Israel’s air force struck a number of Syrian targets


israeli fighter jets

Israel’s air force struck a number of Syrian military and security targets connected to the blast that injured four Israeli soldiers on Tuesday, the IDF Spokesman said early on Wednesday , Haaretz newspaper has just reported .

The targets, which included military headquarters, artillery batteries and a training base belonging to the Syrian military, “enabled and aided in the carrying out of Tuesday’s terror attacks,” the IDF statement read and added: “The IDF retains the right to act in any way and at any time it sees fit to protect the citizens of Israel.”

The strikes were carried out in the Syrian part of the Golan Heights, the spokesman said.

Four Israeli soldiers were wounded by a bomb that hit their jeep in the Golan Heights near the Syrian border on Tuesday afternoon.

Israeli soldiers prepare to evacuate a comrade injured in a blast on the occupied Golan Heights. -AFP Photo
Israeli soldiers prepare to evacuate a comrade injured in a blast on the occupied Golan Heights. -AFP Photo
Three of the wounded soldiers were in light and moderate condition and a fourth sustained serious injuries. They were evacuated to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa for treatment.

The blast that hit the Israeli army jeep was apparently caused by a roadside bomb planted near the border fence in Majdal Shams.

An initial investigation revealed that the soldiers had approached the border after suspicious figures were seen from the lookout tower. An explosive device was detonated when the soldiers exited the jeep.



28 responses to “Israel’s air force struck a number of Syrian targets”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Rambam-a-lam-a-ding-dong. Here we go ….

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      They only bombing yensoun warehouses so no one else can make sweet arak, outside of Israel.

  2. Please respect the community. Comments that contain personal attacks or inappropriate language will be removed????

    An award of Hypocrisy to YALIBNAN, are you one impotent organization, drunk at the wheel? how do you explain reading all this filth and verbal assault among members and DO NOTHING? IT IS YOUR POLICY ABOVE!! IS IT NOT???? or could it be that you sell your soul and the integrity of your reputation in exchange for any quality traffic to cash in on advertisers? yes Yalibnan shame on you!!! SHAME ON YOU YALIBNAN!!

  3. Constantin7 Avatar

    This is exactly what I warned about earlier. So this bomb in the Golan planted by the Syrian opposition managed in dragging Israel to strike against the Syrian army, and this is exactly what the syrian opposition and the wahhabis/salafis wanted. So strategically Israel is now aligned with the terrorists/Saudi Arabia/Alquaeda.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Only because soldiers were wounded.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Intent to kill though.. just saying.

    2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Well Constantin during the gulf war between Iraq and Iran the US was on the sideline. So Saddam ordered the shooting at one of the navy ship that killed 36 sailors. Iran was accused of the bombing even though it was well known that Saddam gangs were behind it. The US responded with great help to Saddam and it may have tipped the war in his favor then.. The Shiites in the South used to Shoot at Israeli borders because they wanted the latter to attack the PLO. The PLO were basically then controlling the and harrassing the Shiites community. so it pays off sometimes to get your enemy involved..

  4. cook2half Avatar

    Probably worth annexing more territory from Syria

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Which only creates another ‘border’ to plant land mines on cookie. Would be better to stay away from the fence … let the UN troops take the flak. (instead of targeting them … 😉

      1. cook2half Avatar

        lol UN troops, those morons who started fleeing when the Syrian war broke out like the Austrians (isnt their purpose of being there in case a war happens?), or how about the ones in south Lebanon who let Hezbollah move back in and rearm despite resolution 1701.

        And now after all that Kerry thinks Israel is stupid enough to bring in “international forces” i.e. a bunch of incompetent Filipinos to guard the Jordan Valley

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wrong. They NEVER have the ‘mandate’ to be ‘correctors’ of the depravity. They are there to ‘observe’ and ‘negotiate’. Different training required.
          But they DO follow ‘orders’. (even sit in a hut to be shelled by Israelis)
          Read a book named: ‘Shake Hands With The Devil’.
          Then read what happened when Canada, having run out of the trained ‘peace-keepers’ because they were spread to so many places, stupidly (perhaps) sent a regiment of ‘trained killers’ instead to ‘keep peace’. They DID NOT take any shit. 😉
          Unfortunately (and many think, disgracefully) this resulted in a crack regiment being disbanded. Weird ‘liberal-think’ there, I suspect.

          ‘Orders’ for soldiers come from much higher up a food-chain.
          Good soldiers do what they are trained to do.

          1. cook2half Avatar

            lolol negotiate between pure enemies ya forgot the UN is all kumbaya and rainbows

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Which is why I think the UN should give up trying, vacate the ‘blue zone’ and just ‘let ’em go’ to it. Lost enough peacekeepers as it is. And VOILA – Somalia North.

    2. MekensehParty Avatar

      They need to teach them Hebrew first..

      1. cook2half Avatar

        Oh no Arabic is an official language there

  5. wargame1 Avatar

    Those targets were major arms depots which fall in to FSA hand so Israel had no choice but to bomb them. We have seen similar attack in the past. When ever the major arms depot fall in to FSA hand Israel come running to rescue Assad. Israel is also concerned about those long range missile which can reach Israel. Israel will try hard to keep Assad in power.

    1. cook2half Avatar

      LOLOLOL were weapons inside Lebanon bombed by Israel also destined for Syrian rebels pfft

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        Yes. Israel do not want to see any long range missile around. The situation is vulnerable and it can fall in to the wrong hand so they make sure that it doesnt exist. Ask yourself why Israel is bombing those arms depot now? For the last 40 years Israel never attacked Iran and let Hezbushitan invade Lebanon. Israel never bombed Syrian arms depot before the Syrian uprising. You will believe it when you will see Assad is running towards Israeli border and get killed on the way

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Israel bombed these targets in retaliation for its soldiers being injured.

          Why only now Israel started bombing targets? because Assad is in no position to retaliate and so its perfect time to stop arms going to hezbushaitan.

          All who are treated in Israeli hospitals are opposition fighters or civilians loyal to the revolution, not a single assad dog.

  6. We are sorry that the SAA and HA cannot currently respond to the IAF since they are currently busy trying to kill off Arab Sunni Muslims in Qalamoun.

    1. cook2half Avatar

      Can you please not delete your comment? lol………..

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I think they are running out of ‘parts’ anyway – barrels from helicopters seem a little crude.

  7. Reasonableman Avatar

    Conclusion: nobody was injured, Plenty more battery chargers and dry land to bomb especially now that russia has full control of the black sea where they manufacture their weapons.
    Now we wait for the line ” we will respond when we see fit” line by assad and lackeys.
    no need for further comments.

  8. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Another form of propaganda, be it political, media, war, the truth is obscured because people blindly follow whoever they are told to follow. The axis of evil starts in Israel and ends in iran. And they have full support and cooperation from all surrounding government leaders Jordon, S.A and Turkey for example.

  9. MekensehParty Avatar

    قال بوغدانوف: “كان لي لقاء في بيروت مع محمد رعد وحسن نصر الله، حيث اجتمعت مع الأخير في منتصف الليل، واستمر الاجتماع حتى الساعة الثالثة فجراً. قال لي إن الأصدقاء في سوريا هم الذين يحتاجون السلاح الآن، وتستطيعون أن تنقلوا للإسرائيليين أن أهدأ مكان في الدنيا هو على الحدود اللبنانية الجنوبية، لأن كل اهتمامنا منصب على ما يجري في سوريا، وأنه لا توجد لدينا نية لفعل شيء في هذه المنطقة (الحدود اللبنانية – الإسرائيلية). أدركت أن هذا لمصلحة إسرائيل، لأن اهتمام حزب الله تحول إلى سوريا بدلاً من إسرائيل فقط، وأنه أصبحت موارد حزب الله تستنزف في معارك سوريا”.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Hasan also gave Bogdanov an envelope for Bibi inviting him to his birthday
      Ashraf annas

  10. cook2half Avatar

    End Syria’s occupation of Jewish Land! Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased nearly 80,000 dunams (30 miles sq.) of land consisting of 16 villages in southern Syria for Jewish settlement.” This was donated to the state of Israel and all this was confiscated and stolen by the Syrian government. So I think that it is Syria who is occupying illegally jewish land.

  11. Jews call for Jihad against Israel

    Hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) crowded into the centre of Jerusalem in Palestine on 2 March to protest against mandatory armed service. They turned Jerusalem into a sea of black hats, white shirts, and long beards. Even women were asked to join, though they stood apart from the men, in segregated groups along the periphery of the crowd of around 500,000 in what was the reportedly one of the biggest crowds assembled in Jerusalem. Flyers with protest slogans littered the streets, and young boys held up signs that declared in English and Hebrew, “The Israeli Government harshly persecutes and tramples observant Jews!” and “You created the problem by establishing the State of Israel. Don’t ask us to fix it by joining the IDF!”

    Since Israel’s illegal founding in 1948, the ultra-Orthodox – who make up about 8% of occupying Israel’s 8 million citizens – have largely been allowed to avoid military service (which required conscript of any citizen or permanent resident once s/he hits 18) in order to pursue religious studies. In contrast, most secular Zionist men perform three years of compulsory service. They see compulsory military service as a form of religious persecution, denying them the right to practice and pulling them toward a more secular lifestyle. The Israeli Supreme Court declared the exemption illegal on the grounds of inequality and this was made law on 12 March 2014 when a vote passed 67-1 in the 120-member Knesset. Opposition lawmakers – all 52 of them – were absent, boycotting the vote to protest what they said were strong-arm tactics by the ruling coalition.

    A lot of the occupying Israel’s Jewish population pretty much resents the ultra-Orthodox community. Hasidic Jews believe in a form of ultra-Orthodox Judaism that originated in 18th century Europe. Early Zionism was actually opposed by Hasidic Jews because of what they see as Zionism’s tendency to champion secularism, and the belief that Jews made a promise with God not to establish a state in Israel using force. So obviously they’re not all that happy with how things have gone since Israel’s formation. One of the largest anti-Zionist sects, the Satmar, has large communities in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Stamford Hill, London. The Satmar are so thoroughly opposed to the occupying Israeli state that they accept no monetary aid from the government. One of their religious leaders, Rabi Ahron recently declared a “jihad against the Israeli government.” He said “We aren’t afraid of beating and whipping, we’re not afraid to sit in jail, we are ready to sacrifice ourselves… We must launch a holy war towards safeguarding the bochrim.. We are going to battle this with no compromises”.

    Further, a 20-year-old Hasidic Satmar from the UK, namely Yakov, has stated that “it’s better to convert to Islam than join the army.” He explained, “At least then you’re still monotheistic. In the army, you’re worshipping the state.” Yakov is against any interference in what he calls a “pure” way of life. For him, being Hasidic means living a life full of prayer. He says that he has a closer connection to God by abiding to strict rules and daily rituals that fill his life with deep satisfaction and meaning.

    Under the new law, the army would be required to draft an increasing number of ultra-Orthodox Jews each year, with the goal of enlisting 5,200 ultra-Orthodox soldiers – roughly 60% of those of draft age – by mid-2017. The occupying state of Israel would grant financial incentives to religious seminaries that sent their students to the army. If the ultra-Orthodox community does not meet that quota by then, the law calls for mandatory service for ultra-Orthodox Jews and criminal sanctions for draft-dodgers.

    It remains to be seen whether the orthodoxy will challenge the law but one thing is certain, there is a clear conflict between religious Jews and secular Zionists.

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