Turkish FM brands Assad’s plan B ” Ethnic cleansing”


turkish FM davatoglu warns syriaSyria’s government has pressed the button to implement “Plan B” following the latest killings in Banias, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said, claiming that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is launching a fifth step to create a safety corridor for Nusayris between the central city of Homs and Lebanon.

During a telephone conversation with U.S. counterpart John Kerry on May 6, Davutoğlu conveyed his concerns about the latest alleged massacre by Damascus. Activists reported the bodies of at least 62 people had been found over the weekend in a Sunni district of the port city of Banias after an assault by the government.

The foreign minister told daily Hürriyet that the regime and Shabiha forces were trying to “cleanse” the corridor between Homs and Lebanon and likened this strategy to the ethnic cleansing of the 1990s in Srebrenica and eastern Bosnia that was conducted with the goal of creating a Serb-dominated area free of Bosniaks.

Fifth step
SYRIA BALKANIZATION - ASSAD PLAN  BThe foreign minister also said Turkey would be a protector of Nusayris, also known as Alawites, if a similar atrocity were perpetrated against them.“As I told Mr. Kerry, the slaughter in Banias is a new stage. Until now, the regime has followed four stages. The first one was to direct snipers to peaceful protests. The second one was to ‘punish’ the cities with artillery and tanks. Then cities began to resist, so he passed to the third stage: air bombardment. In the fourth stage, he began to use Scud missiles,” Davutoğlu said. “Al-Assad has now shifted his strategy to ethnically cleanse a certain area of the country since he can not control everything. This is the strategy of what they call ‘Plan B’ linked to sectarian clashes, aiming to create a corridor for a sect.”




24 responses to “Turkish FM brands Assad’s plan B ” Ethnic cleansing””

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Really hate that ‘red-zone’ if you live in Tripoli … 🙁

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Really hate that ‘red-zone’ if you live in Tripoli … 🙁

  3. Ouch…Listen, who’s talking about

    ” Ethnic cleansing”; he’s Davutoğlu.

    Well, I’m not a fan to anybody. Ottoman Turkey has committed Genocide by killing millions of Armenians, Assirians, Greeks, Kurds, Yezidiz, Arabs etc. Talking about Ethnic Cleansing is a joke by the Turkish government. Till now, Turkish government discriminated against all non ethnic Turks by denying their ancestral lands and basic Human Rights. Stop killing the innocent people of Kurdish origin in Anatolia. Let the Turkish troops get out of the occupied Northern Cyprus and return back the occupied Western Armenia back to the legal owners. Additionally, the Turkish government cleanse it’s own bloody hands and past deeds of genocides; apologize to the innocent victims’ descendants, then talk about Ethnic Cleansing in Syria.

    1. AntiFSA Avatar

      Beautifully said. 🙂

    2. Teoman Beyrut Avatar
      Teoman Beyrut

      if turkey get out troops in cyprus local turkish people will start the kill greeks guerilla style uhm western armenia ? without armenian population that mean turn to kurdistan possible bcz of sunni islam but armenia a christian country in anatolia no way then muslims in russia can create kavkaz emirati these are against world balance show must go on turkish political movements have fun dear lebanese spend your money in Turkey travel istanbul take photo front of hagia sophia swim in antalya izmir skiing in erzurum,trabzon,bursa ate kebab in iskenderun antep support turkish economy then we can develop our relation with israel in millitary technology sector when israel bomb lebanon remember your best memories in istanbul when you smoke argile hahahaha 🙂

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Hahahahahahahahaha, I would rather go to hell for a holiday than to turkey. Plus it is not istanbul, its Constantinople and it will always be as such! turkey is doing the impossible to be part of the great European continent, keep trying you POS, Greece will not allow it and they will always be a thorn in turkeys side hahahahahahahaha
        Long live Armenia, Long live Greece! If you pricks want land go and get it from syria, there is plenty there to suit your desert habitat!

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          Sorry Leborigine, you lost me, what is the difference between hell and Turkey. I always thought they were one in the same. 🙂

          1. Leborigine Avatar

            Hehe, at least in hell I will burn and be consumed within seconds, but in turkey I will have to put up with turks and suffer a long and agonising existence!

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Remember your history? The Lebanese kicked you out of Lebanon. The statue in downtown Beirut represents the Lebanese free men stepping on the Ottoman Turks. A national symbol we are proud of.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          The religion of the ‘Whirling Dervish’ didn’t fit very well amongst the ‘one god’ theorists, Hannibal 😉 The Turks got ‘high’ by spinning, but then someone discovered pot, and the country went to it. :-)))

        2. AntiFSA Avatar

          100% Hannibal.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Allo? Akbar? Statue?? :-)))))))))

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Turks, Nazis, Zionists… Racists. That is the commonality.

  4. Ouch…Listen, who’s talking about

    ” Ethnic cleansing”; he’s Davutoğlu.

    Well, I’m not a fan to anybody. Ottoman Turkey has committed Genocide by killing millions of Armenians, Assirians, Greeks, Kurds, Yezidiz, Arabs etc. Talking about Ethnic Cleansing is a joke by the Turkish government. Till now, Turkish government discriminated against all non ethnic Turks by denying their ancestral lands and basic Human Rights. Stop killing the innocent people of Kurdish origin in Anatolia. Let the Turkish troops get out of the occupied Northern Cyprus and return back the occupied Western Armenia back to the legal owners. Additionally, the Turkish government cleanse it’s own bloody hands and past deeds of genocides; apologize to the innocent victims’ descendants, then talk about Ethnic Cleansing in Syria.

    1. Beautifully said. 🙂

    2. Teoman Beyrut Avatar
      Teoman Beyrut

      if turkey get out troops in cyprus local turkish people will start the kill greeks guerilla style uhm western armenia ? without armenian population that mean turn to kurdistan possible bcz of sunni islam but armenia a christian country in anatolia no way then muslims in russia can create kavkaz emirati these are against world balance show must go on turkish political movements have fun dear lebanese spend your money in Turkey travel istanbul take photo front of hagia sophia swim in antalya izmir skiing in erzurum,trabzon,bursa ate kebab in iskenderun antep support turkish economy then we can develop our relation with israel in millitary technology sector when israel bomb lebanon remember your best memories in istanbul when you smoke argile hahahaha 🙂

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Hahahahahahahahaha, I would rather go to hell for a holiday than to turkey. Plus it is not istanbul, its Constantinople and it will always be as such! turkey is doing the impossible to be part of the great European continent, keep trying you POS, Greece will not allow it and they will always be a thorn in turkeys side hahahahahahahaha
        Long live Armenia, Long live Greece! If you pricks want land go and get it from syria, there is plenty there to suit your desert habitat!

        1. Sorry Leborigine, you lost me, what is the difference between hell and Turkey. I always thought they were one in the same. 🙂

          1. Leborigine Avatar

            Hehe, at least in hell I will burn and be consumed within seconds, but in turkey I will have to put up with turks and suffer a long and agonising existence!

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Remember your history? The Lebanese kicked you out of Lebanon. The statue in downtown Beirut represents the Lebanese free men stepping on the Ottoman Turks. A national symbol we are proud of.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          The religion of the ‘Whirling Dervish’ didn’t fit very well amongst the ‘one god’ theorists, Hannibal 😉 The Turks got ‘high’ by spinning, but then someone discovered pot, and the country went to it. :-)))

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Allo? Akbar? Statue?? :-)))))))))

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Turks, Nazis, Zionists… Racists. That is the commonality.

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