Russia islolated over veto of U.N. resolution on Crimea


US russian UN repsRussia has vetoed a U.N. resolution declaring Sunday’s referendum on the future of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula illegal, but its close ally China abstained in a show of Moscow’s isolation.

Supporters of the U.S.-sponsored resolution knew that Russia would use its veto. But they put the resolution to a vote Saturday morning to show the strength of opposition to Moscow’s takeover of Crimea. The 13 other council members voted “yes.”

The resolution would have reaffirmed the council’s commitment to Ukraine’s “sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity.”

Supporters of Ukraine’s territorial integrity had hoped to demonstrate the strength of opposition to Russia’s takeover and possible annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in the vote.

The resolution would also have declared that Sunday’s referendum on whether Crimea should become part of Russia “can have no validity, and cannot form the basis for any alteration of the status of Crimea.”

U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power said the resolution is aimed at “showing the extent of Russia’s isolation as it pursues a non-peaceful path.”

The draft resolution also urged all parties “to pursue immediately the peaceful resolution of this dispute through direct political dialogue,” to protect the rights of minorities in Ukraine.

China is very sensitive to the issue of territorial integrity because of Tibet and other restive areas, and China’s U.N. Ambassador Liu Jieyi reiterated Beijing’s support again Thursday for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and for not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs.

The Security Council has held six meetings on Ukraine in less than two weeks but has been unable to take any action because of Russia’s veto power.

A six-hour meeting in London Friday between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov failed to delay the referendum.

Lavrov said Moscow will make no decisions about Crimea’s future, including whether to embrace it as a new territory, until after Sunday’s vote, but Kerry said the results are all but a foregone conclusion, and urged Russia’s parliament against accepting any offer to claim Crimea as its own.

Photo: U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power talks with her Russian counterpart, Vitaly Churkin, before a vote on a resolution on Ukraine during a U.N. Security Council emergency meeting on March 15, 2014. / Emmanuel Dunand, AFP/Getty Images

USA Today



10 responses to “Russia islolated over veto of U.N. resolution on Crimea”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Samantha Power … the value of a woman … walk up to the idiot and lay it on him. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    You go Samantha. kick the bastard in the groin area.. show him what bullying is all about..

    1. But yet we seem to keep forgetting all the bullying the US has done and is still doing. One photo Nagy shows jack.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        But … it showed POWER !! :-)))))

        1. It showed Jack 5th, Russia is still going ahead. And the US needs to buy a box of tissues to wipe its tears while it sits in the corner and cry’s on mamma’s.shoulders.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Should I be the ‘first and only’ to comment again? It disappeared …… Oh well, give it a shot.

    THERE is the ‘Power’ of a woman … walk right up to an idiot and give him a piece of her mind.
    Churkin sits there with the astonished look on his face, thinking:
    ‘Can she talk to me that way? A WOMAN ?? And what happened to ‘politically correct’ at the UN??? Can a cop drag her away or something???? What is the world coming to????’
    The guys chuckling in the background understand his angst … although they would never do it.
    Need more women politicians in there and in Lebanon.
    They might not get any more ‘right’ of course … but it could be more entertaining. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Can’t comment here … someone doesn’t like women??

  5. Vladislav Feldman Avatar
    Vladislav Feldman

    Most of Ukraine is Russian speaking for the last 200 years. Most Russian speakers support Russia, but Yanukoviches thievery knows no bounds, even higher than Timoshenko. In reality corruption and bribery is the norm in Ukraine and it is socialy acceptable, but the thieves who are in government must be reasonable and charge smaller bribes. As it is at the moment everything is 20 – 40% premium because of bribery (monopolies are sold to bussinesman for different goods from cars , mobile phones,etc). Ukranians are united in all wanting to pay smaller bribes (like in Georgia).

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Wow … Lebanon didn’t get to those %age levels yet … even if they are trying … ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Leborigine Avatar

    It all has come down to this lol

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