An Aussie couple is latest victim of Syria war


Amira Karroum,  husband Yusuf AliA MEMORIAL service has been held at a western Sydney mosque for slain Muslim woman Amira Karroum, and her husband Yusuf Ali.

Ms Karroum’s sister Rose requested the Masjid Noor mosque in Granville to hold the service, last night, for worshippers to mourn the couple who were killed in Syria late last week.

Both Ms Karroum and Mr Ali were worshippers at the mosque before Mr Ali moved to Syria mid-last year.

Relatives today said arrangements were still being made to fly the couples’ bodies back to Australia for burial.

Pictured clad in a black burqa, Karroum bore no resemblance to the fresh-faced student from one of the country’s most prestigious Anglican schools when she died in a bullet-ridden house in Syria last week.

The 22-year-old had left her western Sydney home just days before Christmas, telling her family she was heading to Denmark to holiday with friends and then do some humanitarian work.

But on Saturday morning, Department of Foreign Affairs officials broke the news to Karroum’s father Mohamad and mother Honor Deane their daughter and her Muslim husband, Yusuf Ali, had died in the war-torn country, the latest victims of the conflict that has been raging since 2011.

Gold Coast-based Mr Karroum, who runs a kebab shop in Broadwater, collapsed with a heart attack after hearing the devastating news.

Amira Karroum and her husband were killed inside a house near the city of Aleppo, ground zero of the war near the border with Turkey, last Thursday, possibly by members of the Free Syrian Army, which is fighting government troops and other factions of the rebel movement trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

When she finished school five years ago, before moving to Granville in Sydney’s western suburbs, Karroum showed no hint of being the radical Muslim she would become.

Her half-brother Karl Karroum said yesterday it was a mystery how she came to be in Syria.

“We had no idea she was going to Syria. She left Sydney about December 20, I think, and said she was going to Copenhagen for a holiday with friends and to do some humanitarian work,” Mr Karroum said.

“How or why she ended up in Syria, we just don’t know.

“I mean, her husband lives in Syria, so that’s obviously why she went there, but we thought he was going to meet up with her in Copenhagen.”

Karroum grew up on Queensland’s Gold Coast, where she was educated at the prestigious St Hilda’s school, graduating in 2008. She then enrolled to study graphic design at Queensland’s University of Technology.

Karl Karroum said his half-sister was always a Muslim, despite her Anglican education.

“She was born a Muslim, so was her sister Rose. Their mum isn’t Muslim, but our dad is,” he said.

“She went to that school because it was the best education, and an all-girls’ school… it suited our faith.”

He said Karroum did not wear a burqa or niqab, traditional Muslim dress for women, until a few years ago.

“She started wearing it once she studied her religion more as an adult … she definitely wasn’t a recent convert to Islam, that’s not right,” he said.

In mid-2012, Karroum moved to Granville, in Sydney’s western suburbs, where she met Ali, who is believed to be a Muslim convert originally from North America. They married in Sydney in April last year.

Ali left Granville and headed to Syria soon after the wedding, telling friends at a Granville mosque he was going to do humanitarian work. It is understood some worshippers at the mosque suspected he was planning to fight for a jihadist faction.

But Karl Karroum said he had no knowledge of Ali’s involvement in the civil war in Syria.

“They are peaceful people,” he said.

On Facebook, Ms Karroum’s sister Rose asked for prayers in the dead pair’s honour, claiming they had been “martyred”.

“Please everyone make dua for my sister Amira Ali and brother Inlaw Yusuf. They have been martyred,” she wrote.

“I miss u already. May Allah grant u and Yusuf the highest of heavens and be together always. Love u my beautiful sister Amira Ali.”

Last night the grieving family was waiting for Mr Karroum Sr’s blood pressure to drop before he could fly to Sydney and begin making plans to bring his daughter’s body home.

“Dad’s planning to come to Sydney once his blood pressure comes down, and then we can make funeral plans,” Mr Karroum said.

“It’s such an awful time. We really don’t know what’s happened … we need to get to the bottom of a lot of things.”

DFAT said in a statement yesterday that Australians were “strongly advised” not to travel to Syria because of the “extremely serious security situation” in that country.

“Australia does not have an embassy or consulate in Syria,” the DFAT statement said.

“The Australian government’s capacity to deliver consular assistance in Syria is extremely limited.”

Daily Telegraph



71 responses to “An Aussie couple is latest victim of Syria war”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    Another Lebanese soul lost in that God forsaken land. Hope the war ends and that desert gets fragmented, each fragment deeming itself a nation.

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    Another Lebanese soul lost in that God forsaken land. Hope the war ends and that desert gets fragmented, each fragment deeming itself a nation.

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    @yalibnan, seeing that yopur lebanese and quite familiar with religous customs as you have quoited…

    “He said Karroum did not wear a burqa or niqab, traditional Muslim dress for women, until a few years ago”


    “Pictured clad in a black burqa, Karroum bore no resemblance to the fresh-faced student from one of the country’s most prestigious Anglican schools when she died in a bullet-ridden house in Syria last week”.

    she died with her beautiful burqa protecting her faith and here you are showing pictures of her unvieled??? Please remove the photo yalibnan. I know you are following the footsteps of other media sites flashing her photo of her beautiful face but this totally draws the line for your muslim guests.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      In which case, it wouldn’t be a story, because no-one would know her. Unreasonable.
      Although, when you think about it, it seems no-one really knew her or the husband … a little ‘white taqiyya’ in the Denmark story perhaps? Unfortunate for her father, but there’s the background – can’t tell the folks you’re doing humanitarian work in a war, while your spouse shoots his gun, because the father obviously didn’t want to be anywhere near the place.

      1. Whats even sadder is they died in area where fsa and nusra or daaesh or whatever you want to call them are fighting each other.

        1. Oh so it wouldn’t be as sad if they were killed in areas under your beloved dictator’s control!? What an absolutely offensive comment!

          1. You extremists make me laugh. WTF was she and that terrorist do there in the first place. Do you bother to ask yourself that question. Oh that right. The big call for Jihad. Well we know he’ll get 72 virgins, I wonder what’s in it for her besides family members morning her for years to come. I call that selfish on her part.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            Don’t worry about them to much, they preach co existance and break very basic anti discrimination laws. Hypocrites are more dangerous than the open enemy, there arguments and reason have no substance so debating them automatically makes them win.

            If you can change a thing with your hand change it if you can change it with your tongue change it if those are too hard to do or will cause too much fitnah hate it in your heart and that is the weakest of iman.

      2. Reasonableman Avatar

        In reguards to media code of practise this website has violated when it comes to publicising news to the public here are 2 principles in breach.

        General Principle 4: Respect for privacy and sensibilitiesNews and comment should be presented honestly and fairly, and with respect for the privacy and sensibilities of individuals. However, the right to privacy is not to be interpreted as preventing publication of matters of public record or obvious or significant public interest. Rumour and unconfirmed reports should be identified as such.General

        Principle 7: Discretion and causing offencePublications have a wide discretion in publishing material, but they should balance the public interest with the sensibilities of their readers, particularly when the material, such as photographs, could reasonably be expected to cause offence.

        When showing a photo of the beautiful young martyr amira whilst obviously it is no secret wears the burqa and is no threat to security whilst she is deceased is also called casual discrimination.

        1. It funny how you guys get when one of you own is named and shamed. But when a Christian, Alawite, Shite or any other person is named who is not a Sunni extremists you guys seem to enjoy it. They took their chase in Syria for the glory of Jihad and the were killed for it. Yalibnan has done nothing wrong so get over it or leave if your not happy. Its quite simple really.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Stop turning this sectarian.

          2. Please explain how I’m doing that. I’m just telling it how it is. Just one question, If these people were Shite or Christian’s, would you be reacting the same way. Be honest. And I’m not trying to smart ass either.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Anybody puts their face out there these days, they should expect it can travel.
          She doesn’t look shocked to be having it taken.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            I agree, she took the picture and probably posted it on Facebook. Unless the family distributed the photo of her. Regardless she didn’t mind taking the picture uncovered and is actually pretty dressed, like she was going out on the town.

    2. Well Reasonable, without disrespecting the deceased, its quite odd that a Muslim girl who wore a burqa would lie. Didn’t she tell her family she was on her way to Copenhagen and on way to do humanitarian work. Isn’t it a sin for a hardcore Muslim to lie. And she was hardcore with the wearing of the burqa. Or can we just say on this occasion it was a white lie and Allah with forgive her because her and her fool of a husband were performing jihad. The fact of the matter is she was stupid to follow her terrorist husband to a war torn country and support him in his terrorism. And she paid the ultimate price for this stupidity. When you play with fire my friend you need to prepare yourself for ramification.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        I have to disagree with you here, it’s not hardcore for a Muslim woman to cover her hair. It is insane to lie to your family and travel to a war torn country to martyr yourself.

        1. Yes your right if its her hair. However when its her face as well in my book that’s hardcore.

    3. Go suck an egg. It’s her picture and she looks hot but stupid.You need to go and do some jihad activities if you are such a devote salafi.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        haha, “go suck an egg” has been pretty popular lately.

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    @yalibnan, seeing that yopur lebanese and quite familiar with religous customs as you have quoited…

    “He said Karroum did not wear a burqa or niqab, traditional Muslim dress for women, until a few years ago”


    “Pictured clad in a black burqa, Karroum bore no resemblance to the fresh-faced student from one of the country’s most prestigious Anglican schools when she died in a bullet-ridden house in Syria last week”.

    she died with her beautiful burqa protecting her faith and here you are showing pictures of her unvieled??? Please remove the photo yalibnan. I know you are following the footsteps of other media sites flashing her photo of her beautiful face but this totally draws the line for your muslim guests.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      In which case, it wouldn’t be a story, because no-one would know her. Unreasonable.
      Although, when you think about it, it seems no-one really knew her or the husband … a little ‘white taqiyya’ in the Denmark story perhaps? Unfortunate for her father, but there’s the background – can’t tell the folks you’re doing humanitarian work in a war, while your spouse shoots his gun, because the father obviously didn’t want to be anywhere near the place.

      1. Whats even sadder is they died in area where fsa and nusra or daaesh or whatever you want to call them are fighting each other.

        1. Oh so it wouldn’t be as sad if they were killed in areas under your beloved dictator’s control!? What an absolutely offensive comment!

          1. You extremists make me laugh. WTF was she and that terrorist do there in the first place. Do you bother to ask yourself that question. Oh that right. The big call for Jihad. Well we know he’ll get 72 virgins, I wonder what’s in it for her besides family members morning her for years to come. I call that selfish on her part.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            Don’t worry about them to much, they preach co existance and break very basic anti discrimination laws. Hypocrites are more dangerous than the open enemy, there arguments and reason have no substance so debating them automatically makes them win.

            If you can change a thing with your hand change it if you can change it with your tongue change it if those are too hard to do or will cause too much fitnah hate it in your heart and that is the weakest of iman.

          3. Again, this comment reinforces the absolute stupidity out there. Il explain it as simply as i can… what happened is sad…whats even sadder is that it happened in an area controlled by rebels and takfiris that are fighting each other. Would it not have been more honourable to have died against the so called oppressor? If you can not understand that then i can not help you. Now if you want to get technical what the FRIG is a north american revert taking his wife to that area to do? Humanitarium aid? Which organistaion is he working for? What is offensive is when people like you mourn stupidity yet laud decapitations by the same people you call freedom fighters.

      2. Reasonableman Avatar

        In reguards to media laws this website has violeted when it comes to publicising news to the public here are 2 principles in breach.

        General Principle 4: Respect for privacy and sensibilitiesNews and comment should be presented honestly and fairly, and with respect for the privacy and sensibilities of individuals. However, the right to privacy is not to be interpreted as preventing publication of matters of public record or obvious or significant public interest. Rumour and unconfirmed reports should be identified as such.General

        Principle 7: Discretion and causing offencePublications have a wide discretion in publishing material, but they should balance the public interest with the sensibilities of their readers, particularly when the material, such as photographs, could reasonably be expected to cause offence.

        When showing a photo of the beautiful young martyr amira whilst obviously it is no secret wears the burqa and is no threat to security whilst she is deceased is also called casual discrimination.

        1. It funny how you guys get when one of you own is named and shamed. But when a Christian, Alawite, Shite or any other person is named who is not a Sunni extremists you guys seem to enjoy it. They took their chase in Syria for the glory of Jihad and the were killed for it. Yalibnan has done nothing wrong so get over it or leave if your not happy. Its quite simple really.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Stop turning this sectarian.

          2. Please explain how I’m doing that. I’m just telling it how it is. Just one question, If these people were Shite or Christian’s, would you be reacting the same way. Be honest. And I’m not trying to smart ass either.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Anybody puts their face out there these days, they should expect it can travel.
          She doesn’t look shocked to be having it taken.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            I agree, she took the picture and probably posted it on Facebook. Unless the family distributed the photo of her. Regardless she didn’t mind taking the picture uncovered and is actually pretty dressed, like she was going out on the town.

    2. Well Reasonable, without disrespecting the deceased, its quite odd that a Muslim girl who wore a burqa would lie. Didn’t she tell her family she was on her way to Copenhagen and on way to do humanitarian work. Isn’t it a sin for a hardcore Muslim to lie. And she was hardcore with the wearing of the burqa. Or can we just say on this occasion it was a white lie and Allah with forgive her because her and her fool of a husband were performing jihad. The fact of the matter is she was stupid to follow her terrorist husband to a war torn country and support him in his terrorism. And she paid the ultimate price for this stupidity. When you play with fire my friend you need to prepare yourself for ramification.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        I have to disagree with you here, it’s not hardcore for a Muslim woman to cover her hair. It is insane to lie to your family and travel to a war torn country to martyr yourself.

        1. Yes your right if its her hair. However when its her face as well in my book that’s hardcore.

    3. Go suck an egg. It’s her picture and she looks hot but stupid.You need to go and do some jihad activities if you are such a devote salafi.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        haha, “go suck an egg” has been pretty popular lately.

  5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    I’d say the masjid noor mosquito is responsible for sending these people and others to the war zone. The war zone for zombies and other brain dead creatures. More to this story than we read.

  6. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Sorry mosque not mosquito spell check at it again

  7. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    I’d say the masjid noor mosquito is responsible for sending these people and others to the war zone. The war zone for zombies and other brain dead creatures. More to this story than we read.

  8. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Sorry mosque not mosquito spell check at it again

  9. Where do Martyrs go after death? And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause in a battle field or operation. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said about Martyrs when they die:

    “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: ‘They are dead.’ Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not. (The Noble Quran, 2:154)”

    “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve. They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least). (The Noble Quran, 3:169-171)”

    The above Noble Verses clearly state that Muslims must not think that Martyrs are dead. They are raised to Allah Almighty in Heaven, and they are rejoicing the Bounty and Grace that is provided by Allah Almighty to them.

    Will Martyrs be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    According to the next section below, yes they will be judged. But Allah Almighty is dynamic in His Judgement. He forgives certain sins to different people depending on how good they were in life. Every human being will be treated uniquely. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    Allah Almighty Said: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be Feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (The Noble Quran, 3:102)”

    He also Said: “The Religion before God is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of God, God is swift in calling to account. (The Noble Quran, 3:19)”

    “Say: ‘O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)”

    The use of the word “Say” in this Noble Verse means that Allah Almighty wants us to always remind each others by reciting this Noble Verse to those who need it.

    “Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)”

    In the above Noble Verses, we clearly see that Allah Almighty accepts nothing from a person after death but his belief in Islam and He is Willing to forgive our sins.

    Please visit The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Everyone from Mankind will pass over hell:

    Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    “And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein. Not one of you but will pass over it (Hell): this is, with thy Lord, a decree which must be accomplished. (The Noble Quran, 19:70-71)”

    “Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)”

    As we clearly see from the above Noble Verses, everyone will be shown and held accountable for all of the bad things he/she have done in life.

    Passing over hell in Islam means that the person will enter it. But hell, like Heaven, has different levels. Heaven has 500 levels. The Highest Level in Heaven is for the Prophets, the Martyrs, and the Most Righteous of Mankind. The lowest level is for the lowest people of Mankind who barely made it to Heaven, because they were too sinful.

    As Allah Almighty clearly mentioned in Noble Verse 4:48 above, He would forgive anything except partnering other gods with Him. So if a Martyr was courageous enough to sacrifice his life for the sake of Allah Almighty, then it is highly possible that Allah Almighty would forgive all of his sins and send him straight to Heaven after a brief pass over Hell. The level of pain for punishment and purification that the Martyr and any other human being would suffer in passing over Hell all depends on what kind of a person he/she was.

    Again, it all depends on how much sins the person had committed in his life, and how much Allah Almighty loves him. Allah Almighty clearly Said that everyone of us shall see every atom of good and bad deeds that they did in Noble Verse 99:7-8.

    Please visit What is the Wisdom of Islam?

    The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Where do Martyrs go after death? And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause in a battle field or operation. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said about Martyrs when they die:

    “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: ‘They are dead.’ Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not. (The Noble Quran, 2:154)”

    “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve. They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least). (The Noble Quran, 3:169-171)”

    The above Noble Verses clearly state that Muslims must not think that Martyrs are dead. They are raised to Allah Almighty in Heaven, and they are rejoicing the Bounty and Grace that is provided by Allah Almighty to them.

    Will Martyrs be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    According to the next section below, yes they will be judged. But Allah Almighty is dynamic in His Judgement. He forgives certain sins to different people depending on how good they were in life. Every human being will be treated uniquely. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    Allah Almighty Said: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be Feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (The Noble Quran, 3:102)”

    He also Said: “The Religion before God is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of God, God is swift in calling to account. (The Noble Quran, 3:19)”

    “Say: ‘O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)”

    The use of the word “Say” in this Noble Verse means that Allah Almighty wants us to always remind each others by reciting this Noble Verse to those who need it.

    “Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)”

    In the above Noble Verses, we clearly see that Allah Almighty accepts nothing from a person after death but his belief in Islam and He is Willing to forgive our sins.

    Please visit The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Everyone from Mankind will pass over hell:

    Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    “And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein. Not one of you but will pass over it (Hell): this is, with thy Lord, a decree which must be accomplished. (The Noble Quran, 19:70-71)”

    “Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)”

    As we clearly see from the above Noble Verses, everyone will be shown and held accountable for all of the bad things he/she have done in life.

    Passing over hell in Islam means that the person will enter it. But hell, like Heaven, has different levels. Heaven has 500 levels. The Highest Level in Heaven is for the Prophets, the Martyrs, and the Most Righteous of Mankind. The lowest level is for the lowest people of Mankind who barely made it to Heaven, because they were too sinful.

    As Allah Almighty clearly mentioned in Noble Verse 4:48 above, He would forgive anything except partnering other gods with Him. So if a Martyr was courageous enough to sacrifice his life for the sake of Allah Almighty, then it is highly possible that Allah Almighty would forgive all of his sins and send him straight to Heaven after a brief pass over Hell. The level of pain for punishment and purification that the Martyr and any other human being would suffer in passing over Hell all depends on what kind of a person he/she was.

    Again, it all depends on how much sins the person had committed in his life, and how much Allah Almighty loves him. Allah Almighty clearly Said that everyone of us shall see every atom of good and bad deeds that they did in Noble Verse 99:7-8.

    Please visit What is the Wisdom of Islam?

    The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      So … Basically the same as Roman Catholics … Heaven / Purgatory / Hell … +72 virgins. 😉

      1. master09 Avatar

        No 5th Hell and 72 vibrators up thier a$$.

  10. Where do Martyrs go after death? And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause in a battle field or operation. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said about Martyrs when they die:

    “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: ‘They are dead.’ Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not. (The Noble Quran, 2:154)”

    “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve. They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least). (The Noble Quran, 3:169-171)”

    The above Noble Verses clearly state that Muslims must not think that Martyrs are dead. They are raised to Allah Almighty in Heaven, and they are rejoicing the Bounty and Grace that is provided by Allah Almighty to them.

    Will Martyrs be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    According to the next section below, yes they will be judged. But Allah Almighty is dynamic in His Judgement. He forgives certain sins to different people depending on how good they were in life. Every human being will be treated uniquely. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    Allah Almighty Said: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be Feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (The Noble Quran, 3:102)”

    He also Said: “The Religion before God is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of God, God is swift in calling to account. (The Noble Quran, 3:19)”

    “Say: ‘O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)”

    The use of the word “Say” in this Noble Verse means that Allah Almighty wants us to always remind each others by reciting this Noble Verse to those who need it.

    “Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)”

    In the above Noble Verses, we clearly see that Allah Almighty accepts nothing from a person after death but his belief in Islam and He is Willing to forgive our sins.

    Please visit The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Everyone from Mankind will pass over hell:

    Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    “And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein. Not one of you but will pass over it (Hell): this is, with thy Lord, a decree which must be accomplished. (The Noble Quran, 19:70-71)”

    “Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)”

    As we clearly see from the above Noble Verses, everyone will be shown and held accountable for all of the bad things he/she have done in life.

    Passing over hell in Islam means that the person will enter it. But hell, like Heaven, has different levels. Heaven has 500 levels. The Highest Level in Heaven is for the Prophets, the Martyrs, and the Most Righteous of Mankind. The lowest level is for the lowest people of Mankind who barely made it to Heaven, because they were too sinful.

    As Allah Almighty clearly mentioned in Noble Verse 4:48 above, He would forgive anything except partnering other gods with Him. So if a Martyr was courageous enough to sacrifice his life for the sake of Allah Almighty, then it is highly possible that Allah Almighty would forgive all of his sins and send him straight to Heaven after a brief pass over Hell. The level of pain for punishment and purification that the Martyr and any other human being would suffer in passing over Hell all depends on what kind of a person he/she was.

    Again, it all depends on how much sins the person had committed in his life, and how much Allah Almighty loves him. Allah Almighty clearly Said that everyone of us shall see every atom of good and bad deeds that they did in Noble Verse 99:7-8.

    Please visit What is the Wisdom of Islam?

    The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Where do Martyrs go after death? And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause in a battle field or operation. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said about Martyrs when they die:

    “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: ‘They are dead.’ Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not. (The Noble Quran, 2:154)”

    “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve. They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least). (The Noble Quran, 3:169-171)”

    The above Noble Verses clearly state that Muslims must not think that Martyrs are dead. They are raised to Allah Almighty in Heaven, and they are rejoicing the Bounty and Grace that is provided by Allah Almighty to them.

    Will Martyrs be judged for their good and bad deeds?

    According to the next section below, yes they will be judged. But Allah Almighty is dynamic in His Judgement. He forgives certain sins to different people depending on how good they were in life. Every human being will be treated uniquely. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    Allah Almighty Said: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be Feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (The Noble Quran, 3:102)”

    He also Said: “The Religion before God is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of God, God is swift in calling to account. (The Noble Quran, 3:19)”

    “Say: ‘O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)”

    The use of the word “Say” in this Noble Verse means that Allah Almighty wants us to always remind each others by reciting this Noble Verse to those who need it.

    “Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)”

    In the above Noble Verses, we clearly see that Allah Almighty accepts nothing from a person after death but his belief in Islam and He is Willing to forgive our sins.

    Please visit The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    Everyone from Mankind will pass over hell:

    Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    “And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein. Not one of you but will pass over it (Hell): this is, with thy Lord, a decree which must be accomplished. (The Noble Quran, 19:70-71)”

    “Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)”

    As we clearly see from the above Noble Verses, everyone will be shown and held accountable for all of the bad things he/she have done in life.

    Passing over hell in Islam means that the person will enter it. But hell, like Heaven, has different levels. Heaven has 500 levels. The Highest Level in Heaven is for the Prophets, the Martyrs, and the Most Righteous of Mankind. The lowest level is for the lowest people of Mankind who barely made it to Heaven, because they were too sinful.

    As Allah Almighty clearly mentioned in Noble Verse 4:48 above, He would forgive anything except partnering other gods with Him. So if a Martyr was courageous enough to sacrifice his life for the sake of Allah Almighty, then it is highly possible that Allah Almighty would forgive all of his sins and send him straight to Heaven after a brief pass over Hell. The level of pain for punishment and purification that the Martyr and any other human being would suffer in passing over Hell all depends on what kind of a person he/she was.

    Again, it all depends on how much sins the person had committed in his life, and how much Allah Almighty loves him. Allah Almighty clearly Said that everyone of us shall see every atom of good and bad deeds that they did in Noble Verse 99:7-8.

    Please visit What is the Wisdom of Islam?

    The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 wisdom in Islam.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      So … Basically the same as Roman Catholics … Heaven / Purgatory / Hell … +72 virgins. 😉

      1. master09 Avatar

        No 5th He’ll and 72 vibrators up thier a$$.

  11. Question
    Will martyrs enter Paradise before the Day of Resurrection?

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad , is His Slave and Messenger.

    It has been affirmed that some believers, that is, the martyrs, are alive and living in comfort in Paradise after their deaths. This was stated in the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet . Allaah the Almighty Says (what means): {And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allaah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.} [Quran 3:169]

    In a Hadeeth on the authority of Ibn Mas‘ood related to the meaning of the above verse, the Prophet mentioned that the souls of these martyrs roam in Paradise wherever they wish and that they desire nothing but to return to this worldly life again and to be killed in the cause of Allaah again. [Muslim]

    Al-Qurtubi stated that scholars unanimously agree that it is only for martyrs that food and delight are brought immediately. Others are only shown their would-be place in Paradise until they are resurrected on the Day of Judgment. Ibn ‘Umar mentioned that the dead person is shown his seat either in Paradise or in Hell until the Day of Resurrection. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

    Allaah Knows best.

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      You refer to the word scholars a little loosely don’t you think.

  12. Question
    Will martyrs enter Paradise before the Day of Resurrection?

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad , is His Slave and Messenger.

    It has been affirmed that some believers, that is, the martyrs, are alive and living in comfort in Paradise after their deaths. This was stated in the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet . Allaah the Almighty Says (what means): {And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allaah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.} [Quran 3:169]

    In a Hadeeth on the authority of Ibn Mas‘ood related to the meaning of the above verse, the Prophet mentioned that the souls of these martyrs roam in Paradise wherever they wish and that they desire nothing but to return to this worldly life again and to be killed in the cause of Allaah again. [Muslim]

    Al-Qurtubi stated that scholars unanimously agree that it is only for martyrs that food and delight are brought immediately. Others are only shown their would-be place in Paradise until they are resurrected on the Day of Judgment. Ibn ‘Umar mentioned that the dead person is shown his seat either in Paradise or in Hell until the Day of Resurrection. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

    Allaah Knows best.

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      You refer to the word scholars a little loosely don’t you think.

  13. Question
    Salaam Alaikum Sheikh, Can one supplicate for his martyrdom i.e. like saying: “ALLAHumma inni as-alukal-Jihaad” and in order to become generous and pious can he take medical pills to control his anger? Jazaak ALLAHu khair.

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

    It is permissible for a person to ask Allaah to grant him/her martyrdom; rather, it is a recommended act of worship. Sahl Ibn Abi Umaamah Ibn Haneef narrated from his father from his grandfather that the Prophet said: “Whoever sincerely asks Allaah for martyrdom, Allaah Will grant him the status of the martyrs even if he dies in his bed.” [Muslim] Moreover, ‘Umar used to supplicate saying: “O Allaah grant me martyrdom in Your Cause and make my death in the town of your Prophet [i.e. in Al-Madeenah].” [Al-Bukhaari] For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 88367.
    As regards Jihaad, it does not necessarily imply that one dies as a martyr, as a man may go out for Jihaad and he returns to his home safely without being killed. Besides, a man may be killed without being a martyr if he did not have a sincere intention in Jihaad. Abu Moosa said: “A man came to the Prophet and said: ”O Allaah’s Apostle! What kind of fighting is in Allaah’s Cause? (I ask this), for some of us fight because of being enraged and angry and some for the sake of his pride and haughtiness.” The Prophet raised his head (as the questioner was standing) and said, “He who fights so that Allaah’s Word (Islam) should be the highest, then he fights in Allaah’s Cause.” [Al-Bukhaari] For more benefit on the martyrs of the Hereafter, please refer to Fatwa 83878.
    As regards the second part of your question “can he take medical pills to control his anger?”, the answer is that the Prophetic guidance shows us the ways of treating anger, for more benefit on this, please refer to Fatwa 88764 .
    Moreover, it is permissible to use the medicines that diminish the effects of anger if this does not lead to any harm; this is a kind of treatment and this is permissible in principle.
    Allaah Knows best

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I suppose this applies to the ‘Doctors Without Borders’ who were killed too?

  14. Question
    Salaam Alaikum Sheikh, Can one supplicate for his martyrdom i.e. like saying: “ALLAHumma inni as-alukal-Jihaad” and in order to become generous and pious can he take medical pills to control his anger? Jazaak ALLAHu khair.

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

    It is permissible for a person to ask Allaah to grant him/her martyrdom; rather, it is a recommended act of worship. Sahl Ibn Abi Umaamah Ibn Haneef narrated from his father from his grandfather that the Prophet said: “Whoever sincerely asks Allaah for martyrdom, Allaah Will grant him the status of the martyrs even if he dies in his bed.” [Muslim] Moreover, ‘Umar used to supplicate saying: “O Allaah grant me martyrdom in Your Cause and make my death in the town of your Prophet [i.e. in Al-Madeenah].” [Al-Bukhaari] For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 88367.
    As regards Jihaad, it does not necessarily imply that one dies as a martyr, as a man may go out for Jihaad and he returns to his home safely without being killed. Besides, a man may be killed without being a martyr if he did not have a sincere intention in Jihaad. Abu Moosa said: “A man came to the Prophet and said: ”O Allaah’s Apostle! What kind of fighting is in Allaah’s Cause? (I ask this), for some of us fight because of being enraged and angry and some for the sake of his pride and haughtiness.” The Prophet raised his head (as the questioner was standing) and said, “He who fights so that Allaah’s Word (Islam) should be the highest, then he fights in Allaah’s Cause.” [Al-Bukhaari] For more benefit on the martyrs of the Hereafter, please refer to Fatwa 83878.
    As regards the second part of your question “can he take medical pills to control his anger?”, the answer is that the Prophetic guidance shows us the ways of treating anger, for more benefit on this, please refer to Fatwa 88764 .
    Moreover, it is permissible to use the medicines that diminish the effects of anger if this does not lead to any harm; this is a kind of treatment and this is permissible in principle.
    Allaah Knows best

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I suppose this applies to the ‘Doctors Without Borders’ who were killed too?

  15. (No soul that has a good standing with Allah and dies would wish to go back to the life of this world, except for the martyr. He would like to be returned to this life so that he could be martyred again, for he tastes the honor achieved from martyrdom.) Muslim collected this Hadith

    1. Well if that’s the case, then what the hell are you doing on this blog. Why don’t you go to Syria with your brothers and taste that much desired martyrdom. On a serious note, I’m just curious and would like to know what they have promised their followers would happen to them after they are martyred.

  16. (No soul that has a good standing with Allah and dies would wish to go back to the life of this world, except for the martyr. He would like to be returned to this life so that he could be martyred again, for he tastes the honor achieved from martyrdom.) Muslim collected this Hadith

    1. Well if that’s the case, then what the hell are you doing on this blog. Why don’t you go to Syria with your brothers and taste that much desired martyrdom. On a serious note, I’m just curious and would like to know what they have promised their followers would happen to them after they are martyred.

  17. The biggest loser in this ordeal is the girl, he’s going to get 72 virgins while she’s hanging out rubbing her legs ….She should have come to Philly instead.

    1. man-o-war Avatar

      Maybe 72 virgin men? Better have lots of lube in heaven or it will be more like hell.

      1. Just imagine each dude is banging 72 virgins and each chick banging 72 virgin men…oh what an orgy … sign me up

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          Who knew heaven was one giant orgy?

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          Have you seen Stephen Colbert? In one of his skits he makes fun of the 72 virgins idea. He points out how a Muslim man died doing his jihadi duties only to get to heaven and realize they were confused all along. It wasn’t 72 virgins, but rather 72 Virginians.

          1. I definitely do want 72 Virginians, most are fat with missing teeth at least the ones in western Virginia ….. that would be living hell.

  18. The biggest loser in this ordeal is the girl, he’s going to get 72 virgins while she’s hanging out rubbing her legs ….She should have come to Philly instead.

    1. man-o-war Avatar

      Maybe 72 virgin men? Better have lots of lube in heaven or it will be more like hell.

      1. Just imagine each dude is banging 72 virgins and each chick banging 72 virgin men…oh what an orgy … sign me up

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          Who knew heaven was one giant orgy?

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          Have you seen Stephen Colbert? In one of his skits he makes fun of the 72 virgins idea. He points out how a Muslim man died doing his jihadi duties only to get to heaven and realize they were confused all along. It wasn’t 72 virgins, but rather 72 Virginians.

          1. I definitely do want 72 Virginians, most are fat with missing teeth at least the ones in western Virginia ….. that would be living hell.

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