Hezbollah denied launching the rocket that hit Israel


ali fayad-Hezbollah MP Ali Fayyad denied claims that his party launched the rocket from south lebanon that hit Israel’s Metula overnight Sunday.

“When the Resistance carries out [an operation] it claims it immediately,” Fayyad told Sawt al-Shaab radio on Monday.

The Hezbollah official said that launching this rocket had a “political function” that aims to cause tension in the region.

Lebanese security sources said rocket was fired from south Lebanon towards Israel on Sunday , and residents of a northern Israeli town reported hearing a blast.

The incident came amid heightened tensions in the region over Syria’s civil war. Damascus has said it will respond to Israeli air strikes earlier this month against suspected Iranian missiles in Syria destined for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

The rocket launch could be heard from the Lebanese town of Marjayoun, about 10 km (six miles) from the Israeli border, residents in the Lebanese town said.

Earlier on Sunday, two rockets were fired into a Shiite district of southern Beirut after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah pledged his Shi’ite Muslim guerrilla group would fight in Syria until victory for President Bashar al-Assad.

Assad is battling a two-year rebellion in which the United Nations says at least 80,000 people have been killed.



2 responses to “Hezbollah denied launching the rocket that hit Israel”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are UNDOUBTABLY a few miscreants around either tasked with creating a bigger mess, or wishing to do it from personal vengeance. Lobbing a rocket here or there to get both sides worked up more is not an uncommon practice in a world of intrigues and despotism.
    In Tripoli, some just take an occasional pot-shot at anyone walking on a street … keeps their favourite ‘thing’ going, and it feels good to pull a trigger. Some love a gun so much, they simply MUST use it.
    Consider also …
    An RPG is much heavier with the shell on the front.
    Imagine you are a rocket-man having to drag the thing around in secret all the time, and never get to light the wick. 😉

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are UNDOUBTABLY a few miscreants around either tasked with creating a bigger mess, or wishing to do it from personal vengeance. Lobbing a rocket here or there to get both sides worked up more is not an uncommon practice in a world of intrigues and despotism.
    In Tripoli, some just take an occasional pot-shot at anyone walking on a street … keeps their favourite ‘thing’ going, and it feels good to pull a trigger. Some love a gun so much, they simply MUST use it.

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