Palestinians and Syrians launch attacks with heavy machine guns and RPGs in South Lebanon, 7 killed


Syrian refugee camp lebanonSeveral people were killed on Monday in clashes that broke out at the Palestinian refugee camp of Mieh Mieh in the southern city of Sidon, reported the National News Agency.

It said that seven people were killed and ten others were wounded in the unrest that started as an individual dispute ten days ago.

The clash saw the use of medium and heavy machineguns and rocket-propelled grenades.

The army has since taken strict security measures around the camp in order to prevent the situation from escalating.

Some of the dead have been identified as Palestinians and Syrians Ahmed Rashid and his brother Rashid, Abou Youssef al-Mohti, and Mohammed Qatish.

The wounded include Mohammed Zidane, Mustapha Nahal, and Youssef Adwan.

Fatah military commander Munir al-Maqdah told NNA that various factions at the camp tried to ease the tensions caused by the individual dispute, but they failed.

The armed clash later erupted on Monday between supporters of Jamal Suleiman’s Ansar Ullah group and others of Ahmed Rashid.

Palestinian factions, in coordination with the army, are working on resolving the dispute, Maqdah added to NNA.




123 responses to “Palestinians and Syrians launch attacks with heavy machine guns and RPGs in South Lebanon, 7 killed”

  1. Constantin7 Avatar

    Let the army invade this camp and strip all of its inhabitants from ALL their weapons, until the last pistol. Enough with these Palestinian parasites who have troubled our lifes for the last 40 years.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hope at least the LAF surrounds it and lets none escape. Stupid ‘family feuds’ allowed to fight it out with weapons allowed by Fataheads.

  2. Constantin7 Avatar

    Let the army invade this camp and strip all of its inhabitants from ALL their weapons, until the last pistol. Enough with these Palestinian parasites who have troubled our lifes for the last 40 years.

  3. cook2half Avatar

    The Palestinian requires a gun and a hateful mentality. Someone pass it a bone

  4. cook2half Avatar

    The Palestinian requires a gun and a hateful mentality. Someone pass it a bone

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Not that it’s related to the topic, necessarily ….
    But here’s a good picture of the fence between two Christian Camps …

    1. barabie Avatar

      What was ur intention in posting this?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Equal-Opportunity shot at Religions … and how happy they all are … ‘sect’ually speaking.
        Don’t say I’m not fair to all under one God. :-)))

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Equal-Opportunity shot at Religions … and how happy they all are … ‘sect’ually speaking. Everyone loves an Irish Priest.
        Don’t say I’m not fair to all under one God. :-)))

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Not that it’s related to the topic, necessarily ….
    But here’s a good picture of the fence between two Christian Camps … people ‘feeling’ the religion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. man-o-war Avatar


    It takes some giant balls to attack and kill a 75 year old priest. These murderers must be proud.

    1. barabie Avatar

      Probably the same set of balls as it takes to bash a woman but yet u never spoke out against that. It’s interesting how all those that complained when Btru2u posted similar articles will not whinge and moan about your link. And what is the purpose of u posting it? What do u hope to achieve?

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        I just posted the link 31 minutes ago, not enough time for people to look it up. Give it some time, maybe we’ll get some responses maybe we won’t. My point was to highlight another sparkling moment in the Syrian civil war. It could have been the peace loving SAA that did it, or it could have been the rainbows and unicorn Al nusra. Nobody nows right now.
        Btru2u posted similar articles? I don’t recall. Most of what Btru2u posts is about how Muslims are under attack and how the caliphate needs to be restored and on and on. Btru2u also thinks suicide missions (aka martyrdom operations, he’s words) are allowed by Islam in some situations. Like when they strike innocent Lebanese citizens, because they’re Shi’ite. Collateral damage, lol. He claims those attacks are retribution for HA involvement in Syria.

        Who bashed what woman? Are you feeling ok today? I remember defending you when Hannibal wanted to bash you.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Was in Daily Star too. We wait to see who claims the honours … before dropping the big ones. For sure some folks with the same mentality as heart-eaters, head-soccer-champs, throwers-of-acid-in-faces of girls, etc, etc …

        2. barabie Avatar

          U didn’t really defend me. U asked him if he was ok and pointed out I was a woman. U never told him what he was doing needed “giant balls”.
          I do admit that u were one of only 2 that did go against him, the other was Btru2u.
          And now maybe u can make assumptions about who 5th is referring to below. Which sect or religion do u think he means?
          This is what I mean about u, u should either speak out against all or none.
          Btw don’t take our disagreements as personal, we can differ but still like each other

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Not taking it personal, it’s nearly impossible to see eye to eye on everything. I just got back on to read the replies, wasn’t on to see what 5th posted until now. You have to give me some time to read and respond, lol. See, now if I respond to 5th you’ll say that I only responded because you called me out for not responding, damn it, Haha. Lose lose

          2. barabie Avatar

            Lol good point ๐Ÿ™‚

          3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            My dear mano she’s in love following you on every tread, feel obligated because its becoming boring:)

          4. MaImequer0 Avatar

            ‘tread’??? LOL… I guess you might be correct as it can be lovely to tread on some ‘people’. Snow all gone in Montreal yet?

          5. barabie Avatar

            Yes I would love to “tread” on her tits while munching carpet and Danish or munching Danish carpet. That should confuse daft mare

          6. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Ahhhh, OK… I’m more than chuckling…. I’m howling…. almost in tears… too funny !!!

          7. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Ahhhh, OK… I’m more than chuckling…. I’m howling…. almost in tears… too funny !!!

          8. barabie Avatar

            Lol but according to u I’m a lesbian and in love with u. So today I’m straight or bi? Daft mare hahaha omg every time I hear that it makes me laugh. Thanks Malmequer.

          9. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            Pardon me? I never adressed you.. hahaha at yourself melomaniac.

          10. MaImequer0 Avatar

            It’s not a secret what / who you are….leopard cannot charge their spots..

          11. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            So? Who are you.

          12. MaImequer0 Avatar

            I’m hind abyad from montreal,,,, a ‘human rights’ activist fanatic… oh silly me, that’s you!

          13. barabie Avatar

            Only if those humans r from her side otherwise they r zionists, terrorists, takfeeris, old goats blah blah.

          14. MaImequer0 Avatar

            yek yek yek…. too funny!

          15. MaImequer0 Avatar

            yek yek yek…. too funny!

          16. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            I read some posts where you call out Israhell and Zionists, while foaming at the mouth with dog rage symdroms. baburka.

          17. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            I read some posts, where you call out Israhell and Zionists while foaming at the mouth with dog rage symdroms. baburka.

          18. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            What do i care i preffer animals rights.

          19. barabie Avatar

            Oh is the daft mare pretending it isn’t hind legs? Haha it’s so obvious it’s her it sticks out like a sore thumb. No one else murders the English language like this daft mare.

          20. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            We “who murdurers the english language” are many in Lebanon, not all in english schools, mainly Moslems, Christian traditionaly in French schools, but your type of Englsh i not from ME. It’s ururdu dialect.

          21. MaImequer0 Avatar

            ururdu….??? I can do that same voodoo that you do but there is not such thing as ururdo so tootle-loo to you too, boo-hoo and see you.

          22. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            U r saying u dont know ur urdu? Aye LOLOLOLOL?

          23. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Nice try daft mare…. you are fooling no one except yourself.. or, do we have the ‘pleasure’ of meeting another one of you personalities??? lolโ˜ป

          24. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            U r saying U dont know Ur urdu? Aye LOLOLOLOL?

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Quite true, actually, as I try to translate/read what many write in English here. ๐Ÿ˜‰
            Which is fine with me, until someone becomes ‘uppity’ about it.

          26. MaImequer0 Avatar

            It’s not a secret what / who you are….leopard cannot charge their spots..

          27. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            So? Who are you.

          28. MaImequer0 Avatar

            I’m hind abyad from montreal,,,, a ‘human rights’ activist fanatic… oh silly me, that’s you!

          29. barabie Avatar

            Oh is the daft mare pretending it isn’t hind legs? Haha it’s so obvious it’s her it sticks out like a sore thumb. No one else murders the English language like this daft mare.

        3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          Oh please enough already.

          1. man-o-war Avatar


          2. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            Was for the post 5hrs ago.. too long explanations about eternal bashings :))
            Why not resolve this matter in private emails.

          3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            Sorry it was for the post 20 hrs ago.. too long explanations about eternal bashings :)) Why not resolve this matter in private emails.

        4. barabie Avatar

          U still didn’t tell me what ur reasons were for posting the article.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            “My point was to highlight another sparkling moment in the Syrian civil war.”

        5. barabie Avatar

          U still didn’t tell me what ur reasons were for posting the article.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            “My point was to highlight another sparkling moment in the Syrian civil war.”

    2. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
      Comtessa di Alba

      He lived in Homs for 50 years was loved by Christians and Moslems, it takes canibals and beheader’s kind of balls.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        The murderers haven’t been caught yet or identified, as far as I know. I guess they would be the easy ones to point fingers at.

        1. Man O, its very clear what kind of animals would do such a thing. Just look at the past and you will see the present. Who other than these terrorist pigs would do such an act. And lets not forget that Barbie and that dickhead Btru2u support these animals.

          1. barabie Avatar

            Wasn’t it the hezzies that just admitted using roadside bombs in Israel? Lol

          2. Come back to me when you hear that HA have beheaded some innocent priest or a random innocent person. Or strapped one of their own with a bomb telling them that if they walk into a civilian populated area and blow themselves up taking innocent lives, they will be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven..Big difference wouldn’t you say.

          3. barabie Avatar

            Every time somebody presented u with something the hezbshaitan did that u didn’t like u would deny and blame mainstream media, Zionist, gulf Arabs, Martians for faking it. So I already know what ur response will be if I “come back” to u.
            Btw and u know what the suicide bombers were told because? If u r going to make stuff up at least make it believable.

          4. barabie Avatar

            Every time somebody presented u with something the hezbshaitan did that u didn’t like u would deny and blame mainstream media, Zionist, gulf Arabs, Martians for faking it. So I already know what ur response will be if I “come back” to u.
            Btw and u know what the suicide bombers were told because? If u r going to make stuff up at least make it believable.

          5. barabie Avatar

            Btw the group doing the beheading is sponsored by Iran and working with Assad hence why the real rebels r fighting them as well as fighting that murderous dictator.

          6. Lol, there is no more FSA. they are finished. They played the wrong card by inviting the terrorist to join them only to have them take over. Can you seriously not see that.

          7. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Is all terrorism created equal? Any preference over religious terrorism vs narco-terrorism? How do you feel about narco-terrorism? I mean drug-lords. Let’s take Pablo escobar for example… Is the world a better place because of him?

          8. To hell will anybody who harms innocent people whether it be through dealing drugs or killing innocent people like these animals who killed this poor priest. As for Pablo Escobar, he was nothing but a piece of shit who brought death to millions. The world is better of without this animal.

          9. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Ok, I see. So can you understand that in Colombia, there were western supported governments and hit-squads roaming around with western guns supported by western money and killing anything that looked like a threat to the western backed gov. How do you feel about them? Justified? Animals?

          10. Let stop this tit for tat and just get to your point.

          11. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Well, people that lived in the same area as pablo absolutely love him. he built schools, gave out food, etc….. So two points.
            1. in colombia, 3 groups, ruling elite and their dogs. Soviet / Cuban financed / influenced ‘guerrillas’, BOTH puppets of super-powers, both brainwashed into doing thinks their masters felt inconvenient to do themselves…. PLUS the vast majority of the population… the regular folk that kept cover or put-up with whatever…. Can you understand that in a conflict, there may be two disgusting opposing parties and some well meaning people caught in-between???
            2. Pablo might have done whatever to have his tribe or clan or village LOVE him… protect him, support him, but these simple villagers, do you think they have any concept about how evil and bad pablo was for the world in general???
            Even some of these simple villagers taught there kids… ‘don’t believe everything you hear, pablo was a good man, he built a school, he did this, he did that’… Now, the children of the villagers believe their parents and still lament pablo’s demise.

            So as you say above, pablo was an animal, but can you see how bizarre it is for some simple villagers and their descendants to support him??? If they only knew??? If they were only not so blinded…. Blah blah blah.

            Sound familiar??? Do you know anyone who loves an evil terrorist just because he did this or that for his tribe, put in some social system when there was not one before.. does this forgive world terrorism and many many innocent deaths? Worse yet, complicit with with some foreign puppet master that couldn’t give a crap about whatever, except they get their interests promoted???
            Sound familiar??? Can you see the absurdity???

          12. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            What’s Cuba got to do with Syria, it has no relevance.

          13. MaImequer0 Avatar

            shuussss you…

          14. barabie Avatar

            Lol Cuba? This mare is utterly daft.

          15. MaImequer0 Avatar

            AHHHHHHHHHHHHH… ‘utterly’……….. holy (&%(*%& that’s funny!

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Communist Concepts.

          17. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            We don’t need Communist Concepts from US back yard ๐Ÿ™‚

          18. I can understand and appreciate what you are saying. The power of money when dealing with misfortune people. It doesn’t change the fact what he really was. Now please don’t tell me you are comparing Pablo Escobar story to whats happening in the ME.

          19. barabie Avatar

            Not being rude but ur reply shows that u didn’t understand what mal was saying. Read it again and think about it for a while.

          20. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Well, good question… let’s see:
            Who n the ME runs a state within a state (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has their own private army (like pablo)
            Who in the ME hides in a cave / sewer and with protection of his ‘sect’ (like pablo)
            Who in the ME is regarded by many countries as a terrorist (like pablo)
            Who in the ME put in a social structure for their underprivileged sect (like pablo)
            Who in the ME won the hearts of their sect and infiltrated government (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has personal aspirations mixed in with a foreign country’s aspirations, willing to do foreigner’s dirty work in exchange for support (like pablo)
            Who in the ME did a few good things for their own sect but is disastrous on others (like pablo)
            Who would be best never to have been born (like pablo)
            Colombians in general dislike USA… despite this… USA waged a drug war against Colombia… Who in the ME had his own country people secretly cheering for for a disliked country when the disliked country went to war against him (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has his own personal interests way above anything else, especially national interest (like pablo)
            Who sells drugs for a living (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has got ‘followers’ that are totally oblivious to the negative impact on the world all because of a little brainwashing and hand-outs (like pablo)

            ***** So I don’t know… do I dare compare pablo to someone in the ME??? You tell me.

          21. barabie Avatar

            Wow that’s an excellent retort. R u a lawyer by any chance?

          22. MaImequer0 Avatar

            LOL.. nope, but I do ‘convince’ people for a living (just ask the daft mare).
            Thanks though… have a great evening !!

          23. barabie Avatar

            Looks like u have this debate under control. In gonna love u n leave u for now. I’m impressed btw.

          24. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Right, you’re going, I’m going… we work best together…. Have a great evening!

          25. Wow, what can say Mal. You pretty much summed up what Escobar was. However comparing HA to him is BS. The biggest and most fundamental difference between the two is Sayyed Hassan rules his people through love and respect. Escobar was an out right murderer and drug supplier whomkilled his own followers. Go watch one of many documentaries made about him.
            Everything thing else you wrote tells me it is actually you who is brainwashed by the media. Ask yourself Mal, who classifies HA a terrorist organisation.
            Why does HA have arms and as you claim is a state within a state. Maybe because our country is so corrupt with all the other assholes who are sucking it dry.
            Look at Tripoli for example. The useless army can’t even unarm a bunch of mercenaries who are holding the innocent hostage.
            You claim that he has brainwashed his followers, wow, what a smart man to able to brainwash all the Shites, the majority of the Christians and a lot of the Sunnis and the million abroad who love and respect him including many Jews from Israel.
            My friend, I can go on and on however, you have your opinion and I have mine. At the end of the day, nothing I can say can convince you otherwise and nothing you can say can convince me otherwise.

          26. barabie Avatar

            Wow that was a great example. Definitely made me stop and think. I await farq’s response with baited breath.

          27. Lol, tell me, what point was Mal trying to make? Did you really understand it??

          28. barabie Avatar

            I will give u a hint. Starts with h and is in the south

          29. You can’t seriously compare the two.

          30. barabie Avatar

            Ur reaction is exactly the point

          31. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            They don’t even understand each other, they give themselves likes boths communicate on hindi stories..seems to me.. very boring, see everybody leaves when they make their splashes, me too. Good night.

          32. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Well, people that lived in the same area as pablo absolutely love him. he built schools, gave out food, etc….. So two points.
            1. in colombia, 3 groups, ruling elite and their dogs. Soviet / Cuban financed / influenced ‘guerrillas’, BOTH puppets of super-powers, both brainwashed into doing thinks their masters felt inconvenient to do themselves…. PLUS the vast majority of the population… the regular folk that kept cover or put-up with whatever…. Can you understand that in a conflict, there may be two disgusting opposing parties and some well meaning people caught in-between???
            2. Pablo might have done whatever to have his tribe or clan or village LOVE him… protect him, support him, but these simple villagers, do you think they have any concept about how evil and bad pablo was for the world in general???
            Even some of these simple villagers taught there kids… ‘don’t believe everything you hear, pablo was a good man, he built a school, he did this, he did that’… Now, the children of the villagers believe their parents and still lament pablo’s demise.

            So as you say above, pablo was an animal, but can you see how bizarre it is for some simple villagers and their descendants to support him??? If they only knew??? If they were only not so blinded…. Blah blah blah.

            Sound familiar??? Do you know anyone who loves an evil terrorist just because he did this or that for his tribe, put in some social system when there was not one before.. does this forgive world terrorism and many many innocent deaths? Worse yet, complicit with with some foreign puppet master that couldn’t give a crap about whatever, except they get their interests promoted???
            Sound familiar??? Can you see the absurdity???

          33. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
            Comtessa di Alba

            What’s Cuba got to do with Syria, it has no relevance.

          34. MaImequer0 Avatar

            shuussss you…

          35. barabie Avatar

            Lol Cuba? This mare is utterly daft.

          36. I can understand and appreciate what you are saying. The power of money when dealing with misfortune people. It doesn’t change the fact what he really was. Now please don’t tell me you are comparing Pablo Escobar story to whats happening in the ME.

          37. barabie Avatar

            Not being rude but ur reply shows that u didn’t understand what mal was saying. Read it again and think about it for a while.

          38. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Well, good question… let’s see:
            Who n the ME runs a state within a state (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has their own private army (like pablo)
            Who in the ME hides in a cave / sewer and with protection of his ‘sect’ (like pablo)
            Who in the ME is regarded by many countries as a terrorist (like pablo)
            Who in the ME put in a social structure for their underprivileged sect (like pablo)
            Who in the ME won the hearts of their sect and infiltrated government (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has personal aspirations mixed in with a foreign country’s aspirations, willing to do foreigner’s dirty work in exchange for support (like pablo)
            Who in the ME did a few good things for their own sect but is disastrous on others (like pablo)
            Who would be best never to have been born (like pablo)
            Colombians in general dislike USA… despite this… USA waged a drug war against Colombia… Who in the ME had his own country people secretly cheering for for a disliked country when the disliked country went to war against him (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has his own personal interests way above anything else, especially national interest (like pablo)
            Who sells drugs for a living (like pablo)
            Who in the ME has got ‘followers’ that are totally oblivious to the negative impact on the world all because of a little brainwashing and hand-outs (like pablo)

            ***** So I don’t know… do I dare compare pablo to someone in the ME??? You tell me.

          39. barabie Avatar

            Wow that’s an excellent retort. R u a lawyer by any chance?

          40. MaImequer0 Avatar

            LOL.. nope, but I do ‘convince’ people for a living (just ask the daft mare).
            Thanks though… have a great evening !!

          41. barabie Avatar

            Wow that was a great example. Definitely made me stop and think. I await farq’s response with baited breath.

          42. Lol, tell me, what point was Mal trying to make? Did you really understand it??

          43. barabie Avatar

            I will give u a hint. Starts with h and is in the south

          44. You can’t seriously compare the two.

          45. barabie Avatar

            Ur reaction is exactly the point

          46. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sounds like a plan ….

          47. barabie Avatar

            Well finally u condemn hezbshaitan coz its common knowledge the bekaa region they control is marijuana heaven. And I personally know a couple of people who also get other drugs from the south of Lebanon, from u know who. So r u able to actually say out loud u condemn the hezzies for drug dealing?
            Btw Pablo was a good man just misunderstood. He gave the world a numbing time ๐Ÿ™‚

          48. So because Shites in the Bekaa region deal drugs, automatically they are HA.
            Just for you information, the ones who deal drugs are the Jaafari clan. Look it up.

          49. barabie Avatar

            I did look it up and the hezzies r drug dealers. That’s not denying the jafaaris also deal drugs but I said the area under hezbshaitan control is marijuana heaven.

          50. That’s where you are wrong, HA don’t control the whole area. Although the Jaafari clan and HA have a close affiliation due to obvious reasons, HA don’t control them. The Jaafari clan number in the thousands and are almost as powerful as HA in this area with guns, tanks and army type helicopters. I’ve been there and seen it first hand.
            Oh, and its nice to be exchanging with you without the abuse. -:))

          51. we had 10 years of blessed attempts by HA to “poison” israel with a steady flow of hashish..

          52. barabie Avatar

            I did look it up and the hezzies r drug dealers. That’s not denying the jafaaris also deal drugs but I said the area under hezbshaitan control is marijuana heaven.

          53. barabie Avatar

            Well finally u condemn hezbshaitan coz its common knowledge the bekaa region they control is marijuana heaven. And I personally know a couple of people who also get other drugs from the south of Lebanon, from u know who. So r u able to actually say out loud u condemn the hezzies for drug dealing?
            Btw Pablo was a good man just misunderstood. He gave the world a numbing time ๐Ÿ™‚

          54. barabie Avatar

            “To hell will anybody who harms innocent people”

            R u trying to say the hezzies haven’t harmed anyone innocent in Syria??

          55. Yes, I am saying that 100%. Because anybody who fighting against the Syrian government and has created this chaos is not innocent. .

          56. barabie Avatar

            So those children that were tortured and killed by the regime coz they “fought” against Assad weren’t innocent? Keep digging yourself into a hole.

          57. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Is all terrorism created equal? Any preference over religious terrorism vs narco-terrorism? How do you feel about narco-terrorism? I mean drug-lords. Let’s take Pablo escobar for example… Is the world a better place because of him?

          58. Can you please remind me who and how did the US Marins post was terorised in 1982 in Lebanon?

          59. Can you please remind me who and how did the US Marins post was terorised in 1982 in Lebanon?

        2. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          It never happened in Syria..the Catholic priest father Pierre Murad was beheaded, what a horrible death having to hear the sheering crowd.
          The two Orthodox Bishops kidnapped by the man on the fare right, a day before this picture are still missing, McCain who is Christian could have asked for their release since 2013.

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Wow, this has gotten you all worked up… should take a little break, have a laugh, a party, something to get your mind off it…. Actually, Formula One is coming to Bahrain… buy some tickets,,, go for it, let your hair down,,, enjoy.. I’m sure there will be lots of tasty snacks to munch on. etc……

        3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          It never happened in Syria..the Catholic priest father Pierre Murad was beheaded, what a horrible death having to hear the sheering crowd.
          The two Orthodox Bishops kidnapped by the man on the fare right, a day before this picture are still missing, McCain who is Christian could have asked for their release since 2013.

    3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
      Comtessa di Alba

      He lived in Homs for 50 years was loved by Christians and Moslems, it takes canibals and beheader’s kind of balls.

  8. Leborigine Avatar

    Lol, and no one saw that coming! How high is Mieh Mieh from sea level. Lets close the Mediterranean at Gibraltar and hope for some heavy rain.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Ohhh Leborigine …. I’m sure Germans could engineer that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Ohhh Leborigine …. I’m sure Germans could engineer that. ๐Ÿ™‚
      The Dutch have a certain knack for it too. :-)))

  9. HA is behind this so that they can get the LAF into subduing the camps in the interest of HA not having any armed rivals left in Lebanon.

  10. HA is behind this so that they can get the LAF into subduing the camps in the interest of HA not having any armed rivals left in Lebanon.

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