Iranian envoy killed in Yemeni capital


yemen sanaa   mapAn Iranian diplomat, who was seriously wounded in a drive-by shooting by unknown assailants outside his residence, has died in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, police and a medic have told AFP news agency.

“Unidentified assailants in a van fired on the diplomat three times as he was leaving the ambassador’s residence near a shopping centre in Hadda,” the main diplomatic district of Sanaa, a police source told AFP news agency.

“The Iranian diplomat has died of his wounds,” the medic at Sanaa’s German Modern Hospital said.

He added that the diplomat, identified as Ali Asghar Assadi, had been “hit in the shoulder, abdomen and stomach.”

Nobody at the Iranian embassy was immediately available for comment, but other diplomats said the victim was an embassy security officer.

The shooting comes as another Iranian diplomat, Nour-Ahmad Nikbakht, who was kidnapped in Sanaa last July, remains in captivity.

Sectarian rivalry between Shia Muslim Houthis and ultra-conservative Sunni Salafis has increased in northern Yemen in the last several months, with at least 210 people killed.

The violence erupted on October 30 when Houthi rebels, who control much of the northern Saada province, accused Salafis in the town of Damaj of recruiting thousands of foreign fighters to prepare to attack them.

Fighting between the two sides in Saada and adjacent provinces stopped as a ceasefire deal took hold a week ago.

That deal gave the Salafis four days to relocate about 250km southwest to the Red Sea port of Hudaida.

The sectarian rivalry has cast a shadow over reconciliation efforts in Yemen, a US-ally that is home to one of the most active wings of the al-Qaeda.

The country, in turmoil since a popular uprising ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2011, is also facing southern secessionists and an economic crisis.


Al Jazeera



14 responses to “Iranian envoy killed in Yemeni capital”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Working for Embassies has become a ‘less desired’ job on the employment lists.

    1. wargame1 Avatar

      And the restaurants within the green zone too who doesn’t cook local food

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        In Tripoli, they let the staff leave before burning the KFC.
        In Kabul they kill the staff and owner but don’t burn The Leb-Food place.
        THERE IS NO CONSISTENCY !! (Where the hell are the inspectors?)

        1. wargame1 Avatar

          I have made a little research on this matter. Few days before the US drone killed 16 Afghans and they were civilian. Taliban attacked the restaurant in retaliation. That restaurant is in the fortified zone. They didnt kill the cook or ordinary staffs. I have a mixed feeling about this attack. I do not entirely support it but the Taliban made clear that they did it to avenge the killing of those 16 Afghans. Now their country is been occupied and the Taliban was a legitimate government. USA installed a pro Iranian puppet with the direct military help from Iran. I dont think the Taliban will ever stop fighting. It wont take another year or two for the final assult by the Taliban. These occupation is illegal and must end.

          1. A bit like Syria, don’t you think. Oh hang on a minute. The Syrian government aren’t Sunni extremist like the Taliban telly tubbies.

          2. wargame1 Avatar

            The Talibans were the legitimate government of Afghanistan and they were doing good. They are popular in their country and thats why 67+ countries couldn’t defeat them. The Syrian Government is not legitimate and they are being punished. Any smart talk wont change the situation. We all know that the occupation forces in Afghanistan are defeated and will go away. Then the fall of the Shia puppet will start from Afghanistan ,Iraq Libya ,Lebanon Syria and in Iran itself. Try to see the change that is coming. The Taliban is not applying for a job from the back door to rule the country. They are expelling the occupation forces. So those arrogance will not last very long. You see the coming change in Iraq too.

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          Well I dont support burning a restaurant full of fried chicken. These are food for every one. Taliban were not up to the fried chicken. Those among the dead are IMF representative and other NATO high officials. That restaurant was the place where the high officials of the occupation forces got together. I have found most of the names of the dead from the internet BUT two suspicious character supposedly student or teacher whose name were not disclosed. I am sure they were under cover agents pretending as students. If they disclose the name then we might find something fishy. Well the ordinary restaurant personnel were not the target. The occupation force must pull out sooner than later. Its a total mess and the occupation forces are clearly defeated by the Taliban. No need for them to feel shy about it , they should start pack their baggage.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Working for Embassies has become a ‘less desired’ job on the employment lists.

    1. wargame1 Avatar

      And the restaurants within the green zone too who doesn’t cook local food

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        In Tripoli, they let the staff leave before burning the KFC.
        In Kabul they kill the staff and owner but don’t burn The Leb-Food place.
        THERE IS NO CONSISTENCY !! (Where the hell are the inspectors?)

        1. wargame1 Avatar

          I have made a little research on this matter. Few days before the US drone killed 16 Afghans and they were civilian. Taliban attacked the restaurant in retaliation. That restaurant is in the fortified zone. They didnt kill the cook or ordinary staffs. I have a mixed feeling about this attack. I do not entirely support it but the Taliban made clear that they did it to avenge the killing of those 16 Afghans. Now their country is been occupied and the Taliban was a legitimate government. USA installed a pro Iranian puppet with the direct military help from Iran. I dont think the Taliban will ever stop fighting. It wont take another year or two for the final assult by the Taliban. These occupation is illegal and must end.

          1. A bit like Syria, don’t you think. Oh hang on a minute. The Syrian government aren’t Sunni extremist like the Taliban telly tubbies.

          2. wargame1 Avatar

            The Talibans were the legitimate government of Afghanistan and they were doing good. They are popular in their country and thats why 67+ countries couldn’t defeat them. The Syrian Government is not legitimate and they are being punished. Any smart talk wont change the situation. We all know that the occupation forces in Afghanistan are defeated and will go away. Then the fall of the Shia puppet will start from Afghanistan ,Iraq Libya ,Lebanon Syria and in Iran itself. Try to see the change that is coming. The Taliban is not applying for a job from the back door to rule the country. They are expelling the occupation forces. So those arrogance will not last very long. You see the coming change in Iraq too.

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          Well I dont support burning a restaurant full of fried chicken. These are food for every one. Taliban were not up to the fried chicken. Those among the dead are IMF representative and other NATO high officials. That restaurant was the place where the high officials of the occupation forces got together. I have found most of the names of the dead from the internet BUT two suspicious character supposedly student or teacher whose name were not disclosed. I am sure they were under cover agents pretending as students. If they disclose the name then we might find something fishy. Well the ordinary restaurant personnel were not the target. The occupation force must pull out sooner than later. Its a total mess and the occupation forces are clearly defeated by the Taliban. No need for them to feel shy about it , they should start pack their baggage.

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