Assad hiding WMDs in Alawite enclave, report


syria map latakiaAs the removal of Syria’s chemical stockpile drags on, President Bashar al-Assad has been accused of stockpiling advanced weaponry – including chemical and biological arms – in the heartland of his Alawite sect, according to The Sunday Times this week.

The The Sunday Times report, which relies on Israeli and Syrian sources, claims that Iranian and North Korean experts are helping the regime upgrade its chemical weapons, and that Assad’s regime has chosen to keep the chemical and biological weapons in case Syria is split into several parts .

The report comes as fears grow after the Syrian regime missed a deadline to hand over all his chemical weapons for destruction. A second deadline may also be missed, a source speaking to the newspaper said. “Syria has given up only about 4 percent of its chemical weapons arsenal, will miss this week’s deadline to send all toxic agents abroad for destruction, and probably will miss the June 30 deadline when the entire 1,300 tons of lethal chemical weapons were due to be destroyed,” one of the sources was quoted as saying to The Sunday Times.

Sources believe that some of the weapons, particularly chemical warheads for missiles and artillery shells, are being hidden along the coast around Latakia up to the Turkish border. “Down the line, Assad is doomed,” an unnamed Russian expert told The Times. “His plan B, C, and D is to retreat to the Alawite enclave and try to protect the Alawite community.”

An Israeli military intelligence source told the newspaper that Assad has recently stepped up efforts to guard the enclave.

β€œThis region is now totally fortified and isolated from the rest of Syria … The most advanced weapons manufactured in Syria and imported from Russia are kept there,” the source was quoted as saying.

Last week , the second Geneva conference drew to a close with no solution to stop the violence in Syria.

The Alawites represent about 12% of the Syrian population of about 22 million.

Al Arabiya



88 responses to “Assad hiding WMDs in Alawite enclave, report”

  1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    he is as dumb as he looks.

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    A one year food supply for those alawites in that region would be much better than the stockpile of WMD.

  3. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Article sources: Ynet 2.2.14 Israel and Israel owned Sunday Times say:
    *Assad is doomed ; an unamed Russian expert – *
    Time of London quotes – Israeli and Russian- (more official) sources as saying:
    *Syrian leader helped by North Correa and Iran.* (axes of evil)

    *..and probably will miss the June deadline..*

    So we MUST invade before Assad meets his deadline, a child can find it funny..I wouldn’t believe a thing Netanyahu and Israel says..Netanuahu goeged GWBush into War with Iraq with false intel. After 4 War invasions, this same trick is becoming a running gag. The treath to World Peace is Israel, now allied with the other treath to World peace, the Saoudis

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      Found two more for you to add to your collection. No edit needed. The one on the right looks more like a gorrila.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        But.. i collect only beautiful things…

        1. I guess I dont fit in your collection any more Hind. this is what I look like πŸ™

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Very funny, no i won’t take it i preffer the birds :))

          2. Sorry I was not being completely honest, that was me 10 years ago, oh well, no chance of getting a hug from barabie either, I see a downey arrow from her….too bad cause I am married but available :):)…..running for my helmet and a shelter now.

          3. Birds of a feather flock together! I can’t believe I gave u respect and trust and all u did was betray and connive. It is really sad coz I honestly from the bottom of my heart liked u and wanted to believe u were fair and honest but u have proven over and over that to not be the case. Good luck with ur racist idiotic hind legs

          4. Barabie, please think this over and a little slower. First and formost I am sorry if offended and hurt you, I know that you have a warm side to me and I think you know that deep inside I am a friend too. I have a sense of humor that you are not used to but please know that I make fun of myself and never mention anyone else in a negative manner, if I include others as I do of the prophetttt it is done to laugh together as friends. If you know me better you would be certain that I only joke with people I feel I can be friends with. my record holds up as someone who does not partake in the failures of politics and sectarianism. if I am friendly to others it is not based on agreement with their political views. If you want to continue talking let me know, I dont want to hurt or offend you ,,,never did !!

          5. Brother don’t worry about her and you don’t need to explain yourself. Some people just don’t know how to take a joke. If need someone to pay out on in the name of fun, by all means. I am more than happy to be on the receiving end.

          6. Bless your heart Farq. I do appreciate you!

          7. Bro, you deserve every nice thing said about you.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (one more coconut for the pool ….)

          9. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Bless your heart Farq. I do appreciate you!

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (one more coconut for the pool ….)

          11. Oh no Farq2 you don’t want to be the receiving end of Geo’s straightforwardness as prophet put it, he might hurt you …:)

          12. Prophettttt Avatar

            lol.ya chouf man.

          13. Brother, at least I will know where I stand with him. -:))))

          14. Oh no Farq2 you don’t want to be the receiving end of Geo’s straightforwardness as prophet put it, he might hurt you …:)

          15. Prophettttt Avatar

            lol.ya chouf man.

          16. Prophettttt Avatar

            Are you who I think you are?

          17. Brother, you are on the money. You really are the Prophet. How have you been my friend. Hope you and the family are doing well brother. I very glad you are participating again. You truly have been missed.

          18. Prophettttt Avatar

            Farq2,Thank you for the kind thoughts and words. All is well here
            Hope you and yours are well too. As for my participation,It’s limited to the fun part (no more politics for me),and especially when my dear friend Geo keeps getting in trouble. I do find it amusing that He keeps getting in trouble with fine ladies of yalibnan.I guess that’s what happens to good looking guys. LOL

          19. Yep. old Geo sure is a ladies man. Well it should be no surprise, he does have a way with birds. I’m glad your doing well.

          20. Prophettttt Avatar

            Calling him old Geo may get you in trouble with the fine ladies of yaliban.

          21. Shit, your right, what the hell was I thinking. Well, I better prepare myself for some abuse. lol

          22. The man is looking for some strange, nothing wrong with that Prophettttttttt. Even 70+ chicks like to get laid…:) opps that is age discrimination.

          23. The man is looking for some strange, nothing wrong with that Prophettttttttt. Even 70+ chicks like to get laid…:) opps that is age discrimination.

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Cry me a river geo.. you’re too nice she’s a major manipulator she knows how because you are good, she dares say; “i trusted youuu and all you did is betray and connive…and honestly from the bottom of my heaaarth i liked youuu and wanted to belieeave you were faiiir and honeeest…etecetera…
            (while she calls me stupid cow).
            Good luck with uuur racist and idiotic hind legs” is that porn? What a drama!!
            Is this a bed forrum?

            I will be SStraigthforward as the Prophettttt said.
            You started this geo, i know with a noble intention, that it hurts, you wanted
            me to talk to her while i felt something sick on first post she adressed me, and
            told her ‘you make me puke’. First time in my life i say this. And don’t ever adress me’..geo you should have let my instints, her good intentions for me, it was a mark of invasiveness and i run away from these people, i was rigth, she had just arrived it has been hell since, so i hug hug you πŸ™‚ Now please stop the bus and let me out.

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, actually Hind … in mulling over the ‘bed forum’ concept with The Glen … I was thinking, since we don’t seem to be finding any answers to getting Lebanon on a better or right track, and since we are all such ‘friends’ anyway …
            Geo’s POOL would be a great place to ‘meet and greet’ in the most natural ways ;-), and he says it’s warm and comfortable enough for everyone. :-))
            Huggies …

          26. Happy thought 5th, meeting you is on the bucket list :)) my cooking is as good as my trouble making, the birds are worse than I mentioned f you make it down you will see why I am not normal…look forward to it πŸ™‚

          27. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Seriously, a contemplation … if I DARE to expend the ‘angst and energy’ to get past all the recent ‘security’ downers one faces thanks to the various self-demoltion jerks … I hear it’s worse than we suspect as the Canuk gov’t kisses Uncle’s Ass – Sam even wants my first-born’s ‘Income Tax’ numbers and what gum he chews if I dare attempt entry. πŸ™ Going to Lebanon is gentler on the ‘free & private feelings’ … at least, until leaving Beirut airport. :-)))

          28. Have you ever been to florida 5th? when I used to visit on vacation I thought it was paradise if only it had mountains, since I moved here all I ever do is work 24/7 and trust me for less than for what locals get on welfare staying home watching decay of society reality shows. I preserve my sanity by massive distractions but when I do stop and look around there is a lot to appreciate about where I live. wild life alone is something to appreciate.

          29. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hi Geo. And yes, did the ‘Disney & Canaveral’ Experien$$e (in a less-stressful ‘what-is-a-Muslim’-time-period’ πŸ˜‰ with wife and kids packed in a van – rented a ‘safe condo’ barely above water in a walled-in ‘safe community’ with an unheated community pool to splash around in – and a guard on a gate. The locals immediately said ‘You must be Canadians’ because the kids thought it was great and we had it to ourselves. I watched out for alligators … while the kids turned blue in the water. I told them if they wanted to see Disney again, they could bring their own kids, :-))))
            But I was a ‘camping freak’ – went through 2 vans – coast to coast north and south of the 79th. Kids got some education whether they wanted it or not.
            (VERY LITTLE democracy until age 17 … hehehehe)
            Did NOT see EVERY State or every nook and cranny – Saw some of every Province – it’s a big continent … early discoveries showed that Yankees don’t know what ‘camping’ really is … hard to drive tent-pegs in a paved ‘camp-site’ made for a shiny-metal Airstream … Better in Canada, just don’t put food in a tent – it attracts bears. ‘Survival Lessons’ from ‘Dad’ were not always appreciated, especially in far-north areas …. hehehe … and you know how wives can raise an eyebrow … sometimes I had to give in. (Girls in Van – tough guys in tent; Motel 6 in USA WITH warm showers – although nothing wakes one faster than the quick splash of clean water from a glacier-fed river or cool lakes at the edge of the tree-line.) ;-))))
            Memories from a time and place of no restrictions on ‘adventures in paradise’ – beyond what a wallet could produce, of course. A time when ‘driving’ was ‘half the fun’ and kept us ‘free’. When the kids escaped the dictatorship by getting summer jobs, the adventures devolved to ‘fly and rent-a-car’ expeditions. Some places in the world, and perhaps advancing age, require different survival lessons. I didn’t return to Florida. Yet. :-)))))

          30. 5thDrawer Avatar

            P.S. The ‘above’ may be the reason I never got ‘my car’ finished. Hmmmm ….

          31. Good morning 5th, thanks for sharing the memories, were you restoring something in the garage I should know about? tail wagging πŸ˜‰

          32. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes … still a little dream … but I have to go out … will leave you panting … ;-)))

          33. Wooo WOOF!! Have a nice day πŸ™‚

          34. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Seriously, a contemplation … if I DARE to expend the ‘angst and energy’ to get past all the recent ‘security’ downers one faces thanks to the various self-demoltion jerks … I hear it’s worse than we suspect as the Canuk gov’t kisses Uncle’s Ass – Sam even wants my first-born’s ‘Income Tax’ numbers and what gum he chews if I dare attempt entry. πŸ™ Going to Lebanon is gentler on the ‘free & private feelings’ … at least, until leaving Beirut airport. :-)))

          35. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Have you ever been to florida 5th? when I used to visit on vacation I thought it was paradise if only it had mountains, since I moved here all I ever do is work 24/7 and trust me for less than for what locals get on welfare staying home watching decay of society reality shows. I preserve my sanity by massive distractions but when I do stop and look around there is a lot to appreciate about where I live. wild life alone is something to appreciate.

          36. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hi Geo. And yes, did the ‘Disney & Canaveral’ Experien$$e (in a less-stressful ‘what-is-a-Muslim’-time-period’ πŸ˜‰ with wife and kids packed in a van – rented a ‘safe condo’ barely above water in a walled-in ‘safe community’ with an unheated community pool to splash around in – and a guard on a gate. The locals immediately said ‘You must be Canadians’ because the kids thought it was great and we had the pool to ourselves. I watched out for alligators … while the kids turned blue in the water. I told them if they wanted to see Disney again, they could bring their own kids, :-))))
            But I was a ‘camping freak’ – went through 2 vans – coast to coast north and south of the 79th. Kids got some education whether they wanted it or not.
            (VERY LITTLE democracy until age 17 … hehehehe)
            Did NOT see EVERY State or every nook and cranny – Saw some of every Province – it’s a big continent … early discoveries showed that Yankees don’t know what ‘camping’ really is … hard to drive tent-pegs in a paved ‘camp-site’ made for a shiny-metal Airstream … Better in Canada, just don’t put food in a tent – it attracts bears. ‘Survival Lessons’ from ‘Dad’ were not always appreciated, especially in far-north areas …. hehehe … and you know how wives can raise an eyebrow … sometimes I had to give in. (Girls in Van – tough guys in tent; Motel 6 in USA WITH warm showers – although nothing wakes one faster than the quick splash of clean water from a glacier-fed river or cool lakes at the edge of the tree-line.) ;-))))
            Memories from a time and place of no restrictions on ‘adventures in paradise’ – beyond what a wallet could produce, of course. A time when ‘driving’ was ‘half the fun’ and kept us ‘free’. When the kids escaped the dictatorship by getting summer jobs, the adventures devolved to ‘fly and rent-a-car’ expeditions. Some places in the world, and perhaps advancing age, require different survival lessons. I didn’t return to Florida. Yet.
            Somehow, The Med felt ‘warmer’ – the others did not always come with me.

          37. 5thDrawer Avatar

            P.S. The ‘above’ may be the reason I never got ‘my car’ finished. Hmmmm ….

          38. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Good morning 5th, thanks for sharing the memories, were you restoring something in the garage I should know about? tail wagging πŸ˜‰

          39. man-o-war Avatar

            “Huggies”, no diapers in the pool! ; )

          40. Prophettttt Avatar

            Barabie, You totally overreacted to geo’s sense of humor. There is no way geo would have meant to hurt you or device you ,or anyone, for that matter. Having yo navigate all the landmines between you and hind was and still is a challenge to everyone. Having met geo personally, I know that He has no bad bone in his body. He could not have been disrespectfull to you . I can see how you could have misunderstood his humor,and you should’ve been careful before you passed such a judgment on him.I don’t beat around the bush,I just tell it as it is,and I hope you can understand my straightforwardness.

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You got 2 hugs from barbie.. one hatred downy for Hind for wishing peace to geo, another when geo adresses Hind..and lots of hugs in any post between geo and Hind.. a love upsy to the guy who calls me whore.. say’s he want to kill me…she calls “nagy” :))

          42. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup … it’s like ‘cats ‘n dogs’ in here sometimes. :-))

          43. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I always miss out on the action, not fair guys.

          44. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah well, you will have YOUR turn, I’m sure … ;-)))

          45. Nice photo πŸ™‚ Thanks for not getting mad at me too Hind, I promise to behave till next tuesday, till then I hope the contents here will be less offensive than hugs, Happy suicide bombings,civil wars, hidden wmds, barrel bombings,failed peace talks, and all the usual stuff on the menu.

          46. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’am not mad at you “too”.. why you say that..don’t mention my name in any way along this prerson, you’re my friend.. i didn’t say you conived and betrayed, why
            i would be mad at you:)))
            True about all what you mention, the brick walls want War..good nigth :)))

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You got 2 hugs from barbie.. one hatred downy for Hind for wishing peace to geo, another when geo adresses Hind..and lots of hugs in any post between geo and Hind.. a love upsy to the guy who calls me whore.. say’s he want to kill me…she calls “nagy” :))

          48. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Nice photo πŸ™‚ Thanks for not getting mad at me too Hind, I promise to behave till next tuesday, till then I hope the contents here will be less offensive than hugs, Happy suicide bombings,civil wars, hidden wmds, barrel bombings,failed peace talks, and all the usual stuff on the menu.

            baby wolf learning how to drive πŸ™‚

          49. Prophettttt Avatar

            LOL.Such a handsome man,Geo.

          50. I cant wait till tomorrow Prophetttt, I get better looking everyday!!! I used to be conceited but now I am PERFECT :)P

          51. Prophettttt Avatar

            Just remember to wear your dentures when you’re out there, and especially when you’re smiling in public .

          52. Until I am forgiven Prophetttt I shall wear a helmet wear a bullit proof vest and carry a first aid kit at all times.

          53. is yu picture mr yu cut haire mr

          54. Prophettttt Avatar

            Hey dab, good to see here. Geo stole my picture and posted it as his LOL

          55. 5thDrawer Avatar

            DAMN SPIES !!! Tracking me everywhere I go …. πŸ™

          56. 5thDrawer Avatar

            DAMN SPIES !!! Tracking me everywhere I go …. πŸ™

          57. yu goood mr me no teath froant mr yu cut haire face on haire is goood mr whate 5th loook mr

          58. HiDab, I think by the end of the day you will be the only friend I have left πŸ™ but you asked me what 5th looks like and either way I am damned so here is his picture from the last party…..He looks very happy!

          59. yu looke goood 5th mr woman big mr no bringe with yu dahiah mr varanda no holde mr dahiah girl nice mr yu looke like geo mr

          60. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hahahahaha … Yallah … must have been really bombed that night.
            I don’t like Blondes normally ….Trust me, I won’t let her step into your building.

          61. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You just HAD to ask, eh Dab …

          62. sorry 5th, tuesday was never my good day πŸ™

          63. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m gathering more snow to send south … you can hide your head in that too. πŸ˜‰
            But I thought this was the spokesperson for all the ‘Aussies’ in here. :-))))

          64. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m gathering more snow to send south … you can hide your head in that too. πŸ˜‰
            But I thought this was the spokesperson for all the ‘Aussies’ in here. :-))))

          65. me no see heade mr

          66. I hide my head mr so no salafi cut my head mr, my head is 3 kilo mr only 10 lira for kilo mr I dont want to sell head 30 lira mr I wait for price to go up mr πŸ™‚

          67. me no unstand mr i telled people yu call dab now my freinde calles me dab mr

          68. 5thDrawer Avatar

            A Little Dab Will Do Ya. πŸ˜‰

          69. WTF, thanks for scaring the shit out of me. And I thought I was ugly. You just gave me hope. Lol

        2. ...some guy Avatar
          …some guy

          I guess I dont fit in your collection any more Hind. this is what I look like πŸ™

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Very funny, no i won’t take it i preffer the birds :))

      2. sayed looke goood picturea mr

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          But your sayed seems angry maybe his diaper is getting full and Aoun is not there to change it for him.. you no good daiber mr. .how the hell are you..

        2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          But your sayed seems angry maybe his diaper is getting full and Aoun is not there to change it for him.. you no good daiber mr. .how the hell are you..

      3. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Definitely took the nose-shots for Nasty. πŸ˜‰

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    And from Latakia, they can still keep beating heads in Tripoli.

  5. Reasonableman Avatar

    Do you remember me dictating to you about assads plan ABC and how he intended from the start to turn the uprisings sectarian?? What did you call me again emotional?? Story of my life bud.

    Sources believe that some of the weapons, particularly chemical warheads for missiles and artillery shells, are being hidden along the coast around Latakia up to the Turkish border. β€œDown the line, Assad is doomed,” an unnamed Russian expert told The Times. β€œHis plan B, C, and D is to retreat to the Alawite enclave and try to protect the Alawite community.”

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Israel is afraid Assad will meet the June deadline?
      Ynet article below says; .. and propably (Assad) will miss the June deadline”
      Irak dΓ©ja vu..



  8. cook2half Avatar

    Sparkling elderflower is the best drink, my favorite

  9. cook2half Avatar

    Sparkling elderflower is the best drink, my favorite

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