deserves criticism, I’d go further and say that Israel NEEDS criticism. Every country does but Israel is in a messed up situation and so criticism would be especially helpful in preventing wrong moves. Unfortunately, the volume, manner and type of criticism is often not deserved, out of proportion, illogical and often laced with ethnic prejudice. This is terrible! It makes so many people here desensitized to criticism and dismissive. If you really think that Israel deserves the level of criticism it receives then I suggest you consider the UN’s volume and type towards Israel as compared to far graver violators. I suggest that you examine posts on this very site by people who delegitimize the state, its people and their history and even some posts indicating that people don’t seem to know the difference between Zionism (or even know what it is any more than a buzz word associated with negativity) and the 19th century Russian forgery ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion;. No, I don’t think that Israel deserves all the criticism it gets but it needs genuine and legitimate criticism and that is being stifled. It’s not always easy for people here to tell the difference but it is easy to dismiss real criticism among all of the ridiculous accusations, the slurs and the delegitimization.

  2. Guest Avatar

    Did you know that all of the good will that Hezbolah worked so hard to build up and get over the years between the Shias and Sunnis in the Middle East by Hezbollah being a very effective anti-Zionist force has been broken down and ruined by none other than Hezbolah’s ally Bashar Al-Assad’s bad behavior against the Sunni majority in Syria. And now adding insult to injury, Hezbollah has had to risk and sacrifice the lives of hundreds of its young men to keep Assad in power on orders of Iran which has further alienated and badly strained relations between Shias and Sunnis. The sectarian secular Bashar Al-Assad is not worth sacrificing ones life and dying for.

    1. Guest Avatar

      Can one really respect a hypocritical leader who cowardly hides from his enemies like Nasrallah does while he orders his followers to be brave, face and fight his enemies at the same time which he himself will not ever do?

      1. AkhouManUki Avatar

        He’ll gladly send your kids to do it for him.

  3. Guest Avatar

    Because of Shiite Iranian Velayat-e Faqih which Hezbollah and Nasrallah follow, sooner or later Nasrallah will have to be the absolute ruler of Lebanon as is religiously demanded and mandated by this Shiite Iranian religious rule.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      At which point the next 25-yrs-war will begin. After all, he only won 2 seats in an election.

    2. zabada Avatar

      Most ulema ,religous shcolars, must be only an adviser not a leader,fit to the prophet had said about religion.They are not fit to be a politician.Syiah ulema created Vilayat e-faqeh to gain politic in their hand.It is not in Quran or alhadith,These ulema are weird.Some sunnis in democracy countries do the same.This lead too many chaos then killing each others.How bad they are.These political ulema is not holymen,they are robbers and cheaters with turbans on their heads.

  4. zabada Avatar

    At the past Syiit are using Islam as their politic tool.That why this religion ,Syiah twisted islam to a cult,Syiah.That why Hizbullah turn to a terrorist organization.Likely to some Sunnis ,who interpret religion as a politic tool,this fathered some terrorist in Sunnis side.The prophet not interpret religion as politic.He interpreted religion as an advise to civilians and leaders and as good behaviour.How far some muslims was from the true religion of islam.That why many muslims turn to arrogant people.Many of them are ignorant too.They need more education in religion,especially Syiits.All Syiiits need reform their bad and wrong believe.Or they turn to infidels forever.Some sunnis must interpret religion as moral guide,no as politic tool.By this way,muslims will not killed each others.They must know new kind of politic too.New world democracy means always having new leaders.Many Arabs not aware this,even their politicians.That why most of Arab politician turn them self as dictators or kings.Muslim must aware the four first caliph practiced fair kind of politic.They are not dictators or kings.Muslsims mind now fully destroyed.They know not , not only new democracy,even to interpret their own religion in true way.How this have been?.This bad events emerged because all muslms separated their life and religion with civilization.Without proper civilization a nation will sink.Whatever their religion was.One word to peacefully life RELIGION and CIVILIZATION must be put together.Not only muslims ,all human being must aware this.

    1. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
      Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

      I feel like in the 19th and 20th centuries, instead of resolving their differences, Sunnis and Shiites were influenced by each others most problematic elements. Muhammad Abdouh, there was a great man. If people had really followed him and his work, the region would be catching up to the West now but with more moral fibre.

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