Hezbollah chief to appear Saturday on TV


nasrallah 052511Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will make another TV appearance via video link. He will deliver a speech on Saturday at 5: 30 pm on the occasion of the Resistance and Liberation day and is expected to talk about the latest development in Lebanon and the region, Al Manar TV reported on Saturday

A ceremony will be held by Hezbollah in the Bekaa town of Machgara to celebrate the Resistance and Liberation day, the report added.

Nasrallah’s speech comes a day after Lebanon’s President Michel Suleiman cautioned the Iranian backed Shiite group Hezbollah over its militia fighting alongside the regime troops in neighboring Syria.

“The resistance is more noble and more important than anything, and should not get bogged down in the sands of dissension, whether in Syria or Lebanon,” he said in a statement, referring to Hezbollah’s role as a resistance movement versus its recent involvement in Syrian civil war.

May 25 marks the end of Israel’s 22-year-long military occupation, which occurred in 2000. That year Israel completed its withdrawal from the country’s southern region.

Hezbollah, which was credited with liberating Lebanese territories from Israel in 2000 was a very popular organization in Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. But according to analysts ever since its 2006 war with Israel, Hezbollah has become a huge liability for Lebanon. In 2006 Hezbollah’s arms were used to try and bring down the government of former PM Fouad Siniora. In 2008 Hezbollah pointed its guns against the Lebanese people when it occupied more than half of Beirut and tried but failed with a great loss of life to occupy Mt Lebanon . In 2011 it brought down the government of former PM Saad Hariri and reportedly used its arms to force progressive socialist party leader MP Walid Jumblatt and his parliamentary bloc to vote for their candidate Nagib Mikati as the new premier . On March 22 the government of PM Mikati collapsed afterHezbollah refused to extend the term of the Internal Security Forces chief. Hezbollah’s current support for the Syrian regime in its brutal crackdown against the pro democracy uprising and its recent involvement in terror operations in Bulgaria and Cyprus are additional concerns for the Lebanese people, analysts say.

hezbollah funeral 23At least seventy-five fighters from the Hezbollah militant group were reported killed in Syria since first becoming involved in the war months ago.

The Shiite militia’s drive to save Syria’s president is testing Lebanon’s own fragile, sectarian peace and raises the stakes in a broader struggle for power in the region and the wider world.

Having long denied its engagement in Syria behind President Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah has committed itself this week to the fight for the strategic small town of Qusayr, sending hundreds of men .

Their coffins, escorted by stern-faced Hezbollah gunmen and corteges flying the movement’s yellow banner, stream back to Shi’ite villages in the northeastern Bekaa Valley, ending any discretion about its backing for Assad and his Alawite minority.

Hezbollah has reportedly also has been arming and training the Alawites of Jabal Mohsen in the Lebanese port city of Tripoli, who have been engaged in the fiercest communal fighting with the mostly Sunni Baba al Tabbaneh neighborhood.

The rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) held the Hezbollah chief personally responsible for the situation in the Syrian border town of Qusayr, as sectarian tension was on the rise in neighboring Lebanon.

“We announced that Hassan Nasrallah will be held personally responsible for the current situation because he in person is meeting with all of [his fighters] before they head to Qusayr,” FSA spokesperson Louay Almokdad told Al Arabiya English. “We are today calling Nasrallah a killer of the Syrian people.”



54 responses to “Hezbollah chief to appear Saturday on TV”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah, the great and noble resistance … now mentioned in the past tense in news articles.
    And really … Even at Irish Wakes there are ‘stern faces’ for a funeral. (admittedly, not as many guns)
    All Lebanese have been painted with the yellow brush, by the world in general, because of their methods of ‘resistance’ – and even if that bit of propaganda is not true, until this ideology is truly gone Lebanon will stay in most minds as the war-zone it is. Being a tourist now, even with the ‘right look and speech’, can be very dangerous – as it is even for citizens who seem to have enough money to fly and are watched carefully going thorough the airport. (not that other countries don’t ‘watch’ people in airports – but that’s more for security than for possible profit)
    The psychology of ‘the gang’ pervades the atmosphere, as much as most would like to present a civil face on the country. Poverty increases with the poisoned food, and you don’t need to burn a business to take it down … it already failed.

    1. Patience2 Avatar

      Do you share?? ‘Cause if you do, I’ll help you reduce your intake by having every other glass! As long as it’s AT LEAST ‘Black Label’.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Here, Patience, is one ‘group’ trying to take a Lebanese business somewhere. But you can see the ‘twisting’ you must do to run one. Nahhas’s last comment surmises there’s a future, of course. And the ‘Louti-Dork’ will love this story. 😉

        ‘Caretaker Energy Minister Gebran Bassil stepped into the shoes of his counterpart at the Agriculture Ministry, which is headed by a Hezbollah official, to announce the imminent launch of a national wine institute Friday.
        Bassil was standing in for Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan, as Hezbollah’s policy does not allow its members to deal with alcohol.
        Building on the success of an already growing and thriving industry, the country’s private and public sectors are joining forces to create an institution that will regulate and set standards for its wine.
        “The country has a responsibility to encourage the sector. So many Lebanese are buying land and starting wineries,” Bassil said.
        “Lebanese wine is a success story, and we need to build on the sector,” said caretaker Economy and Trade Minister Nicolas Nahhas. “The institute is fundamental to develop the sector and to have our voice heard, and take our wine to the next step. This is an investment in the future.” ‘

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Johnny Walker – a blend of up to 40 scotches … I’m a ‘purist’ doing single-malts.
        Unless, stuck, of course. 😉 Wine is a good reduction agent. 😉

        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          honestly, i am not hurt by big words graciously offered to me in here and if i have a friendly or brotherly or sisterly advice to offer you, please stop alcohol, i noticed an obvious deterioration in your behaviour over the past two to three years; you seem to be a nice canadian woman originally, not having a clue about this arabic world of wilderness, most likely influenced by an ex hubby and probably mourning his departure by flooding yourself with a poisonous elixir; i would give a similar advice to the other spoiled children you got in here but i feel most are in an irreversible situation and lack understanding and cognitive capabilities

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The past two or three years have brought ‘very close’ friends close to death through no fault of their own … but ONLY because they live in Lebanon. It’s not alcohol pissing me off. It’s crying in the wilderness (your wilderness?) for three years and finding it only becomes worse.
            You’ll be happy … I assume … because when they are gone, I won’t be in here.
            Until then, however, I will continue to call a dork out when I see one.

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            At least spell Hannibal correctly ya 7maar…

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ah, the great and noble resistance … now mentioned in the past tense in news articles.
    And really … Even at Irish Wakes there are ‘stern faces’ for a funeral. (admittedly, not as many guns)
    All Lebanese have been painted with the yellow brush, by the world in general, because of their methods of ‘resistance’ – and even if that bit of propaganda is not true, until this ideology is truly gone Lebanon will stay in most minds as the war-zone it is. Being a tourist now, even with the ‘right look and speech’, can be very dangerous – as it is even for citizens who seem to have enough money to fly and are watched carefully going thorough the airport. (not that other countries don’t ‘watch’ people in airports – but that’s more for security than for possible profit)
    The psychology of ‘the gang’ pervades the atmosphere, as much as most would like to present a civil face to the country. Poverty increases with the poisoned food, and you don’t need to burn a business to take it down … it already failed.

    1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      again lot of ink but little milk; what did you want to say please? honestly, are you conscious of the emptyness of your long meaningless text!!! do you think anybody is reading your apoetic meaningless collection of words!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        More than read a Dork like you. But we can see the one problem with the internet, which you yourself I assume absolutely hate. It not only disseminates information freely, and allows discussion democratically, it can’t keep Dorks like you out of it.
        Have you actually written anything here which isn’t a personal attack on everyone?

        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          had you read my articles since 2 years in here first you wouldnt be writing this rubbish nonsense and you would have had a clue about whats going on, yourself and the rest of the stupid herd you are leading, second you would have been more polite and learned a better more sophisticated and more civilised way of retaliating and last but not least you would have learned what is democracy you are preconising and stopped using it like ex communist countries used to by banning opponents to siberia because they are not democratic

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok Louti. Aside from some entertainment, I attempt an occasional serious thought. And inject some philosophy – which may or may not be mine. If you don’t agree with ‘the herd’, or with me, then fine. You can say so. But I believe it was you who began the personal shots, and at some point I gave up on logical ‘niceness’. I can be as impolite as you if I choose to be – and without using ‘the words’ that get you banned – which is not any of my doing, by the way.
            Some part of democracy is about agreeing to disagree – and then letting the majority rule on which view is favoured – without having apoplexy over it.
            If I ‘pre-recognize’ something that doesn’t work in my mind, it may only be due to experience and age – been there, done that, or read about it – sort of thing – and sure I will note my disagreement. Sometimes with sarcasm – to make others think.
            So, YOU. Tell me what works, then, to stop people from killing people over ancient idiocies – or for any other reason … it’s one reason this blog was created. I don’t want to hear there was a ‘God-Plan’ to create ‘us’ and then to simply destroy. That’s ludicrous.
            (You would need then to say God created dinosaurs first and liked them better, After all, he kept them around for 300 million years before throwing a big rock at the planet. Do You really want to make him mad enough to throw another one in only 2 million?? The sun has another 5,000 to go.)
            If we don’t change the thinking, it will never stop. You can’t change the past – but you could attempt to work for a better future, along with ‘the herd’ who does. And you can’t change a ‘fact’ with a philosophy either. If we still look for facts it’s because there is much more to discover. MOST of us wish to look.
            I don’t want to lead anyone backward, especially in thought. I try not let ‘them’ lead me when I feel they are wrong – even if they were friends. MY life. Mine.

            And SURE, I’m like all grouchy old men … often sarcastic. I haven’t much time left to discover things. That’s a fact which I accept. I really have no time to duel with empty minds.
            This is YOUR chance to give me your version of ‘logic’. I will consider it. How would you help better the future?

        2. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          look little creature, i can call you pork, bitch, witch, sob….but i do not do because unlike you i respect myself; have the courage of confronting me with ideas not with bigger words than your brainlet

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Rejected by society and by family and friends… A lonely kid since inception. DORK!!!

      2. Patience2 Avatar

        Bzzz … Bzzz … Bzzz .

        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          you remind me my grandfather ali, as you say about the shi3a they are uncivilised, keeping in mind that the only civilised sunni come from beirut because they went to missionary schools and not to sunni schools, so when my grandpa ate some fool or hummos, he used to make sounds like you are vocalising now bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzz but unlike you, his came from the bottom end of the tube

    2. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      may i suggest you reduce your alcohol intake maybe this will reduce the size of your text improving the meaningful yield

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        May I suggest that you masturbate quietly maybe this will reduce the filth cuming out of your mouth improving the meaningful blog ya 3aweel

    3. Patience2 Avatar

      Do you share?? ‘Cause if you do, I’ll help you reduce your intake by having every other glass! As long as it’s AT LEAST ‘Black Label’.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Here, Patience, is one ‘group’ trying to take a Lebanese business somewhere. But you can see the ‘twisting’ you must do to run one. Nahhas’s last comment surmises there’s a future, of course. And the ‘Louti-Dork’ will love this story. 😉

        ‘Caretaker Energy Minister Gebran Bassil stepped into the shoes of his counterpart at the Agriculture Ministry, which is headed by a Hezbollah official, to announce the imminent launch of a national wine institute Friday.
        Bassil was standing in for Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan, as Hezbollah’s policy does not allow its members to deal with alcohol.
        Building on the success of an already growing and thriving industry, the country’s private and public sectors are joining forces to create an institution that will regulate and set standards for its wine.
        “The country has a responsibility to encourage the sector. So many Lebanese are buying land and starting wineries,” Bassil said.
        “Lebanese wine is a success story, and we need to build on the sector,” said caretaker Economy and Trade Minister Nicolas Nahhas. “The institute is fundamental to develop the sector and to have our voice heard, and take our wine to the next step. This is an investment in the future.” ‘

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Johnny Walker – a blend of up to 40 scotches … I’m a ‘purist’ doing single-malts.
        Unless, stuck, of course. 😉 Wine is a good reduction agent. 😉

        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          honestly, i am not hurt by big words graciously offered to me in here and if i have a friendly or brotherly or sisterly advice to offer you, please stop alcohol, i noticed an obvious deterioration in your behaviour over the past two to three years; you seem to be a nice canadian woman originally, not having a clue about this arabic world of wilderness, most likely influenced by an ex hubby and probably mourning his departure by flooding yourself with a poisonous elixir; i would give a similar advice to the other spoiled children you got in here but i feel most are in an irreversible situation and lack understanding and cognitive capabilities

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The past two or three years have brought ‘very close’ friends close to death through no fault of their own … but ONLY because they live in Lebanon. It’s not alcohol pissing me off. It’s crying in the wilderness (your wilderness?) for three years and finding it only becomes worse.
            You’ll be happy … I assume … because when they are gone, I won’t be in here.
            Until then, however, I will continue to call a dork out when I see one.

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            At least spell Hannibal correctly ya 7maar…

  3. jimmy Fallony Avatar
    jimmy Fallony

    Shame on the government in Lebanon and so called state and our national army in allowing those shiite Iranina puppets from Hezbollah or what many people call it now “Hezb Shaytan” to go to syria freely with their arms in order to fight the syrian people and save a murderer bastard Bashar Assad and his regime, but despite all what you in Hezb shaytan Hezbollah are trying to crsuh the revolution in Sria against a tyrant regime , this revolution will never back down or be defeated or die away, it will prevail and the call of juhad for freedom for the syrian people will ever resonate and win and end in crsushing that tyrant regime of Bashar Assad , Bashar will meet his end just like Ghadafi in lybia and Mubarak in Egypt and every dictator like Bashar his end will be dragged in the streets of Damascus and killed like the murderer bastard he is.

  4. jimmy Fallony Avatar
    jimmy Fallony

    Shame on the government in Lebanon and so called state and our national army in allowing those shiite Iranina puppets from Hezbollah or what many people call it now “Hezb Shaytan” to go to syria freely with their arms in order to fight the syrian people and save a murderer bastard Bashar Assad and his regime, but despite all what you in Hezb shaytan Hezbollah are trying to crsuh the revolution in Sria against a tyrant regime , this revolution will never back down or be defeated or die away, it will prevail and the call of juhad for freedom for the syrian people will ever resonate and win and end in crsushing that tyrant regime of Bashar Assad , Bashar will meet his end just like Ghadafi in lybia and Mubarak in Egypt and every dictator like Bashar his end will be dragged in the streets of Damascus and killed like the murderer bastard he is.

    1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      mr felony, thanks for telling us the good news that assad will die one day; great you did not limit yourself to a time frame, so i can add something to your charabia: i think bashar will die in the coming six or seven decades maximum; a question please: do you think we can make a movie about his death?

  5. Amine123 Avatar

    Nasrallah bringing shame to Lebanon by killing our brothers in Syria, why ??? to defend your masters? you clearly miscalculated this time, and you will pay big price for this treason

  6. Amine123 Avatar

    Nasrallah bringing shame to Lebanon by killing our brothers in Syria, why ??? to defend your masters? you clearly miscalculated this time, and you will pay big price for this treason

    1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      you might be having a great point if you could explain to me how can i make a bitch out of you so you become ashamed of yourself if you are not a bitch yourself

      1. Hannibal Avatar


        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          mamma mamma come fast, he is beating me up this big man, mamma wain wain, hurry i am afraid and peeing in my pants

          1. master09 Avatar

            Wow all I read is attacks on bloggers, you must have had a bad…………nah not going to your level attacking everyone on this site and you NEVER discuss the articles at hand….just attacks …your this and your that bla bla bla….. .

      2. Leborigine Avatar

        A rodent cannot make a bitch out of anyone ya sebeenee. Just lick your own balls as usual, your good at it!

        1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

          eshou menok m’anshar ya plumma

          1. Leborigine Avatar

            You would really benefit from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  7. Patience2 Avatar

    It all makes serviceable fertilizer as previously noted, however, I think it should be mentioned on the product label so you could buy your vegetables elsewhere. The consumer needs protection, these days.

    1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      i understand your fear of chemical fertilisers which are dangerous and compete with the dearer organic fertiliser you offer us (fishk bil 3arabi)

  8. Patience2 Avatar

    It all makes serviceable fertilizer as previously noted, however, I think it should be mentioned on the product label so you could buy your vegetables elsewhere. The consumer needs protection, these days.

    1. HaniibalLouti Avatar

      i understand your fear of chemical fertilisers which are dangerous and compete with the dearer organic fertiliser you offer us (fishk bil 3arabi)

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