Suleiman urges expanded investigation of Israeli incursion


suleiman in ivory coast 2Lebanese President Michel Suleiman urged the army and UNIFIL leaderships on Thursday to expand the investigation into the infiltration of the Israeli patrol into southern Lebanon, The National News Agency reported

NNA also reported that Suleiman is looking to draft a detailed file on the Labouneh incursion which constituted “a new infringement of the UNSCR 1701 and a violation of Lebanese sovereignty.”

NNA added that Suleiman intends to add the aforementioned incursion to the Lebanese complaint that is to be filed to the UN Security Council.

Four Israeli soldiers were injured Wednesday at dawn in a reported landmine blast after they entered into Lebanese territory near Labouneh, an area south of Naqoura, according to NNA.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese army issued a statement explaining that “an infantry patrol of the Israeli enemy penetrated 400 meters inside Lebanon in the Labouneh area at 00:24 local time… An explosion took place and the soldiers were wounded, with blood found at the scene.”

Israeli security sources confirmed that four soldiers had been wounded. Israeli media reported that the troops belonged to an elite unit and that large forces deployed in the area following the blast.

Lebanese caretaker foreign minister Adnan Mansour condemned “Israel’s infiltration of Lebanese territory” early Wednesday morning, describing it as a “blatant violation of Lebanese sovereignty and of UN resolution 1701”, which ended the second Lebanese war in 2006.



14 responses to “Suleiman urges expanded investigation of Israeli incursion”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Before the numbers get bigger, someone record that ‘400 metres’.
    For American friends here, that’s 4.375 Football Fields. Without the Fans. ;-))))

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      And without the end zones 😉

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Oh …ya … forgot … the part to dance in with funny jerking motions. 😉

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Before the numbers get bigger, someone record that ‘400 metres’.
    For American friends here, that’s 4.375 Football Fields. Without the Fans. ;-))))

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      And without the end zones 😉

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Oh …ya … forgot … the part to dance in with funny jerking motions. 😉

  3. Igor Chingoski Avatar
    Igor Chingoski

    Dear Israelis:
    Please watch Your step, And send Your payment for the land mine You destroyed.
    Thank You.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Somehow their campfire got out of hand and they burned some trees … olives too I believe … add that to the bill. 🙂

  4. Igor Chingoski Avatar
    Igor Chingoski

    Dear Israelis:
    Please watch Your step, And send Your payment for the land mine You destroyed.
    Thank You.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Somehow their campfire got out of hand and they burned some trees … olives too I believe … add that to the bill. 🙂

  5. Israelis are so foolish just like with Karine A ship from Iran they captured in 2002 four years before 2006 Lebanon war which had the same kind of anti-tank missiles and launchers that Hezbollah used so well against Israeli tanks. The Israelis knew about these weapons from the Karine A cargo from before, but they didn’t think that Hezbollah would be able to use them so well so that they did not prepare anything against it. The same goes for what happened with the mine explosions, they somehow think that others are stupid when they are the ones who are.

  6. johngilbert Avatar

    Israelis are so foolish just like with Karine A ship from Iran they captured in 2002 four years before 2006 Lebanon war which had the same kind of anti-tank missiles and launchers that Hezbollah used so well against Israeli tanks. The Israelis knew about these weapons from the Karine A cargo from before, but they didn’t think that Hezbollah would be able to use them so well so that they did not prepare anything against it. The same goes for what happened with the mine explosions, they somehow think that others are stupid when they are the ones who are.

  7. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Well, that’s productive.

  8. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Well, that’s productive.

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