Gemayel : June elections should not take place


gemayel sami 3Phalange Party bloc MP Sami Gemayel said that the parliamentary elections scheduled for June 16 should not take place “for the sake of democracy.”

“I hope that the elections won’t take place on June 16 for the sake of democracy,” Gemayel said in an interview with MTV television on Monday evening.

“If we go ahead with the elections on June 16 we will be committing about thirty constitutional violations.”

The MP also said that the Phalange Party will challenge the decision to call for elections, “and we will take part in the battle against the 1960 law until the end.”

He also reiterated his party’s objection to the mixed law proposal.

Gemayel, however, added that the Phalange Party elections candidates submitted their candidacy “because we don’t want to present gifts to anyone and we don’t want to leave the field for anyone else.”

He also called for a new meeting of the Christian parties at the seat of the Maronite patriarchate in Bkirki to further discuss the electoral law issue.

Despite the fact that the caretaker Cabinet of outgoing PM Najib Mikati decided Monday to hold the parliamentary polls on June 16 under the controversial 1960 electoral law and formed an election supervisory committee , Lebanon will most likely opt for a parliament term extension, according to media reports.



6 responses to “Gemayel : June elections should not take place”

  1. dateam Avatar

    Use all met and agreed…then at the 11th hour gagea stabbed use in the back and made a deal with hariri….aoun has now roper doped gagea for what he did and gone agreed to the 1960 law….leaving phalange party in a bind….now gagea will have to wait for scraps and you from hariri…..when will use ever learn?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam … how anyone in Tripoli can go out to vote anyway is beyond me. Of course, Beiruties call Tripoli a ‘Different Country’ … maybe no-one’s worried about people in ‘the north’.
      But it begins to sound like a way to extract money … a ‘funding’ matter for an election.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Watch gagea scream now….mustaqbal always wanted the 1960 law….its always been a funding matter…i know in australia bankstown,punchbowl will be empty when elections are on free ticket and $500 spending money….

  2. dateam Avatar

    Use all met and agreed…then at the 11th hour gagea stabbed use in the back and made a deal with hariri….aoun has now roper doped gagea for what he did and gone agreed to the 1960 law….leaving phalange party in a bind….now gagea will have to wait for scraps and you from hariri…..when will use ever learn?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam … how anyone in Tripoli can go out to vote anyway is beyond me. Of course, Beiruties call Tripoli a ‘Different Country’ … maybe no-one’s worried about ‘the north’.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Watch gagea scream now….mustaqbal always wanted the 1960 law….its always been a funding matter…i know in australia bankstown,punchbowl will be empty when elections are on free ticket and $500 spending money….

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