2 Rockets fired from Syria injure 2 people in Lebanon


lebanon hermel map

Two Grad Rockets fired from Syria landed in the Lebanese area of Hermel in the Al-Qasr border town leading to the injury of a female Syrian national and a Lebanese man who is a member of the Al-Jamal family, National News Agency reported on Sunday.

Yesterday Four rockets from the Syria landed in Hermel according to local reports. One rocket fell near the Hermel Public Hospital on the eastern entrance of the city while the other three hit a hill overlooking the Assi River, few Kilometers from Hermel.

Several rockets have targeted Hermel over the past weeks, launched by Syrian rebels who claim they were targeting Hezbollah sites in retaliation for the party’s involvement in fighting in Syria.

Hezbollah argues it is defending Lebanese residents of Syrian villages in Al- Qasr and the holy shrine of Sayyeda Zeinab in a Damascus suburb against rebel attacks.



6 responses to “2 Rockets fired from Syria injure 2 people in Lebanon”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    An Al-Jamal guy should have known better than to be boinking a Syrian ‘female’ on top of a hill – although as usual, it took three shots to almost hit them. Ya gotta go into the woods, man. :-)))

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    An Al-Jamal guy should have known better than to be boinking a Syrian ‘female’ on top of a hill – although as usual, it took three shots to almost hit them. Ya gotta go into the woods, man. :-)))

  3. breakthemould Avatar

    Did this happen while they were trying to liberate Golan? hit Lebanon in order to liberate Golan? and what made them think of it right now after all those years, with aging Gibreel they have a chance? great!

  4. breakthemould Avatar

    Did this happen while they were trying to liberate Golan? hit Lebanon in order to liberate Golan? and what made them think of it right now after all those years, with aging Gibreel they have a chance? great!

  5. Truth Serum Avatar
    Truth Serum

    What? Syria ***** Lebanon and nobody cares at all? What? Is this real life?

    I love how we get more outraged that Israel destroys chemical weapons in Syria than when Syria kills Lebanese civilians inside Lebanon. Lol LOGICAL.COM!!!

  6. Truth Serum Avatar
    Truth Serum

    What? Syria ***** Lebanon and nobody cares at all? What? Is this real life?

    I love how we get more outraged that Israel destroys chemical weapons in Syria than when Syria kills Lebanese civilians inside Lebanon. Lol LOGICAL.COM!!!

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