Infant death: School teacher leaves child in car all day


heat-stroke-mainA school teacher in the southern city of Sidon forgot her baby inside the car during the day, and returned hours later to find him dead.

The teacher โ€œhad forgottenโ€ to drop the infant at the daycare, before heading to her workplace.

While statistics are not reported in Lebanon, 43 children were killed in the U.S. last year due to heatstroke from being left in cars.

“F. S. finished her work at one of the city’s private schools, and when she returned to her car, she was shocked to find that her baby boy was still in the locked vehicle,โ€ the daily An Nahar reported on Tuesday.

Upon realizing that her boy has died, the mother had a nervous breakdown that required transferring her to a hospital in Sidon, the same source noted.




39 responses to “Infant death: School teacher leaves child in car all day”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Not the first in the world … probably won’t be the last.

  2. barabie Avatar

    Wtf!!! How sad ๐Ÿ™
    This is friggin unbelievable that ppl still do this. Happened here last year. Just friggin incredible that ppl r so stupid.

    1. Btru2u Avatar

      The child must have been thinking, “Why did mummy leave me here to die.”

      I cant believe nobody noticed, and why they did not not come to help the child.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        We like to believe there could, or should, have been that ‘chance’ salvation occur.
        But as we often see … ‘shit happens’. Especially to the defenceless.
        Humans, generally, are the least capable of self-survival, and their young least of all. As ‘societies’ they can set many rules to try to make the chances better … and yet too often there is a tendency to forget why a ‘rule’ was made in the first place – the care needed to survive on a planet with no forgiveness. We are left with ‘chance’ in the basics.
        In a recent ‘study’ of these events – which occur in cars to a larger extent, since it’s our portable oven or freezer on wheels – the idea has come to mind that the ‘busy-ness’ of the modern (citified) society sets up the conditions in the mind of the parent to forget the one small but necessary rule – never leave a child.
        It is replaced by the artificial ‘need’ to get to work ‘on time’ … while thinking about driving in crazy traffic … thinking of dozens of other things needed to be done that day or week … confused by thoughts of how, or when … and maybe answering a phone on top of it all to distract entirely from all the other things. AND SO, on occasion, the ‘routine’ of dropping the child FIRST seems, in the over-filled-mind which ‘skips’ a groove, to have been done and the parent carries on with the rest of the established routine. (distraction)
        Meanwhile, ‘society’ has strapped the child into a seat where it has learned to promptly fall asleep with the rhythm of the car since it can’t do anything else. (they often used to ‘play’ back there … now we made them conveniently ‘safe’ … and can’t put them beside us either without risk of a ticket.)
        Parking the car is the last ‘big task’ before running for the office door to be ‘on time’. Parent jumps out without looking around to at least be sure doors are locked, since there’s an ‘automatic’ device (often in hand) to do it with, and runs.
        The mind settles into the next ‘routine’ comfortably – a clock will tell it when that’s done.
        Tragedy happens in the perhaps tinted-window sun-baked oven where a body stays sleeping while over-heating past the liveable state – strapped in place. There is no ‘chance’. Society set up the conditions … and the mother’s mind skipped ONE routine.
        Devastating … to her … and affecting the rest of her life.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ‘Society’ …. in it’s infinite techie wisdom … will first put a label on the top of an un-used sun-shade to say: ‘Before exiting car, look all around in it to check for babys or other animals’ … then eventually come up with a device to scan the interior before allowing a sweet mechanical voice to say: ‘You may exit vehicle now’.
          After a few hundred people are knocked off by exiting into traffic it will need to scan the exterior too, of course. And then, when those devices don’t work properly, people can sue car manufacturers for everything bad that happens to them when they follow instructions.

        2. Btru2u Avatar

          I am tending to think this is murder. There is no way a mother could forget her baby . I bet she remembered her handbag, and looked at the baby whilst turning to get it. This case should not be dismissed so easily.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Btru2u … it has happened rather often in many places. To animals too.
            Heat prostration can even happen to babies or small children while driving, actually, when there’s no AC … even with windows open in hot places. Yes, we need to watch them all the time. But, many minds over-cluttered with things, DO forget. Not everyone can memorize a Koran, try to apply it to every second of a life, and then remember how to tie a shoelace. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. IraniAngel Avatar

    i’m back bitches :))) how r u all doing bithcy bitches. i see u r still bitching like u have always bitched. Me myself started missing bitching with u guys ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. cook2half Avatar


      ya hows life? im back in Haifa now

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Better than Haifa I’m sure. :-))))

        1. cook2half Avatar

          LOLOLOL. Its extremely relaxing here. Next week im visiting Jerusalem

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh my …. cookie … you’re not going to go ‘religious’ on us now, are you?? :-O

          2. cook2half Avatar

            No no no. Settler bums and fakestinians are not my cup of tea

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Better than Haifa I’m sure. :-))))

        1. cook2half Avatar

          LOLOLOL. Its extremely relaxing here. Next week im visiting Jerusalem

      3. IraniAngel Avatar

        LG (life’s good) hhhh noooo i never got the chance to visit u in london
        btw u never replied to my mail i sent u ages ago

        1. cook2half Avatar

          You sent me an email? I dont think I received it…

          1. cook2half Avatar

            Logged in again, nothing. Ill repost it – clintonbear7(at)gmail(dot)com

          2. IraniAngel Avatar

            ok i will do that

          3. cook2half Avatar

            Check if this is the email you used before to message me ๐Ÿ˜›

          4. IraniAngel Avatar

            i am pretty sure i typed it correctly

          5. cook2half Avatar

            Hmm thats weird, I also checked the spam section and nothing there. Ill see if I get anything now

          6. IraniAngel Avatar

            i tell u what, imma sign up for a gmail later today maybe that wud help

          7. cook2half Avatar

            Ok! sounds good. I had a hotmail address from when I wad 13 but forgot the pass pfffft lol

          8. IraniAngel Avatar

            ๐Ÿ™‚ but do u think thats the prob? i sent u a mail from my hotmail account

          9. cook2half Avatar

            I have no idea. But deffo gmail to gmail is worth a try

          10. IraniAngel Avatar

            inchallah later today ๐Ÿ™‚ imma catcha later

          11. cook2half Avatar


          12. cook2half Avatar


          13. IraniAngel Avatar

            i tell u what, imma sign up for a gmail later today maybe that wud help

          14. barabie Avatar

            Can u and irani go get a room. This is not the place for ur love making

          15. cook2half Avatar

            I love everyone

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            MMmmm .. but it could be, Barabie … (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) …
            The boys wouldn’t look …. ;-))

  4. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Poor baby. May he rest in peace.

  5. Constantin7 Avatar

    What a tragedy ! This woman will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

  6. Constantin7 Avatar

    What a tragedy ! This woman will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

  7. Constantin7 Avatar

    What a tragedy. People are so busy to make a living that they forget the living.
    Poor woman…she’ll probably feel guilty for the rest of her life.
    Not sure how I got double posted?….Is there a way to cancel a message ?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Only by editing back to one letter it seems … they don’t want you to have control of eliminating something you may have said and could be hung for in future. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Constantin7 Avatar

    What a tragedy. People are so busy to make a living that they forget the living.
    Poor woman…she’ll probably feel guilty for the rest of her life.
    Not sure how I got double posted?….Is there a way to cancel a message ?

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